What are the benefits of drinking water? Importance for the body, fasting and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the benefits of drinking water?

Improving the skin, reducing fluid retention, increasing alertness and focus, facilitating digestion and even slowing down ageing are some of the hidden benefits of the most common liquid in any diet: water. However, you need to understand in depth how this precious liquid can help your body if you want to benefit from it.

The idea that water is good for your health has been passed down from generation to generation, but do you know why? To find out about the benefits and the best ways to stay hydrated without risking damaging your health by overdoing it, read on!

Understanding more about water

Although water is the easiest liquid to find on Earth, there are some characteristics that make it a real gem for the functioning of a healthy body. Find out the essential information about water and its consumption below!

Origin and characteristics of water

The origin of water is directly related to the initial transformations that took place in the universe. From the union of hydrogen and oxygen molecules, water vapour arose, which was retained in the atmospheres of the planets. During the cooling phase of planet Earth, the existing vapour condensed and gave rise to water in liquid form, which began to occupy the space in which the planets existed.primitive oceans.

Some basic characteristics of water are the three states in which it is found: solid, liquid and gaseous. In nature, the different forms of water can be observed in the ice of glaciers, in oceans, lakes and rivers and in the air that is present in the atmosphere.

Properties of mineral water

Water popularly bottled in transparent bottles and consumed by the general population is called mineral water. The name is a reference to the minerals present in the substance, which can vary in quantity, but must be within acceptable limits so as not to cause any harm to its consumers.

The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) defines mineral water as water that comes from natural sources or from underground spaces. The regulatory agency also states that mineral water needs to have stable levels of mineral salts and trace elements, which can vary according to different soil compositions and environmental varieties.

The importance of water for the body's health

Based on the idea that 70% of the human body is made up of water, it is unthinkable to disconnect this liquid from the body's health. Adequate daily water intake is essential for maintaining organ function and preventing diseases caused by dehydration.

In the human body, water performs different functions in different sectors, which together support a healthy body. Among the functions performed by water are: blood circulation, maintenance of metabolic function, elimination of harmful toxins through excretion, proper absorption of minerals and nutrients, maintenance of skin elasticity, proper brain function and the use of water.prevention of kidney stones.

What is the ideal amount of water per day?

Although the most commonly propagated idea about water consumption is to drink 2 liters a day, ideal intake levels can vary, taking into account elements such as age, gender, weight, the level of physical activity of individuals and environmental factors such as excessive heat.

To find out what the ideal amount of water is, it is recommended to observe your own body and the messages it sends you. Headaches, fatigue, dry mouth and dark urine are some of the symptoms of low daily water intake. However, for those looking for a formula as a parameter, it is suggested that 35 ml of drinking water should be ingested for every kilo.

Benefits of drinking water

Beautiful and healthy skin, good brain function, improved blood circulation, increased energy and even weight loss are some of the benefits of drinking water. To better understand the role of water in optimizing each sector of the body, read here!

Regulates body temperature

One of the many benefits of drinking water is that it regulates body temperature. Through sweating, the water in the dermis layer of the skin is expelled by the sweat glands and turns into sweat when the body heats up.

As water in the form of sweat evaporates from the skin's surface, the body's temperature decreases, preventing overheating and all the damage it can cause. For this reason, it is essential to keep the body hydrated at high temperatures or in conditions that lead to an increase in body temperature, such as during physical activity.

Strengthens the immune system

Another important function of water in the body is to help keep the immune system strong. With low water intake, blood circulation is impaired and, as a result, oxygenation and the transport of essential nutrients are also negatively impacted. With poor blood distribution in the body, other cells face difficulties due to the imbalance of fluids.

One of the important antibodies for the functioning of the immune system is hemoglobin lgA (responsible for defending the body against infections). Low water intake triggers dehydration, which directly impairs the ability of the hemoglobin in question to act.

Increases energy and mood

Some foods and dietary supplements are famous for boosting energy and performance during physical activity, but one simple item can help you achieve more energy and energy: water. Fatigue and increased oxidative stress are some of the results of low water intake, especially during physical activity.

Dehydration can reduce physical performance in activities lasting longer than 30 minutes and can lead to low mood or headaches, which is why it is recommended that people who practice sports drink enough water to make up for the fluids lost through sweat during training.

Improves brain function

Water is a crucial component for good brain function. Its action helps the performance of neurotransmitters and hormone levels, which have an impact on different areas of the human body. Low water intake can be responsible for feelings of fatigue, difficulty thinking and even memory loss.

If you want to increase your performance at work or in your studies, it's a good idea to stay hydrated, as this reduces the chance of feelings such as fatigue, anxiety, lack of concentration, memory and headaches. In addition, water acts as a vehicle that boosts blood circulation, bringing more oxygen to the brain cells.

Improves blood circulation

One of the most important benefits of drinking the right amount of water is improved blood circulation. This is because most of the blood is made up of water, and the fluid is responsible for promoting oxygenation of the organs present in the human body, as well as ensuring that cells suffer less oxidative stress.

Improving blood circulation has benefits such as reducing the chances of heart attacks. In addition, adequate water intake can help make the blood less thick, reducing the incidence of high blood pressure, a condition that can cause a number of harmful effects on the body.

Helps the kidneys function

One of the benefits of drinking plenty of water is that it reduces the incidence of kidney problems. Kidney stones are most commonly caused by low water intake. With this habit, the minerals and acid salts present in the urine are concentrated, as they are not dissolved properly due to the lack of water in the body.

For this reason, a trivial habit, such as drinking plenty of water, can considerably reduce the chances of kidney stones forming. Likewise, diseases such as chronic kidney disease and kidney failure can be avoided simply by drinking water.

Helps you lose weight

In addition to the health benefits, drinking plenty of water is a habit that can also help you lose weight. Initially, the liquid can be used as a substitute for caloric drinks such as soft drinks and juices, keeping the body hydrated and free of sugars. Another way to use water as a weight loss aid is to drink a glass before meals.

Drinking water half an hour before meals has been shown to be an effective strategy in helping to increase the feeling of satiety. In this way, the drink provides hydration and helps to reduce the need to eat excess food. Another benefit is the possible acceleration of metabolism.

Improves digestion

Keeping digestion going is one of the roles that water plays in the body. From the beginning of digestion, in the production of saliva used to chew food, to the acidity levels of the stomach and the ability to generate the contractions necessary for the formation of the fecal bolus and its elimination, water is an essential item.

Problems that occur in the digestive system, such as constipation, stomach ulcers and heartburn, can be easily avoided just by including adequate water intake in the routine. With improved digestion, other areas of the body benefit, such as the skin. In addition, even the mood can improve.

Improves skin health

The beauty industry creates countless items every day to improve the appearance of the skin and reduce the chance of the dreaded wrinkles appearing. However, one low-cost item can be included in the skincare routine and drastically transform the health of the skin, improving its appearance, too.

Water is the revolutionary item that keeps skin looking healthy, as well as preventing some of the diseases that can affect its texture. Internal hydration can provide numerous benefits, but moisturizers for the skin are also a good alternative to form a protective barrier, preventing the loss of liquids.

Slows down ageing

Ageing is caused by a number of factors, including the oxidation of cells caused by free radicals. In addition to including antioxidants in the diet, an effective strategy for reducing the impact of free radicals on the body is to drink plenty of water. Water is present in the composition of the blood, which transports minerals and nutrients throughout the body.

For this reason, anyone wishing to slow down the ageing process should pay attention to the amount of water they drink every day, as this item becomes co-responsible for the efficiency of a balanced diet, causing the transportation of nutrients necessary for the production of collagen and antioxidants.

Lubricates joints

The joints are lubricated by cartilage, which is mostly made up of water (around 80%). Cartilage is responsible for preventing the joints from being affected by impact during daily activities and especially during high-intensity physical activity.

Therefore, drinking plenty of water is one of the most effective ways of reducing the chance of joint problems caused by a lack of lubrication, such as osteoarthritis, arthrosis and osteoarthritis. These diseases can cause creaking joints, reduced mobility, swelling and pain. Preventing these ailments can save you the need for medication and physiotherapy throughout your life.

Prevents headaches

One of the most common signs of dehydration is a headache. For this reason, adequate water intake can be a crucial behavior for sufferers. In the case of individuals who report migraines, there are several factors that can precipitate the crisis, but drinking water frequently can help alleviate the symptoms.

In addition to dehydration, other health-related issues can precipitate headache attacks, such as excessive stress, mental fatigue, inadequate diet or problems in specific organs. It is therefore important to observe the symptom and, if they persist after drinking water, it may be necessary to see a doctor.

Other information about water

In addition to preventing diseases and negative states in the body caused by dehydration, drinking water can also be a solution for those with constipation, if you drink it on an empty stomach. Find out more below!

What are the benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach?

During sleep, the body remains in a state that consumes less energy. However, it is during this period that the internal processes that are essential for the body to maintain its functioning, such as metabolic regulation and neurological restoration, also take place.

Due to the wear and tear of the period and the long period without drinking water, drinking water when you wake up is essential to restore the balance needed to start the day. As well as restoring fluids, drinking water on an empty stomach also helps digestion to function properly, preventing constipation. Warm water with lemon on an empty stomach can also have a laxative effect.

Tips for drinking more water

For those who want to enjoy all the benefits of drinking water, there are a few tips that can make it easier to get into the habit. Firstly, it is essential to carry water with you wherever you go. Even people who have a busy routine and get home late can carry a bottle of water with the necessary amount to be consumed throughout the day.

For people who are obsessed with soft drinks and can't feel the slightest pleasure when drinking a glass of water, there's another strategy: switch to chilled sparkling water with a few drops of lemon. The experience will be just as refreshing and free of sodium, sugar and the other nasties in soft drinks.

Food also contains a lot of water

In addition to water itself, there are other foods that can be eaten throughout the day that help to hydrate the body. One of these is coconut water, a natural drink that contains nutrients such as magnesium (which can help reduce blood sugar levels), potassium and antioxidants, which fight diseases caused by cell degeneration.

In the fruit group, there are the following alternatives to boost hydration: watermelon (93% water), melon (91% water), apple (83% water) and pear (85% water). As for vegetables, the options with the highest amount of water in their composition are: cucumber (97% water), tomato (93% water), radish (95% water), carrot (92% water) and cauliflower (92% water). With so many alternatives, it's difficult not tomoisturize.

Care and harm of water

Although there are countless benefits associated with drinking water, there are also harms that arise if you don't drink it properly. The first thing to look out for is the origin of the water: if it comes from a polluted source or is adulterated during bottling, it will change its smell, taste or color.

Drinking contaminated water can lead to serious health consequences, including the ingestion of worms and diseases such as cholera, dysentery, leptospirosis and schistosomiasis. To drink water safely, it is important to filter it before consumption.

In addition to the diseases transmitted by contaminated water, there is also the risk of hyponatraemia (caused by a decrease in sodium in the blood due to drinking more than 20 liters of water a day).

Enjoy all the benefits that water provides for your body!

Now that you know all the benefits of adequate water consumption for the body and the healthy alternatives for hydration, the next step is to put your learning into practice by including fruit, vegetables, coconut water and water itself in your daily eating routine.

In this way, you can keep your mind and body functioning more easily, as well as avoiding fatigue and the other problems caused by dehydration. Always remember that it is important to know the necessary amount of daily intake for each body, taking into account pre-existing illnesses, medication consumption and the intensity of physical exercise.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.