Spanish playing cards: origin, history, cards, figures, games and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the Spanish deck?

The Spanish deck is a deck of cards of rare beauty and very popular in European and Latin American countries, including Brazil. Many people know how to entertain themselves with the games, however, few know the role of the Spanish deck in cartomancy and the range of meanings attached to it.

The Spanish deck speaks of love in its various senses and consequences, of financial conquests and losses, brings warnings about friends and enemies and offers advice for a better observation of life. In this article, you can get to know all the meanings of this amazing deck from Spain.

Understanding the Spanish deck

The Spanish deck holds influence and importance character in cartomancy and card games all over the world. Its history is very old and the deck holds a tradition and configuration of cards and symbols that is preserved until today, both in games for entertainment and interpretation sessions. Read on and learn more about the Spanish deck.

Origin and history

Although introduced in Spain in the 15th century, the first reference to the card game in the country was a 19th century law, which, as in many moments in history, prohibited it. The deck known as the Spanish deck, and which lasts to this day, was designed by Augustus Ríus and distributed by Fournier.

The deck is divided into four suits, which, supposedly, refer to the four classes of feudal society: the royalty (Oros), the clergy (Hearts), the army (Swords) and the people (Clubs).


The benefits of the Spanish deck are not only as an entertainment tool, this card game also has a form of interpretation, which can help in your life. This interpretation is a respected method that helps in many ways those interested in the art, both to learn and to consult with the help of fortune tellers.

Because of its historical importance and given its influence in several countries, not to mention the beauty and depth of its cards, it inspires countless people around the world. Like the Tarot and other decks, the Spanish deck works as a guide for self-knowledge and decisions in everyday life.


The suits of the Spanish deck are: Oros (Diamonds), Hearts, Spades and Bastos (sticks or clubs). The deck has two versions, one with 48 cards and another with 40 cards: the first has cards 1 to 7 and 10 to 12, and the second includes numbers 8 and 9, even though most games do not use them.

In addition, there are three royal figures, the Jack (Sota), the Knight and the King, numbered 10, 11 and 12 respectively. The deck also makes use of "dots", special strokes that identify the suits of the cards.

Signs and symbols of Spanish Truco

One of the main signs of the deck are the "dots" that uniquely identify the cards, making it difficult for other players to see them. The deck itself is richly ornamented, both in the motifs of the suits and the actual figures.

The deck illustrates typical characteristics of medieval figures, especially in the royal cards, respectively: the page, the knight (in general, mounted) and the king, all provided with the symbols of their suits, while these also represent, expressively, the cards numbered 1 to 9.

Differences between the Spanish deck and other oracles

The first peculiarity of this deck is the absence of female figures, except in rare decks from the 15th century. The "dots", the only identification of the suit on the edges of the cards, also give the Spanish deck an exclusive character before other oracles.

Unlike the usual 52 card deck, the Spanish deck can be either 48 or 40 cards, depending on the game. Such variation is also found in decks like the French, with versions of 32, 36 and even 56 cards.

Top games with the spanish deck

The most popular games with the Spanish deck are la brisca, el chinchón, el cinquillo, el mus and el tute. La brisca, known as Bisca and played with the Spanish, French and Italian decks, is a well-known example and played with several versions in Brazil.

El mus is a game over 200 years old, very popular in Spain, Latin America and parts of France. A final example is el tute, from the Italian tutti, which is a very popular game and, as with the others, with several versions and ways to play.

Figures of the Spanish deck

The most expressive figures of the Spanish deck are the royal set, all male, and reminiscent of the Middle Ages. The jack, the knight and the king are the figures present in this deck and each one, depending on the suit and its position in the game, have different meanings. Continue reading this section to discover more about the figures of the Spanish deck.


In the Spanish deck, kings are crowned male figures, standing upright. Except in the case of the kings of the Suits of Hearts and Diamonds, who appear to be younger, the monarchs are shown as old men.

Among the meanings attributed to the figures of kings, there are the representations of strong, authoritarian, mature, idealistic and rational male figures.


One of the figures in this deck that bears the greatest resemblance to medieval iconography is the knight, which is a man mounted on a horse, holding the symbol of his suit in one hand. Very rare decks show knights dismounted, with the reins of their animals in hand.

The symbolism of knights in the Spanish deck relates to work, struggles, discoveries, travel, changes in the field of finance and activity in general.

Jacks (Sotas)

The jack (sota) is the figure of a medieval pageboy, who was an initiate at arms and assisted princes and nobles as a servant or messenger. The jack stands, with the colors of clothing, position of legs, and the disposition of the suit symbol varying from author to author.

Jacks in the Spanish deck relate to intelligent and perceptive people, proud, and both friendly and capable of being potential enemies, depending on the suit and the game.

Playing Cards in the Suit of Oros (Gold)

The cards of the suit of Diamonds, in general, are connected to finances, receiving and losing money and the resources to obtain it. It deals with people who long for riches, as well as simpler people, stimulating people as well as passive and stagnant people. The symbologies brought by the suit of Diamonds are diverse and, in this section, you can get to know all of them.

Letter 1

The number 1 of Diamonds, identified in other decks as the Ace, is a very positive card that, appearing in a game, is a sign of benefits in any way. In particular, it announces and enhances alliances, agreements, partnerships and marriages that are approaching and will bring many benefits.

Its inverse sense speaks of the negative aspects of money and its relationship with people. It deals with greed, opulence, and prodigality. You may need to rethink the way you, or a person close to you, are investing your money and time.

Letter 2

The second card of the Spanish deck speaks of the faculties of intellect, perspicacity and the gift of persuasion, the ability to acquire and apply knowledge, as well as the discovery of the inner self. It speaks of individuals who know how to act with diplomacy. It also announces obstacles and hindrances.

In opposition, the chart also heralds issues with justice, unpleasant, unkind people, and ultimately discredit and doubt. Sometimes, and this is a naturally occurring thought, you need to look at your relationships and how these are affecting you.

Letter 3

The 3rd card announces the coming of good news and the harvesting of the fruits of your labor. These achievements are material goods which may finally arrive at the right time. You are carrying out your projects in the right way and the winds are blowing in your favor.

The opposite direction of the chart announces rashness, irresponsibility in decision making and immature actions. In the field of investments and finances in general, don't forget to be attentive and always consult professionals in the area to make critical decisions.

Letter 4

The number 4 card speaks of shrewd people with business acumen, since it announces great achievements in the field of finance if, of course, there is work and study applied in this direction. It also announces the arrival of gifts, benefits and favors.

In the opposite meaning, the number 4 card speaks of the desire for power, greed, feelings distorted by the materialities and that result in complications in the field of social and love relationships. It is worth rethinking the desires and actions that are leading you to a state of illusory happiness.

Letter 5

The 5th card speaks of people with an enormous sense of creativity and intelligence to solve problems, ease conflicts and critical situations. It deals with financial achievements resulting from this ability, as well as the losses necessary to achieve them.

Despite the inventive character of individuals related to this chart, it speaks of negative aspects of individuality, self-centredness, and the consequences of lack of organisation and pride. Your financial situation may be on shaky ground.

Letter 6

The sixth card of the Spanish deck speaks of magnanimous, generous individuals who hold an understanding spirit. The card also speaks of the arrival or giving of gifts and aid to other people. There is the announcement that some problems will soon be solved.

However, it is necessary to pay attention to the inverse sense of this letter, where all virtues are transformed into vices: it speaks of greed, the desire to accumulate riches, deceit and hypocrisy, corruption, envy and arbitrary actions to obtain what one wants.

Letter 7

The seventh card deals with luck, both good fortune and bad luck, a state of positivity and good vibes, as well as the arrival of not very pleasant news or losses, so you need to understand the context of the card in the game.

The inverse sense speaks of unnecessary worries, discouragement, lack of self-confidence and cowardice. One advice is for you to start believing more in yourself and, in addition, to be vigilant so as not to suffer from your constant urge to always want to please other people.

Letter 8

The number 8 of the Spanish deck is geared towards spirituality and the achievements and knowledge acquired in the fields of wisdom, religion and divinatory arts. Another meaning is that of an approaching romance and a favorable economic condition.

Be careful that your receipts do not sharpen your pride and greed, as attachment to material possessions will only bring you harm. Perhaps this is the time to expand your horizons and meet new people as well as candidates for a relationship.

Letter 9

The last letter before the royal sequence speaks of the presence of or excessive desire for riches, idleness and the pursuit of a life with much pomp and ostentation. It speaks of people with a good economic situation. It also speaks of loneliness and a life that is too stagnant.

In fact, the letter warns of the dangers associated with the accumulation of wealth and material possessions, both to the people involved and to their minds. The letter also speaks of deception, false friends, unfaithful people, and adultery.

Letter 10

The Jack of Diamonds speaks of vain people, full of pride, narcissistic, selfish and intelligent enough to achieve their goals. It speaks of seductive individuals, very beautiful and with a haughty character. It can be a man or a woman of an Earth sign.

The chart deals with superficial people and feelings, puerility and prodigality. When it comes to finances, not people, however, it brings good news. In the case of receiving resources or financial ascension, it is necessary to be careful with people with whom you want to maintain relationships.

Letter 11

The Knight of Diamonds speaks of activity and changes in the economic field, that is, both positive and negative. It speaks of young people, in general men of the sign of Earth, individuals full of health and eager to realize and undergo favorable changes. It also speaks of travel.

There is a message that you have to go through changes in order for good things to actually appear. It warns of people who are uninterested, negative and discouraging. It also suggests the need for activity to change aspects and realities that are at rest in your life.

Letter 12

The King of Diamonds is a very intelligent person, interested in financial gains, determined and calculating. By acting with reason, he can hold a certain favorable position in the social scale. He is an individual of strong personality, in general a man. He is also related to an Earth sign.

In the presence of this card in a game, you must be very careful, because the person represented by the 12 of Diamonds can be someone who wants to take advantage of you or someone you know, if they are not already. Danger of dishonesty, lack of scruples and illegal actions.

The cards of the suit of hearts

The cards of Cups are especially focused on love. This part of the Spanish deck speaks of relationships in their most diverse senses and the mental, spiritual and physical consequences linked to them. This suit is one of the most awaited, along with the Diamonds, in cartomancy in general and, in this section, you will be able to discover all its meanings.

Letter 1

The 1 of Cups has to do with family and love aspects. It speaks of the beginning of affective relationships, marriages, the desire to share the same house with the spouse and all the actions which have some relation to love. It speaks of conquests and parties. In a more specific sense, of a house, apartment or hotel room.

Advice coming from the reverse direction of this card recommends caution so that you don't get upset by unpleasant situations in the family or home environment. You need to be able to distinguish between love and work. You may want to pay more attention to how your relationships affect your life.

Letter 2

There is a message of the return of a pleasant state, and that once was reality, to your life. It can be the resumption of a love relationship, an opportune moment at work, among others. In addition, on the level of relationships, it speaks of true and helpful friends, and love conquests.

The opposite meaning of the second letter speaks of problems in marriage, courtship and various relationships. Even an apparently healthy relationship has its difficulties. Another meaning is that of adultery, passing loves that arise in the life of the couple and bigamy.

Letter 3

The 3 of Cups deals with the family circle and, in this circle, maternal love. The card speaks of a close relative who has a significant influence on your life: usually the mother, but not necessarily. It talks about the solution of problems which have been bothering the family or couple for a long time.

Perhaps there is a person capable of helping to solve these problems, or conversely, it is the person herself who is the major issue. There are internal struggles, both at home and in the minds of those involved, which need to be resolved, since they are hindering the evolution of the family or affective whole.

Letter 4

The 4th card speaks of complicated situations involving love. It deals with the establishment of love relationships and commitments with various people. There are conflicts and misunderstandings because of the haziness of choices and relationships.

One of the messages brought by the chart is for love paths to be better defined and ultimately the people involved can understand their places. Warning about betrayal, ill-intentioned people and, in the reverse direction of the chart, about people avoiding love relationships.

Letter 5

The fifth letter talks about donations, both amorous and economic, abdications and helpfulness. It deals with unhappy or unfinished relationships, conflicts and mediation of these with relatives. On the other hand, it talks about receiving benefits, inheritances and extra gains.

Another signification speaks of family and love relationships in general and the conflicts inherent to them. It may be a conflict of interests of any nature. It announces receipts that are, or are not, in some way related to these conflicts.

Letter 6

The sixth card of the Spanish deck speaks of the past and its influence in the present. It announces the reunion with people from the past or the renewal of old ideas. In the same way, it can incite a comparison of the more puerile thoughts of the past with the more mature ones of the present.

You may be affected by a wave of memories of a past that was not lived in the best way, or even wishing to return to old relationships. Another meaning is the warning of the existence of projects, in the field of love and your personal desires, which may come to fruition.

Letter 7

The 7th card talks about dreams, intense desires, fantasies and repressed longings. It can warn about reunions with pleasant people and happy moments. In other senses, it talks about naivety, frustrations, the appearance of mental illnesses and the use of drugs.

In particular, he warns not to fall for false promises and illusions, as well as not to create expectations about some enterprise. It is necessary to put your feet on the ground and face reality in the best possible way. Even if the fantasies are excellent, they may be hindering your vision of the world.

Letter 8

You will come across opportunities arising from some relationship; be aware of your friends and partners. It speaks of a person who will soon be very important in your life. In a more specific sense there is the announcement of the arrival of a child through adoption.

The number 8 card warns you not to neglect opportunities that will present themselves. In another sense, it warns you to seek your independence from people and their desires. Do not give in to pressure, ill-intentioned sentimentality, and threats.

Letter 9

The last card before the royal set speaks of many benefits. It deals with financial receipts, abundance of goods and good fortune. Another meaning speaks of the arrival of retirement and love in this best age, so a companion will be important in this journey.

However, one must beware of false hopes in the wrong people and unfounded projects. One must make rational decisions so that one can build a solid foundation, both financially, lovingly and mentally, so that minimal daydreams do not bring down the entire construction of a life.

Letter 10

The jack of hearts portrays a virtuous person, dreamy and full of loving feelings. Especially a woman, a symbol of female spouse, from an Aquatic sign. The card can bring news about the arrival of a love or about a favorable friendship.

It is of a positive character in most games. However, it can warn of weakened people with depressive feelings who need attention. It also speaks of love-dependency and wrong or fearful thoughts.

Letter 11

The Knight of Cups speaks of changes in love and relationships, whether family or otherwise. It deals with the urgent need for change. It may speak of a young male individual and of a Water sign. Beneficial changes and pleasant journeys will soon present themselves.

Despite the positive meaning, the letter can also talk about a weak emotional maturity, economic and spiritual poverty. In addition, it talks about difficulties in maintaining relationships and issues related to the process of motherhood.

Letter 12

The king of hearts can be an honorable man, mature, with desirable principles and too loving; in general, an individual from a sign of Water. Not only related to a love process, this male person can be a close relative or a guide who will present himself in due course.

The chart warns of this individual's power of persuasion and simplicity of approach. You need to be on the lookout for dishonest and deceitful people who may come along soon. If you have intentions of starting a new relationship, be careful about your choices.

The cards of the suit of Swords

The cards of the suit of Swords bring delicate meanings, more related to losses, problems and the appearance of unpleasant people and situations. Knowing the context explained by the cards of this suit is important so that, previously, it is possible to carry out actions in order to minimize their effects. If you want to know the symbolism and meanings of the suit of Swords, just followin the reading of the session.

Letter 1

The first card of the suit of Swords is an indicator of a great achievement or a considerable failure in some sense in the general presented by the rest of the cards of the game. It speaks about strong, determined people and their actions. indicates the arrival of news.

The chart is a message about projects that are going well or not going well, depending on the context. It talks about battles and problems that must be faced. It can also deal with finances and, for women, about complications in giving birth.

Letter 2

The second card talks about hidden problems or treacherous people. There are processes and jobs in which you are involved which are risky in some sense. Problems involving uncertainty and difficulty in making important and critical decisions. It symbolizes night and darkness.

Beware of your friends and people close to you. They may be keeping a secret from you or may be intent on turning against you in some way. It is recommended that you reassess the way you are carrying out personal projects and undertakings.

Letter 3

The 3rd card announces bad decisions taken and the problems that result from them. It warns about the arrival of diseases and health complications that demand the expenditure of financial resources. Worries about inaccessible issues or distant people.

Advice derived from this chart is not to give in to mental illnesses because of stresses and problems of everyday life. It is necessary to start again, as soon as possible, processes and plans that have gone wrong because of wrong decisions.

Letter 4

The number 4 card warns of conflicts and various dangers, as well as the presence of health problems such as depression, anxiety and stress. It is linked to hospitals and health institutions, and may have a relationship with their patients or accidents and problems leading up to them.

The chart may speak about the effects of such illnesses on the mind and spirit of people, as well as those arising from trauma and stress. You need to be careful in the coming days and, if possible, with your relatives and close people.

Letter 5

The fifth card of the suit of Swords speaks of loss and theft in the financial or love field. There are people, malicious or not, who try to take possession of property or other people's preferences. Inattention and naivety can harm you.

It is recommended attention and the search for protection in the sense exposed by the other cards of the game. Even the most reliable people can, even unintentionally, take something important from you. It warns about inheritances and the receipt of resources with some loss.

Letter 6

The number 6 card announces the arrival of messages and news that may not be pleasant. It speaks of departures, losses and the arrival of illnesses. It warns of things that could have been avoided and will happen. Problems in the love field.

The general meaning of this card is that of the announcement of news of various forms and natures. You need to be aware and prepared for what is coming. Important people may take a trip or move away from you soon.

Letter 7

The seventh card of the suit of Swords advises you to pay more attention to the people close to you and to listen to their warnings and advice. It also speaks about unpleasant situations which must happen and about the sudden stop in the progress of some project.

This is not the time to act proud and ignore the advice of others. There are messages that need to reach your ears and will do so in some way. Perhaps your attitudes are connected to the emergence of something negative in your life or that of someone close to you.

Letter 8

Card 8 deals with addictions and dependencies. You or people you know may be suffering from some form of addiction or physical, psychological, economic or love dependency. These are complications which are very difficult to resolve and which present themselves or will present themselves in your life.

The letter announces problems arising from addictions and dependencies, both personally and with other people, when, because of them, one incurs illegal or immoral actions that can lead to convictions in various senses, even to prison.

Letter 9

The 9th card carries the meaning of total loss, ruin and despair. Such scenarios and realities can be about any kind of problems and the consequences of your actions. It can herald the loss of a loved one, either through death or separation.

The letter demands a lot of strength, as it speaks of terribly painful and stressful times in people's lives. You or other individuals who are going through something like this may be in need of help and advice, before you commit irresponsible and crazy acts because of your losses.

Letter 10

The Jack of Swords is a person close to you who is aware of various aspects of your life and character. It may be a woman or a young person of the sign of Air. Such a person may be a close relative, a detective or even a known enemy.

You may receive news which has the potential to radically change your everyday life. Be attentive to the advice and words of those close to you and know how to select individuals who really wish you well as some hold bad intentions.

Letter 11

The Knight of Swords is an active or hyperactive person, impulsive, with bellicose airs and eager for confrontations as well as new challenges. In general a man of an Air sign, an individual with some love relationship or involvement, either professional or friendship.

The chart may speak of situations where you need to break with negative realities or promises made previously. It speaks of people with some degree of impetuosity or irresponsibility who may come to make some impact on your life or the lives of others.

Letter 12

The King of Swords symbolizes and embodies authority. He may represent a more mature man of an Air sign. He is able to keep relation with Justice, with the application of laws, with communication and with the power of influence, these being great qualities of such an individual.

A person, or a group of people, of significant power and influence may be attempting to exercise it in a family environment. It speaks of authoritarian and commanding actions, symbolized by dictatorship and the desire for centralized control.

Playing Cards of the Suit of Clubs

The cards of the deck of Wands hold meanings related to intelligence, work and changes in various directions. It is a complex deck, with both positive and negative meanings and, depending on the game, can bring warnings of extreme importance for the consulters. To know all the meanings linked to the suit of Wands in the Spanish deck, just keep reading thissession.

Letter 1

The first card of the deck of Wands speaks of the beginning of a new cycle, of new projects and undertakings. It is a positive card which deals with accomplishments, power (masculine symbolism) and holds the symbols of birth, the scepter (power) and springtime.

Card 1 brings the announcement of a positive wave in the fields of love, family and personal achievements. It can warn mothers about unwanted pregnancies, happy surprises, conquests in relationships and new beginnings in general.

Letter 2

The second card speaks of the strength of friendships and associations, so it symbolizes the power of people united by some ideal or mutual desire. Such friendships can arise in the workplace, in the family or even in the field of love.

This is a letter which speaks of achievements made with the help of loved ones, as well as the beginning of love relationships and lasting friendships. Great accomplishments are on the way, so these people will be extremely important for you to achieve the success you expect.

Letter 3

The 3rd card talks about unexpected changes, sudden alterations and last minute decisions. It can deal with hasty people who want to achieve their goals as quickly as possible. It can warn, in another sense, about the presence of lovers and adultery.

The more general sense of the chart, however, is positive. It speaks about beneficial changes and the fulfilment of love and professional wishes. It heralds peaceful intervals of time and periods without conflict and complications in general.

Letter 4

The 4th card talks about associations and pacts made by virtue of some desire. It addresses the sites of passion, pleasure, lust, pomposity and desires that are fulfilled. It can herald the coming of a fruitful and happy reality for a couple.

You may be experiencing a new romance or are keen to embark on one. Such a relationship is full of strength and passion, and there are dreams of a lasting future. You must however know how to recognise abusive relationships and not mix this passion with love.

Letter 5

The fifth card speaks of struggles in the direction of conquests, quarrels, setbacks and disputes. The path one is walking can lead to both positive and negative results, depending on the other cards in the game. It can herald a separation.

Such contentions will probably lead you to positive results. Justice, however, will be the intermediary of any disputes, so it will not be possible to fight against it for undue advantage. Separation can be a divorce.

Letter 6

Patience is needed to face and understand the series of changes which will soon come about. You will be the subject of many doubts about delicate matters. You don't feel secure with your decisions and your powers of persuasion.

The sixth sign recommends that you have the intelligence to act wisely and cautiously when faced with problems and innovations. You are a patient person, but certain situations can undermine you. You are advised not to let your emotions get the better of you.

Letter 7

The 7th card talks about business, deliberations, convincing and persuasive speeches. It can deal with people who change condition very quickly and jump from positive to negative states, and vice versa, frequently.

Uncertainty and disorganization can be a constant in the lives of such people. Their professional, love and mental lives can be compromised without a sense of order and a change in the bad habit of making hasty decisions.

Letter 8

The eighth letter speaks about family and abundance. In another sense, it speaks about the insistence on continuing with not very favorable acts and thoughts, so it can announce a large set of negative effects resulting from bad decisions. In addition, it can predict the arrival of diseases.

It is necessary to change acts and alter the course of desires, ideas and lines of thought that are leading you to bad results and unpleasant changes. Recommends attention to your health, both mental and physical, as well as that of your family.

Letter 9

The number 9 card talks about work in a negative sense, so it can warn of fatigue and exhaustion that result from overwork. It can reveal inefficient methods of accomplishing projects, delays, and laziness. It announces problems arising from delayed and unaccomplished actions.

The letter may warn of the arrival of a serious illness, misconduct or accident in the family. There is a message about the need to abandon harmful and backward habits in order to rid the personal and family bodies of preventable diseases and stresses.

Letter 10

The Jack of Wands is a simple person, with few resources, humble and hardworking. It can be the arrival of an unknown person. In general, it speaks of a woman of a Fire sign. It can bring news of distant places or people from the past.

Even though this may be a person with a certain degree of humility and simplicity, it is necessary to be careful not to fall into scams or deception. News about adversity and other signs may come about the people mentioned above.

Letter 11

The Knight of Wands symbolizes changes in general, especially in work and studies. It may herald journeys to get away from problems. It may be a young man of a Fire sign and who travels frequently or comes from a foreign country.

The card warns of complications that need to be circumvented in order to maintain a certain stability, which can be both financial and emotional. There is a warning about the need to physically move around to achieve this intent.

Letter 12

The King of Wands is a hard-working individual, with masculine characteristics, simple and too responsible. He may be a mature man of a Fire sign. Depending on the direction of the game, he may be a favorable person with good intentions.

This is a card of positive significance, and means that help is coming from an experienced person who has a great affection for you. Be open to this person's advice, or to the signals he or she will give you, as they will be important in many ways in your present life.

Spain played a key role in the history of the card game!

The Spanish deck is one of the oldest cards in the world, with influence and meaning that remain to this day, both as a tool for gambling and divination. The diverse meanings and interpretations attached to the cards of the Spanish deck carry important messages about life and the process of self-knowledge of individuals.

By revealing unknown aspects of the individual, announcing relevant changes in his life, warning about problems arising from people and choices and providing guidance on critical decisions, the Spanish oracle is no less relevant than the several others that exist worldwide, such as the Tarot and the gypsy oracle.

The knowledge of the meanings of the Spanish deck is of interest to both students of the divinatory arts and the curious, who, when confronted with the beauty and complexity of this deck, discover with some surprise the universe of meanings attached to this acclaimed icon of cartomancy.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.