Meaning of candle colors: green, white, black, yellow and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What do the colors of the candles mean?

Colors influence the perception of reality, and may even affect the emotions felt at a certain moment and this is nothing new. But beyond the psychology of colors, there is another bias of observation about the impact of colors: the energy.

From the esoteric perspective, colors can connect with certain energies and attract or repel them. One way to put this theory into practice is through the use of colored candles, either in elaborate rituals or in simple meditations, using the candle color that represents the theme with which you want to create connection. Understand better in the following text.

Red - meaning of the candle

Red is the color that instigates primal instincts and puts the mind on alert, but in the mystical universe is used by those who want to work energies of passion, love and attract health. Below, find out if the meaning of the color is ideal for what you seek.


Passion is one of the most intense and striking feelings along the human trajectory. This emotion can be expressed in the realm of relationships or even in the intensity with which one takes a certain area of life or project. Being a striking color, red relates to inner strength and instigates passion for life.

The use of a red candle can gain the meaning of passion from the moment the intention is created, through meditation or invocation of the desires that are desired. In practice, the color is ideal for those who feel the need to increase the existing passion in themselves or create connection with someone special.


The meaning of red candles can also become related to Love. For this, it is necessary to create a connection with this energy, through intentional meditation or some practice that focuses on love. However, in this case, the love that you have in mind is more connected to the passionate energy.

Those who wish to rekindle the flame of a dormant love in themselves or in a relationship for two can make use of the red candle for this. For this, practice can also be used incense of red roses or stimulating aromas and aphrodisiacs as Ylang Ylang or cinnamon.


The use of red candles can also focus on an exercise of searching for contact with the inner energy. In the case of people who have the intention of increasing the connection with health, the use of these candles can also receive this meaning, since red is a color related to the energy of earthly strength.

It is important to emphasize that the search for a healthy life is based on many practices that should not be discarded. However, a meditative practice with the use of red candles can help the energetic connection that is in maladjustment, being an aid to accompany the self-care routine.

Basic Chakra

The basic Chakra is directly related to Mother Earth's energy, and one of its representations is the color red. Vital energy and the connection between the ethereal universe and material life is also present in this Chakra, which connects physically with lymphatic functions and reproductive instincts.

The balance of this Chakra is essential for a good relationship with the basic functions of life, including nutrition and reproductive capacity, as well as the connection with the inner strength that comes from vital energy. The search for the balance of the basic Chakra can be done with the use of red candles, which connect with its meaning.

Orange - meaning of the candle

Energy is the word that translates the color orange. Its use in candles can be done by people who wish to attract joy, increase enthusiasm, courage to face the challenges that present themselves, or even for those who seek to balance the Umbilical Chakra. Discover the meaning of the orange candle in this section.


In the mystical field the orange candles connect with the meaning of attraction or potentiation of energy, being it applied in activities, projects or in itself. Orange is a color that attracts the attention of those who see, hardly going unnoticed.

This color can be related to the sun colors, and its choice for a colored candle results in an experience of connection with the intensity and inner aliveness. Its use can be allied to stimulating essential oils or incense with citrus aromas such as sweet orange, lemon grass and mandarin.


Human courage has its origins in primitive instincts, but can be understood in modern life in the need to face challenging situations, such as a job interview that you really want or a romantic encounter. To seek the inner courage, candles of orange color can be used.

The meaning of courage is linked to the color orange for establishing a contact with the power present in the inner energy, which can be the kick-start for the creation of courage. Esoteric practices aimed at encouraging inner courage may involve the use of incense sticks such as cinnamon and geranium.


Enthusiasm is a word that comes from the Greek enthousiasmos which means to be possessed by the God within. The original meaning of the word translates the transcendence present in this emotion, which overflows energy in a bomb of excitement. Getting in touch with this power can be a good alternative for those who are interested in increasing their connection with vitality.

Orange candles can be used to connect with the energy of enthusiasm because the color has a frequency that relates to this frequency. You can create an appropriate setting with elements that are associated with this emotion with some image or music that awakens enthusiasm.

Umbilical chakra

The umbilical chakra is also called sexual chakra exactly because it relates to sexual energy, which can also be expressed in the power of creation. The use of orange candles comes to be a good alternative for those who wish to develop greater balance in this chakra and the energies that relate to it.

If the Umbilical Chakra is unbalanced, there is the possibility of developing harmful behaviors, including low self-confidence, repression of sexual desire, perversions and emotional dependence. The use of the orange candle in meditation is related to the meaning of this Chakra, because it vibrates at the same energetic frequency.

Yellow - meaning of the candle

The yellow candle can have its meaning related to learning, communication and clairvoyance. People who want to get in touch with these issues, either to improve communication, give a boost in studies, or explore clairvoyant possibilities, can use candles of this color. Understand better below.


Yellow can be the color most easily linked to the feeling of joy. This happens because it tends to be associated with sunlight and transmits a warm solar atmosphere. Being a color that radiates light and awakens the attention, its meaning also connects with learning, and can be used in times of study.

The yellow candles can be a good alternative for those who want to create an environment conducive to the studies and seeks to awaken greater attention to issues related to learning. Meditation with yellow candles can also be accompanied by incense of rosemary and cinnamon, which help concentration.


Another meaning attributed to the yellow candle is communication. This happens because the vibration of this color connects with the idea of expansion. Therefore, those who want to improve communication skills or work in this sector can make use of the yellow candle to get in touch with the vibratory frequency emanated by it.

Essential oils of fennel and cypress can be used for those who seek to balance or intensify the power of the chakra related to communication. An interesting practice suggestion is to combine the essential oil in a diffuser and a lit yellow candle in the environment that needs communicational improvement.


The yellow candle can also be related to the potentiation of clairvoyance practices. This happens because its meaning is linked to vital energy, which vibrates in a more subtle frequency, related to the spirit. The use of yellow candles can also be associated with essential oils and incense for those who aim to stimulate clairvoyance.

For this practice, you can choose patchouli, benzoin or poppy aromas in the form of oil or incense. In creating a suitable setting you can include visual elements that refer to clairvoyance, such as crystal ball, glass of water or a black mirror.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra has its meaning related to the color yellow and, therefore, can be rebalanced with esoteric practices that include the use of candles of this same color. The representation of the chakra that can also be called manipura is golden yellow, which is in tune with the vibration of communication.

The solar plexus is where the internal emotions that are expressed in relationships with the world pass through, therefore, it is directly linked to the way that communication flows between individuals. Practices aimed at rebalancing this area may include essential oils or incense of myrrh, cinnamon or clove, which help in energetic cleansing.

Green - meaning of the candle

The color green is associated with nature and its fruits. A good harvest can also be the representation of prosperity and luck, themes that connect to green and can be tuned with candles of this color. Understand how to use the green candle:


The connection with nature is a great way to get in touch with higher energies and one's own essence, creating a sense of calm and easing anxieties. However, it is not always possible to migrate to a beautiful park or a beach, so the use of green candles in the practice that aims to create this connection is a good alternative.

The meaning of the green candle relative to nature can also be found in other elements that refer to this field. A plant pot, a quartz or even an image that shows a natural landscape are other ways to establish this connection. In addition, the essential oils of sage and vetiver can be used.


In the early days of civilization, the greatest representation of human prosperity was precisely a fruitful harvest. For this reason, green also comes to symbolize prosperity, with the meaning of mother earth and all the fecundity allied to it. The green candle is a good option for meditation practices or esoteric activities that aim to attract prosperity.

Other elements that can be included in this ritual are: burnt bay leaf and rice. There are several sympathies and conjurations that have the purpose of attracting prosperity, but for a more simplified practice of attraction can be made a mentalization with yellow candle and cinnamon incense.


Often, people find themselves in situations where everything seems to go wrong, as if a tide of bad luck has taken over their lives. At such times, it is essential to seek to center and restore balance, then rituals can be performed for the attraction of luck.

The use of the green candle is connected to the meaning of luck, which can be seen even in the four-leaf clover, one of the most auspicious symbols. The green candle can be used accompanied by incense or essential oils of rosemary or cinnamon.

Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is also called the Heart Chakra, precisely because it is located at the level of the heart and governs the emotions connected to it. If this chakra is in disharmony, the impacts can be felt in two different ways: when it is overloaded, it generates excessive sensitivity, and when it is receiving little energy, it causes difficulty in expressing emotions.

Green colored candles can connect with the meaning of the Heart Chakra through meditative practices that focus on re-establishing contact with inner positivity. This happens because the unbalanced Chakra also impacts the perception of positive emotions.

Pink - meaning of the candle

The pink candle has its meaning linked to emotions, the search for joy and internal harmony. In addition, it can also be used in meditative practices that aim to increase self-love. Continue reading and understand better.


Pink is a color related to love. In addition to romantic love, this association extends to the expression of emotions, which can be subtle or stormy, depending on how they are managed. The use of pink candles can be an alternative for those seeking to get in touch with their inner emotions.

For this, rose candles can be used, combined with essential oils or incense of pink rose, musk, anise, lavender or nutmeg, and can also include elements that convey the idea of emotional balance, such as rose quartz.


When talking about emotions, it is almost impossible to leave aside the need for harmony. For those who want to find harmony in life, the pink candles can be very useful, because its meaning is linked to the idea of internal balance and emotional fulfillment, remembering that the essence is not necessarily romantic.

The use of pink candles can be even more beneficial for those seeking harmony if associated with other elements that are in tune with the same energy vibration. For this, incense or essential oils of lavender, lily or white rose are indicated.


Due to the fact that pink is a color that transmits light emotions, it is associated with inspiring feelings and passes the idea of motivation. For this reason, the pink candle can connect with the meaning of joy, being related to the lightness present in the joyful moments of life.

The expression "seeing life through rose-colored glasses" refers to a person who only sees the joyful part of situations, and often this ability to connect with joy is lost over the years. Therefore, for those who want to rediscover their inner joy, the use of pink candles is a good option.

Heart Chakra

The meaning related to pink candles also connects to the symbolism behind the Heart Chakra. This Chakra deals with emotions and their expression in the life of the individual, as well as the ability to be positive and relate to others. Its balance can also be sought through practices that focus on the vibrational frequency present in the color pink.

For this, pink candles can be used, although allied to symbols that relate to the aspect of the individual in which you want to attract the energy of emotional balance. In addition, the Chakra connects with the element of air, and physically is connected to the heart, the lymphatic system and the Thymus gland, responsible for immune balance.

Blue - meaning of the candle

Blue, the color present in the sky and in the sea is the most commonly associated with the feeling of tranquility and inner peace. Therefore, it is also chosen to be used in candles by those who have the purpose of meditation. Know the meaning of the blue candle:


Initially, the color blue can be associated with the idea of tranquility by referring to aspects of nature that cause relaxation, such as a clear sky or the waters of the sea. Thus, the energetic frequency of tranquility can be achieved through the use of candles that have this color.

The meaning of the blue candle can also be expressed in the idea of tranquility through the search for inner peace. Widely used in relaxing practices, the blue candle can still be associated with imagery elements that refer to the feeling of tranquility as images of nature or even incense sticks that cause a sense of peace as the lily or lotus.


Blue is also a color that conveys the idea of trust, which is why it is the main choice for the royal families' attire at official events. Those who want to explore the possibility of connecting with loyalty can apply the concept in the use of blue candles.

Through meditative practices or even mentalizations, it is possible to establish a connection with the energy of loyalty and try to attract it to yourself, which can be directed to business relationships, love relationships or even loyalty to yourself, seeking the greatest fluidity for the connection with your own principles and ideals.


Blue candles and the color blue itself are widely used for environments and activities that seek to create an introspective atmosphere, suitable for meditation. The meaning of the blue candle is related to meditation because it is directly associated with introspection and the search for inner peace, necessary skills for meditation practice.

For those who want to use a blue candle to enhance meditation, it may be a good idea to include in the activity sounds that refer to the tranquility, as white noise or even the sound of running water. In addition, you can still be used in conjunction with the blue candle incense of lavender, benzoin or sandalwood.

Frontal Chakra

The frontal chakra is also called the third eye, because it is located in the front of the face, between the eyes. Its function is related to the ability to think, spiritual connection and materialization of ideas. Physically, the chakra is associated with the pituitary gland, mental matters and vision.

The balance of the frontal chakra is crucial for the proper functioning of the mind and intuition, as its imbalance can trigger creative and intellectual blockages and mental confusion. Blue candles can have their meaning associated with practices aimed at balancing this chakra, and can be used in meditations for this purpose.

Lilac - meaning of the candle

The lilac candle can be used for activities that have spirituality as a purpose, because it is a color directly linked to the symbolism of transmutation. In addition, wisdom and dignity are other related aspects that can be sought in the lilac candle. Learn how to use it below.


Lilac is the color that results from the mixture of opposites: the cold and introspection of blue with the extroverted warmth of red. This fusion that reflects balance can be used as a metaphor for the search present in spirituality, which comes to be an eternal journey towards inner balance and, from there, the connection with the divine.

Thus, the meaning of the lilac candle can also be interpreted as spirituality. To put this idea into practice, candles of this color can be used in esoteric practices, combined with elements that connect with the personal concept of spirituality according to the individual's perception. Aromas that can help are: myrrh and violet.


Through self-knowledge, it is possible not only to find tranquility, but also inner wisdom. In this way, another attribute related to the lilac candles is wisdom. Who wants to connect with the inner wisdom, which may sometimes not even recognize, can make use of these candles, combined with incense or essential oils.

Lilac candles are linked to the meaning of wisdom and can be used in meditation practices, such as guided meditation, as long as it focuses on contacting inner wisdom. Benzoin and lavender incense can be used to help in the process.


At many times in life there are trials or situations when the feeling of being worthy is questioned. Over time, these situations can diminish the value of self-worth, and to restore that feeling, mental work is needed to understand the source of the problem and seek to increase the feeling within.

For this, lilac candles can be used, as their meaning connects with the idea of dignity. Through internalization can begin the process of restoring the feeling, and in moments of reflection, a lilac candle can help.

Crown chakra

The Crown Chakra is related to the capacity of spiritual connection, but in this case it is not about religion, but about the universal concept of spirituality, which seeks to get in touch and balance with the higher energy of the universe. Its balance is important to keep in tune with the inner idea of being part of a whole and for the functioning of the intuitive power.

Still under the perspective of spirituality, the Chakra in balance can help the individual to find the feeling of full happiness, for being vibrating in a superior tuning. Lilac candles can be used for meditations that aim at this tuning.

White - meaning of the candle

The white candle is considered a joker in esoteric use. Being an ally in the search for inner peace and purity, the white candle also gains the meaning that is attributed to it, depending on the way it is used. Learn more in this section!


White is historically associated with the idea of peace, and is even used in flags to signal the end of periods of war. However, from a mystical perspective, the symbolism of peace is related to the idea of inner peace, which can even transcend into the environment.

For those who want to find inner peace or at least experience for a few moments a sense of peace amid the turbulence of modern life, white candles can be good allies. Their use can be associated with incense lily or lotus.


Purity can have many meanings, being commonly associated with the notion of innocence. However, from a mystical point of view, purity is an expression of the absence of negative feelings or energies.

Its search can be made through rituals of energetic cleansing such as baths with flowers and herbs or even the good old meditation, which should be accompanied by white candles to create the link between matter and ether. Along with white candles, incense of rue or sage can be used, which have the ability to purify energies.


The third meaning attributed to white candles is truth. One can understand that its attribution is related to the candle by the ability to clarify situations that were hidden by some symbolic energetic mist. Who seeks to enter into connection with the inner truth or find the hidden truth in a given situation, can use white candles.

For this practice it can be interesting to use other elements of mystical use that relate to the idea of clarity, such as the glass with water and the crystal ball. Incense or aromatic oils of patchouli and sandalwood can also help in these matters.

Crown chakra

The seventh chakra, also called crown chakra, represents the connection of the earthly energy with the subtlety present in spirituality. Its perfect functioning is necessary to develop the ability of intuition and internal balance, as well as spiritual self-knowledge.

The white candles have their meaning connected to the Crown Chakra because they are related to the search for inner peace, an essential element in the spiritual journey. Those who wish to do a meditation with the purpose that is related to the Crown Chakra can make use of white candles and incense of myrrh or lavender.

Black - meaning of the candle

The black candle is widely used in rituals of banishment of negative energies for containing the meaning of protection, warding off evil. In the following list, discover the different forms of use for the black candle.

Absorbs negativity

Black is the color that absorbs all the others of the color spectrum. From the esoteric point of view this idea also applies, since black is the color chosen for candles when you want to do some practice or ritual that aims to absorb the negativity of a person or a certain situation in which they find themselves.

Black candles have the meaning of absorbing negative energy exactly because it is related to the idea of banishment of evil. It can be used with the burning of herbs such as rue, or even in more elaborate rituals, which may vary depending on the belief.


Following the logic of banishment, the black candle can also be used by those who wish to increase their energetic protection field, keeping evil and negativity at bay. The meaning of protection is associated with the black candle precisely because of its potential as a tool for blocking negativity.

However, a previous energetic cleansing may be necessary for those who wish to perform a ritual of protection. After that, practices can be done with protective plant baths or the burning of incense which can be rosemary or lemongrass.

Wards off evil

Black candles are also known to be used in esoteric practices that aim to ward off evil. This is because their protective meaning relates to this function. Candles of this color are usually chosen for rituals of banishment or connecting to deeper magic.

They are used both for the absorption and the removal of energy, which may have its origin in negativity. For those who wish to ward off the envy, the evil eye and negativity, the use of black candles associated with herbs such as "me-new-mode" is a good alternative.

Golden - meaning of the candle

Golden is a color that instantly refers to gold. This relationship is also expressed in the meanings of the golden candle, which can be the attraction of fortune, luck and even brotherhood. Learn the best ways to use the golden candle in the sequence.


Gold gains the meaning of fraternity when used in rituals that feature candles of this color with the purpose of attracting this vibration. The color is related to fraternity because it vibrates in the energetic frequency that attracts the connection between all beings in the universe.

The golden-colored candle can also be associated with solar energy, which drives away all evil and attracts fluidity of communication.


Golden candles can also be used in rituals of prosperity or to attract fortune. The meaning of the golden candle is directly related to the energy of fortune, because its color is present in gold, the most precious and coveted metal on the planet for centuries.

Those who wish to attract Fortune into their lives can use golden candles in meditations or esoteric rituals. Cinnamon, nutmeg, or bay incense is recommended for these activities to enhance the frequency of the golden candle.


If you are on a bad luck streak or just want to boost your own luck, you can use golden candles. One of the meanings attributed to candles of this color is luck, and to achieve it, it may be necessary to previously make an energy cleansing, then the desired ritual can be performed.

From the simplest practices, such as lighting a golden candle and meditating, to the most elaborate, candles can - and should - be used. Those who wish to increase the ritual can also include bay leaves, rosemary branches or incense of these herbs in the ritual.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra connects with the vibration found in the color gold. Therefore, the use of candles of this hue is a good idea for those who aim to restore balance in this energy area. The imbalance in the solar plexus can result in communication difficulties, eating disorders and digestive problems.

The search for balance in this chakra is essential for those who want to achieve emotional stability, because the energetic processing of internal emotions goes directly through it. For this balance to be achieved, it is necessary to establish a connection with the internal energy through meditation.

How do colors influence the energy of candles?

Colors have different frequencies, which can be seen with the naked eye or felt from the energetic perspective. Based on this principle, different colors are used to establish this connection with a specific energetic frequency. In addition, candles have the symbolism of connection of matter with the ether through the burning of its flame. Therefore, they are used in practices aimed at thisconnection.

Therefore, its use can happen through meditation practices or esoteric rituals involving incense, thus inserting another element of nature: air. There are still those who prefer to create an elaborate ritualistic moment, with the representation of all the elements.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.