Vitamin to boost immunity: the best for the immune system!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know which vitamins are indicated to increase immunity?

The human organism is constantly exposed to bacteria, fungi and viruses, so it can be at risk when the immune system is weakened. In this sense, vitamins are fundamental to increase immunity and prevent opportunistic diseases, such as colds and flu.

Vitamins can be described as bioactive compounds found in food. They have a direct influence on health maintenance, and some types, such as vitamin A and vitamin C, have relevance for immune system improvements.

Below, more details about which vitamins help boost immunity and how to consume them will be commented. If you want to know more about this subject, just continue reading the article to find the information!

Understanding more about low immunity and vitamins

Low immunity can be perceived through signs of the body, such as the frequent emergence of diseases. Given this, vitamins are compounds that play a key role in strengthening the body and can be obtained through food. Below, check out more details!

What is low immunity?

The immune system can be defined as a set of organs, cells and tissues, whose common goal is to fight invading agents, preventing the development of diseases. Therefore, low immunity is related to the compromise of this system.

It can be perceived through some body signs, such as difficulty to fight opportunistic diseases and agents that cause infections, such as viruses and bacteria. Thus, the person gets sick more often and may have fevers and recurrent infections. Another point that can indicate low immunity is excessive and frequent fatigue.

How do vitamins act on the immune system?

The immune system has a direct relationship with nutritional rates. According to a number of studies, vitamins are compounds that actively contribute to the increase of immunity, since they are associated with a number of fundamental processes for the functioning of the body.

Thus, they regulate the metabolism, regenerate the skin and ensure high defenses for the body. Vitamin A, for example, contributes to increase cell activity linked to the activation of antibodies, which makes the body more resistant to the action of bacteria and other antigens.

How food can help boost immunity?

Vitamins are fundamental for the health of the immune system. However, they are not produced naturally by the body, so they need to be absorbed by the body through external sources, such as food and sun exposure.

Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a balanced diet that includes various nutrients, covering all food groups. This will ensure good levels of vitamins in the blood. However, in cases of deficiency, it is important to seek forms of supplementation, which should be indicated and supervised by a health professional.

Key nutrients for high immunity

Besides vitamins, minerals play a fundamental role in maintaining good immunity. In this sense, copper, iron, folate and selenium stand out, each one with a specific function in preserving the body's defenses.

Thus, regarding selenium, it can be noted that it is a very important component of the antioxidant system. Thus, it protects the body against oxidative stress and plays a key role in the immune system. Folate, on the other hand, works together with vitamin B12 to ensure the formation of healthy red blood cells.

Importance of vitamins to boost immunity

Vitamins have several properties that contribute directly to the increase of immunity. For example, some of the B complex, such as B6 and B12, act directly in the production of blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients to the whole body.

In the case of vitamin B6, it is worth mentioning that its lack can be so serious as to cause cardiovascular diseases. In addition, vitamin B12 acts in the formation of blood cells and plays an important role in DNA synthesis and in the nervous system.

Main sources of vitamins

Since vitamins are not naturally produced by the body, it is necessary to find external sources of these nutrients. Thus, the main ones are food and supplementation. It is worth pointing out that the first is the most common form, and the second should be used only in cases of more severe deficiency.

Thus, there are several natural sources of vitamins, and designing a diet that is regimented and counts on the presence of these compounds is something very complete. See more about it below.


Vitamins can be found in many different foods. In the case of those that strengthen the immune system, such as A, B6, B12, B9, C and D, they are present in different foods, both of animal and plant origin.

Besides, in the case of vitamin D, its synthesis has the particularity of depending on sun exposure. On the other hand, the B-complex vitamins, especially B12, do not have vegetable sources, which makes vegetarians and vegans need to resort to the supplementation of this component.


When there is a need for replacement of a certain nutrient, supplementation is necessary. This happens because, sometimes, the body cannot absorb the necessary vitamins only through food, especially in the case of B complex.

Therefore, supplementation needs to be recommended by a physician and done after the nutritional deficiency is detected through laboratory tests. The choice of supplementation depends on the individual needs of each person and the identification of the compounds that are missing in your body.

Vitamins to boost immunity

Vitamins C, E, D and A, besides some belonging to the B complex, have a fundamental role in increasing immunity. Thus, more details about their function, origins and examples of foods that contain these compounds will be commented below. Keep reading to learn more about it!

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has the function of protecting cells against the action of free radicals. This happens due to its antioxidant function, which ensures the prevention of premature aging. When talking about the diseases that this compound prevents, it is possible to highlight those linked to the respiratory system.

In terms of origin, it is interesting to point out that vitamin C can be found in any vegetable. However, the dosages are different, and some foods have higher amounts of this compound.

In this sense, the following foods are highlighted:

- Citrus fruits;

- Potato;

- Tomato;

- Cabbage;

- Guava;

- Green pepper;

- Salsa;

- Broccoli;

- Cabbage;

- Meats;

- Milk.

It is worth pointing out that vitamin C is very sensitive to environmental variations, and issues such as oxygen, light and temperature can interfere in its presence in foods. As an illustration, it is possible to mention carrots, which lose much of the amount of this vitamin after cooking.

Vitamin E

With antioxidant function, vitamin E acts on the immune system due to its ability to modulate its functions. Thus, it is able to fight infectious diseases, something that shows up especially in the elderly. In addition, it acts in the healing processes of the human body, which also has an important role in immunity.

When talking about the origin of vitamin E, it can be pointed out that it is mainly present in dark green vegetables. In addition, it can be found in oilseeds and vegetable oils.

Below is a list of foods that have vitamin E:

- Vegetable oils;

- Spinach;

- Almonds;

- Avocado;

- Kiwi;

- Mango;

- Dried apricot;

- Blackberry;

- Hazelnut;

- Pecan nuts.

Finally, it is worth noting that vitamin E deficiency can cause loss of reflexes and motor coordination as a whole, so walking difficulties and muscle weakening are common in people who need supplementation of this vitamin.

Vitamin D

Although vitamin D is very much associated with maintaining bone health, it is important for a number of other aspects of the body. Its fundamental role in fighting respiratory diseases and infections that affect the immune system can be highlighted.

In general, vitamin D has as main origins and sources of food of animal origin. However, its synthesis has a particularity, since it depends on the exposure to ultraviolet rays to happen.

The main foods considered a source of vitamin D are:

- Tuna;

- Salmon;

- Eggs;

- Meats;

- Seafood;

- Sardine;

- Liver;

- Cheese;

It is interesting to point out that vitamin D is exclusively present in animal origin foods. Therefore, fruits, vegetables and grains do not contain this vitamin, and vegetarians and vegans need sun baths of at least 15 minutes a day to guarantee its absorption. Another way is supplementation.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is known mainly for its power as an anti-inflammatory. Thus, the role it has in the immune system becomes quite obvious. It is possible to affirm that the compound has the function of modulating this system.

In terms of sources and origins, vitamin A can be found mainly in foods of animal origin, but it is present in some vegetables that have carotenoids.

Here's a list of the top foods that contain vitamin A:

- Spinach;

- Pumpkin;

- Sweet potato;

- Carrot;

- Liver;

- Butter;

- Whole milk;

- Egg yolk;

- Cheese;

- Oily fish;

- Zucchini;

- Mango;

- Melon;

- Red pepper;

- Broccoli;

- Watercress.

Regarding the lack of this compound in the body, it is worth noting that it can cause symptoms such as skin alterations, especially acne and flaking. But it also has more serious consequences, such as growth inhibition in children, abnormalities in bone structures and night blindness.

Vitamins B12 and B6

Vitamins B12 and B6 have similar functions in the body. Thus, both are necessary for the maintenance of blood cells. However, while one acts more in their protection, the other is responsible for ensuring their proper formation.

In addition, vitamin B12 assists in DNA synthesis and plays an active role in the nervous system. Check out the top foods that have these vitamins below.

Vitamin B6:

- Chicken and red meat;

- Fish;

- Chickpeas;

- Banana;

- Corn;

- Watermelon;

- Tomato juice;

- Lentil;

- Boiled carrots;

- Avocado;

- Boiled shrimp;

- Chestnuts.

Vitamin B12 :

- Seafood;

- Milk;

- Eggs;

- Red meat;

- Tuna;

- Nutritional yeast;

- Soybeans;

- Almond;

- Coconut;

- Rice milk;

- Mushrooms;

- Fortified cereals.

With regard to the diseases caused by vitamin B6 deficiency, cardiovascular problems can be highlighted. Vitamin B12, in turn, has a direct link with nerve damage and can cause loss of sensation in the extremities of the body, as well as muscle weakness.

Vitamin B9

Associated directly with the proper functioning of the brain, vitamin B9 helps in the prevention of cancer and also in other issues, such as the strengthening of nails, hair and skin. Its main sources are vegetables, but it is also possible to find this compound in some foods of animal origin, such as red meat.

Below is a list of the top sources of vitamin B9:

- Spinach;

- Asparagus;

- Cabbage;

- Broccoli;

- Parsley;

- Raw beet;

- Brussels sprouts;

- White beans;

- Peanut;

- Soybeans;

- Lentil;

- Melon;

- Apple;

- Orange;

- Rice.

When talking about vitamin B9 deficiency, it is possible to highlight that it triggers serious consequences in the body, which can lead to the development of megaloblastic anemia, an alteration caused by problems in DNA synthesis and capable of affecting cell division and maturation.

In addition, pregnant women need to consume this vitamin regularly and through supplementation to ensure the proper neurological formation of fetuses.

Other important nutrients to boost immunity

In addition to vitamins, minerals are fundamental to boost immunity and contribute a lot to the functioning of the human body. In some cases, they help improve the absorption of vitamins, which reinforces their importance. See below some minerals that are fundamental to boost immunity!


Zinc is a mineral that is essential to fight the entry of invading agents in the body. Thus, it plays a very important role in preventing diseases such as Alzheimer's. It is also worth mentioning that the nutrient helps in mental health issues and is essential for controlling depression.

The main sources of zinc are:

- Peanut;

- Almond;

- Shrimp;

- Red meat;

- Chestnuts;

- Dark chocolate;

- Beans;

- Chickpeas;

- Chicken;

- Oyster;

- Egg yolk;

- Pumpkin seeds;

- Flaxseed;

It is worth pointing out that the deficiency of this mineral in the body can have some worrying effects. Among them, the occurrence of viral infections, such as colds and flu, stands out. The lack of zinc can also compromise the functioning of the immune system as a whole, since the nutrient plays a key role in the synthesis of hemoglobins.

Thus, the recommended daily amounts of this mineral are 40 g for adults. Exceeding this number can also bring health risks and block absorption.


Highly antioxidant, selenium is a mineral that is easily absorbed by the body. In terms of functions, it combats the action of free radicals and participates directly in the way the immune system responds to infections.

Thus, it is important to know the main sources of selenium, which are:

- Brazil nut;

- Wheat flour;

- French bread;

- Chicken;

- Rice;

- Egg yolk;

- Beef;

- Egg white;

- Beans;

- Cheese.

Although it has several benefits, it is worth pointing out that the excessive intake of selenium can be very harmful to the body. Therefore, it is recommended that only 5 g/day of the mineral be consumed by an adult human being. This is equivalent to, on average, one Brazil nut.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the deficiency of this nutrient can lead to the development of Kreshan's disease, which consists of a series of changes in the muscles of the heart. In addition, it also has a negative impact on the health of bones and joints.


Iron is known for its role in the creation of hemoglobins, which serves to highlight its importance to the immune system. These proteins serve to transport oxygen around the body and are therefore critical to the health of all tissues.

In addition, iron participates directly in the energy metabolism of cells, ensuring that the human body's defenses are increased. The main sources of iron are:

- Beef;

- Pork;

- Chicken;

- Fish;

- Crustaceans;

- Egg yolk;

- Beans;

- Legumes;

- Nuts;

- Spinach;

- Broccoli;

- Cabbage;

- Pumpkin seeds;

- Sunflower seeds;

- Dark chocolate;

- Soybeans.

In general, iron deficiency results in blood loss in adults. In the case of women, it can even affect the menstrual cycle. However, children are not immune to it and can suffer if they have a diet poor in this mineral. In addition, it is important to emphasize the importance of iron for pregnant women, who need about 27 mg of iron per day.


With anti-inflammatory action and used to control cholesterol levels, omega 3 is considered a good fat. It also acts to prevent cardiovascular and brain diseases, bringing direct improvements to memory and mood.

In addition, it is capable of acting to prevent damage to cells that can lead to the onset of cancer, a function for which it can be considered fundamental to the immune system.

Omega 3 can be found in the following foods:

- Oilseeds;

- Vegetable oils;

- Seeds;

- Shrimp;

- Dark green leaves;

- Legumes;

- Sardine;

- Anchovy;

- Salmon;

- Tuna;

- Oysters;

- Chia seed and flaxseed;

- Nuts.

The omega-3 deficiency is still something that has been little investigated by science. Thus, there is no research on its causes and there are no details about the symptoms caused by its deficiency. Most of the scientific content that we have about this nutrient is more related to its benefits.


High among people who practice physical activities, glutamine is a supplement that has several benefits. This substance is produced naturally by the body and it is an abundant amino acid in the human body. Its function is to take care of the nutrition and repair of tissues such as muscles.

In addition, glutamine promotes the transport of nitrogen and ammonia between tissues, helping to maintain the balance between acidic and basic. It also contributes to the absorption of nutrients.

Glutamine can be found in the following foods:

- Red meat;

- Chicken;

- Egg;

- Spinach;

- Milk and its derivatives;

- Fish;

- Legumes;

- Salsa.

There is no contraindication to its consumption in supplement form, but the benefits may not be so evident for healthy people and whose production is happening in a normal way. Thus, it is something more recommended when a deficiency has already manifested itself in the body.

Further information about vitamins to boost immunity

Besides vitamins and minerals, there are other factors that significantly impact the immune system, such as the consumption of water. Other very frequent doubts about this are linked to the care with immunity and the ways to increase it. Therefore, these and other issues will be commented on below. Keep reading to learn more!

Water is also essential to increase immunity

Water is fundamental to increase immunity. This happens because opportunistic diseases, such as colds and flu, settle in dehydrated organisms. Therefore, a good consumption of water contributes to give more fluidity to oropharyngeal, pulmonary and respiratory secretions.

Thus, being well hydrated makes the invasion by viruses, toxins and microorganisms more complex. In addition, they are able to help eliminate them, preventing the pictures of the highlighted diseases from becoming recurrent.

Determining the recommended amount of vitamin per day depends on the type. Each compound has different numbers. In addition, it is worth noting that some individual characteristics modify these values substantially.

Issues such as gender, age, and body weight can alter daily vitamin needs, so children, for example, tend to need far less than adults. It is for these reasons that when deficiencies are present, it is best to seek medical attention.

Are multivitamin supplements good options for boosting immunity?

Vitamin supplements are good options to boost immunity, especially those whose focus is specifically on this. This is because the dosages will be adjusted to the daily needs of an adult and, therefore, there are no risks concerning overdosage.

However, it is worth mentioning that in cases in which the nutritional deficiency has already been confirmed by laboratory tests, multivitamin supplements may not be enough for the treatment, and a diet directed to the problem and a more specific supplementation are required, which is done with medical follow-up.

Dangers and care with low immunity

Low immunity makes the body more vulnerable. Those who go through this type of situation become more susceptible to infections and also have difficulties in healing. In addition, it is common for these people to suffer more from colds and flu. In some cases, the symptoms of these diseases can become a little more serious.

It is worth mentioning that people with low immunity need to take some care. The first of them is to adopt healthier eating habits, which are able to stimulate the body to produce defense cells.

How to eat a diet rich in vitamins ?

To increase the intake of vitamins and have a diet rich in these components, the secret is the diversity of foods. Thus, try to include fruits, vegetables, legumes, oilseeds and other foods that are sources of various vitamins in the menu.

Another fundamental point is to ensure that the food ingested has its nutrients easily absorbed. This happens when they reach the intestine. Therefore, taking care of the health of this part of the body is essential for the nutrients inserted in the diet to be really used.

Tips to boost immunity and to improve vitamin absorption

To increase immunity and absorption of vitamins, a very valuable tip is to make combinations. In this sense, it is worth illustrating the issue by citing vitamin C and iron. When the two are consumed together, especially in the same food, it helps the absorption issue.

However, if this is not possible, always try to consume a citric fruit, such as lemon or orange, accompanied by a food rich in iron, such as a dark green leafy vegetable. A good way to do this are green juices.

Make your diet healthier and see the benefits in your life!

Diet is fundamental for the health of the human body and for the strengthening of the immune system. This is directly linked to vitamins, which are important for several functions of this system, from preventing premature aging to fighting more serious diseases.

However, as vitamins are not naturally produced by the human body, they need to be absorbed through food. Therefore, the secret to keep all the rates within the indicated is to lead a healthy life and have a diversified diet, which has all the nutritional groups.

This helps ensure not only the presence of vitamins in the body, but also minerals, which are essential for them to be properly absorbed.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.