What is the meaning of the Sun Stone? Origin, what is it used for, how to use and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the meaning of the Sun Stone?

According to Greek mythology, the Sun Stone is considered the most powerful stone on the planet, simply because it attracts happiness. It was dedicated to the God Helios, who, according to the Greeks, is the personification of the sun. Sounds simple, doesn't it? But if we stop to think about it, happiness is a very complex state of mind.

It is no wonder that the Sun Stone has been venerated for generations in all parts of the world. It was believed that its mystical powers were able to keep the planet in balance in relation to the sun, protecting the Earth from possible catastrophes.

In addition, the Sun Stone is also used in treatments of the mind and body, acting since the relief of menstrual cramps to increase the libido. The Sun Stone has, still, analgesic powers. Want to know more? Continue reading and discover how to use the Sun Stone to your advantage!

Characteristics of Pedra do Sol

The color orange is one of the main physical characteristics of the Sun Stone. It can also be found in the colors brown and red, with shiny and sparkling effects. Endowed with a powerful energy, the vital, the Sun Stone is able, inclusive, to balance the chakras. Want to know more? Keep reading!

Origin and history

The origin of the Sun Stone is not known for sure. The first records were found in Iceland and date back to the 13th and 14th centuries. Researchers have also found several mentions of the Sun Stone in records from numerous churches around the world and in an Icelandic monastery from the 14th and 15th centuries.

Some say that the Sun Stone is manufactured to this day by Italian monks, who have kept the composition of the powerful artifact a secret over the centuries. Others claim that the stone can be extracted in various parts of the world.

Meaning and energy

Source of vital energy and personal power, the Sun Stone, throughout human history, has been associated with Gods, good luck and fortune. The Sacred Stone has powers to provide deep connection with the universal light, bringing happiness and good energy.

The Sun Stone is also indicated to minimize the drainage of vital energy and emit energizing and purifying waves. For various civilizations, the Sun Stone means life. The fact is that the energy of the stone, according to the ancients, can cure diseases that affect the physical body, the mind and the soul.

Hardness and chemical composition

Nowadays, Sun Stone can be found on the market in two forms: synthetic or natural. The natural one is a feldspar crystal, composed of reddish minerals that help refracting light. On the Mohs scale, its degree of hardness is between levels 6 and 6.5.

The crystal is also found in gold, red and brown colors. The rough stone is most commonly found in countries like Norway, Sweden, USA, India and Madagascar. Known as Aventurine Feldspar or Goldstone, true Sun Stone is an orange crystal that brings together bright points and black points, which generate reflections.

Applications and uses

Especially indicated for restoring vital energy, the Sun Stone can be used at the physical level to alleviate depression. It is also excellent for accelerating metabolism and helps in the treatment of muscle injuries and joint discomfort.

Its healing powers also treat problems related to male and female sexual organs, improving the libido. Energetically and emotionally, the Sun Stone is widely applied to combat phobias, anxiety, nightmares and insomnia.

It also boosts detachment and the cutting of toxic relationships. The crystal helps eliminate hurt, sadness and fatigue, improving self-esteem and encouraging self-confidence.

Signs and chakras

Of masculine polarity, the Sun Stone is linked to the sign of Leo, which has as characteristics the vitality, energy and ease in leading. The Sun Stone is also related to the third chakra, the Manipura, which is located in the Solar Plexus area.

However, by the vibration of its color, this crystal also influences the second chakra, the Svadihsthana chakra. It is worth remembering that the third chakra is directly linked to the digestive system, while the second, also known as the umbilical chakra, rules the sexual organs.

Elements and planets

According to Feng Shui, the essential element of the Sun Stone is fire and its planet is the sun. The fire element symbolizes energy, intuition, spiritual health, mediumistic gifts and transcendence of the soul, while the sun, which is the center generator of life, symbolizes the power of creation.

Its light represents the expansion of consciousness and spiritual clarity. In mysticism, the sun is represented by a circle with a dot in the middle. The circle is the universal symbol of Infinity, and the dot symbolizes the principle of creation, the origin and the Divine.

Curiosities about the Pedra do Sol

Did you know that the Sun Stone is closely related to certain professions and signs? According to experts, the sacred stone can enhance the skills of barbers, bankers and executives, being associated with these professions.

As for the signs, besides the sign of Leo, the Sun Stone can be linked to earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) and, obviously, to those belonging to the fire element (Aries and Sagittarius).

Benefits of Pedra do Sol

As we have seen earlier in this article, the Sun Stone can bring benefits to the body, mind and spirit. In addition, the artifact is able to balance physical and psychic energies, in addition to restoring vital energy. See in more detail the benefits of the Sun Stone for the spiritual, emotional and physical bodies!

Effects on the spiritual body

Endowed with solar energy, the Sun Stone restores vital energy, balancing the chakras, and enables energetic transmutation, bringing positive forces, optimism and happiness. In addition, the Sun Stone is also responsible for establishing a deep connection with the soul, allowing self-knowledge.

The Sun Stone also brings liberation and protection, eliminating sorrows, tiredness, sadness, grudges and phobias. The crystal is also known for purifying and revitalizing the spiritual body, breaking ties from the past and bringing success, fortune and happiness.

Effects on the emotional body

For those who suffer from depression or low self-esteem, the Sun Stone can be the right alternative. The stone encourages the confrontation of fears, extinguishing sadness and melancholy, common symptoms of this disease.

It is also widely used for the treatment of mental health problems such as mood disorders, since one of its properties is balance. Besides this, the stone enables the increase of self-esteem and personal confidence and also helps concentration and recovery of cognition.

Effects on the physical body

The therapeutic effects of the Sun Stone act in the cure of gastrointestinal problems, diseases of the urinary system and reproductive organs. It is also known to act against insomnia, depression and anxiety.

The Sun Stone is analgesic and acts in menstrual cramps, relieving pain in general. It stimulates the immune system, speeds up metabolism and helps reduce muscle discomfort and joints. For those who suffer from diseases of the nervous system, the Sun Stone is a great alternative because it has relaxing effects and increases mood.

What is Pedra do Sol used for

As we have seen, the Sun Stone can help improve the quality of life of the physical body, while acting on the emotional and spiritual bodies, bringing peace, tranquility and happiness. But the crystal also has other uses. See below how to use the stone in environments for meditation and as a personal object!

For whom is the Pedra do Sol indicated?

If you need to increase your vital energy, balance your chakras and eliminate negative energies, the Sun Stone is an excellent option. Its use is indicated for those who want to achieve success and prosperity.

If your case is mental fatigue, the Sun Stone can also help. Now, if you want to clean the negative forces of your life and your home, the Sun Stone is an excellent natural "repellent" and can even be used in decoration.

Top stones and crystals to use together

The powers of the Sun Stone can be enhanced with the use of other stones and crystals. If you want to amplify the energies of self-healing, for example, the indicated is also use the Moon Stone.

But, if you need to increase the positive vibration, add the Star Stone. For those who want to increase positivity, the indicated is the Carnelian, the Citrine or Selenite. But, for those who want more personal power, the indicated is the Labradorite or other more mystical stones.

How to use the Sun Stone for meditation

There are two ideal ways to use the Sun Stone in meditation. You can simply place it in the environment where you intend to meditate or hold it between your hands. However, the choice of one or the other will depend on the intended goal.

If you are seeking balance, personal energization, inner peace, self-knowledge and spiritual elevation, it is recommended that you hold the stone between your hands while meditating. Now, if you want to discover what has been bothering you lately, place the stone in your meditation environment.

How to use the Sun Stone as a personal accessory

The Sun Stone, due to its consistency, can be modeled for use in earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings. The use of the stone as a personal advisor is indicated mainly for those who need to restore relationships and eliminate co-dependence, stimulating the possession of personal power.

As an intimate amulet, the Sun Stone eliminates inhibitions and appeals and increases self-worth and self-confidence. The Sun Stone used as a personal accessory also prevents depression caused by cold times of the year, such as winter, and compensates for the energetic warmth of the sun.

How to use the Sun Stone as decoration of environments

The Sun Stone, according to Feng Shui, is ideal for illuminating dark corners of your home or office, where negative forces accumulate. This is because the stone can "absorb" and transmute these forces, transforming them into optimism, lightness and purification of the environment.

The Sun Stone also serves to centralize spiritual energy and bring clarity. Thus, if placed in your workplace, it invigorates creativity and focus and lights the way in the search for solutions to your professional activities.

How to care for the Pedra do Sol

If you want to enjoy all the benefits that the sacred stone can bring to you, your family, your home and workplace, it is necessary to take some care with the crystal. First of all, the Sun Stone should be respected and placed in a clean, energized place that, preferably, has sunlight.

Other than that, it is necessary to recharge the stone's batteries at least once a month. The energetic transmutation and energization of the stone are part of a cycle that needs a certain amount of time to complete. Check out the details of this information below!

Cleaning and energizing the Pedra do Sol

It is always good to clean your crystal, since it must have been manipulated by several people before it gets to your hands. So, the simplest and best known way is to soak the stone in salt water for 24 hours.

Now, if you want to enhance the cleansing, place the Sun Stone in a clean, virgin white bag along with other energy cleansing crystals such as Selenite, Black Tourmaline, Halite and Black Cyanite. After 4 hours, the Sun Stone will be ready for use. To enhance the energization of the stone, choose exposure to sunlight or earth energy.

Price and where to buy Sun Stone

The Sun Stone can be easily found in houses specializing in stones and crystals, and stores of mystical items. It can also be purchased on reliable websites. The values depend on the weight, shape and type of stone you want to buy.

For example, the Sun Stone can be found in its raw form, as a gem, sphere, pyramid and even in the shape of towers. It is also present in jewelry, pendulums and energy bracelets. Prices vary from R$ 9.90 to about R$ 500.00. If it is important, the values can be even higher.

How to know if the Sun Stone is real?

One of the simplest ways to differentiate the real Pedra do Sol from the fake one is from the observation of its colors. They range from bright orange tones to nuances of browns and reds, with sparkling points.

It may be that the stone presents black spots, proper of hematite or goethite, present in its composition. Another tip is to observe its temperature. Crystals and natural stones have a cold temperature when touching the skin.

The Sun Stone has a vibrant and inspiring energy!

As one of the most powerful crystals produced by our planet, the Sun Stone and its intense energy act stimulating self-esteem and self-care. Its vibrant and inspiring energy carries the regenerative power of the sun.

In addition, as we have seen, it provides self-healing through self-knowledge and the balance of the chakras. The Sun Stone is also an important amulet against negative energies, low mood and depression.

Now that you've read the article and seen all the important tips for using the Sun Stone in your favor, be sure to purchase yours. And remember: with the Sun Stone, for sure, your paths will be open to achieve complete happiness!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.