What is lemon balm tea for? Benefits, recipes and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about lemon balm tea and what it is used for

Teas are known for being beneficial drinks for physical and mental health. Lemon balm tea, for example, is rich in relaxing and anti-inflammatory substances, great for curing problems such as anxiety, stress, depression and gastrointestinal diseases.

The lemon balm plant, also called melissa, improves the quality of life and sleep with its antioxidant-rich and calming compounds. To consume it, tea is the most famous way, but the plant can be used in juices, sweets and even natural pills.

If you are looking to better understand about lemon balm tea and what it is used for, check out the reading below and be surprised by the quality of the drink!

To solve health problems, lemon balm has amazing properties and should be used in recommended amounts. The plant is considered medicinal and has substances such as calcium, copper, iron, manganese and potassium in the composition.

With the help of minerals, lemon balm can speed up metabolism, reduce fluid retention, aid in digestion and solve digestive problems. In addition, the antioxidant factor can help cleanse the body.

Regarding consumption, lemon balm tea should be taken regularly, but as it has calming properties, it is ideal not to take in large quantities. To understand more about this beneficial plant, keep reading.


Melissa is a medicinal plant widely used in the world of teas, aromatherapy and even in cosmetics and perfumes. With its memorable smell and soothing and antioxidant properties, it wins space for having many functions.

Resembling mint in shape, citronella has Asian origins and a refreshing taste, but is more calming and antioxidant than other herbs.

Usually, teas are hot drinks taken on cold days and lemon balm, for example, reduces insomnia and relaxes the muscles and skin, so it can also be used as a moisturizing cream and aromatherapy lotion, to calm the spirits and thus ease anxiety.

Properties of lemon balm

Given the benefits of lemon balm such as: relieve insomnia, aid in nausea and indigestion, reduce anxiety and stress, there are properties that facilitate such positive effects as the minerals calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, potassium and manganese.

These substances present in the composition leave the metabolism and the immune system fortified, leading to good reactions of lemon balm and fighting colds more easily. Moreover, the properties of lemon balm have vitamins A, B, C and E in good dose, thus accelerating the metabolism and helping in gastrointestinal problems, stimulating digestion.

With the leaves of the herb, the antioxidant property is intensified and helps in cleansing heavy and bad substances from the body, acting as a detox and being well used as a detoxifier.

To consume lemon balm in a healthy way, it is important to think about the recommended amount. If you usually drink the tea regularly, the benefits will appear, but it is interesting to understand that nothing should be taken in excess. As it fights insomnia, lemon balm should not be taken too many times a day because it leads to drowsiness and relaxation of the muscles.

Also, if you are a person who takes controlled sleep medications, it is best to reduce the amounts or not take lemon balm generally. Pay attention to your tiredness and calming instincts on a daily basis to figure out if you should drink the tea.

Who should not consume lemon balm?

So far, there are no contraindications to lemon balm tea, but people who take controlled medication, especially for thyroid and insomnia, it is ideal to drink the tea and use lemon balm in smaller quantities.

As it aids in healthy sleep, lemon balm has a medicinal and calming effect, leading to relaxation, so in any case, it is important to consult the doctor to understand how much, in what way, they can consume lemon balm.

In addition, pregnant and postpartum women should also ask for guidance from the doctor to understand the consumption of citronella.

What it is used for and the benefits of lemon balm tea

If you're a tea drinker, you've probably wondered what lemon balm tea is good for and what the benefits of lemon balm tea are. Considered a medicinal plant native to Asia, lemon balm stands out from the rest because it is multifunctional and very beneficial to health.

The most well-known benefit of citron is to improve the amount of sleep, so it is usually taken at bedtime. But it is not the only one, as the antioxidant properties of the plant lead to detoxification, helping to combat intestinal gas and relieving stomach pains.

Nevertheless, lemon balm tea relieves PMS symptoms and, with its relaxing substances, fights anxiety and stress and even helps in the treatment of Alzheimer's. To understand more about these benefits, check out the article below.

The detox effect

To become a healthier person, you need to detoxify yourself from substances that are harmful to health and intoxicate the body such as: multiprocessed foods, sugars, alcohol and cigarettes. This can be done with the use of lemon balm, an antioxidant medicinal plant.

With the detox effect, the citron clears the bad substances and leaves the body lighter. Therefore, many people concerned about the appearance usually take the tea after heavy meals and caloric. Moreover, the citron detox is a good choice for those seeking a balanced diet and tasty, since the tea is refreshing and has pleasant taste.

Headache relief

If you suffer with headaches, drinking lemon balm tea can be an almost instant relief. The plant is medicinal and has healing properties, such as rosmarinic acid. Since the acid is analgesic, it can relax the mind and lessen pain, releasing tension and soothing blood vessels that may be tense.

Thus, if the headache occurs due to stress, it is time to prepare a lemon balm tea to calm the spirits and enjoy a period of tranquility after the citron.

Relief of PMS symptoms

Monthly, women go through the famous premenstrual tension, PMS, which brings emotional and physical side effects before menstruation. To combat and reduce cramps, how about taking a lemon balm tea?

The citronella plant, considered medicinal, has the rosmarinic acid in the composition and incites relaxation of tension. In addition, the properties of lemon balm can increase the movement of GABA, a neurotransmitter in the brain that leads to good mood.

PMS can be challenging, leading to anxiety and stress, but citron makes it easier and relieves many different symptoms.

Improves the amount of sleep

If you suffer from sleep disorders such as restlessness and insomnia, lemon balm tea can improve the quantity and quality of the night with its calming effect. Rosmarinic acid, for example, is the component of lemon balm composition that brings sedative and relaxing effects.

So, take advantage of the benefits of lemon balm tea and prepare it twice a day, alone or with the addition of valerian and repeat the process for 15 days. You will notice a difference in the quality of sleep.

Eliminates fungi and bacteria

One of the benefits of lemon balm tea is that it can eliminate fungi and bacteria. The phenolic compounds in lemon balm, for example rosmarinic acid and caffeic acid can deal with and fight fungi.

The biggest example of fungus eliminated through citronella is Candida sp, a skin fungus. By drinking citronella tea on a regular, daily basis, you can alleviate the consequences of these living organisms.

In the case of bacteria, one that can be combated with citronella is Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the main cause of infections such as lung, ear and urinary tract infections.

Combat herpes labialis

Another important and little commented benefit of lemon balm tea is its ability to fight herpes labialis.

There are studies proven by medicine that show the properties of the plant, such as rosmarinic, feluric and caffeic acids, to fight the herpes lip virus. With the relaxation of lemon balm, the lips can become numb and improve.

Symptoms such as tingling, swelling, tingling and sharp pain can be easily relieved with lemon balm ointments, for example, and with regular consumption of medicinal teas. The use of lipsticks with citron extract also relieves the symptoms.

Combating intestinal gases

Lemon balm is a very potent medicinal plant for combating intestinal gas and can relieve symptoms such as stomach pain, indigestion, vomiting, reflux and nausea.

In the composition of citron, we find rosmarinic acid, citral and geraniol, all anti-inflammatory and antioxidant components, great to eliminate gases from the intestine and make the day to day less uncomfortable.

So how about drinking lemon balm tea regularly? Brew the leaves in hot water, cover and let sit for a few minutes until consumed. Drink 2 to 4 times a day to take effect.

Anxiety and stress control

Anxiety is a disease that affects many people today, leading to stressful situations and daily imbalance. If you do not know how to fight it, how about trying lemon balm tea? The lemon balm helps to control anxiety with its relaxing and drowsy components, such as rosmarinic acid bringing well-being and tranquility to the body.

So, make lemon balm tea daily with the leaves of the plant and feel the symptoms of nervousness, stress and anxiety decreasing. Take it regularly 2 to 4 times and in cases of more severe symptoms of anxiety, talk to a doctor.

Combat gastrointestinal problems

If you suffer from gastritis, gastroesophageal refluxes and even irritable bowel syndrome, lemon balm tea can combat the problems and relieve discomfort. With substances such as citral, rosmarinic acid and geraniol, lemon balm can eliminate the gases that are found in stomach problems and reduce pain.

The feeling is one of relaxation and tranquility, leading to calm and decrease in symptoms. To improve the situation, drink 3 to 4 cups of lemon balm tea and use the leaves well to improve the stomach.

Aid in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's is a degenerative brain disease that affects the elderly and leads to memory loss, dementia, difficulty in speech, among other serious symptoms. Considered an irreversible disease, the treatment can be done with the help of lemon balm.

With properties that benefit cognitive function, citron can increase mental stability and clarity. Since the plant improves memory, boiling the leaves can be a good call for brain health.

Thus, if the elderly person drinks lemongrass tea, Alzheimer's will not go away completely, but the symptoms can be relieved in a practical and effective way.

Different recipes of lemon balm tea

Now that you know a little more about the properties of lemon balm tea, it's time to learn different recipes and their benefits for physical and mental health. First of all, it is important to maintain a regularity when drinking the tea, because if done daily, the positive effects can appear faster and in a simple way.

If you are in the habit of drinking lemon balm tea, know that there are variations that add even greater benefits. For example, lemon balm with mint and ginger, lemon and honey. Learn about the different recipes for lemon balm tea below and choose the one that best fits your day to day. Check it out below.

Lemongrass tea

Tasty, beneficial for health and refreshing, lemon balm tea is one of the best known by people and has a distinctive importance. To make it, follow the step by step.

- Choose to pick the leaves of the citron tree and boil them in hot water;

- in the pot, boil drinking water and add the plant, especially fresh;

- let it rest for 3 to 5 minutes.

Then, strain the citron and drink the tea warm. Drink one or more cups daily, but watch out for drowsiness and enjoy the benefits such as: relaxation, antioxidant effect, anti-inflammatory and more.

Lemongrass tea with mint

If you want to add a refreshing twist to your lemon balm tea, it's time to add mint leaves. In addition to the benefits of lemon balm itself, mint prevents flu, is a nasal decongestant and digestive. Check out how to make it:

- Add the mint and lemon balm leaves to a pot of water and bring to a boil;

- when boiling and extinguish the fire, strain the plants. (Many people reuse the leaves, especially by eating them).

Then, if you prefer, let it cool and do not sweeten the tea so that the sugar does not interfere with the benefits. If interested, keep in the refrigerator and serve immediately afterwards.

Lemongrass tea with ginger

To add even better benefits and flavors in lemon balm tea, how about putting ginger? Ginger is a root with decongestant properties that helps fight nausea, poor digestion, heartburn, coughing and more.

If you are looking to relax your gastrointestinal system, lemon balm tea with ginger is a great option.

- Heat water in kettle and add citron leaves;

- then cut slices of ginger and place them in the teapot or pot;

- let the infusion rest for 3-5 minutes and drink.

Repeat lemon balm tea with ginger daily and get ready for the benefits.

Lemon balm tea with lemon and honey

Symptoms like cough, sore throat, runny nose, and even indigestion can be relieved with a lemon balm tea with lemon and honey. If you've been feeling unwell the past few days, a variation of lemon balm tea with lemon and honey can aid in the improvement.

This is due to the relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties of the herb, together with honey with lemon, sources of vitamins B and C. All these compounds together are nutrients that make the immune system stronger and have antioxidant effects.

- Boil the water and add the citron leaves;

- put in two slices of lemon;

- In the mug add a spoonful of honey.

Drink the tea still warm and enjoy the great effects.

In knowing what citron tea is for, are there any side effects I should consider?

Lemon balm tea has numerous valuable benefits for physical and mental health. As a medicinal plant, lemon balm can bring you well-being through teas, juices, and even capsules. However, it's important to always dose the amount and remember that not everything in excess is good for you.

Therefore, there are side effects to be considered such as drowsiness. If you are a person with sleep disorders, citron can relieve symptoms and decrease insomnia, but the main help should be through medical advice.

Those who take controlled medication, for example, should reduce the amount of citron tea per day. So, before diving into the world of medicinal herbs, consult your doctor and understand how citron can benefit you in a conscious way!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.