Mint tea: what is it for? benefits, throat and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why take Mint Tea?

The main reason to drink mint tea is that it has a wide range of benefits that can positively affect everything from digestion and immune system to cancer risk. In addition, it is a refreshing and very tasty drink.

Mint tea has long been used in traditional medicine. It is usually made from the leaves of the plant and contains several properties that can aid health.

In short, the herb contains compounds called phenolic acids, flavones, and flavanones, which act as major antioxidants. These antioxidants can help fight oxidative stress and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Learn all about why to drink this tea, in this article.

More about Mint Tea

Mint is one of the oldest culinary herbs known to humans. Among its more than 20 known varieties, the most famous are Mentha piperita and Mentha spicata, popularly called peppermint and spearmint.

It has remarkable medicinal properties and is a rich source of polyphenols. In addition, the plant has carminative and antispasmodic properties. Mint leaves are low in calories and contain very low amounts of protein and fat.

They have a huge amount of vitamins A, C and B complex that improve skin and boost immunity. Another nutritional benefit of the herb is that it is rich in iron, potassium and manganese, which increase hemoglobin and improve brain function. Check out all these and other benefits of mint below.

Mint Tea Properties

As medicinal plants, peppermint and spearmint share many properties, especially as digestive aids. Peppermint, due to its high menthol content, is most often used to relieve respiratory tract problems.

In addition, mint contains minerals, vitamins and nutrients such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, folate and carotene, which is an antioxidant. Mint oil also contains chemicals that reduce inflammation and swelling and alter the levels of chemicals called hormones, such as testosterone, in the body.

Origin of Mint

There are several theories about the origin of mint. One of them goes back to Ancient Greece, where according to mythology, Minta or Mint was a beautiful river nymph who fell in love with Hades, but was transformed by Hades' wife, Persephone, into a little plant that people would step on.

Hades, trying to comfort Minta, gave her a delicious fragrance, so that people would at least appreciate her sweetness. In Ancient Greece, this sweet-smelling mint was used for all sorts of things. In addition, it was spread on the ground to serve as an air freshener, used in funeral rituals and also as a remedy to cure indigestion.

The plant is native to many regions of the world and has been valued for centuries for its intoxicating scent and invigorating flavor. Mint is used medicinally, thrown into baths, consumed as a drink or food, and even used to whiten teeth.

Side effects

Mint can damage the liver when used in large amounts. Some medications can also damage the liver. Using large amounts of mint along with these medications can increase the risk of liver damage.

So, do not use large amounts of mint if you are taking a medication that can harm this organ. Also, another side effect of mint is drowsiness. So, do not use the tea if you take medications that cause drowsiness or sedative medicines.


All medicinal plants can cause drug interactions. Therefore, if you take medications or supplements, or if you have any questions about possible drug interactions or side effects, before consuming mint tea, ask your doctor for advice.

In addition, some studies state that excessive mint consumption may limit the effect of some heart medications and increase blood pressure. Finally, medicinal plants are generally not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding and should not be consumed by children without guidance from a health care professional.

Benefits of Mint Tea

Mint is a herb with multi-benefits as it provides relief for all the problems like stomach ache, loss of energy, bad mood and cold. Moreover, mint leaves are rich in vitamins, great for weight loss and therefore perfect to add to your diet.

Discover below the main health benefits of mint and see how the tea of this herb can help relieve everything from digestive problems to fight some types of cancer and tumors.

Helps digestion

Mint tea has been associated with reducing pain, stomach upset, and other symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, largely because of the antispasmodic effects of methanol found in the substance.

Thus, most of these benefits have been observed in tea and herb in capsule form, so check with your doctor before starting any supplementation regimen. In addition, the calming properties of mint tea can help as well as help you stay hydrated and is perfect to be consumed after a heavy meal.

Decreases nausea

Mint in the form of capsules or tea from the herb is useful for treating nausea. Therefore, mint can be used as a home remedy for nausea during menstruation or after surgical procedures.

Eating a few mint leaves or sniffing them every morning can help pregnant women prevent the feeling of nausea or deal with it better. However, consult a doctor before associating the consumption of this herb with the condition of pregnancy.

For respiratory diseases

Mint helps reduce the symptoms of cold, bronchitis and helps relieve sore throat. That's because menthol is a powerful decongestant, which explains why mint tea is one of the most commonly used herbal teas to relieve congestion related to respiratory illnesses.

In addition, menthol flavoring is effective because of its anti-inflammatory properties to open up the respiratory tract and nose.

Mint also increases perspiration and helps lower fever. Lastly, its antispasmodic properties help reduce muscle and joint pain due to cold and related ailments.

Helps to lose weight

In addition to the more common health benefits, mint tea can also aid in weight loss. Because it stimulates digestive enzymes and also because it is a stimulant, it helps absorb nutrients from food and turn fat into energy.

Therefore, you can replace any kind of sugary drink with a few cups of mint tea. In effect, this will help reduce the number of calories you eat and reach your weight loss goal faster.

Helps cholesterol

Mint tea is good for overall health as well as being rich in antioxidants and other health benefits that make it good for cholesterol. It also reduces the risk of heart disease. However, more studies are needed to understand the benefits of mint tea for cholesterol.

However, to aid in this condition you need to consume two cups of the drink a day. In addition, it will also serve to support weight loss, improve brain function and reduce the risk of diabetes.


Medicinal herbs like mint have been used for centuries for the elimination of parasites all over the world. A vermifuge herb is a substance that expels parasites from the body, while a vermicide herb kills parasites that are in the body.

Thus, there are several ways to use mint tea to treat parasites. However, when considering using this herb, talk to your doctor to decide which application is best to use mint as an antiparasitic for your health.

Good for stress

One of the main advantages of mint is that it is the most commonly used herb in aromatherapy. In short, mint has a strong and refreshing scent that can relieve stress and refresh the body and mind. In addition, the adaptogenic activity of mint helps regulate cortisol levels in the blood which triggers the body's natural response to relieve stress.

Therefore, inhaling mint essential oil can instantly release serotonin into the blood, which is a neurotransmitter known to relieve symptoms of stress and depression. Finally, mint tea, which is rich in menthol, acts as a muscle relaxant and acts as a mild stimulant helping you to start the day or relax after work.

Good for insomnia

Mint tea is good for you for several health reasons, but one of the main ones is to provide a better night's sleep. To clarify, the relaxing effect of the herb makes the drink an excellent option to take before going to bed.

In addition, mint tea is free of the dreaded caffeine that increases alertness and is a terrible compound to ingest at bedtime. Therefore, after a stressful day, this tea can help you relax, allowing you to have a great rest and wake up in a better mood the next day.


Like other foods such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains, mint contains phytonutrients with antioxidant properties, which can reduce cellular damage caused by oxidative stress.

Plus, just one cup of mint tea provides nearly half of your daily vitamin A needs. The plant form of the vitamin helps protect your cells from damage by scavenging free radicals that can cause organ tissue damage, helping to reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.


The herb's anti-inflammatory compounds can fight chronic inflammation. Mint tea also contains B vitamins, calcium, sodium, as well as phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium that can help fight disease and perform the functions needed to keep the body functioning in a healthy manner.

Besides tea, mint essential oil is also rich in antibacterial properties and can inhibit the growth of bacteria.

Relieves skin irritations

Another benefit is that mint leaves contain vitamins E and D, which are essential for skin care. In effect, these nutrients help flush out dead skin cells and the salicylic acid contained in the herb causes new cells to grow and generate.

Mint still has antifungal and antibacterial properties and is excellent for relieving skin allergies. You can mix mint leaf with rose water and apply it on your face and then rinse with water after a few minutes to remove acne and pimples on your skin.

This home remedy is also rich in antioxidants that fight various skin problems like sunburn, skin irritation, wrinkles, premature aging, infections and even skin cancer.

Mint Tea

Mint has a wide range of applications, including its culinary uses for flavoring cocktails, sauces in addition to hygienic products, dentifrices, mouthwashes, soaps and body scrubs.

However, mint tea and essential oil are perhaps the most beneficial and effective versions of the herb, aside from chewing the leaves directly. See below for what this tea is suitable for and how to make it at home.


Whether it's to aid digestion, detoxification, or immune boosting, mint tea is a great option. It contains menthol, which is a natural decongestant that helps loosen phlegm and mucus. In addition, this tea is also indicated to relieve sore throats.

The calming and soothing properties of the herb aid in digestion and help relieve bloating. Part of the reason that mint is good for digestive problems is its ability to suppress muscle spasms. Therefore, mint tea can benefit other functions of the body as well.


While you can reap the benefits of the herb by consuming capsules and tablets containing mint, the most popular and effective way to enjoy the nutrients of mint remains tea.

Thus, the basic ingredients to make mint tea are:

- 2 tablespoons fresh mint leaves or 2 tea bags;

- 2/5 cup water;

- Sugar to taste.

How to do

Making a mint tea is quite simple, just follow the steps below:

- Wash the mint leaves in water. In a container add water and the mint leaves;

- Boil the water for 3-4 minutes until the flavors and aroma of the herb begin to infuse into the water. The water will begin to turn green;

- Add sugar to taste and the tea is ready and you can serve.

Serve the mint tea still warm. Also, a tip is to take it after lunch or dinner, as it helps digestion.

If using tea bags, repeat the process until water boils. In the hot water, steep the tea bags for 2-3 minutes. Add sugar to taste. Stir and serve.

The use of honey, brown sugar or any other sweetener is also possible, as well as there are those who prefer to take the mint tea without sugar.

Mint tea with cinnamon to lose weight

Like mint, cinnamon has wonderful digestive properties and can also help balance blood sugar. It also works as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial perfect for preventing colds and flu.

In addition, cinnamon also has antibacterial and antioxidant properties that aid in the treatment of viral infections and help stimulate metabolism facilitating weight loss. Here's how to combine the benefits of cinnamon and mint below.


Mint and cinnamon leaf tea is one of the most popular foods for those who want to lose weight, so it is enjoyed by millions of people every day. This tea can be served hot or cold and is easy to prepare. In addition, the ingredients have long been used to support healthy digestion, so it is a delicious and health-promoting drink every day.

This drink is also suitable for relieving cold and flu symptoms and easing stomach pains. You can also combine mint leaves and cinnamon with green tea to increase the health benefits.


Also called Moroccan mint tea, the combination of mint and cinnamon for a potent tea takes the following ingredients:

- 2 tablespoons fresh mint leaves or 2 tea bags;

- 4 cinnamon sticks;

- 3 cloves (optional);

- 2/5 cup cold water;

- 1 thin slice of fresh ginger (optional);

- 1/2 lemon (optional);

- Honey to taste (optional).

How to do

- Combine mint, cinnamon, cloves and ginger in a container;

- Add water and bring to a boil;

- Reduce heat and cook for 5 minutes and remove from heat;

- Add a little lemon to taste;

- Sweeten with a little honey or sugar to taste.

When pouring into serving cups, you can add cinnamon sticks and mint to garnish the drink.

How often can I take Mint Tea?

Mint tea is generally safe for adults when made according to the instructions provided, but should not be taken by children under the age of four or women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

In general, it is recommended that adults take between 1 and 2 cups of mint tea daily, but do not overdo it and watch out if you are allergic to some of the compounds of the herb, such as menthol. In addition, the intake of tablets, syrups and capsules should be done as directed by a doctor.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.