Personal year 9: influences, numerology, how to calculate and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the meaning of personal year 9?

Personal year 9 is responsible for the enhancement of more mundane pursuits, research, writing and philanthropy. Also, it can be the year that will provide the discovery of the meaning of life, and you will surf the waves of emotions and sail the world.

So, year 9 is a year for giving from the heart and letting go of what is no longer needed in your life so that what really is can come. It marks the end of the cycle of 9 personal years, according to Kabbalah numerology. Follow this article to the end to learn more about how to act in your personal year 9 and how it influences your life!

Understanding the personal year

The personal year cycle is a nine-year cycle that will follow the course of root numbers, that is, the single-digit numbers - 1 through 9. Each personal year number will have its own individual qualities specific to the vibrational essence of the root number that informs it.

The personal year number you are experiencing this year will depend on where you are in the personal year cycle. So it is important that you understand your personal year number, as this will be your guide for the year to come. Check it out!

Influences of the personal year

Astrology tries to understand the mysteries of the Universe, which is vast and full of secrets. Within the studies to understand how these mysteries influence people's lives, numerology arises, which presents the personal year as a way to understand that the energy of the numbers can influence the day to day of each one.

So when you discover your personal year, it gives you more opportunities to focus on the things that are most important to you, and understand what really needs to be valued.

Personal year and numerology

The personal year is a term from numerology to try to find what energies you will need to work on during the year, but there are some convergences on this term.

Some scholars in the field say that the personal year will begin on January 1 and end on December 31, while for others it will begin on the day of your birth and end one day before the birthday of the next year. Even with these impasses, the result of the two will show you everything that should be worked during the year.

How to calculate my personal year

To calculate your personal year you can perform the sum of the day and month of birth plus the numbers of the current year. For example, if your birthday is September 19 you will add 1+9+0+9+2+0+2+1= 24.

Then the sum of these two numbers will be made, so that there will be only one digit. 2+4=6. For this person, the year 2021 will be a year in which he will work with the energies of number 6.

If you already have knowledge of numerology, you can deepen in the analysis performing the sum of the day and month of birth plus the current month and year.

Personal year 9 for numerology

For numerologists, year 9 is a very special year, since it is the closing of a cycle and the beginning of another. If you are experiencing year 9, you may have noticed that it is full of surprises, experiences and some mysteries, besides stirring a lot of emotional issues.

It is a great time to clear up misunderstandings and resolve what should have been resolved. See below in which areas of life the number 9 can bring changes.

Energy in the personal year 9

Marked by the closure in the cycle, year 9 will bring the energy of change and new beginnings. Generally, in numerology, one year complements the other, so you prepare yourself year after year for what may happen in the next, so you should be aware that somehow you will have twists and turns in your life in year 9.

This year will be responsible for closing everything, so that in the next year, year 1, you open new paths and have energy for the new things at the beginning of the cycle. During this year you may feel more reclusive, thoughtful and introspective, so year 9 is also the year of changing habits and self-knowledge.

Love life in personal year 9

Unfortunately, in this year, long and lasting breakups can occur, this will bring you sadness and suffering. But if you have not yet found your soul mate, this suffering is necessary so that you are free and can go in search of the true love of your life.

And if you are single, it may indicate that the end of singlehood is coming, or that you are learning to deal with loneliness and enjoying your own company, enjoying all that self-love can provide.

Working life in the personal year 9

Personal year 9 is very strong, so strong that the energy of closure will affect all areas of life, so it can mark the end of a job, position or area, showing a career transition.

For many it may be a difficult year if strong ties have been made in this job, but the message of year nine is that "some bad comes to good", so try to stay positive.

Social life in the personal year 9

The change of scenery will take place, so in year 9 new people and friendships will appear in your life and there is a great chance that these friendships will strengthen in the following year. For with the end of the cycle, perhaps current friendships will come to an end and so you will have new contacts in your life.

The changes will not only be with friends, but also in the spaces you frequent and in behaviors you have in your social circle. Example, if you are more shy and reserved, you may become more spontaneous, fun and playful.

Health in the personal year 9

Because it is a year of conclusions, you will better understand that you will use everything you have learned over the past 8 years to focus on your health and well being. Therefore, it is the right time to end any kind of behavior that is being harmful, both physically and mentally.

This year is the deadline for you to worry about yourself and stop letting yourself go and just help your neighbor. Mental tranquility needs to be restored, otherwise everything is likely to collapse. It's essential to feel good about yourself to start the new cycle in a positive way.

Personal Year 9 in 2021

If you've gotten to where you are it's thanks to everything you've accomplished in the last 9 years, so if you're having a good time it's a sign that you've cultivated good things and focused on yourself throughout the process.

If you are frustrated with your achievements, it may be that you really are not taking advantage of the energies of each number throughout this cycle. The important thing this year is to accept that the past is over and focus on the future, see what the year 9 has in store for 2021. Check it out!

What to expect from personal year 9 in 2021

Numerology states that for 2021 personal year 9 will bring important transformations, which will bring benefits to various areas of your life. However, these will only be realised if you let go of the past.

In the year 2021 things will not be lasting, they will only serve as bridges to get you to where you need to start over. You will get rid of beliefs that have been causing you a lot of restlessness, unhappiness and stagnation for a long time.

Love in personal year 9 in 2021

During the year 2021, everything that has been causing you dissatisfaction in your love relationship will be recycled and thus make room in your life for giving and receiving affection. If you are single you will have the opportunity to experience romantic adventures which will lead you to meet someone with whom you will have a phenomenal connection.

It could be that you really do find the right person, the connection your soul has been waiting for. If you set purpose together, side by side, you can enjoy transformative experiences and lives.

Benefits of personal year 9 in 2021

The year 2021 will be the year to leave the past behind and extract the lessons and teachings from it, to create new habits in all areas of life. In your professional career, you can turn things around by going in the direction you want or even changing your path completely.

Be open to new opportunities and experiences which may arise. This is the time to take risks without fear as they are sure to be beneficial in your life.

Challenges of personal year 9 in 2021

The big challenges that may appear in the year 2021 are the changes you will have to make in your life. However, not everyone will be able to face this in a good way. Closing a cycle can be scary, and with so much going on, it can feel like everything is getting out of control, which makes people more restless and anxious.

However, you need to learn to deal with these changes in 2021, so that you can prepare for the arrival of 2022 and start the new cycle in a positive way. Don't let these feelings keep you from the main goal of personal year 9.

What to wear in personal year 9 in 2021

Your year may suggest colors, props, herbs, and scents that should be used to enhance the energy of your goals. Check out what the personal year 9 indicates to use in the year 2021 below!


The colours that personal year 9 indicates to be worn throughout the year 2021 are gold or green. Gold is to symbolise the Sun, offering inner wisdom and inspiring you to understand yourself, without labelling.

The color green will bring balance and harmony to your daily life. In addition, green is the color of hope, so believe that the changes that will occur in your life will be for the greater good.

Crystals and stones

The indicated stone for this year is the smoky quartz that will inspire you to accept the challenges and the responsibility of acquiring new habits. It can be placed inside your pocket or purse, it can't be thrown on the floor or be close to coins, keys and papers.

To use it, put it in your hand and ask yourself what your priorities are, choose a good day to perform this act and then observe the frequency of the stone in your day to day.

Herbs, aromas and essential oils

As year 9 brings many changes, you will need to deal with letting go, closing cycles. For these cases, use the synergy of Eucalyptus Stageriana, Patchouly and Cypress all together.

To help deal with the grief that will arise, use Mandarin, Lavender and Lavender. If you feel the need for protection, the most suitable is to use Citronella, Juniper and Olibanum. As for cleaning the energies of the environments, the ideal is the use of oils of Citronella and Lavender.

How to act during your personal year 9?

The personal year 9 is not easy, you will need a lot of maturity to face it, but be sure that you will reap the fruits of this suffering. So try to draw lessons from problematic situations or something that will help in your growth.

During this year, try to accept the past exactly as it is, without prejudice and labels, and integrate it to your present, closing any unfinished business, putting an end. Only then you will be free to live what the new cycle will provide you.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.