What is boldo tea for? Benefits, properties and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why drink boldo tea?

Boldo tea is widely consumed as a home remedy, since it helps in the digestive process and reduces gas, which cause so much discomfort and hinder our day to day.

An interesting fact that many people don't know is that there is more than one kind of boldo. The most common are the true boldo (also known as Chile boldo) and the Brazilian boldo (called African boldo and false boldo).

The bitter taste of the infusion is often scary, but the benefits are worth it. The good news is that this characteristic taste can be disguised when prepared as juice. Read on and find out all about boldo and how to make the most of it.

More about Boldo

Boldo is a plant with very versatile therapeutic action, because it has several beneficial properties and is usually ingested as tea, juice and even capsules. Learn more below.

Boldo properties

Boldo tea is a drink widely used for medicinal purposes to treat liver problems, for example. It offers several therapeutic benefits, since it has phytochemicals such as boldine, indicated to relieve symptoms linked to digestive disorders.

This plant also has antispasmodic action, which reduces gastrointestinal spasms, i.e., alleviates the so uncomfortable colic. In addition, due to the presence of bioactive substances and alkaloids, such as tannins and catechins, acts as an antioxidant.

Another valuable property of boldo is its antidiseptic function, which increases the secretion of gastric juice and salivary secretion, facilitating digestion as a whole.

Origin of Boldo

There are two main species of boldo when it comes to medicinal use. The first is the true boldo or Chile boldo. As the name implies, it is a small tree originally from Chile. In Brazil, there are no plantations of the Chile boldo, being found only in its dried form.

The second species, the Brazilian Boldo is usually misleading because of its name, but it originates from the African continent. It is also known in some regions of Brazil as boldo africano or false boldo, being cultivated in almost all tropical regions of the world.

Side effects

Ingesting boldo tea can cause some side effects, especially if ingested in quantities beyond what is necessary. Check out the symptoms that may arise:

- Nausea;

- Vomiting;

- Heartburn and stomach pains;

- Diarrhea;

- Liver toxicity;

- Anaphylaxis (a very serious type of allergy);

- Urticaria;

- Abortion or malformation of the baby, especially if the pregnancy is in the first three months.

According to ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency), it is necessary to avoid prolonged use, because there is risk of toxicity.


Boldo tea can be toxic when ingested in large quantities or over a long period of time (more than 30 days). Moreover, the use of this drink is not recommended for some groups of people. Check it out:

- Children;

- Pregnant and lactating women;

- Those with gallbladder or bile duct problems;

- Carriers of liver and kidney diseases;

- Patients with cancer of the gallbladder and pancreas;

- Individuals with high blood pressure or heart problems;

- People taking medications such as metronidazole, disulfiram, digoxin, tranquilizers, and thyroid hormone treatments.

Chile Boldo

The Chilean boldo is one of the most used species to make tea for therapeutic purposes. It is also called true boldo, Chilean boldo and medicinal boldo. Its scientific name is Peumus boldus.

The leaves of this boldo are smooth, more elongated and rounded, besides presenting a rough aspect. It can be easily found in markets, drugstores and establishments that sell natural products, such as sachets, dried leaves and capsules.

Brazilian Boldo

The Brazilian boldo, called boldo africano, boldo de jardim, boldo da terra and false boldo, is cultivated in several regions of Brazil, being easily found in gardens and patches. Its scientific name is Plectranthus barbatus.

This species of Boldo has larger leaves, with a more convex shape and serrated edges. Its touch is very soft and velvety. A curiosity is that its leaves are not very commercialized, being frequently sold in the shrub format, in pots, for cultivation.

Benefits of Boldo tea

Boldo tea is widely used for medicinal purposes as it helps treat digestive problems, gout, constipation, cystitis and even headache. Find out more benefits below.

Good for the liver

Boldo tea is an excellent home remedy to take care of problems related to the liver, since it has properties that optimize the secretion of bile, alleviating discomforts such as nausea, abdominal pain and indisposition.

Some substances act as true warriors in the fight against unpleasant symptoms. boldine is one of them, a powerful antioxidant, which, together with forscolin and barbatusine, improve and stimulate the correct functioning of the liver.

In addition, this infusion presents compounds that act as hepatoprotectors, helping in cases of hepatic steatosis, a disease marked by the exaggerated accumulation of fat in the liver.


Boldo tea is a true ally of our body, since it promotes detoxification. When there is an overload caused by fat or excess alcohol consumption, it enhances the metabolization of everything that is ingested, including these substances.

It can be said that it has a cholagogue and choleretic effect, that is, it stimulates and optimizes the secretion of bile by the gallbladder, also increasing its production in the liver. Thus, it is able to improve the performance of the digestive system as a whole.

Helps weight loss

Boldo tea has glycosylated flavonoids, components that work as diuretics in the infusion. Therefore, these substances help reduce the exaggerated amount of fluid in the body, thus being perfect to help in the weight loss process.

In addition, the compound responsible for the characteristic bitterness of the plant is very effective in breaking down fats. However, it is worth remembering that the results of infusion consumption do not come alone. The intake of tea should always be combined with a balanced diet and a healthier lifestyle.

Improves the gastrointestinal system

Boldo tea optimizes the performance of the gastrointestinal system, since it improves digestion. In fact, the medicinal potential of the infusion is even greater when ingested right after lunch or dinner.

Moreover, one of its compounds, boldine, increases the secretion of bile, facilitating the process of breaking down fats and, consequently, putting an end to the typical indisposition when food does not go down well.

Another benefit is the relaxation of the intestine, which has its functioning regulated, preventing and treating constipation. The reduction of gas also happens through the consumption of Boldo tea.

Good for gastritis

Boldo tea has a digestive action, being very efficient as an auxiliary treatment for gastritis. This happens mainly because the disease is caused by bad eating habits or high levels of stress.

In fact, the presence of alkaloids in the drink and its astringent properties are able to balance stomach acidity levels, relieving discomfort. Thanks to these active substances, heartburn is also eliminated.

Helps in the treatment of gallbladder problems

Patients suffering from gallbladder problems can count on Boldo tea as a great ally, since this infusion has the power to stimulate the production and release of bile, helping in the digestive process and, consequently, the gallbladder.

In addition, this drink acts normalizing and optimizing the functioning of this organ and the body as a whole. However, a doctor should be consulted, because the intake of boldo tea by some individuals may be contraindicated.

Fungicide and Bactericide

Boldo tea has numerous properties beneficial to health, including fungicidal and bactericidal actions. This infusion is very powerful and helps to kill bacteria such as Streptococcus pyogenes, one of the main causes of throat infection.

This infusion also fights Staphylococcus aureus, which triggers lung, bone and skin infections. In addition, the active compounds present in boldo tea have antifungal activity and help to stop the fungus Candida sp, which causes mycosis.

Good for hangover

Many people know Boldo tea as the best friend after a day of exaggeration, because it is great for hangovers. This drink helps detoxify the body, removing acetaldehyde, a compound produced by the liver after alcohol intake.

This substance, by the way, is responsible for the unpleasant hangover symptoms, such as headaches, malaise and dry mouth. Moreover, the tea has assets such as boldine, which works as a kind of hepatoprotector, assisting in the recovery of the organ and optimizing its functioning.


Boldo tea is a powerful antioxidant, full of phenolic agents, such as polyphenols, alkaloids, rosmarinic acid, barbatusin and forscolin. These assets, along with boldine, help fight free radicals and consequently reduce cellular damage.

Therefore, this infusion is a great ally to keep the body healthy and young, because it delays premature aging. In fact, Boldo tea also prevents diseases caused by large amounts of free radicals, such as cancer, Alzheimer's and atherosclerosis (disease caused by the formation of fat or calcium plaques on the artery walls).

Calming effect

Boldo tea is famous for its properties that protect and optimize the performance of the digestive system, but it has a benefit little known, especially by Brazilians, which is its calming effect.

As it is prepared with a very aromatic plant, it brings a relaxing and cozy feeling, especially if prepared as an infusion or soothing bath in the tub.

This drink can also be consumed to combat those sleepless nights, thanks to its tranquilizing action. It is able to promote an instant feeling of pleasure.

Boldo tea

Boldo tea is widely used for its medicinal properties and famous for its bitter taste, but there are some tricks to get around the characteristic taste of the plant. Check out the preparation method to get only the benefits of infusion, without wrinkling the nose.


The indications of boldo tea involve the protection of the liver and improvement in the functioning of the digestive system, because it has anti-inflammatory properties, antispasmodic and assets that assist in the digestive process of food and drinks.

Thus, it can ease the uncomfortable symptoms caused by food intolerances. The infusion fights poor digestion, uncomfortable cramps and is able to control gas, which reduces abdominal pain.

Boldo tea is also used to treat problems such as hypochlorhydria, which happens when the stomach is unable to produce and maintain the necessary acidity levels.


Boldo tea is very quick and easy to prepare. Check out what ingredients you will need and their respective measurements:

- 1 teaspoon of boldo leaves;

- 150 ml of boiling water.

How to do

In a container, place the boldo leaves and add the boiling water. Cover the container and let the mixture infuse for about 10 minutes. After this period, just strain it.

By the way, two tips to mitigate the strong bitter taste of boldo is to prepare the tea at the time of taking and not take the leaves to fire to boil, since the taste intensifies with heat.

In addition, it is preferable that the drink is not sweetened, as sugar can ferment, impairing the relief of unpleasant symptoms linked to the gastrointestinal tract.

Boldo juice

Boldo juice is far from being as popular as tea, but it is a great option to get rid of the characteristic bitter taste and still enjoy all its benefits. Check out how to refresh yourself with this drink.


Boldo juice has gastroprotective action, just like tea. Thus, it aids in the recovery of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and can even protect them from more serious injuries.

This juice is ideal for those who consume a lot of alcoholic beverages or drugs that usually attack the stomach, such as some anti-inflammatory drugs. Boldo is quite powerful and helps to reduce the chances of the individual developing an ulcer, for example.

In addition, it increases the secretion of bile, essential substance to digest fatty foods. With this, it is perfect to ingest in the days of exaggeration, but also when you want to refresh and do a detox.


Boldo juice is versatile and can be customized to your taste. Find out what you need to make this drink:

- 1 teaspoon fresh and chopped boldo leaves (already sanitized);

- 1 glass of ice water;

- A quarter cup (American) of lemon juice or 1 fruit of your choice.

How to do

The first step is to put the water and the fruit of your choice in the glass of the blender. Beat a little, add the boldo and beat again until all the juice is released. Then, just strain the drink.

With this preparation method, the bitterness of the boldo is disguised, being a great option for those who can not stand the characteristic taste of this plant.

How often can I take boldo tea?

The frequency of consumption of boldo tea is 2 to 3 cups during the day, before or after meals. This drink is safe for most of the adult population, but, ideally, the intake cannot exceed 30 consecutive days or while the patient presents symptoms.

When it is necessary to drink the tea for longer, it is essential to take a break of 7 days. By the way, it is worth noting that the infusion can not be taken routinely or in excessive quantities.

Also, remember that the tea is a natural treatment alternative and does not exclude the evaluation of a doctor. If symptoms persist or are more severe, do not hesitate to seek clinical help.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.