Know your personal arcane: how to discover it, characteristics, and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the personal arcane?

The Personal Arcane is your birth chart. Similar to the signs, you can identify which Tarot Arcane rules your life based on your birth date.

As you will notice, your Personal Arcane is necessarily one of the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot. This is because this set of cards is associated with your karmic lessons and the Universe's record of your life.

Despite the level of complexity of the Arcana, knowing your Personal Arcana is a simple process that will also bring many lessons for you to better understand your personality, your potentials, and areas for improvement. Understand how to discover your Personal Arcana and its characteristics below.

How to discover your personal arcane

To find out your personal arcana, it is important to make calculations. However, there is nothing to worry about: as we show you below, the calculation is quite simple, and you can easily do it by hand, or if you prefer, using a calculator. Learn how to do it below.

Calculation to get to the personal arcane

To make the calculation to get to your Personal Arcane, you need to write down the date of your birth. With it, you need to add up the numbers of the day, month, and year of your birth.

After arriving at a 4-digit number, it is necessary to add the digits present in this result until you reach the number corresponding to your Personal Arcane, so the result must necessarily be less than or equal to 22.

Examples of the calculation

Based on the information given above, we are now going to calculate the personal arcana of two people: Amanda, born on 06/01/1992; and Otto, born on 28/10/2021. For Amanda's Personal Arcana, we have the following calculation:

(day of birth) + (month of birth) + (year of birth) = Personal Arcane

(6) + (1) + (1992) = 1999

In the next step, we need to reduce the four-digit number to a maximum of 2, which necessarily needs to be less than or equal to 22. So we have:

1999: 1 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 28

Since the number is greater than 22, then we reduce it again: 28: 2 + 8 = 10. So we have that Amanda's Personal Arcane is the Arcane 10, The Wheel of Fortune.

Now we will do the same procedure with Otto's date of birth:

(28) + (10) + (2021) = 2059: 2 + 5 + 9 = 16. Otto's Personal Arcane is the Tower, the Arcane number 16.

Arcane Characteristics

Once you have found your Personal Arcana, you can check what characteristics the Universe has envisioned for you. In the following sections, you will see the meanings of each card and how they relate to your personality and areas such as love, profession and health. Check them out.

0 - The Madman

The Fool is the Arcane number 0 or 22. People who have the Fool as their personal arcane are adventurers, often considered wanderers because they are apt to explore new paths and experience new adventures.

Because it indicates new beginnings, the influence of the Madman indicates a life full of adventures with optimism and freedom that will require you to take a leap into darkness, but that will bring growth as a result of this experience. He is the symbol of innocence and indicates the time to take risks.

In love, you can be detached, and in the workplace people find you very "cool" about everything, a fact that can complicate your life, as they may think you are a slacker or uncommitted. In health, the Mad indicates vitality, but you are more prone to accidents.

1 - The Magician

The Magician is the Personal Arcane number 1. You have at your fingertips all the tools and abilities you need to achieve success. In this way, you are aligned with the power of change, and of taking action to make it happen.

It is important that you use your intelligence and willpower to manifest what you want. In love, you tend to prefer serious relationships, because you like commitment.

Generally you are very dedicated, and when you have a fascination for someone, you give it your all. At work, you always have opportunities and improvement in finances Your health often needs the help of an experienced professional, because you tend to be very dedicated at work.

2 - The High Priestess/Papess

If the High Priestess is your Personal Arcane, you have a powerful and intriguing figure, permeated by intense sexuality, mystery, and supreme power.

Being the card of no action, whose precedence is lack of involvement, you are very observant and prefer to look for possibilities and potentialities rather than interfere in events. Also, you are highly intuitive and mysterious, and trust your instincts and dreams, because the answer to your questions may come through them.

In love, if you are a man, it means you will be attracted to a sensual woman, or if you are a woman, you will be desired by more than one person. Your professional life is marked by important opportunities, but remember to keep them secret. In health, always listen to what your body has to say.

3 - The Empress

The Empress is the Personal Arcane number 3, and represents the creation and discovery of sexual desire. Therefore, regardless of gender, you have a very strong maternal and feminine energy.

It is therefore important that you can connect with your feminine side through fertility, creativity, and your caring and nurturing nature. It also embodies abundance, indicating a comfortable life, pregnancy, or a need to connect with nature.

Your professional life will be in the area of creativity, and you will have comfort and material wealth, while your health is usually restored by contact with nature.

4 - The Emperor

The Emperor is the Personal Arcane number 4. He embodies the father figure, the giver of protection and support, and is associated with discipline, so you are more connected with masculine energy. Your temperament tends to be controlling, regulating, and authoritarian, and you value organization and aspects of fatherhood very much.

You have a strong personality, strategic thinking, and like to structure, dictate rules, and create systems, and therefore you like to occupy a position of power. In love, you are usually interested in more mature people, usually with people of good influence, but not so romantic.

He is usually monogamous, but tends to have problems because he is controlling and has toxic patterns. At work, he is looking for something more stable, because his health is usually affected by stress that manifests itself in symptoms such as headaches.

5 - The Hierophant / The Pope

The Hierophant is the Personal Arcane number 5 that creates a bridge between heaven and earth. You are usually someone who cherishes traditional values and institutions. Although often crabby, you can be a mentor gifted with wisdom and spirituality.

You crave traditionalism, and are often considered old-fashioned and extremist. Consequently, you are often bound by old conventional ties or backward thinking, many of which prevent you from being happy.

In love, the Pope is the card that indicates that you value family models based on marriage and commitment. In the professional field, you work well in a team, and you dedicate yourself to things related to religion. Your health is often affected due to your fragile immune system.

6 - The Lovers

If the sum of your birth date gave the number 6, your Personal Arcane is The Lovers. As such, you are a person who constantly needs to make decisions about relationships and your social life. This arcane contains the mysteries of emotional choices, including permanence and consolidation.

You are often indecisive about whom you love, and because of this you can easily find yourself in love triangles, as you are constantly tempted by others. In your relationships you will often end up sacrificing an aspect of your life to make them work, and because of this you often feel incomplete.

At work, you have more success in group or social activities, and you should be careful not to get emotionally involved with colleagues. In health, you tend to have heart problems.

7 - The Chariot

The Chariot is the Arcane number 7. Because it represents Action, you are a dynamic person by nature, and you do not measure efforts to face challenges and go on to victory by maintaining control over your life. It is precisely control that makes you a winner. It is necessary to use strength and willpower to overcome the obstacles that may come your way.

In love, the Chariot shows that you need to master your emotions before getting into a relationship. At work, the Chariot indicates ambition, determination, and financial goals. In health, you are likely to develop digestive problems.

8 - Justice

Justice is the Personal Arcane number 8. You value balance and tend to act in a just way. You sometimes seem indecisive, because the decisions you make usually have effects for a long period of time.

In addition, he usually bears the consequences of his actions, especially when they cause harm to someone else. In love, Justice shows commitment and fair treatment, in the sense of receiving what he gives to the world.

In the work sphere, it is a sign of career integrity and financial balance. However, take care to balance your personal and professional life, as they can easily come into conflict. Avoid conflicts, as they can easily unbalance your health.

9 - The Hermit

The Hermit is the Personal Arcane number 9. You have a reserved nature, and like the Hermit, you carry within you characteristics such as soul-searching, introspection, or even a propensity for seclusion.

On your journey into the unknown of yourself, you can often face periods of loneliness and a propensity to existential crises. Despite this, you are esteemed for your wisdom and sought after as a mentor.

In love, you may have trouble finding someone compatible with your moments of loneliness and estrangement. Consequently, you are more susceptible to chastity and celibacy. At work, there is a search for a purpose in life with less materialism. In health, be careful, because this arcane can indicate problems in mental health.

10 - Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune is the Personal Arcana number 10. It represents the cycles of life, in a moment of transition from one cycle to the next, closing the past and preparing for the future. Your life is probably full of ups and downs, so it is important that you make a financial reserve.

You may find it difficult to break out of patterns, so be aware of them. In love, it is important for you to filter out external energies that may hinder your relationships. At work, you are dedicated but do not always get the position you really deserve. Your health is relatively stable, but susceptible to sudden changes.

11 - The Force

Strength is the Personal Arcane number 11. You are a person rich in bravery, compassion, strength, and persuasion. In addition, you possess the inner power to endure times of stress and danger. You stay calm, and your resilience will help you achieve what you want, even when it is difficult to stand on your own two feet. Your patience and compassion will always be rewarded.

In love, it indicates a tendency to have relationships with a Leo or someone with a wild side. At work, try to control expenses and take bold steps in your career. In health, it is important to be careful with bad habits that can harm you.

12 - The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man is Personal Arcane number 12. Like this card, you are used to sacrificing constantly. Often, you have to give something up in order to move forward. It is through these sacrifices that you are able to see the world differently and to walk your spiritual journey on this plane.

In love, the Hanged Man signifies sacrifice, and you are likely to be upside down when it comes to love and give up everything for it. At work, your life can be constantly changing, so you are more prone to instability in your career.

However, your worldview can generate opportunities. In health, it is important that you think outside the box to improve your healthier life.

13 - Death

Death is the Personal Arcane number 13. If this is your Personal Arcane, you are in a process of change in the cycle of incarnation. Death signifies a natural change and preparation for a new phase of life. Gradually, a necessary process of transition will begin for your world to change completely.

People can sometimes be afraid of you and you may feel misunderstood. In Love affairs, you may find it difficult to adapt if you do not accept change and adapt to it. At work, this arcane indicates a period of stagnation and the need to change jobs or careers. Your health is more susceptible to change that may require new approaches to your life.

14 - Temperance

Temperance is your Personal Arcane if your calculation yielded the number 14. It brings with it the need to have your own space, with a message of peace and balance. You are a person who uses your natural clarity to get where you want to go. It shows that if you find peace in what you do, things will happen exactly as they should.

It shows your adaptable characteristic to the situations and people around you, alerting you that it is also time to reevaluate your choices and priorities. In love, Temperance shows a tendency toward balanced relationships, governed by care and patience.

In work, it indicates slow but consistent growth progress. In health, moderation is the key to a healthy, balanced life.

15 - The Devil

The Devil is the Personal Arcane number 15. People ruled by this arcane have a natural tendency to obsession and a heightened sexuality.

Because it represents a path that leads to the abyss and is connected to instincts and the material world, you are very attached to the pleasures of life and often feel trapped, empty, and lacking fulfillment in life.

In love, the Devil indicates a period of lust and heightened sexuality, with a propensity for addiction and passion. At work, beware of bad habits and especially self-sabotage. In health, beware of addictions and problems generated by drugs and compulsive behavior.

16 - The Tower

The Tower is the Personal Arcana number 16. Your life tends toward sudden changes, marked with the emergence of something that was confined. You may feel dissatisfied, longing for change, separation, a desire to change jobs or move countries.

In love, the Tower indicates a sudden change of perspective, so you have a tendency to fall in love with people who don't show who they are. Beware.

At work, you are more susceptible to sudden changes such as salary cuts and unemployment. In health, it is important to be alert for sudden illnesses or incidents that will affect your well-being. Always take care of your mental health.

17 - The Star

The Star is the Personal Arcane number 17. If this is your Personal Arcane, you are in a new phase of your incarnation cycle. You are now able to follow the flow of the cosmos, filled with hope and spirituality. You naturally possess luck, prosperity, fertility, generosity and truth, and you know your place in the world, aware of a mysterious part to whom you can turn.

In love, the Star brings optimism. Don't let past wounds interfere with your love journey. At work, you tend to shine, meeting goals and being rewarded for it. Your health is usually excellent, but don't let it be affected by anxiety.

18 - The Moon

The Moon is the Personal Arcane number 18. It rules dreamers, with a taste for fantasy and connected to the subconscious, so you have a natural tendency to anxiety, illusion, intuition, fears, and secrets.

It is important not to let your imagination take over your life. Your life may be shrouded by hidden secrets about to emerge, so people see you as someone mysterious.

At work, use your imagination creatively, but beware of problems generated by lack of information. In health, it indicates susceptibility to mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, or problems with the menstrual cycle.

19 - The Sun

The Sun is the Personal Arcane number 19. It marks a life endowed with brightness, prosperity, and awareness. Like the sun, you arise to bring optimism, positivity, success, and happiness. The Sun signifies feelings of optimism and fulfillment, and so you light up everywhere you go.

In love, you will find your soul mate and live in complete happiness. You are endowed with an intense social magnetism and can attract the ones you desire. At work, you will be successful and have a stable career without too many difficulties.

In health, you have been blessed with a lot of vitality and therefore usually enjoy a great state of health. However, when you get sick, you remember the sad stormy days when you cannot see the sun.

20 - The Judgment

Judgment is the Personal Arcane 20. It represents the union of the Moon and the South forces, and a period of rebirth and awakening. You need to constantly reflect and evaluate your own actions. It is important to change and be true to yourself and your needs. This implies changes that will affect your life and those close to you.

In love, don't let your critical nature get in the way of your relationships. At work, use your natural judgment to act responsibly and reflect on actions and spending. Take care of your health as it requires more time to restore.

21 - The World

The World is the Personal Arcana number 21. It represents supreme consciousness, also indicating completion, wholeness, fulfillment, and even travel. As the last stage on the Tarot path, you call for deep reality, acceptance, completeness, and awareness.

Your life can be full of fulfillment and balance, with your evolution in motion. It is indicative of a great change, in which the inner and outer worlds meet.

In love, the World meets someone who brings satisfaction and gratitude, because you have reached an important goal. At work, it indicates fulfillment of professional and financial goals, bringing relief and success. In health, it is a positive sign, indicating good health.

How does knowing the personal arcana help in self-knowledge?

Because they are tied to life lessons and karmic influences, knowing the Personal Arcana reveals spiritual lessons of learning that can lead to self-knowledge. By knowing it, you will gain access to important themes of a spiritual nature, as well as the cosmic influences that are at play in your life.

From this knowledge, it is possible to embark on a journey within yourself and have the opportunity to work on your potentials and tailor the areas that need further improvement.

Therefore, always pay attention to its meanings, because your Personal Arcane represents the key to your destiny and to the understanding of who you are. With it, it is possible to unlock the life lessons laid out before you, so that you can move on to the next stage of your journey and live in the best way possible.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.