The benefits of chia: For weight loss, prevention, health and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about the benefits of chia

Chia has gained popularity for being considered a "superfood" due to its composition full of important nutrients for the proper functioning of the body. Thus, its health benefits are diverse, since the seed contains omega 3, antioxidants and proteins.

Because of this, it did not take long for chia to become a constant presence in diets, especially those aimed at weight loss. Thus, several researchers began to look at its properties and found that consuming it is positive and prevents health problems.

Throughout the article it will be possible to find some characteristics of chia and benefits that the seed brings to health. If you are thinking about including it in your diet, continue reading to learn more about it.

Nutritional profile of Chia

In addition to promoting weight loss, chia offers a number of benefits ranging from the regulation of cholesterol rates to strengthening the immune system. This is due to its composition, which makes it considered a superfood by the presence of phenolic compounds, fatty acids and other nutrients. See more about it below.

Why is chia considered a superfood?

The nutrients present in chia make it considered a superfood by experts. Accordingly, it is possible to point out that only 28g of the seed has only 79kcal. In this small amount there is 3.8g of protein, 126mg of calcium and 7g of fiber.

These values are equivalent to 13% of the average daily needs of an adult person. In addition, it is worth mentioning the presence of phosphorus, antioxidants, omega-3, zinc, vitamin A and several B vitamins (riboflavin, niacin and thiamin).

High content of polyunsaturated fatty acids

Chia has a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which covers the families of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Thus, it is able to act in the increase of concentration, cardiovascular health and inflammatory processes, since omega-3 benefits all these issues.

When it comes to omega 6, it is worth pointing out that it can be described as a healthy fat that helps lower levels of bad cholesterol, in addition to increasing levels of good cholesterol. Therefore, it prevents diseases such as atherosclerosis.

Low glycemic index carbohydrates

Another positive point of chia is the presence of low glycemic index carbohydrates. Broadly speaking, this means that it helps the blood receive less sugar in the same amount of time, so insulin spikes are less frequent and appetite is reduced.

Therefore, this explains why chia is so widely used in weight loss diets. It is worth mentioning that in a 100g portion of chia there is about 34.4% of dietary fiber, which also helps satiety.

Phenolic compounds

Phenolic compounds are powerful antioxidants and are also present in chia. Thus, they help fight the aging of cells, the onset of degenerative diseases and help the cardiovascular system because they lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

Other benefits of phenolic compounds are their anti-allergic action and anti-inflammatory action. The main ones found in chia are quercetin, kaemfenol, caffeic acid and myricetin. They are considered primary compounds and contribute to the potency of the superfood.

The other nutrients found in chia

In addition to all the compounds mentioned, chia still has a number of beneficial nutrients. Thus, the presence of fiber is something very important to help regulate the intestine. Just two spoons of the superfood contains 8.6g of fiber and the daily requirement of adults is 25g.

It is also worth noting that important nutrients such as magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc and vitamins are present in the composition of chia in significant quantities. The percentages based on daily requirements are always greater than 3.

The benefits of chia for the body

Among the benefits of chia for the body is possible to mention the control of diabetes, strengthening immunity and cancer prevention. However, the superfood acts on several other fronts ensuring the maintenance of health and well-being in general. See more about it below.

Prevents premature aging

Antioxidants are the main allies for anyone who wants to fight premature aging and they are present in chia. Therefore, those who consume this superfood regularly can contain the action of free radicals, which destroy cell membranes.

The information in question was conveyed through a research promoted by the Gerontology Research Center in the United States. Therefore, including chia in the diet can give people a younger appearance for longer.

Controls diabetes

Due to the presence of fiber in chia, the food causes the release time of glucose in the body is increased. This acts to prevent and control diabetes, especially type 2. It is possible to state that this process happens because when chia comes into contact with water, it forms a viscous gel.

This gel, when ingested, creates a physical barrier capable of separating the digestive enzymes of the carbohydrates. Therefore, their conversion into sugar becomes slower, slowing down digestion and preserving good levels of sugar in the blood. Consequently, blood sugar becomes more controlled.

Strengthens immunity

The strengthening of immunity happens because chia has nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus and manganese. They act to improve the immune system by inhibiting the reproduction of cells that cause inflammatory processes.

In addition, the superfood also has the presence of aspartic acid and glutamine, components that are directly related to the improvement of immunity and strengthen the body's defenses, preventing the possibility of infections, colds and flu.

Protects bones

Because it is an excellent source of calcium, a mineral that is essential for bone health, chia also contributes to their protection and stability. Therefore, it is an ally that ensures greater rigidity and prevents breaks, besides actively acting in the fight against osteoporosis.

Therefore, as the mentioned disease is more common in people with older age, it is recommended that the elderly also include chia in their diet to achieve this benefit and avoid fractures whose recovery can be quite painful.

Prevents constipation and improves intestinal health

The consumption of chia is able to improve intestinal health as a whole. Among the conditions that it fights, it is possible to highlight constipation. This happens due to the presence of fibers, especially the insoluble ones, which when associated with water turn into gel.

Thus, this change contributes to the increase in fecal volume, in addition to encouraging peristaltic bowel movements. Therefore, the food acts preventing constipation and still causes the feeling of satiety due to the formation of gel.

Acts in the prevention of cancer

Although antioxidants are more associated with fighting the aging of cells, they are also great allies in cancer prevention. The food in question is able to help fight the formation of tumors and should be included in the diet of people with predisposition.

In addition, it is worth noting that the abundant presence of fiber in the composition of chia contributes to induce bowel movements. Therefore, it becomes especially powerful in the fight against colon cancer, a very common type.

Protects the brain and memory

Magnesium is an essential nutrient for the proper functioning of the brain and for cognitive functions in general, such as memory. Thus, chia also helps maintain the health of this important organ, since it has enough magnesium in its composition.

It is also worth mentioning that another element that contributes to the protection of the brain is linoleic acid, which allies with alpha-linolenic acid to ensure the formation of cell membranes and the transmission of nerve impulses to the brain.

Helps the weight loss process

Slimming is one of the first advantages associated with the consumption of chia. It can be a great ally for those who are following a diet of this type, especially with a focus on health and accompanied by physical exercise. This happens due to the presence of fiber, protein and omega 3.

When combined, the nutrients in question contribute to the maintenance of the feeling of satiety. Therefore, chia makes people feel less like eating. In addition, the fiber acts to improve the absorption of water when they are in the stomach by transforming chia into a gel.

Prevents cardiovascular diseases

Another benefit of chia is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes. This happens because the seed has high amounts of omega 3 and omega 6, in addition to antioxidants and proteins, capable of leaving the body more protected against diseases of this nature.

In this sense, it is worth mentioning that omega-3 helps in regulating pressure and, therefore, prevents hypertension. Thus, a study conducted by the Federal University of Paraíba highlights that the food decreases this type of health problem in some groups of people, such as diabetics.

It is a great post-workout option

Due to the presence of protein and fiber, chia is a great post-workout option. The seeds can be included in drinks or in some other type of snack consumed after exercise, increasing the feeling of satiety thanks to the protein.

In addition, another benefit of chia in post-workout is the maintenance of muscle mass and the provision of energy. The presence of omega 3 is also a positive point in this sense since it is able to improve the performance of athletes.

Contributes to the beauty of skin and hair

The presence of vitamin A in the composition of chia contributes to the beauty of skin and hair. The nutrient in question acts as an antioxidant and also fights free radicals, warding off the possibilities of premature aging.

In addition, the vitamin in question also reduces acne and prevents skin dryness. It is worth mentioning that the presence of vitamin B12 is an important ally for the skin, nails and hair, further increasing the benefits of chia for the maintenance of beauty.

Benefits associated with chia oil

Chia oil can be used to season salads or even to drizzle over meals that are already on the plate. However, it is important to note that it should not be heated, since this can kill one of its main benefits.

Omega 3, which is also present in chia oil, is a compound that goes through an oxidation process quite easily when it is exposed to heat. Therefore, heating chia oil can kill its properties and heart benefits.

How to consume chia

There are several ways to consume chia. The food is quite versatile and can easily adapt to any type of taste and routine. Therefore, below some of these ways of consumption will be commented in more detail, allowing several options of choice for those interested in enjoying the benefits of this superfood. See below.

In natura

The chia seeds can be consumed in natura without major problems, since they do not alter the taste of food. Thus, they can be included in yogurt or even in fruit salads without major difficulties.

For this type of consumption, it is recommended to use a tablespoon of the seeds, since this is enough to ensure a good amount of nutrients and also ensure the feeling of satiety from the formation of the gel in contact with the stomach fluids.

Chia in pasta

Chia is an excellent substitute for recipes and can be present in cake batters and breads. In this case, there are two possibilities for use: the gel or its crushed form.

In the first case, the superfood is usually used in place of eggs, especially in vegan recipes. When talking about the crushed form, chia replaces part of the white flour in the recipe, reducing the amount of carbohydrates present in the recipe and adding to the preparations several health benefits.

Chia in salads

It is also quite common to use chia in salads, usually associated with other seeds such as quinoa. When you choose this form of use, you usually choose the in natura form of food and sprinkle a certain amount over the preparation.

In general, it is recommended to use a tablespoon of chia, since this amount already has interesting nutritional rates to meet the daily needs of an adult. Also in the case of salads, you can use chia oil as a seasoning, replacing olive oil.

Chia in juices and vitamins

When used in juices and vitamins, chia is a great post-workout. This happens because the superfood contributes to increase the fiber content in these preparations and also to decrease their glycemic index. Thus, it helps a lot to increase the feeling of satiety.

This increase also happens due to the formation of gel, which happens whenever chia comes into contact with liquids. Therefore, this type of use is indicated especially for people who have decided to make use of the seed in weight loss diets.

The chia gel

The chia gel is a frequent substitute in recipes, especially in vegan preparations. It is obtained by mixing a tablespoon of the seeds with 60ml of water. In about 30 minutes, the gel is formed and the ideal is that it is used as soon as it is ready. The storage can harm the nutritional properties.

In addition to using the gel in recipes, it is also possible to consume it pure. Although this is uncommon, there is no deterrent. However, adding supplements makes it more palatable and may make it easier to ingest.

Include the superfood in your diet and enjoy all the benefits of chia!

Chia is considered by scientists a superfood for acting on several different fronts to maintain well-being and health. With a composition full of important nutrients, the seed helps from improving the intestine to increasing brain and cognitive functions.

Therefore, although it is still very much associated with weight loss diets and quite efficient in these, chia is a food that should be consumed by all people who wish to improve their diet and benefit various aspects of the body.

Due to the versatility of the food, it can be consumed in several different ways and used in recipes. In addition, its oil works as a great seasoning for salads and preserves the benefits of the superfood. Choose the form of consumption that suits you best and enjoy the benefits!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.