Know the benefits of water for our health: skin, digestion and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is water for?

Perhaps, asking "what is water for?" may seem like a rhetorical question, that is, a question that already has a definite answer. However, as we will see throughout this article, that is not quite how this question works.

Water, known scientifically by the nomenclature H2O, is, as strange as it may sound, a chemical substance, just like any other. Its components, which are basically hydrogen and oxygen, have a unique importance for the functioning of nature as a whole.

Without water, it is safe to say that no form of life would have developed on the planet. For these and other reasons, water is referred to by many as "the liquid (element) that brings life". Keep reading this text and learn all about water and its importance for various aspects of human life!

More about water

In the following topics, you will have access to some basic information about water. Check out what the properties of this liquid are and how to consume it correctly!

Water properties

Water is known as a universal solvent, which may not seem to be related to human health at first. However, when analyzing this property, it is easy to realize that, because it is a solvent, it is one of those responsible for eliminating toxins from the human body.

Also, check out other properties of water:

- It is a natural thermal regulator;

- Conducts electricity easily;

- It has virtually no toxicity in its pure state.

The correct consumption of water

It is already a consensus among experts and is becoming a popular maxim that it is not enough just to drink water, but also to consume the liquid in the right amount and at the right time. This is because the human body's functions have cycles, and all these cycles require large amounts of water to work properly.

Therefore, it is worth emphasizing that the recommendation is to drink at least two liters of water a day, dividing the consumption throughout the 24 hours. In addition, water should not be replaced by other liquids, especially those that are "loaded" with sugars, such as soft drinks and industrialized juices.

Benefits of water

Did you know that water improves mood and reduces acne? Below you will find 15 types of benefits that water brings to the human body. Some of them are surprising, it is worth checking!

Improves the skin

Many people still don't know, but the skin is the largest organ of the human body. It is composed of layers and contains several substances in its structure that can wear out, especially because of factors such as age, UV incidence and weight gain, for example.

Every type of wear and tear that affects the skin also causes the drying of its tissues, causing a bad aspect and even superficial diseases. Therefore, to help improve the skin, the correct consumption of water is indicated.

When consumed in sufficient quantities, water moves through the skin tissues, hydrating them in the process. In addition, when the body is well hydrated, the bloodstream flows better, which causes greater irrigation of the blood vessels of the skin.

Prevents kidney stones

The kidneys are, along with the liver, organs that basically filter all substances that pass through the human body. Thus, their proper functioning is only possible with the correct amount of water passing through the system.

When not enough water enters the kidneys, urine production falls. Urine, in turn, is responsible for eliminating impurities from the body and, when it is not produced, these impurities remain in the kidneys. Among these rejects, there are various crystals and fat molecules that, when they join one another, end up creating the so-called kidney stones, also known as kidney stones.

With this, it is worth reinforcing that those who do not wish to have the uncomfortable kidney stones need to consume correct amounts of drinking water.

Improves digestion

There are some popular concepts that say that drinking water during or immediately after meals can impair digestion. There is also a superstition that reports that "drinking too much water" causes the digestive system to become unable to do its job.

But, according to some experts, such as nutritionist Shanta Retelny, from Loyola University Chicago, all these popular beliefs are nothing but myths. Studies point out that the more water, the better. This is because all the fluids that work in digestion are basically composed of water - from saliva, which acts in the beginning of the digestive process, to stomach and intestinal acids.

Therefore, there is no problem in drinking water during or after meals, as long as, for the rest of the day, hydration is maintained at correct levels.

Improves concentration

The proper functioning of the brain depends on good interactions between neurons, caused by neutransmitter substances. This process, in turn, is only possible when there is a good blood supply to the brain, and that's where water comes in.

A dehydrated body does not "let" the blood "run" properly, which affects all the body's organs, directly or indirectly. The brain is directly affected, and low levels of irrigation in the organ are a danger. Besides affecting concentration, it can trigger a series of problems coming from the malfunctioning of the body.

Improves blood circulation

The blood circulation of the human body depends directly on hydration. Without enough water, the blood coagulates more easily, becoming "thick" and without enough oxygen.

Thus, poor blood circulation can cause terrible diseases in various organs, including some vital ones, such as brain, heart, kidneys, liver and lungs. In addition, blood clotting can clog veins, causing swelling and edema leading to amputations due to necrosis, especially in the extremities of the lower limbs.

Makes you more productive

Water has the power to improve all vital functions of the human body. As we saw a few topics ago, the brain, which is primarily responsible for mental mood, can be turbocharged when body hydration is right.

On the other hand, muscles, including the heart, receive far more oxygen when the body has enough water. This oxygen cools the muscle fibers, providing high energy gain and muscle explosion.

All this causes a better state of attention and physical disposition, decreasing tiredness and increasing productivity.

Helps to improve mood

Some studies, which are still being concluded, already point to the body hydration status as one of the factors that lead to mood changes. If the body is well hydrated, the mood improves and, if there is dehydration, the individual may become irritable or show symptoms of exhaustion.

The effects of this theory, which is not yet confirmed, can already be felt on a daily basis. Therefore, as there is no harm in drinking plenty of water, it is recommended to maintain good hydration and earn a few more smiles in the process.

Reduces symptoms of some diseases

It is proven that the symptoms of some diseases regress when the affected individual begins to consume more water than usual. Besides the obvious positive effect of water on kidney crises, for example, it is also explicit that H2O has an effect against intestinal and airway colds, colds, diarrhea, bouts of heartburn and poor digestion and more.

Improves physical performance

Physical energy depends on the muscular condition of the individual and a correct metabolization of substances such as glucose, for example. However, the body cannot keep all these activities running without the blood circulation and the dissolution of hormones and negative substances being done correctly.

Thus, drinking plenty of water "turbocharges" the body, causing an improvement in circulation, which takes more oxygen to the cells and subsequently to the muscles, and an increase in the metabolization rates of substances that generate energy to the body, such as sugars.

May prevent hangover

The hangover is a natural reaction of the human body after a period of exaggerated consumption of alcohol. Ethyl alcohol, present in some drinks, is one of the substances with the greatest diuretic potential that humans can ingest.

This diuretic effect causes a brutal loss of fluid in the body. This fact can be proven by lovers of alcoholic beverages, who certainly remember the many visits to the bathroom after a night.

Because of such a great loss of liquids, the body becomes dehydrated, presenting the effects of hangover, which are basically nausea, vomiting and severe headaches. To avoid suffering from dehydration and hangover, it is recommended that alcohol users drink plenty of water before, during and after drinking.

Regulates body temperature

The average ideal human body temperature is between 36º and 37,5º C. When it goes beyond this, overheating is observed, which is also known as fever.

To lower the body temperature and bring it back to its normal levels, the body expels sweat through sweat glands that are spread all over the body, under the surface of the skin. Sweat, in turn, cools the body and prevents problems from overheating.

As it is already tacitly understood, sweat is basically composed of water and some mineral salts. With that, if the body is not properly hydrated, the body's cooling system may not work properly.

Therefore, it is important to drink plenty of water, especially on hot days or in places where there is sunlight. Thus, as the body excretes sweat, the water will be replaced.

Eliminates toxins from the body

The kidneys, which are the organs responsible for filtering the blood and retaining toxins and harmful substances to the body, only have a full functioning when the amount of water ingested is sufficient. One of the main signs that the kidneys are not working properly due to lack of water is the yellowish color of urine.

Therefore, in a direct way, water is responsible for the process of eliminating toxins from the body, freeing the blood, the tissues and the kidneys themselves from suffering from infections.

May improve constipation

There are several types of constipation, the most common being intestinal and airway constipation. It has been proven that, at least for intestinal constipation, water is a "holy remedy". However, what will actually prevent the malfunctioning of the intestines from causing a constipation is the regular consumption of water.

Then, along with the consumption of foods rich in soluble fiber, water is able to provide nutrients and oxygenation necessary for the proper functioning of the large and small intestines, calibrating the intestinal physiological functions.

Improves sleep

When the body is dehydrated, levels of cortisol, which is the stress hormone, tend to increase. To illustrate this fact, it is not uncommon to find people who claim to get irritated when they are exposed to the sun or to very stuffy and poorly ventilated environments.

On the other hand, good hydration improves all the functions of the human body, including the action of the brain's neurotransmitters and the function of the glands that secrete hormones such as serotonin and dopamine which, unlike cortisol, promote well-being and relaxation, favoring sleep.

Decreases acne

A well-hydrated body has a fluid blood flow. This fluidity helps in the irrigation of blood vessels in various organs, especially the skin.

Thus, with a better blood supply, the skin becomes silkier, more elastic and firm, because there is an increase in collagen production by the body. In the case of facial skin, the most affected by acne, besides being healthier, it is also less susceptible to the accumulation of impurities that increase oiliness and cause the appearance of blackheads and pimples.

Can too much water be bad for you?

Although we tend to say no, in very rare and specific cases, excessive water consumption can cause some problems. Some people have hormonal disorders that, if combined with an excessive consumption of water that exceeds about three liters per day, can cause an imbalance in the rate of electrolytes in the blood.

The condition is known as hyponatremia and is characterised by a sudden drop in blood sodium levels, which causes nausea, vomiting, fatigue, headaches, mental disorientation and, in more severe cases, cardiac arrest. However, this condition is very rare and requires an unlikely combination of factors to occur.

Finally, we can say that drinking water on a regular basis is and always will be one of the primary factors for maintaining a strong health, so drink up!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.