Emerald Stone: meaning, properties, benefits, and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the properties of the Emerald stone?

Emerald is one of the most popular gemstones. Its intense green color puts it in connection with love energies, and it can also be used to increase protection, prosperity, and money.

Other properties of Emerald also include improved reasoning and wisdom. Besides being very popular for improving interpersonal relationships, Emerald is employed to promote physical healing and bring emotional well-being.

As we will show in this article, despite its high price, there are more affordable alternatives to harness the energies of this crystal. We also warn about fakes and how to identify whether you are getting a real or fake gemstone.

In the article, we will also discuss the relationship of this crystal with chakras, planets and elements of nature, showing also which signs benefit the most from the use of this powerful crystal. Finally, we will bring important tips on how to use it as an accessory, decoration item of your home and indications of this powerful crystal. Check it out!

Information about the Emerald Stone

In order for you to benefit from Emerald, it is important to learn how to identify it. This section is about that. Here you will find more general information about Emerald, including its origin and color, how it is mined, its price, general characteristics, relationships with the signs, chakras, planets, elements, and curiosities. Check it out!

What is the Emerald stone?

Emerald is a gemstone known for its high market value. This gemstone is a variety of the mineral beryl and is known for its ability to emit a green energy. Due to its use over millennia, it has been part of the jewelry of nobility and clergy, giving them a distinct sign of power and class.

It is one of the most valuable stones on the planet along with diamonds, rubies, and sapphires. It has been used since ancient times as a talisman. Among the main names in history that used it are Charlemagne, Aristotle, and Alexander the Great.

Origin and history

The word Emerald originates from Greek and means 'green gemstone'. This gemstone has been mined in Egypt since 330 B.C., but scholars estimate that the oldest Emeralds on the planet are about 2.97 billion years old

One of the historical figures who most cherished the value of Emeralds was Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt. During her rule, Cleopatra simply took possession of all of Egypt's Emerald mines. In the Americas, the indigenous Muzo people of Colombia also cherished Emerald and hid their mines so shrewdly that the Spanish invaders did not find them until 20 years after they arrived in the region.

Color and Variety

Emerald is a green colored gemstone. Its hue extends from pale green to a hue so distinct from the others that it names the shade known as Emerald, famous in cosmetics. The color of this stone results from concentrated amounts of chromium and vanadium atoms in its composition

With regard to their varieties, Emeralds can be found in their raw or polished form, the latter known as gemstones. However, not all Emerald gems are actually natural. In fact, many of the Emeralds sold in jewelry stores are synthetic, enhanced to show a more intense color or coated with some mineral layer.

One of the rarest varieties of Esmeralda is called Esmeralda Trapiche, which has black impurities that contrast with the deep green, in a radial six-pointed system.


Colombia is the largest producer of Emeralds in the world, accounting for about 50-95% of total Emerald extraction, depending on the year or the purity of the stones. It is in Colombia that the rare form of Emerald known as Esmeralda Trapiche is extracted.

Besides Colombia, Emeralds are mined from places like Zambia, Afghanistan, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Germany, France, Nigeria, India, and many other countries.

Gem and value

Most of the Emeralds that are sold are found in gem form, the polished state of the stone. The purer the Emerald, the higher the price. In their raw form, they are easy to find on the market and are quite affordable, and can be less than 10 reais.

However, Emerald gems can cost millions of dollars, depending on their purity, size and rarity.

Meaning and energy

The meaning of the Emerald is quite profound, extending far beyond the beauty it already brings to the eye. Besides representing feminine energy, it signifies abundance, protection, power, and contact with the divine.

Therefore, in some languages, its name can mean "the green of growing things" due to its power to bring prosperity and fertility. As a love stone, Emerald attracts friendship and protects relationships, and is also beneficial for those who need more help with learning issues.

As a healing stone, it renews energy, bringing more vitality and inspiration. Its energy is feminine and receptive, and thus it is associated with the Goddess and the feminine principle, and is the stone of beauty, youth, hope, renewal, and love.

Characteristics of the Emerald Stone

Emerald is considered the birthstone of the month of May, so if you were born in this month, this stone is ideal for you. Besides Taureans and Gemini, Emerald is also very powerful for Cancer natives.

Because it is ruled by Venus, it can also be used to enhance the vibrations of Taureans and Librians, and is closely linked to the heart chakra, thus it is considered the stone of unconditional love.

In addition, because of its planetary ruler, Venus, Emerald also aids in interpersonal relationships, beauty, and youth. Its element is Earth, and it is sacred to goddesses like Aphrodite and Ceres. Indian astrology considers Emerald to be ruled by the planet Mercury.

Chemical and physical properties

Emerald is a variety of beryl and therefore has this mineral in its composition. Its chemical formula is known as Be3Al2(SiO3)6. It is a hard mineral, since its degree of hardness on the Mohs Scale, used to measure the degree of hardness of minerals, lies between 7.5 - 8.0.

However, since Emerald has inclusions in its structure, its degree of hardness can vary greatly. Emerald has both a transparent and opaque appearance, but the degree of transparency is one of the factors that contributes to its increased price.

Uses and applications

The Emerald stone is widely used in the jewelry industry. Besides adorning celebrities and jewelry from various crowns around the world, it has also been part of the clergyman's jewelry, having a religious application. In addition, it can be used to induce meditation, attract or repel energies, and promote healing effects in the physical, emotional, and spiritual fields.

Curiosities about the Emerald Stone

Since Emerald is a crystal known to the ancient world, many curiosities surround it:

- In Hermeticism, Emerald is considered a sacred stone, since it is present in the document known as the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus;

- The Emerald is a symbol of mental clarity, intelligence, and insight;

- The Egyptians considered the Emerald to be a symbol of eternal life. According to them, it was a gift from Thoth, the god of wisdom;

- Emerald is linked to the planet Mercury, according to Vedic tradition;

- It is considered the stone of speech, and is therefore used to promote excellent communication to its users.

Benefits of the Emerald Stone

Below we describe the main benefits of the Emerald stone. Besides presenting its effects on the spiritual body, you will also find its properties related to the physical body and the emotional body. Read on to learn about the benefits of this stone!

Effects on the spiritual body

As a spiritual stone, Emerald connects its wearer to divine love, and serves as a great source of inspiration. It protects the spirit and encourages the discovery of a spiritual journey that will show one's mission in this incarnation. It is a stone that encourages hope, cooperation, and spiritual harmony.

Effects on the emotional body

Emerald promotes a shield of protection for the mind and emotions, balancing them and restoring a sense of positivity and well-being. Also, because it is linked to the heart chakra, it serves as an elixir for matters of the heart, helping to spread love and combating feelings of loss and grief.

Effects on the physical body

In the physical body, Emerald revitalizes and rejuvenates, giving more energy to the body. Its effects have been recognized as a complementary and regular treatment for heart problems, as well as being great for the eyes, liver, lungs, gall bladder, pancreas, and kidneys. Emerald also strengthens the spine and muscles, and helps fight infections.

How to use the Emerald stone

Now that you know about the history, benefits, and effects of Emerald in different areas of life, it's time to learn how to use it.

For whom is the Emerald stone indicated?

Esmeralda is suitable for all people who want it:

- Increase your creativity;

- Develop your finances, attracting abundance and more prosperity;

- Having a healthy love relationship;

- Awaken the gift of intuition;

- Enhance the chance of conceiving a child;

- Achieving fame and notoriety;

- Improve your communication;

- Improve your physical condition, gaining more vitality and promoting healing from illness;

- To be able to find faithful and loyal friends;

- Inspire loyalty and hope;

- Strengthen your energetic shields to defend yourself from physical, energetic, or spiritual attacks.

Best stones and crystals to use together

Crystals can be used together, as long as you understand about the properties they can perform individually. In the case of the Emerald, you can combine it with other precious gems, such as the ruby.

In addition, Amethysts, Beryls, and their varieties, such as Aquamarine, are extremely compatible with Emerald. Blue, green, and even yellow and orange colored crystals can be in harmony with Emerald. Examples are Topaz, Celetist, Citrine, Malachite, Azurite, and Tourmaline.

How to use the Emerald Crystal for meditation

You can use Emerald to aid your meditation practice in two main ways. In the first of these, you will leave your crystal in direct contact with your body, preferably resting on your skin.

If you want to reach more intense meditative states, leave your Emerald on your chest, or in the third eye region, while you meditate lying down. If you don't like the direct touch of the crystal on your body, you can try the indirect contact, the second most used way.

Another possibility to use indirect contact is to spread the Emerald crystals in the area where you meditate. You can delimit a specific area by outlining the vertices of geometric shapes or figures such as the circle and the pentagram.

How to use the Emerald stone as room decoration

The Emerald is a crystal very indicated to adorn environments. Its green tone emanates feminine energies capable of transmuting the energies of the home, turning negative vibrations into positive ones.

In addition, it is excellent for protection, guaranteeing prosperity and physical integrity of everyone in the home, which is why it is commonly used in Feng Shui practices. So, leave it in the center of the house to work on the feminine energy, stimulating welcome, fertility, and abundance.

If you prefer, place it in the kitchen so that there is always plenty in your home. Left in a high place, it brings the protection of beneficial entities. In the bedroom, it helps fertility, being an ally for those who wish to conceive a child.

How to use the Emerald stone as a personal accessory

The Emerald is a precious gem, used by courts as a symbol of nobility and as part of liturgical accessories. Because of its use in the jewelry industry, look for Emeralds in accessories such as rings and pendants. When wearing a pendant, prefer that it be attached to a silver cord. Silver enhances the energies of the Emerald.

Be sure to leave your Emerald as close to your heart as possible to balance your heart chakra. As a ring, the Emerald attracts wealth and health. If worn on the ring finger in a wedding ring, it ensures a constant energizing of the body with love.

If you wear it on a bracelet and are right-handed, you should wear it on your right wrist if you wish to send energies into the environment. If you wish to receive energies from the crystal, the left wrist is best.

If you are left-handed, the Emerald will send energies into the environment if left on your left wrist, and will send them into your body if on your right wrist.

How to care for the Emerald stone

The maintenance of Emerald is much simpler than you might think. At first, it can be energetically cleansed in contact with water. Like all stones and crystals used for therapeutic and mystical purposes, your Emerald needs to be cleansed and energized. Learn, below, how to clean and energize it!

Cleaning and Energizing the Crystal Esmeralda

To clean your Emerald, place it on your hands and fold it into a shell shape, then leave it under a continuous stream of running water (which can even come from your household faucet).

Then close your eyes and imagine a green light, the color of the crystal, coming from it and intensely illuminating everything around you. Finally, recite the following words softly, as if saying a prayer: "With the power of the water element, I cleanse you of any and all energy. May it be so.

After this little cleansing ritual, you need to energize your stone. To do this, leave it on the sand (it can be from a pot of plants) or even on your windowsill so that it can receive sun and moonlight for about three hours.

Price and Where to Buy Emerald

The price of an Emerald is usually quite high, especially when it comes to natural gems (many of the gems available on the market are synthetic or artificially modified). The larger the size, carat, and degree of purity, the more expensive it will be.

However, you can invest, if you prefer, in raw Emeralds, which have very attractive prices, from R$ 12 on average. Although their energy is less intense, their benefits are easily felt with use.

To acquire your Emerald, you can go to a jewelry store and look for an accessory that suits you. Pendants and rings are the most suitable. You can also find its raw form (and more affordable) in esoteric stores, craft fairs, or religious articles stores.

Emeralds can also be purchased in stores specializing in crystals, stones and minerals. If there are any in your town, you are sure to find Emeralds there.

How to know if the Emerald stone is real?

To know if an Emerald is real, you must learn to develop your senses, especially touch and sight. At first, you can find out if your Emerald is real by observing its most basic characteristics, such as color intensity and weight.

However, if you want a more effective way to identify the authenticity of your stone, be aware of its price as well. Also, it would be interesting to contact a gem specialist so that he can examine it and assess its purity.

In addition, there are tables for gemstone identification available on the internet, and if you think it prudent, you can consult the table produced by the Gemological Institute of America, the IGA, in which there are precious tips for knowing if your stone is real.

The Emerald stone brings protection against negative energies!

The Emerald is one of the most coveted stones in the world, not only because of its high market value, but also because of its power to protect against negative energies. As we have shown throughout this article, the power of the Emerald is so recognized that many important figures in world history used it as a talisman.

So you can harness its energies whenever you feel the need to increase your defense against physical, spiritual, or energetic attacks in general. Although the cut Emerald is among the 4 most expensive gems in the world, don't forget that you can enjoy the magic of this stone in its raw form.

Remember that its energy intensity, however, is lower compared to natural gems. To increase its effectiveness, combine it with stones like aquamarine, but be sure to avoid synthetic versions, as they are almost zero in energy. Follow the instructions in this article when choosing yours and trust your intuition!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.