Meaning of Mars in Aries in your horoscope: sex, love and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

The meaning of Mars in Aries

When you say that someone has Mars in Aries in their birth chart, you think of an explosive and irritable person, but this position can indicate many things beyond that. They can be very creative, active and enthusiastic people, but also aggressive and somewhat rude in their speech.

As Mars is in the sign it rules, these natives will be totally guided by the impetuous energy of the red planet. It is necessary to know how to balance these qualities and be careful with their exaggerations. In this article, you can check all their characteristics, their pros and cons.

Meaning of Mars

While in mythology Mars is considered the god of war, in astrology the planet is related to strength, courage, male sexuality, impulses and leadership. Below, you can check the meanings of Mars, both in mythology and astrology.

Mars in mythology

Mars is the Roman god of war, counterpart of Ares, Greek god of war. He is the son of Juno and Jupiter, respectively, the goddess of marriage and the god of thunder. He is responsible for taking impulsive attitudes. Moreover, he was considered the god of agriculture, harvest and spring, so much so that he could be related to fertility.

He was also seen as the god of manual labor and the creation and construction of weapons. While Ares was accompanied by Phobos and Deimos, Mars had his war companions Virtus and Honor. Mars engaged in an adulterous relationship with Venus, who was married to Vulcan, and they had a son, Cupid, and a moral daughter, Harmonia.

Mars in astrology

Mars in astrology represents the autonomy and self-affirmation of a person. How people put themselves in the world and how they show initiative for something are two points that this planet has to reveal about each person. And like the Roman god, Mars is also responsible for impulsive actions, the will to win and achieve what you want.

Moreover, this planet has a masculine nature and is related to sexuality, passion and carnal desire. The red planet is also associated with physical strength and our health. Therefore, the habit of practicing physical exercises or sports is fundamental to have a balance with Mars' energy.

Basics of Mars in Aries

In the following topics, you can learn more about your own Mars, what it reveals to you, and if yours is in Aries, some details about what the planet has to show you. Check out this and other information below.

How to find my Mars

As well as discovering your Venus, it is necessary to know your year and date of birth and check in the chart which sign was entering in Mars during the days that comprise the date you were born. You can generate an astrological chart through this information and thus discover which sign is in your Mars.

What Mars reveals in the Birth Chart

Mars reveals in the Birth Chart how people act and what motivates them. It also reveals how they demonstrate anger, as well as the way they show their aggressiveness to the world, being it not necessarily something negative, but neutral.

Aggressiveness is necessary to defend ourselves and to pursue our dreams. Every action, whether impulsive or not, is revealed through the red planet, and this also includes sexual impulses. Thus, Mars also reveals about behavior between four walls and conquest in flirting.

Mars in Aries in the Birth Chart

Mars is precisely in his ruling sign, revealing an extremely energetic person, almost connected to 220V. He is a very impulsive and direct person, who says what he thinks. Because he is very direct in what he says, he is not a person who plays games, he is honest and always tells the truth. Besides, he expresses his anger and disappointment in a very short and rough way.

You have a very strong sense of leadership and are great for leadership positions because you are always encouraging others and taking the initiative in new plans. Furthermore, because you always want to be first and best at what you like to do, you have a strong sense of competition. Therefore, these are people who have an aptitude for competing in sports tournaments and games.

However, natives with Mars in Aries are very irritable and stubborn. Depending on the situation, they may demonstrate their discontent in a violent and aggressive way.

Solar revolution of Mars in Aries

Mars in Aries in the solar revolution indicates great energy in your life. You will feel more active for any activity, whether at work, in studies or in sex. Aggressiveness will remain very present, not necessarily in a negative sense but in the will to go after your goals.

Be careful however not to act too impulsively and get carried away by your desires. Because you are more able to give your opinion on certain matters, friction may occur with those around you.

Mars in Aries in different areas of life

The native of Mars in Aries can behave in different ways in his personal life and at work. Below you can see how he behaves in each of these areas of life.

In love

A person with Mars in Aries has a tendency to have sexuality at its peak, so in relationships, the ideal partner is someone who has as much sexual impulse as he or she does. Being a very impulsive person, especially about his or her sexuality, he or she can be adept at open relationships or polyamorous.

In the conquest, is a very direct person to the subject. She will not play games and intrigues, will be very direct and spontaneous in what he wants. Sometimes, these natives can be a little dominant in the relationship or even selfish. However, nothing like a good conversation for the couple to come to an agreement.

In friendships

Natives with Mars in Aries, because they have a strong sense of leadership, will always be leading their group of friends, almost always being the first to take action in the group. Moreover, when they give advice, they are very direct, which can end up hurting others a little. Often, the unbridled sincerity can become offensive, it is necessary to be careful when speaking.

It is also worth remembering that a friend with Mars in Aries will do everything to help you and see you through. They are reliable and faithful people who will listen to you and give you all the support they can.

In the family

Natives with Mars in Aries, being very impulsive and explosive people, can have problems in their relationship with their families. If the family has a very rigid and conservative structure, conflicts tend to be more intense, since these natives do not like inflexible situations, on the contrary, they like innovation.

Such conflicts are still often associated with the stubbornness of these Mars in Aries natives, which can make them disobedient to their parents and other family members. However, they are also capable of moving mountains to see those they love so much happy and well.

At work

In the workplace, natives with Mars in Aries tend to be bosses and are usually also people who motivate and encourage their teammates in various situations.

The strong competitive sense of natives also makes them always try to be the best in their jobs and often end up standing out in the workplace. But this characteristic can become problematic when the competition is not healthy for one of the sides. Therefore, it is good to take care to prevent this from happening.

Other interpretations of Mars in Aries

Men and women with Mars in Aries may behave differently, although in general they have similar characteristics. In the following topics, you can see each one of these differences.

Man with Mars in Aries

Men born with Mars in Aries can be a bit arrogant when they are good at something and do not measure efforts to show how they are capable. They are also very confident, competitive and always have their imagination running: if they get inspired, there is no one to hold them back, they go all the way and give everything they can to make their work as original as possible.

Their competitive spirit also makes them prone to getting involved in sports, games, war and the military, and possibly being attracted to martial arts or political strategies.

When necessary, natives fight tooth and nail for what they believe in and when they get angry, they never back down from a fight, be it verbal or physical. Thus, they can sometimes be rude and intimidating.

When it comes to flirting, they go straight to the point and this also serves between the walls, where they have a lot of attitude and love to innovate.

Woman with Mars in Aries

Women with Mars in Aries are full of initiative and, like men, they are very confident and direct in what they want, without beating around the bush. For everything, they are always the first to run after something, taking the initiative no matter what it is.

They are very vain, imposing and full of themselves, so they even emanate a certain intimidating air, which can be considered one of their many charms.

In the seduction game, they are not passive: they like to advance and always go for the attack. They also like to be in charge of the relationship and are attracted to men with similar characteristics, who are as active as they are.

Challenges of Mars in Aries

For those who have Mars in Aries, one of the challenges is to contain their great impulsiveness which can end up causing conflicts, both among friends and in the workplace. Sometimes, some words or actions said without much thought can bring consequences such as fights or even termination of friendships and relationships.

In love, these people have a tendency to be unfaithful and cannot keep the flame of passion for so long in a relationship. So, it takes effort and dedication so that this does not happen.

Mars in Aries in House

This direct contact with the red planet is responsible for aggressive and impulsive actions and for the strong competitive spirit in those who are ruled this way.

Tips for those who have Mars in Aries

First of all, control your impulsiveness. Stop and think a little before you make a decision or say something. Try to be more subtle and delicate, especially if it's a sensitive subject. If you're giving advice or comforting someone, measure your words carefully before you say anything, as they may feel sad or hurt if you're too aggressive when you speak.

In love relationships, no matter how much you like to be a dominating person, think more about what your partner wants. Talk, listen to the other's opinions and desires. Also, don't get too focused on the sexual field, after all, a relationship is not made only of sex.

Finally, try to deal better with competitiveness. Take things more sportingly, as this behaviour can end up becoming unhealthy, as well as alienating the people around you.

How is Mars in Aries in sex?

People with Mars in Aries have a lot of energy and creativity, especially in sex. They like to innovate in bed.

Women like partners who are as domineering and courageous as they are. Men, on the other hand, are a little more immature, like to get involved in the heat of the moment and, just like women, they are interested in partners who have the same energy and vitality as they do in bed.

As they are people straight to the point, there is not usually that climate of romanticism and foreplay, sex is full of attitude and boldness.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.