The benefits of guava: For weight loss, cholesterol, skin and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about the benefits of guava

Guava is a very common fruit in Brazil and has a delicious flavor. It can be found in two different forms, red or white. Due to its components, it is considered an extremely balanced fruit and rich in various nutrients that are important for the proper functioning of the human body.

Because it is a very popular fruit, it can be found in various places, even in backyards and small orchards of houses. Besides its many nutrients and positive components for health, it is also a fruit that has few calories and a source of important vitamins for the proper functioning of the immune system.

Both types of guava are highly nutritious, but the red guava is better for having higher amounts of important components. Learn more about the benefits of guava below!

The nutritional profile of guava

The guava has a multitude of health benefits, and its components and nutrients are necessary for the proper functioning of the human body, as they range from vitamins, calcium, potassium and other minerals and fibers that ensure balance and quality of life.

Knowing the benefits of this fruit can and should be an incentive to include it in your diet and daily diet, because there are several benefits that it can bring to your life in general. See more about guava below!


Guava has several components that are considered powerful antioxidants. Due to its components, this is a fruit that can benefit the quality of the skin and its health, keeping it always beautiful and healthy. Fresh guava is rich in properties that benefit the skin in general.

It has vitamins such as A, B and C, which assist in various processes of the human body. In addition, it has the presence of potassium, which is a powerful antioxidant capable of eliminating unnecessary substances from the body through urine.

The fibres

Considered one of the richest fruits in fiber, the guava is excellent for various processes of the body that require these to function properly. In this case, they are very important to keep the intestine regulated and also to ensure proper digestion.

Therefore, it is always very valid to ingest this fruit especially on days when there is a heavier consumption of food, because it favors a more positive bowel movement so that digestion is correct.


There are several vitamins that can be found in guava, but three of the most important for the proper functioning of the human body stand out, which are: A, B and C. It is worth mentioning that C is one of the most important, because it ensures that the body is protected, since its main function is to improve the system responsible for the body's defenses.

Thus, it strengthens the immune system and prevents diseases from approaching, especially when dealing with colds and flu. Vitamins are also important to ensure a more beautiful and healthy skin.

Mineral Salts

One of the main minerals present in the composition of guava is potassium. This is an element necessary for the proper functioning of the human body in general. This is because it has very distinct properties, acting as an excellent antioxidant and detoxifier, but not only that.

Potassium also promotes improvements in the body's defenses and can also guarantee a prevention to other more serious diseases, even cancer. This is also a necessary item to keep pressure and cholesterol under control.

The health benefits of guava

The intake of guava in your daily life can totally transform your quality of life, because this is a fruit rich in various types of nutrients, minerals and vitamins that can totally modify your health for the better.

It is important to know all the benefits that guava can provide to your life. Below, check out each of them!

Helps to reduce diarrhea and abdominal pain

By containing a very large amount of fiber, the guava is extremely important for maintaining the proper functioning of the intestine and stomach in general. By ensuring this improvement, it acts directly on the bowel movements, reducing abdominal pain and being able to control diarrhea.

In this case, both the fruit and the leaves have this kind of benefit and, in the case of the latter, they can be used in the form of tea, bringing immediate relief to those who consume it.

Helps the weight loss process

The guava is a very positive fruit for various aspects of health. In this case, it can be an excellent helper for those who are in the process of losing weight. This is due to the nutritional benefits of the fruit and also the presence of much fiber in its composition, which ensures a much greater satiety.

Another important factor is that the guava has few calories. One fruit has about 54 calories only, and can be consumed in diets that aim to reduce weight and being a positive option for dessert or snack.

Promotes improved digestion

With a wealth of fiber in its composition, the guava greatly favors digestion. This is because its components act so that the movements of the organ are more constant, benefiting the quality of digestion.

Thus, it is important to note that the guava, when eaten with its peel, will also ensure greater benefits in this sense, because it can combat acidity in the stomach, being used also for treatments of gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers. Therefore, prioritize the consumption of the fruit with its peel, because the benefits will increase even more.

It is beneficial for skin health

The benefits of guava for the skin are guaranteed by a very special component that is found in this fruit in abundance. Lycopene will be responsible for ensuring healthier and more beautiful skin.

This is because it has antioxidant properties that act to make a cleaning in the body, eliminating all the components that are not necessary for the body and that can cause harm to the health of the skin. In addition, lycopene is also positive to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.

Lowers cholesterol levels

Due to the presence of soluble fibers necessary for the proper functioning of various organs of the human body, such as pectin, the guava is also an important fruit to bring a greater regulation of bad cholesterol, the so-called LDL.

The fibers that are contained in the composition of the fruit help to eliminate this through the feces and also act to reduce the absorption of this cholesterol in the blood, so that it is excreted through the bile. Another positive point is that due to the presence of various antioxidants, you will also be guaranteed that there will be no oxidation of LDL cholesterol and can increase the levels of HDL.

Helps lower blood pressure

The antioxidants that are present in the composition of guava also ensure that it is extremely positive for people who rely on deregulated blood pressure and to prevent this from occurring.

This happens due to antioxidants, especially polyphenols, which favor the relaxation of blood vessels. As a result, there will be, thus, the decrease in blood pressure. The presence of potassium will also benefit in this aspect, because it helps to eliminate excess sodium from the body through urine.

It is efficient in improving anemia

The vitamin C contained in the composition of the guava makes people who suffer from anemia also benefit from this fruit. This is because it will ensure a much greater absorption of iron, which is essential to fight anemia. It is important that the guava, for these purposes, is consumed along with other foods that are rich in iron of plant origin.

This association will ensure that people who suffer from anemia or have a tendency to suffer from anemia will not develop more serious conditions and will not suffer from the symptoms left by the disease.

Reduces PMS symptoms

PMS is a very complicated time for most women, who suffer from both physical and emotional effects, and guava can help in these processes. Some studies already suggest that the extract taken from the guava, especially from its leaves, can help reduce the dreaded menstrual cramps, which cause many problems for women every month.

The pain caused by these cramps decreases considerably with the use of this extract, relieving discomfort due to its analgesic properties.

Reduces cough and aids in the treatment of colds

The presence of vitamins such as C, which improves the immune system, makes colds and flu go away. For these purposes, the ideal is even that the guava is consumed in natural form or as juice, which should be made at the time of being drunk so that its nutrients are ingested in its entirety.

The astringent properties of guava are important for cough relief, as they disinfect mucus, decreasing the activity of bacteria on the spot that can cause major health problems.

It is beneficial for the thyroid

Many people suffer from problems caused by the thyroid gland, which bring various symptoms and negative effects on health in general. Guava can assist in these complicated processes.

In this case, it can benefit the health and control of this gland, because it has a very large amount of copper in its composition, which is excellent to promote the regulation of metabolism and, consequently, the actions that are performed by the gland in question, keeping it working in a correct and positive way.

Acts in the prevention of scurvy

As an excellent source of vitamin C, guava is also important for the prevention of scurvy. By way of comparison, it has four times more vitamin C than an orange, for example.

The presence of this powerful vitamin can avoid and prevent various diseases from appearing, such as joint pain and weakening of the teeth, in addition to scurvy, which is a disease that can cause severe inflammation of the gums, bringing several problems to health.

It is efficient in the prevention of cancer

In addition to being a tasty food and full of nutrients, the guava helps prevent some diseases when inserted into the daily diet. In this case, it benefits people who consume it, preventing the growth of cancer cells and metastasis. Therefore, it is an excellent fighter against cancer-causing agents.

Due to the large amount of lycopene in its composition, there is evidence that guava is important in reducing these cancer-causing cells. Not only the fruit, but its leaves are also important for this.

How to consume guava and contraindications

There are several ways to consume the guava, because this is a tasty fruit that gives several possibilities. It can also be found as one of the most common and popular sweets in Brazil: the guava.

In addition, it can be used for juices, vitamins, ice cream and many other differentiated consumption. Some care should also be taken when eating this fruit and, therefore, it is necessary to know all the details to ensure a proper and positive consumption. Read more about the guava and its forms of consumption!

In natura

Consuming the fruit in natura is the best way to get all its nutrients. It is important to note that the guava peel also has many important elements for the health of the body. Therefore, it is indicated that it is not removed when consuming the fruit this way.

Prioritize whenever possible the consumption of the fruit in this way to acquire all its benefits. This way, the nutrients will act in your body much more efficiently and will bring noticeable effects in a short time.

In juices

The juices are an excellent way to insert the guava in your diet, because they can accompany meals and will aid in digestion of food to be consumed at this time.

As the guava has several positive properties for the intestine and stomach, by eating it this way along with meals, it can assist in better digestion of more complex foods and heavy foods. Thus, these will not stay in the stomach, causing discomfort and abdominal pain.

In vitamins

Vitamins are a very good way to consume guava, because they can be used as a complete meal. In this case, the guava can be accompanied by cereals and other fruits that match perfectly with its flavor, and milk, whether vegetable or animal.

Therefore, it is a complete food with several health benefits and can be consumed in the morning, to ensure more energy for the day, or in the afternoon, as a quick and simple snack to be ingested.


Guava jams and jellies are very popular, as this is a fruit of remarkable flavor. There are several ways to produce these sweets, such as those that take the whole fruit in pieces, which are the actual jams, or the guava, which is one of the best known sweets in Brazil and can be combined with other ingredients such as cheese.

Guavas can also be used as a base for other sweets, like pies, for example. This is an even tastier way to consume the fruit and ensure its benefits on a daily basis.

Ice cream

Ice cream is an excellent way to use the guava and ensure a tasty and healthy dessert. Therefore, take advantage of all the benefits that the fruit can offer you and combine it with other tasty ingredients.

For people who have difficulty eating fruit, this is also a way to slowly introduce the guava in the day to day to accustom the palate with the fruit. Thus, later, it can be consumed in other ways, such as juice or fresh.

What about the guava bug?

One factor that makes the guava a very well-known fruit is the fact that it has a different element and much commented by most people, who may even avoid consuming the fruit for fear.

The well-known guava bug is almost always present in fruits that are grown especially organically and without pesticides. These are larvae that are camouflaged inside the fruit pulp between its seeds.

Although they are unpleasant for people who want to consume the fruit, do not cause any harm. Just watch before eating the fruit if it has holes in its skin.

Add the fruit to your routine and enjoy all the benefits of guava!

The benefits of guava are vast and can bring much more health to your life overall, so consider investing more in various ways to eat this delicious fruit that is full of positive nutrients to ensure you have a much higher quality of life.

Guava and its leaves can benefit in several points, such as improvements in digestion, bowel function and blood pressure. In addition, it even facilitates that the most intense moments of the month, such as PMS, are softened, because it decreases common symptoms of this phase of the month.

Taking these details into consideration, seek to ingest more of this delicious fruit in your day to day and see the changes that it can bring!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.