The best teas for insomnia: Chamomile, valerian, lavender and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about teas for insomnia

Insomnia is something that has been affecting many people lately, and increasingly so. This sleep disorder can cause many problems for people who face it, because they end up losing the ability to concentrate on their days besides feeling tired very often.

In this way, some teas can help in this process to ensure a more peaceful night's sleep so that the individual can live their routine in a healthier way. There are several teas that can be used for this process, because there are many plants considered as natural calming, and so they act on the central nervous system facilitating so that sleep comes. See below onea little more about insomnia!

Insomnia, its types and causes

One of the most common sleep disorders known by most people is insomnia. It is characterized by the difficulty in falling asleep and staying asleep. It is also common that people affected by this disorder wake up much faster than they would like to.

But it should be noted that insomnia is not only linked to the amount of time the individual can sleep, but also to the quality of sleep he/she has when he/she manages to fall asleep. Read more below!

What is insomnia

Insomnia is characterized mainly by the difficulty in sleeping and staying asleep, because it is common for people who face this problem to take many hours to fall asleep, and then wake up or stay in a state of light sleep.

It is necessary that the individual evaluates how he/she is sleeping or the lack of it in order to understand what type of insomnia he/she fits into. Therefore, the main characteristics of this sleep disorder are the difficulty to fall asleep and then maintain a quality sleep.

Types of insomnia

There are distinct types of insomnia, which are shown according to the sleep characteristics of the individual in question. In this case, there is short insomnia, which manifests itself in a shorter period of time.

In general, this first one happens in some periods of space, due to stresses, changes and other situations that can cause worry. But there is also chronic insomnia, which can last longer, over months. It is characterized as being chronic if it counts on a duration of at least three nights in the space of a week.

Causes of insomnia

Insomnia can be caused by some specific factors, depending on how it appears. But the most common is that it is caused by stress, pressure, physical and mental exhaustion. All these points somehow collaborate to a great difficulty to fall asleep.

There are also other factors, such as change of environment, sleeping in a place that is not common in your routine and other aspects related to the environment. All these, and several other points can impair the quality of sleep and end up causing insomnia.


Chamomile is one of the most well-known natural calming agents of all. Despite its various properties, such as the fact that it is also very positive for fighting high blood pressure and other heart diseases, it is excellent for ensuring a good night's sleep.

The actions of this plant are also relaxing and sedative, and can help fight insomnia. In addition to these actions, it can also help in healing processes and even proves powerful with its anti-inflammatory action. See more about Chamomile below!

Chamomile tea for insomnia

As chamomile is known for its sedative and relaxing actions, it helps to have a more peaceful sleep. Its tea, when consumed, can improve the quality of life in various aspects, while helping the individual to regulate their sleep.

Some important details to highlight about chamomile, is that its effect is so strong that it can even control the hyperactivity of people. Therefore, it is an excellent tool to combat insomnia.

The benefits of chamomile tea

The benefits of consuming chamomile tea are several. For people who struggle with anxiety, it is ideal to consume this plant daily in this way. This is because it brings more calm to the days and makes the effects caused by anxiety are alleviated.

Besides these benefits, which are the most common, some of the components that are part of chamomile also act to stimulate healing, can also benefit other points of health, as it has antispasmodic and antibacterial action.

Ingredients and preparation of chamomile tea

To prepare chamomile tea, there are few ingredients and the flowers are found in natural products stores. This tea can greatly help treat symptoms such as nervousness, anxiety and will favor individuals with a relaxing action before bedtime.

- 2 teaspoons dried chamomile flowers

- 1 cup of water

Boil the water and then add the dried chamomile flowers. Leave the mixture covered for a few minutes, at least 10. Then remove the flowers. The tea can be consumed warm this way. It is indicated to drink at least 3 times a day.


Another option for those who suffer from insomnia is to make use of valerian tea. This is a much studied plant, as it also counts positive actions to treat insomnia and other disorders of this nature to thus ensure a better night's sleep for individuals facing these problems.

There are researches that highlight about the properties of valerian, which show that it is able to provide this aid for those who suffer from insomnia due to a specific substance that can be found in its composition. Next, learn more about valerian!

Valerian tea (or valerian root) for insomnia

Valerian is still being researched a lot, as it arouses the curiosity of researchers regarding its actions. The tea that is made with this plant can help individuals who suffer with insomnia ensuring that they can get a much better night's sleep.

The action of this tea is possible due to the substances that are released by valerian and that cause the amount of GABA to be increased, a neurotransmitter that inhibits the nervous system and causes the feeling of relaxation.

The benefits of valerian tea

There are many benefits that this plant can bring to your life through its tea. This, because besides fighting insomnia and sleep disorders, it also helps in the treatment of stress and anxiety, giving more quality of life to people who suffer with these problems.

Another positive point regarding the benefits of valerian is that it acts directly on the symptoms of PMS, giving much more relief for this which is one of the most complicated times for women every month.

Ingredients and preparation of valerian tea

To prepare valerian tea perhaps the biggest challenge is finding this plant. However, some health food stores can provide dried valerian tea for you to prepare. Below are the ingredients and how to prepare it.

- 1 tablespoon of valerian root

- 250 ml boiling water

Boil the water and then place the valerian root in the container. After that, turn off the heat and let it stand for about 10 to 15 minutes. After this time, strain the valerian root and leave only the liquid tea. Let it warm up and drink it. The tea should be ingested between 30 minutes and 2 hours before bedtime.


Lavender is a plant full of medicinal properties, and that can be applied in various areas of life as well. This, because in addition to act benefiting health is also commonly found in other products, due to its incredible perfume.

Cleaning products, beauty products and other items use a lot of this plant due to its smell for being pleasant and lasting in the environment. Its calming properties are unique, and with the use of this tea it is possible to have a much longer lasting night's sleep and with quality. Check below!

Lavender tea for insomnia

Lavender tea is prepared through an infusion where only the purple buds of the plant are used. It benefits various aspects of life, but in general helps to ensure an improvement in mood.

In addition, it also brings relaxation sensations to life, so that the individual affected by sleep disorders can have more quality in these moments, with a lasting and satisfying sleep. Other positive points of lavender tea are its actions that bring more health to the skin, relieves menstrual cramps and others.

The benefits of lavender tea

Because it is a plant that helps people feel calmer and more centered with its use, it is also an excellent option for people who suffer from anxiety and depression.

Some compounds that are part of lavender act directly on areas of the brain influencing so that the transmission of impulses between brain cells are carried out with the aim of improving mood and bringing more calm to individuals affected by anxiety and other problems such as stress.

Ingredients and preparation of lavender tea

Although there is still little research that actually proves all the benefits of lavender for the body, there are indications that point out that the ideal is to drink at least one cup of this tea a day to ensure the benefits it has to offer.

- 250 ml of water

- ½ teaspoon of lavender buds

Boil the water, and then put the lavender buds in it. Turn off the heat and let the mixture infuse for at least 10 minutes. After this time, remove the lavender buds and strain the tea.


The lemon balm is one of the most popular plants used to make tea in Brazil. Its popularity is due to the fact that this is a plant widely used in natural medicine, because it has distinct and very important benefits for the organism. The similarities with chamomile are many.

And that's why both are highly indicated to treat the same symptoms, such as excessive stress and insomnia, besides others that are also benefited by the incredible properties of this plant. See more about lemon balm!

Lemon balm tea for insomnia

Lemon balm tea is one of the most common teas to be used for this purpose, in order to ensure a full and much more peaceful night's sleep. People who suffer from insomnia can use this tea before bedtime to ensure that they will not suffer from the heavy effects of this very bothersome disorder.

The lemon balm can also be used for other purposes, but in fact the one that it stands out the most is this, to benefit the quality of sleep, ensuring that the individual will stay longer relaxed and calm for such.

The benefits of lemon balm tea

One of the benefits of using lemon balm is to ensure a much more complete and healthy sleep for the individual. Studies point out that this plant prevents the degradation of GABA, found in the brain.

This is because it enhances the effect of neurotransmitters in order to relax the nervous system and thus the individual will have a calmer night's sleep and will be able to sleep full hours. Another very positive use of lemon balm tea is against headache, it ensures an almost immediate relief for those who constantly suffer from this disease.

Ingredients and preparation of lemon balm tea

To prepare lemon balm tea is very easy, but it is worth noting that it is much more common that this plant is used in its dried form for this purpose, and therefore can be found in various natural products stores and even supermarkets.

- 1 tablespoon of dried lemon balm leaves

- 250 ml of water

Place the leaves and water in a container that can go on fire, let it boil. Once it reaches this point, turn off the heat and let the leaves rest inside the pot in question for at least 10 minutes. Then, remove the leaves by straining the tea and drink it. It is indicated that the tea should be consumed at least 30 minutes before bedtime.


Passionflower is the basis for several natural medicines that aim to improve the quality of sleep and are also used as a tranquilizer. This flower is found on the passion fruit tree, so it has these properties that are very common of this fruit that is also considered as a tranquilizer.

Many studies indicate that the use of passion flower can improve symptoms of irritation and promotes relaxation, that is why it is so widely used for these purposes. The tea made with this plant can be a very important helper in combating insomnia. See more!

Passionflower tea for insomnia

Passionflower is one of the best known natural calming agents in the world. This, because it promotes in people a very positive relaxing effect.

This plant is the basis for several natural medicines that aim to improve not only the quality of sleep, but to ensure more tranquility for people suffering from anxiety and stress. The consumption of the tea made with this plant can bring many benefits to life, but the most common in fact is this one, linked to sleep.

The benefits of passion flower tea

The benefits of passionflower in general are linked to the central nervous system, so it acts for various aspects that have some kind of connection with this sector, such as anxiety, stress, insomnia and others.

But it also has actions that can help control the effects caused by menopause, because passionflower also has some properties that help in inflammatory processes.

Ingredients and preparation of passion flower tea

The preparation of passionflower tea can be made using both the dried leaves of the plant and the natural leaves. This will depend on access to them, because it is easier to find the dried leaves in natural products stores.

- 1 tablespoon of dried passion flower leaves or 2 tablespoons of fresh leaves

- 250 ml of water

First heat the water that will be used in the preparation of tea, when it reaches boiling point put it in a cup where the passion flower leaves should be inserted. Let the mixture stay for 5 to 10 minutes this way, and remove the leaves. Then, let the tea warm up a little and drink it about 30 minutes to 1h before bedtime.

Magnolia bark

This may not be one of the most common plants to make teas from, but it is still known by many for its incredible health benefits. Magnolia is also an excellent fighter for dealing with sleep disorders like insomnia.

This plant has some substances in its composition that have anxiolytic properties, meaning that it can also be used to help patients who are facing problems with anxiety. Below, see more about magnolia!

Magnolia bark tea for insomnia

Although it is not one of the most common plants to make tea, in fact, magnolia is also an excellent option for people who have insomnia. This plant is rich in various vitamins and also has antioxidant action.

There are several applications of this plant that can benefit the health. Not only in these aspects aimed at sleep, stress and anxiety, but it is also widely used for the production of cosmetics because it has properties that improve the skin and help in premature aging.

Benefits of magnolia tea

Magnolia tea has many benefits for life, because this plant has several properties that promote sleep and also help control stress and anxiety situations of everyday life. One of the substances that favor in this regard is honokiol.

This is because this polyphenol has some actions very similar to the drugs that are used for anxiety treatments. It is worth noting that unlike the drugs in question, in this case magnolia does not cause any side effects.

Ingredients and preparation of magnolia tea

To prepare magnolia tea is necessary to have the leaf and flower of the plant. Below see the ingredients for the preparation.

- Magnolia flowers and leaves (1 spoonful per litre)

- 1 Litre of water

Put the water to boil and after it reaches this point put the leaves into the container. Then, let it stay this way for another 10 minutes. After the tea is warm, remove the leaves and drink it before bed.


Lettuce is an extremely well-known leaf and used in cooking in general. This is because it is commonly found in salads and even sandwiches. Few people know, however, that this leaf can be used for teas.

As strange as it may seem, the lettuce has calming properties, and so can be used to be able to prepare teas that help fight insomnia. See below!

Lettuce tea for insomnia

Lettuce tea has been used more and more by people who have trouble sleeping and face the effects of insomnia. Although it is still something unusual for many, the effects of this leaf are very positive and even relaxing. The effects are so good that it can even be used for babies, but it is necessary that they have reached at least 6 months of age for this.

Benefits of lettuce tea

The benefits of lettuce tea in general are geared towards these sleep related issues. It is also notable that this tea has sedative effects and can facilitate longer lasting and heavier sleep. Since it is a lighter plant, lettuce tea also benefits babies who are in more irritable stages and can also be used by pregnant women.

Ingredients and preparation of lettuce tea

To prepare lettuce tea is very simple, just separate a few leaves of the plant from the water.

- 3 chopped lettuce leaves

- 1 cup of water

Place the lettuce leaves inside a container with water and put everything to boil for about 3 minutes. After this time, remove the leaves and let it cool down a bit. Drink a few minutes before bedtime.

If the teas for insomnia do not work, should I seek medical help?

Teas are used as aids because they are more natural and can help you to sleep more peacefully. However, they are not a real treatment against insomnia, and if insomnia is recurrent and getting worse, it is recommended to see a doctor to evaluate the potential risks.

Therefore, be sure to consult a specialist if the teas do not help you sleep more easily and the effects remain persistent for a long time.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.