What is the meaning of mantra I surrender, trust, accept and thank you? See!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of the mantra "surrender, trust, accept and give thanks"

You may have heard of the mantra "Surrender, trust, accept and thank", or even chanted it. Very famous, it is recognized for helping people through its philosophy of surrender and gratitude. But did you know that it was created by a Brazilian yogi? Learn more about this mantra, how it was created, its creator and how to apply it in various situations.

The origin of the mantra "surrender, trust, accept and give thanks"

This mantra, so widespread in Brazil, was created by a yogi (yoga master and practitioner) named José Hermógenes de Andrade Filho, better known as Professor Hermógenes. Learn a little more about how this mantra came about, the story of this great man and his legacy, and the importance of the mantra to yoga.

Emergence of the mantra "surrender, trust, accept and thank you"

The idea for the mantra came from an incident in the life of Hermógenes. He was at the edge of the sea, with water up to his waist, and was dragged by a wave, followed by a strong current. As he did not know how to swim, he began to struggle and ask for help. He was exhausted and hopeless when salvation arrived.

A man came up to him swimming and grabbed his arm. At that moment, he asked the teacher to stop trying to swim and struggle, to focus only on breathing and letting his body relax, trusting in his ability to pull them both out of the current. And that's what Hermógenes did, having his life saved and planting the seed of a mantra that would become famous shortly after.

Who was Hermogenes?

Born in Natal in the year 1921, José Hermógenes de Andrade Filho studied in a free spiritist school and later followed a military career. There, he fell in love with the classroom and started to be called teacher. Still young, with only 35 years old, he suffered with a very serious tuberculosis, and that was when he had his first contact with Yoga.

Healed, he continued to practice the postures and breathing exercises, going deeper and deeper into the subject, since it had brought so many benefits in his treatment and recovery. Over time, he lost weight and sought a vegan diet, to eliminate the remaining pounds of those accumulated during the treatment of tuberculosis.

He then dived headlong into this philosophy, until then almost unavailable in Brazil, searching for literature in other languages. It was then that he decided to share all his experience, writing a practical manual of the search for self-perfection through Hatha Yoga. A sales success, he began to teach classes and spread the knowledge throughout the country. Today, he is no longer on this plane, andis recognized as the precursor of Yoga in Brazil.

What is the legacy of Hermogenes?

Before leaving, Hermógenes helped to implement the yogic philosophy in Brazil, being a very important milestone for its foundation in the country. He wrote several works in Portuguese, while all the available literature was practically in English or other languages. Thus, his main legacy is exactly the availability of knowledge in an accessible and grounded way.

Besides, one cannot leave aside the creation of the mantra "I surrender, trust, accept and thank", which reverberates in the soul of many Yoga practitioners. Although it is part of the yogic philosophy, they are not the only ones who use the mantra, being considered almost a popular knowledge, so widespread and replicated. Certainly a legacy to be proud of.

Importance of mantra for yoga

Especially important for yogis, chanting mantras leads to another mental state, helping to keep the mind focused and relaxed. This ends up radiating also through the body and makes the effects of Yoga to be increased, such as, for example, the unblocking of the chakras and the connection with the sacred.

The Mantra "Deliver, trust, accept and give thanks" is important for anyone who practices it, helping not only during Yoga practice, but also in dealing with situations that may seem hopeless or impossible to find a way out. Or for those moments when everything seems lost and all options have been exhausted.

Meaning of the mantra "surrender, trust, accept and give thanks"

With a simple and deep meaning, the mantra "I surrender, trust, accept and thank you", takes the issue or problem to another level. When all options to solve have been exhausted or there are no ways to start, it is through this mantra that we find the calm to continue, even in the midst of chaos. Understand what each of these terms means.


When you say "I surrender", you are placing the issue that is troubling you in the hands of the Sacred One. You have tried all possible alternatives (if any), but apparently nothing works out. So, leave it up to the synchronicities of the Universe to improve or change, since all the options that were within your reach have already been exhausted, at least in your eyes.


Once you hand over the question to the Sacred, you need to trust that everything will have a solution and it will come at the right time, with the right outcome. Consequently, it reduces anxiety, stress and worries about the question. After all, you trust that the answer or solution will come soon by doing your part for it, with your mind always open to new ideas.


Accepting that there is nothing more that can be done is important when all alternatives have been exhausted, thus asking for help. But this "I Accept" is related to your ability to hold the outstretched hand and allow the Universe to work in your favor. You accept the gift of life, the changes, the help. You also accept calm, peace and happiness.


Fundamental in any process that demands a request, a strong intention in some sense or even a sympathy, gratitude closes the mantra with great power. You thank for the help provided, for the opportunity to learn and grow, for the solutions that are to come or for the calm that touches the deepest chord in your soul.

Situations where the mantra "surrender, trust, accept and thank" can help

Besides being used in Yoga, the mantra "I surrender, trust, accept and thank you" can help in various situations of everyday life. See how to use in situations of frustration, fatigue, sadness and anger.


Creating expectations is sometimes inevitable, but it should be something more and more rare in your life. This is because they can lead to a feeling of frustration if they are not met.

In these cases, the mantra "I surrender, trust, accept and thank you" can help you deal with the situation better. After all, by surrendering the result of something to the Universe, it is easier to understand that each thing has its time and its macha, even if the is not taken to you.

To ease the frustration, you should take a few deep breaths to slow your heart and follow this reasoning: "What is the situation that frustrated me? I then turn the results of this over to the Sacred Caregiver. I trust that he will find the best answer and accept what is rightfully mine, even if it is not what I was expecting. I am grateful for the learning and the blessing of being ablecontinue."


For many people, life is a never-ending race and it seems that the clock does not embrace all the necessary activities. With that, when it reaches the end of the day - or even before that - body and mind present a deep fatigue.

There is also another type of tiredness, which reverberates in the soul and is the result of stressful situations, which consume all the prana. In both cases, the mantra 'I surrender, trust, accept and thank" can help.

For this, take a few minutes to do some conscious breathing and surrender your physical and mental fatigue to the Sacred. Trust in the abundance of resources and energy that surround you, accept this gift and give thanks for being useful. Do this as often as you feel necessary.


It may happen that you are on one of those heavy days whose events, news and situations may be putting you down. With that comes the feeling of sadness, which is important to be felt and noticed, as well as processed. However, sometimes it lingers longer than it should.

Sadness can have many causes, and if you're not dealing with it very well, you can use the mantra to help mitigate its effects. Surrender this feeling and its cause to the immaterial and trust that change is on the way. Accept the good opportunities, smiles, and contacts that life presents and be grateful for your achievements.


We are human. It is inevitable that, at some point, we will feel anger - even if it is veiled. Of course, there are also those who don't make a point of hiding what they feel, exploding with everyone around them. In both cases, it is not something that is going to do the person who practices it or those around them any good.

So, when anger takes hold of you, stop immediately and regain control over your own ego. Take a deep breath and start repeating the mantra "I surrender, trust, accept and give thanks." Surrender the situation that generated your anger, sending it away from you, trust in divine justice, accept calm and tranquility and give thanks for the light in your days.

Can the mantra "surrender, trust, accept and thank" bring peace and harmony?

Only you can bring peace and harmony into your life, through your choices, whether in thought, word or deed. However, the mantra "I surrender, trust, accept and thank you" is a very useful tool to help in moments of crisis, in order to reestablish the lost balance.

This mantra should also be used daily, regardless of Yoga practice, thus creating a strong intention of peace, growth and harmony in your life. Thus, combined with conscious breathing and attention to your thoughts, words and actions, you can, yes, have great results with it.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.