Acupuncture for anxiety: benefits, points, sessions and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the benefits of acupuncture for anxiety?

Acupuncture is an ancient therapeutic method that consists of a set of specific techniques. Widespread in alternative medicine, this oriental method works by stimulating anatomical points with the superficial insertion of needles.

It can be useful both for those who have a diagnosed anxiety disorder and for those who just suffer from anxious symptoms, which may or may not be one-offs, and would like to alleviate them.

Despite its Chinese tradition, the word we use to describe the practice comes from Latin and can be divided into two language words: accuse which means needle, and puncture which means to puncture.

There is scientific evidence pointing to the effectiveness of acupuncture in a variety of treatments - including alleviating anxiety-related symptoms. In this article, you will learn more about the application of acupuncture to this condition and other situations. Do you think you or someone you know could benefit from this treatment? Read on!

Understanding more about acupuncture and anxiety

Does acupuncture hurt? The answer is: it depends, depending on your pain threshold, body region, practitioner, and several other factors.

In most cases, there is a slight discomfort at the time of insertion of the needle, which is much thinner than those used for injections. Afterwards, the session is so relaxing that some people even sleep.

Want to know more about this method? Below you will discover its history, its benefits and its indications. You will also learn more about what anxiety is and how acupuncture can help in its management!

Origin and history of acupuncture

Acupuncture originated in China more than five thousand years ago, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) arrived in Brazil with the first Chinese immigrants in 1810, in Rio de Janeiro.

In 1908, immigrants from Japan brought their version of acupuncture. They practiced it only within their colony, but the physiotherapist Friedrich Spaeth was responsible for starting to spread the practice in Brazilian society in the 1950s.

With the participation of Spaeth, organs that made the practice of acupuncture official in Brazil began to be founded, such as the current Brazilian Acupuncture Association (ABA).

But, in the beginning, the method suffered much repudiation by the medical class, which caused it to be marginalized for a while and to develop more through professionals from other areas.

But medicine has gone through a process of modernization and opening to less conventional possibilities and a more holistic view of the human being. With the growth and gain of support by alternative medicine, acupuncture has become more accepted and recognized.

Today, there are scientific studies that give even the most skeptical people reason to believe that this practice has its value. It has even expanded into the area of animal health, with the creation of veterinary acupuncture.

Principles of acupuncture

Acupuncture is based on the idea that the human body is an integrated energy system, so it is believed that certain anatomical points are related to organs and systems in the body, and that stimulation of these points can bring benefits to the aspects to which they are related.

Regardless of whether or not you believe in an abstract idea of energy or in the relationship between certain points and the relief of organic or psychic dysfunctions, it is a fact that acupuncture works, even if this functioning seems mysterious. Studies have even shown that it relieves symptoms in people with generalized anxiety, for example.

Symptoms and care of anxiety

Anxiety is a psychic and physical state of tension common to the human experience. It is characterized by emotions such as apprehension, anguish, and fear, and is accompanied by several physiological reactions, such as changes in breathing and heartbeat.

As a rule, this state is caused by anticipation of an unpleasant or dangerous situation. Feeling anxiety in certain situations is part of life and is your body's way of preparing itself to fight or flee from a threat, which may be real or just perceived.

Thus, it is a useful mechanism to adapt to situations and to have the impulse to act. But in excess, it becomes a problem. If, even within the spectrum of normality, anxiety is uncomfortable enough, when it crosses the line into the unhealthy, it generates a lot of suffering.

Excess anxiety is a very common problem in today's model of society, and there are many reports of anxiety spikes and even panic attacks, especially in adolescents and young adults.

Anxiety is a problem when it starts to interfere with the functioning of the lives of those who suffer from it. There are anxiety disorders recognized by diagnostic manuals that are a reference in psychiatry and psychology.

For example, the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) lists generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder. Anxiety can also appear as a symptom in conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Researchers are still trying to understand the effects of acupuncture in such conditions, but it has been shown to be effective for anxiety symptoms in general.

What is acupuncture for and who is it indicated for?

Acupuncture aims to treat illnesses, symptoms, and other issues that can generate suffering and discomfort. Its possibilities are very diverse, and its benefits cover a gigantic variety of physical and psychological dysfunctions. Therefore, it is able to bring relief to people in the most diverse situations.

The treatment possibilities offered by this alternative therapy cover conditions such as migraines, digestive problems, stress, and anxiety. A document published by the WHO (World Health Organization) points out 41 different conditions in which excellent results have been obtained with acupuncture.

Benefits of acupuncture for anxiety

There is evidence that acupuncture has a positive effect on the production of hormones linked to well-being, which makes it an interesting alternative therapy for psychological conditions in general. Studies show that the stimulation of certain points helps in the production and release of serotonin and endorphin, for example, which bring joy and relaxation.

The stimulation of strategic points through the puncture is also able to reduce the action of hormones such as cortisol, also known as the "stress hormone". This results in a reduction of stress and anxiety levels.

Acupuncture points for the treatment of anxiety

According to Chinese medicine, the heart is the organ that decodes all the emotions that are related to other specific organs. Therefore, in any acupuncture treatment, it is recommended to first balance the heart energy, which is related to many anatomical points.

The easiest of these is point C7, located in the crease between the wrist and the hand, on the outer side of the inner arm. It is called Shenmen, also present in a point on the ear, a place full of interesting points for the treatment of anxiety.

In auriculotherapy (knowing that turns the principles of acupuncture to the ears), the main points recommended for the treatment of anxiety are: Shenmen, Sympathetic; Subcortex, Heart; Suprarenal, and the point of the same name, Anxiety, located in the lobe.

How does an acupuncture session for anxiety work?

Right at the start, the acupuncturist should ask you about what you want to treat and about medications you use, your health history, and other issues. This is a good time to ask any remaining questions before the procedure and to express your concerns.

During the session, the professional will insert very fine needles superficially into specific points, which can be on the head, torso, or upper limbs, for example.

Insertion can take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, and you may or may not feel pain. If you do, it is usually perfectly bearable, and most people describe only a mild discomfort.

The acupuncturist may gently move or slightly rotate the needles or use electrical pulses for stimulation, and they remain for up to 20 minutes before being removed.

Further information about acupuncture

As you already know, acupuncture is a very ancient alternative therapy that aims to regulate the energy flow responsible for the functioning of the body. Check out more information below about acupuncture sessions, other ways to deal with anxiety, and possible contraindications of the method!

Tips for a good acupuncture session

Go to the acupuncture session in comfortable clothing and well-fed and hydrated. Before you begin, be sure to express your needs to the practitioner who will be performing the procedure, ask all your questions, and express any remaining concerns you may have about the session.

During the session, try to relax as much as possible. Surrender to the moment and breathe deeply and slowly. If you feel any discomfort with the needles, welcome it, but don't be alarmed by it. If you think it is necessary, express this to the acupuncturist.

The practitioner may recommend the use of seeds at certain points on the ears. These seeds promote continuous stimulation where they are placed. Strategies that promote general health also help prolong post-acupuncture well-being, such as eating well, physical activity, and breathing exercises.

How many sessions are needed for the treatment?

Most treatments require a few repetitions, and although some people notice immediate changes, the benefits usually appear gradually and over time.

Usually, it is recommended that acupuncture sessions for anxiety be performed on a weekly basis. In this case, there is an indication of ten sessions for a satisfactory result.

Other strategies to control anxiety

Acupuncture works very well as an additional resource in combating anxiety, but the main recommendation is psychotherapy. A professional who is properly qualified to provide this service can help you a lot to develop strategies to deal with anxiety and lessen its impacts in your life.

In addition to the skills that can be developed with the help of psychological counseling, developing and maintaining healthy habits promotes overall well-being and greatly helps to reduce anxious symptoms. If you want to learn more about strategies for controlling anxiety, reading below may help.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.