Shamanic Horoscopes: find out what your sign has to say about you!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is Shamanic Horoscope

Shamanic Horoscope is considered one of the most ancient astrological systems which recognizes the planets as beings endowed with a living essence. Because they are alive, it is possible to interact with them and with their "medicine". In Shamanism, the word medicine is a term which encompasses the result of the profound knowledge of the laws of the Universe.

Medicine does not treat only one element to promote healing, but contains subtle energies that restore harmony to the body by treating the cause of imbalance and using the properties and characteristics of an animal, plant or mineral being.

Through this system, it is possible not only to study the animal that corresponds to your birthday, but to understand how to integrate different energies of the 12 spirits at different stages of life, even if they are not your spirit animal.

In this article we present the Medicine Wheel of Shamanic Horoscopes and unveil its secrets. In it you will learn which is your spirit animal and get hints about its respective medicine. Check it out.

Shamanic Horoscopes and their Origin

In order to enter into the mysteries of Shamanic Horoscope, it is important to begin with its history. In the following section we present a brief historical course of this astrological system, also presenting the principles through which it operates. Read on to understand it better.

History of Shamanic Horoscopes

The history of Shamanic Horoscopes begins in the cultures and traditions of the North American native peoples. Ancestral peoples who inhabited the Americas had, in general, a desire to understand the cosmos through the natural world around them.

In this way, everything that was natural, such as the seasons and animals, held great significance for them and their cosmologies. Based on this principle, the year is divided into four seasons, which correspond to a clan each.

In turn, each clan is divided into three, thus composing the Medicine Wheel. This wheel is then made up of 12 parts, corresponding to the same number of houses in Western Astrology. The difference is that, instead of signs, the Shamanic Horoscope is formed by animal spirits.

Principles of Shamanic Horoscopes

Shamanic Horoscopes are based on mythical and archetypal principles which are based on the maxim "as above, so below". In other words, it has a ceremonial basis which requires the participation of people so that they understand their life purpose and how this relates to the Great Mystery.

From the Shamanic Horoscope, it is possible to understand the paths that each person must explore in order to evolve. It also provides a journey to find your meaning and purpose in this life both as individuals and in the collective.

From this, you can make more conscious choices and engage with the medicine of the nature that surrounds you. To do this, you need only call for it.

How are the Shamanic Horoscope predictions based on

The Shamanic Horoscope predictions are based on the medicine of each animal spirit. Each animal has specific attributes, abilities and weaknesses, so it is necessary to understand these different attributes that each animal has in order to understand its essence/medicine.

The animals which make up Shamanic Horoscopes appear at specific times of the year, just as with the signs of the zodiac. The difference is that you don't necessarily have to work with the medicine of the animal which governs your birth date: you can choose the one which is most suitable for your personal situation.

When you meet him, say a short prayer and ask for his help. Also, make a small offering, helping some environmental project or getting involved in environmental preservation activities.

Shamanic Horoscope Signs

Everyone has a power animal, but as in the Traditional Horoscope, the Signs of the Shamanic Horoscope are 12. These are the goose, the otter, the wolf, the falcon, the beaver, the deer, the woodpecker, the salmon, the bear, the crow, the snake and the owl, find out which animal spirit rules your birthday below.

Goose - 21/12 to 20/01

The Goose is ruled by the earth element and the direction North. People under the influence of this sign usually give their best at work and tend not to like refined things, as they tend to value what is necessarily practical for them. The Goose does not usually have many friends, but they keep the ones they have for life.

If the Goose is your animal, you are patient, motivated, and have a strategy for basically every moment of the day, always waiting for the right moment to act. Also, you are a realist, as you do not like to be disappointed with your own expectations.

Medicine: the ability to wait for the right moment in order to act.

When to call it: when you need patience.

Otter - 21/01 to 20/02

The Otter is ruled by the element Air and by the North-Northeast direction. People born under this sign are creative by nature. Besides, they are smart, intuitive and affectionate, being also faithful friends.

The Otter is an unpredictable animal and so it is important to learn to deal with surprises if you live with this sign, as it is eccentric, unpredictable and sees life as one big experiment. Otters like to make plans to get their ideas off the paper, but they are not always manifested in this reality.

Medicine: the ability to listen to your inner child and enjoy life with freedom and passion.

When to call her: when to provoke change and bring newness into your life.

Lobo - 21/02 to 20/03

The Wolf is ruled by the element Water and is associated with the Northeast direction. People born under the sign of Wolf are sensitive and artists by nature. They often need isolation to be able to recharge their energies, as they are like a sponge which attracts to themselves the impressions and emotions of other people.

This ability makes them excellent psychologists or even mediums. Wolves need a very intimate relationship with someone, but it is important that their partner knows about their tendency to isolate. They are also intuitive and usually protect those they love.

Medicine: the ability to follow your instinct to protect others and yourself.

When to call it: when you need the help of your own instincts.

Falcon - 03/21 to 04/20

The Falcon is ruled by the element Fire and its direction is East. People ruled by this sign are not afraid to risk higher flights. No matter how impossible their goals are, the Falcon will always try to get what they are looking for, sailing through different heights at the highest speed.

In addition, those born under the influence of this animal are naturally direct and find it difficult to relate to people who are convoluted. Even though it is a bird, the decisions made by the Hawk are totally down-to-earth. That is why they are usually in leadership positions.

Medicine: the ability to see situations clearly, make quick decisions and take action to put projects into practice.

When to call it: when to start or restart projects.

Castor - April 21 to May 20

Beaver is ruled by the element Earth and the direction East. Beavers are famous for their abilities to establish a career, family, secure relationship and a comfortable home. They are also determined by nature and dedicate themselves hard to achieve their goals.

This animal spirit governs confidence, stability and enthusiasm. Those born under the influence of Beaver are persistent and hardly give up their projects. Beavers appear to be anxious.

In addition, they are excellent at laying foundations and are often concerned about finances. They must be careful not to focus solely on work.

Medicine: ability to work hard, have appreciation for material things and achieve success by being methodical.

When to call: when you need focus, self-confidence and motivation.

Deer - May 21 to June 20

The Deer is ruled by the Earth Element and its direction is East. Those born under the influence of this sign are shy and capricious. The Deer is versatile, sociable, charming and interesting, the kind that likes to do millions of things at the same time, because they tend to get bored easily.

You like to be in good company with like-minded people and communication is one of your main skills, and you are equally skilled with language learning. You dislike conflict and always try to cool things down.

Medicine: the ability to love and to see the inner beauty of all beings in order to establish communication and dialogue.

When to call you: when you need love, friendship, compassion and acceptance.

Woodpecker - 21/06 to 20/07

The Woodpecker is ruled by the element Water and by the direction South. In the Shamanic Zodiac, the Woodpecker is the force of the Great Mother, for it knows the right moment to offer help and act with kindness.

When in relationships, people ruled by this sign are extremely devoted to their partner, especially since they take a lot of time choosing the ideal person.

Nevertheless, they need to be careful not to lose their unique characteristic, assimilating the characteristics of the loved one. If this is your sign, you are an excellent caregiver, besides being very emotional, sensitive and intuitive.

Medicine: ability to listen to your intuition and stay true to your principles in any situation.

When you call it: when you want to reconnect with your inner voice.

Salmon - 21/07 to 20/08

Salmon is ruled by the Fire element and the South-South-West direction. This sign is endowed with a lot of energy and they are extremely enthusiastic as they are driven by their passions. If you were born under the sign of Salmon, it is essential that you have meaningful purposes in life.

For Salmon, there is no great thing that cannot be greater. They are ambitious, have a strong desire for life and breathe to be recognized for what they do. They generally have high expectations of themselves and others.

Medicine: the ability to express enthusiasm and face any situation with an open chest.

When to call: when you need direction, guidance, courage and energy.

Bear - 08/21 to 09/20

The Bear is linked to the Earth element and to the West direction. He is solid as a rock and despite his imposing appearance, he keeps within himself a characteristic lightness and kindness. If you were born under the influence of this animal, you like hard work, routines and agreements. In addition, you are loyal, dislike drama and are balanced with truth, acceptance and sincerity.

This animal brings with it natural curiosity. The more mysterious, the more you become interested. However, it is important to be careful not to get into trouble when unraveling mysteries and spreading them to others.

Medicine: determination and persistence in everything you do, due to Bear's emotional and physical strength.

When to call: in difficult situations that need confidence and strength.

Crow - 21/09 to 20/10

The Raven is ruled by the element Air and the direction West. Funny and gentle, Ravens are popular because they are good company. They have keen social skills, but inside they are agitated and indecisive. Moreover, if you were born under the influence of this sign, you are quite critical, but you have difficulties to express your criticism.

This animal is also very associated with business. Because they are extremely charismatic, they are great at dealing with the public and do very well in the sales area.

Medicine: the ability to find the value in the simple things in life and open your heart to the possibilities that life has to offer.

When to call him: times when you're bored with routine or something that doesn't give you feedback.

Serpent - 21/10 to 20/11

The Serpent is ruled by the Water element and by the North-West direction. This sign is moved by its deep emotions and its constant transformations. The Serpent has a mysterious nature and people ruled by this sign usually know the lowest and highest points of life, so they avoid superficial people.

If your sign is Serpent, you probably like to solve mysteries. In addition, you like to keep secrets and so people often turn to you as someone trustworthy who can listen attentively.

Medicine: the ability to accept change quickly, adapting to live life to the fullest.

When you call it: when you need to let something detach from you in order to be happy.

Owl - 11/21 to 12/20

The Owl is ruled by the element Fire and the direction Northwest. Born under this sign are enigmatic and enthusiastic. The Owl loves challenges to discover new possibilities and paths. This ability gives it a formed opinion for practically everything.

In addition, they prefer to observe what is around them well before interacting. Owls are adventurous by nature, they value their independence and have excellent listening skills, especially because they are always looking for knowledge. When consulted to give opinions, they will be completely honest.

Medicine: the ability to search for truth and justice.

When to call on it: when you are in dilemmas or unclear or ambiguous situations so that you find a solution and the way to restore order.

Is my sign of the Shamanic Horoscope my totem animal?

Yes, your sign in the Shamanic Horoscope is your birth totem animal, so it is important that you try to connect with your medicine so that you can align your energies with your wild and ancestral nature.

Remember that the essence of the Shamanic Horoscope philosophy is the connection with the Universe and Nature as a whole. This connection is initially given through your birth totem, which offers a greater understanding of your personality, your life mission and who you are.

However, remember that you can use the medicines of the other 12 animals of the Zodiac when you need them, after all, you are also made up of them.

In this way, you can not only understand your life mission and purpose in the Universe, but also make your experience in this life richer and more enlightened, one step closer to evolution.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.