What are Holistic Therapies? Types, how to do, effects and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about Holistic Therapies

When it comes to health, it should not be restricted solely to physical health. There is now a much greater recognition that if you are not well mentally, it is likely to affect your body, and even if there is no closed wound, you feel ill. Therefore, for you to be well, you need to be well as a whole; and that is what holistic therapies are all about.

From Greek etymology, the holos of the word holistic means "whole" , "whole" and "integral". Holistic therapies are a set of methods that aim at the integrality of the areas that constitute our life for centuries.

Spread across several continents, holistic methods are diverse and associate the environment and traditional knowledge practices, passed from generation to generation. In China we have for example acupuncture, which is a therapy used for millennia until today.

Come learn more below!

Holistic therapies, what they are for, effects and how to do

Did you know that currently many holistic therapies are offered by the Unified Health System (SUS), being recognized as treatment approaches for numerous diseases and feelings of discomfort?

When talking about holistic therapy it is also important to know about holistic care; its scientific backing; its uses; its positive effects and how to start doing it. This is the only way to find out if holistic therapies are right for you. Come and delve deeper into this below!

What are the Holistic Therapies

Holistic Therapies are therapies that seek the integrity of the individual through unconventional practices that have been passed down through centuries and centuries, in various cultures and beliefs. The effects of many of them are extremely effective, thus gaining scientific research support and proof.

In spite of this, the Holistic Therapies do not aim to substitute the treatments already passed by doctors, psychologists and therapists; but they aim at a form of improvement in health and acceleration of results. It is, therefore, very efficient for any individual willing to improve in all aspects.

Integral care

Integral care is understood as that which goes beyond caring for the body, expanding into various areas, including the spiritual. Thus, it is not enough to be in good health: exercising every day, having an excellent diet and doing therapeutic monitoring; but still be encompassed by a bad energy.

Integrative practices aim at treatment based on traditional knowledge to achieve the improvement of the individual in all spheres of existence. Thus, it is no longer focused on well-being with obvious clippings - such as the body -, connecting with the various possibilities in order to find the cure and rescue the protagonism of the person in their own history.

Scientific backing

After several centuries of execution by various peoples and with the achievement of results, the integrative and holistic practices have gained scientific support to the point that today they are recognized by the Ministry of Health, and thus, also offered by the Unified Health System (SUS).

Apitherapy, Aromatherapy, Art Therapy, Ayurveda, Biodanza, Bioenergetics are some among several therapies offered, and although they do not replace the treatments indicated by professionals - such as psychiatric and psychological monitoring - they are facilitators of alleviating the problems faced by the individual, according to many researches.

What they are used for

In the society we live in it is very common to be heard about people sick with depression, anxiety, insomnia, stress and syndromes. And in the midst of this context, holistic therapies are alternatives to soothe the inflamed parts of the body, mind and soul.

Therefore, there is a proposal of remodeling and transformation of the individual in many cases, guiding him to have a protagonism in his own life despite the external circumstances.

Thus, the alleviation of pain gains a lot of paths, and the individual can choose which holistic therapy fits better, so that together with a professional, you can transform from the inside out.

Thus, people who at first suffered from critical situations of psychological or organic diseases, usually have as a result a life more conducive to tranquility, problem solving and re-signification. In short, that is what holistic treatment is for.

Visible positive effects

Conventionally what is offered for healing is a lot of medicines and pills. Although this does not mean it is bad, there are ways to ease the symptoms without having as a cutout only the exemption of prescription drugs. For this it is necessary to ask for guidance on holistic therapies and integrative practices, so that you can be referred to some service appropriately.

If the doctor agrees with the idea, with time you will realize that in fact there are other alternatives to accelerate the process of rebuilding and improvement of health. People around you will notice that you are different, especially if one of the alternatives is aromatherapy: imagine leaving home with smells based on flowers and plants? Anyone around you will notice andto get infected.

How to get started

Holistic therapies do not replace the usual treatments against pain, but accelerate the process of alleviation, improving it. Therefore, you can start by asking a health professional for guidance on integrative practices and alternative therapies. But of course, this should only be done if you feel you are willing to do so.

If you are a person who is open to knowing other traditions and ways of dealing with problems, holistic therapy would be excellent for you. Don't waste any time to start doing it, otherwise there is no point in even risking it.

Different types of Holistic Therapies

There are countless Holistic Therapies spread around the world aiming at the promotion of the individual's well being and their improvement in the spheres of life. A single being can identify with countless therapies and be awakened by each one of them in a different way.

Come and learn about the different types of Holistic Therapies and maybe identify yourself with some of them. Maybe what you need to change your life is to implement one of these practices in your daily life!


Many people know some specializations of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture is one of the most widespread and is sought in order to find a softening of body tensions - due to the stresses of life - through small needles scattered in specific parts of the body, known as meridians.

Who has anxiety, labyrinthitis, vertigo, insomnia, problems with menstrual cycles, headache and muscle pain, should give the chance to try such treatment, because the results are usually positive and approved by most


The reiki has increasingly gained space when it comes to Holistic Therapy. Thus, in order to assist individuals who have psychic, emotional and bodily critical issues, reiki is an alternative to the search for balance in all existing sectors, linked to the cosmic and universal energy.

It is worth mentioning that there are several types of reiki: the Shamanic; the Usui; the Karuna; the Akashic among others. But in their majority they work with the vital energy that governs the universe and our own lives; using the palms of the hands and the energetic points of the body for the manipulation of this energy.

Right after the first session, you can feel good sensations unlocked, such as serenity, relief and peace.


Nothing like coming home from work and getting a massage, right? Massages are desired by most people for decades, and that's all for its main quality: relaxation. But not just anyone knows how to do a massage right, and it is important to look for a professional who specializes in massage therapy.

Massotherapy is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an alternative therapeutic practice in combating body tensions. Many times we somatize our unresolved feelings in the body and a massage done properly, is able to undo these physical and emotional knots.

Therefore, it is an excellent practice that aids life and even prevents some other possible diseases of the body and mind. You only stand to gain!


From the Greek etymology "herb" is linked to herbs and "logia" is linked to study. Thus, herbology is the science of herbs. That is, it is the practice of using medicinal plants as a form of treatment for the angles of life.

Herbology involves roots, stems, leaves, seeds and flowers and seeks through its lineages - Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Traditional Thai Medicine, the process of integration and improvement of the individual based on the ingredients provided by nature. Thus is made: remedies, baths, perfumes, sorceries, talismans, through this practice.


Known as the "science of longevity", the Indian medicine Ayurveda has been passed through centuries and centuries, based on theories, wisdoms and preventive and personalized concepts associated with the individual characteristics of each person.

Therefore, food is one of the bases of Ayurveda Therapy, in order to seek the balance of the individual. For example, people who have specific personalities need specific foods: either to eat them, or to let them insert them. Pepper, specifically, is a food that should be avoided by certain personalities.

Therefore, as this manipulation in the diet, brings benefits such as cleaning toxins in the body: providing a healthier lifestyle.


Phytotherapy is very much associated with plants as well as several others, however it is based on the belief that plants for producing rich and nutritious sources to stay alive in nature, and therefore are extremely nutritious for the individual bringing therapeutic benefits to the body.

For example, you know when you are feeling a little sad and you drink a cup of tea and you feel better? Phytotherapy is very much related to nature and its positive effects on the body of the person. However, it is necessary a process of much professional analysis before any herbal medicine is used by anyone.

But when it is done so, improvement of life is a guarantee.

Floral Therapy

Currently you can find the Flower Therapy offered by various pharmacies: you enter looking at the shelves and find bottles of flowers such as Bach, Amazon and Saint Germain, promising anti-stress, calm, serenity and other possibilities.

The flower essences are made up of essences of plants, flowers and other elements that seek emotional, psychic and psychological balance; helping in the vibrational field of each individual.

Flower therapy is not a substitute for psychiatric drugs, but it helps to accelerate the results of the individual's process and is highly recommended.


Homeopathy is widely used to prevent intoxication and organic stimulation, in order to ease against gastro and intestinal, dermatological, respiratory and emotional disorders.

Such practice seeks the resistance of the individual against allergic, bacterial and viral infections; through medicinal substances that stimulate the body's own dynamics of keeping the organism healthy. In this way, it is as if homeopathy served as a catalyst of the whole organic process already existing to keep us healthy and alive.

The treatment is usually very effective, and is even better when combined with other alternatives to improve the well being of the individual.


Hypnotherapy is also known as a therapy practice that uses hypnosis as a way to combat blockages, traumas, negative sensations and emotional hindrances for the individual to have a more pleasant existence.

Thus, it takes a few sessions so that the professional hypnotherapist can together with the patient identify his issues and explore in a hypnotic way the individual's unconscious transforming unwanted memories, sensations and practices; in other healthy modeling. Basically, hypnotherapy is a strategy for facing personal issues.

After the session you immediately feel the relaxation caused by the experience and after a few more meetings, you will see how the perception of your own life will change for the better.

Art therapy

There is nothing like art as a form of manifestation of the unconscious and expression of feeling, isn't there? Art therapy is an alternative therapy that blends various artistic experiences as a way of helping the individual to better deal with himself and his existence.

The paintings, drawings, theater, music as well as dance are examples of the tools used by this art in order to assist the healing process through expressions, self-knowledge and fluidity.

Crystal Therapy

The name itself already gives you a sense of what the crystallotherapy uses in the midst of their therapeutic processes: crystals. You must surely have seen people wearing necklaces adorned with crystals on the streets, there is a time they were fashionable and it was very easy to find people wearing them.

But, not everyone knew that it was not a mere fad: the stones used in the necklaces serve therapeutically helping in the processes of energization of the body and harmony with the external environment in a positive way.

Thus, the crystals are widely used along with the practices of reiki, since there are specific crystals, including, for each chakra, and this can be greatly exploited with the addition of the two therapeutic processes.

Radionic Table

Did you know that it is possible to identify and evaluate the energies that rule your life by means of graphs and symbologies? The radionic table is an instrument capable of doing all this analysis guiding you on what to do in the spheres of your life.

It is also possible in the table to be made clearing processes of energy fields of individuals and even objects and environments. But before trying the process of the table radionics is important to give a deeper search on their types and which you would identify more.

Music Therapy

Who never arrived from a stressful day and when playing music felt better? Music is being used unconsciously as a therapeutic strategy, many times we play music when we are anxious, depressed, bored, alone.

Music therapy, therefore, when put into practice by a professional who has an in-depth knowledge of the healing processes that resonate with music, makes the experience much richer and with greater returns.

If you are already a person who is connected to music in some way, consider the possibility of experiencing this experience in a more elaborate, intense and transformative way through music therapy.

What is the relationship between life purpose and holistic therapies?

Although it may seem so: not everyone around us has a purpose in life. There are many people out there pushing life by the belly, letting the paths be drawn by themselves and not by a greater force: the force of will. The force of wanting.

Often the lack of interest in life is tied to one area of life that is a mess and ends up messing up all the others. Following this line of reasoning, we often become our pain, disappointment and frustration and forget that we are far beyond that.

Holistic therapies seek the integrality of the individual in all aspects: spiritual, emotional and organic. Thus, if you can with the help of a holistic therapy reintegrate your personal areas, finding a certain balance, it will be much easier to find a path to follow, a purpose of life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.