Longevity: know the habits to increase, foods and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is longevity?

The process of longevity justifies a collection of activities and eating habits, besides being linked to the natural aging of a population. Being able to apply social issues, health and welfare also come into this context. Many people are in a situation below a socioeconomic level and need attention.

Being a factor that gets worse as time goes by, there is a need for survival. As the elderly population increases, demanding some policies to understand this process is necessary, besides the implementation of measures to serve this specific public. Learn more about the issues that are within this process by reading the article!

Habits to increase longevity

Not having exactly a specific formula, longevity can be determinant to have a highly effective posture and including a healthy routine. At the scientific level some experts have already talked about measures that can be determinant for this process, besides they contribute to an active aging.

By being able to increase a person's years of life, it improves their health and with enjoyment throughout the process. In 2019 Brazilians have increased three months in life expectancy reaching 76.6 years, according to the IBGE. In addition, since 1940 longevity has increased by 31 years. Continue reading the article to understand the habits that contribute to longevity!


Satiety in the action of longevity is linked to the established meals and in the right measures. This includes not overeating, but to be satisfied in front of the food that is needed. When the stomach is 80% full it does the work of digestion easily.

Another issue that can help is that of chewing the food slowly, in addition to understanding that the brain takes about 20 minutes to understand the level of satiety. Also avoiding diseases linked to weight gain in front of a specific body action reduces calories.

Social life

All people need to maintain a circle of friendships, considering that longevity can be nurtured with these social relationships. Going further, every human being needs companionship and he was not constituted to live alone. His survival is built with other people and with his health up to date.

Cultivating relationships with family and friends makes a person maintain a healthy routine, plus others care and look after them. Being supported makes a total difference, and can also prevent some illnesses and reduce the risk of some symptoms. Memory can be stimulated to get rid of anxiety.


Research has been done jointly by Harvard School of Public Health, Boston Medical School, the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute and Harvard University School of Medicine. Tying longevity together, they believe in healthy living in the face of optimism.

With people being able to pass 85 years old and not being conclusive until then, this factor can collaborate with them. Looking into the future it is possible to believe that this psychological issue can help in this process. Being able to control feelings that generate anxiety, they can overcome some difficulties with optimism.


Killing many people every year, tobacco takes 8 million of them. 7 million are those who use the cigarette directly and 1.2 are those who are not exposed to passive tobacco, according to WHO. Many experts connect to the studies and all over the world this habit decreases longevity.

Being more than important to avoid this consumption, tobacco puts people in sharing with substances not favorable, besides having the nicotine with carbon monoxide. More than that, those who use also harm those around them. Linked in many diseases, they are more than 50. Heart attack, cancer, stroke and bronchitis can develop.


Coffee is one of the most ingested beverages by people and it can indicate longevity. A US University in Southern California, USC conducted a research that shows that drinking coffee can reduce the risk of death, besides being linked to cancer, stroke and respiratory issues.

With diabetes and heart problems, coffee has an effective concentration. Antioxidants are present, making some effects collaborate to not premature aging and protecting the body of people from more serious diseases.


Getting vaccinated is an act of care, besides the connection with the measures established by the public system. Longevity also applies, besides immunization being determinant to have a healthier life. Between the periods 1940 and 1998, people managed to establish 30 more years of life in the immunization proposals.

Including not only children, adolescents, adults and the elderly can be included in the vaccination system, besides these issues are all linked to the efforts of the Unified Health System, SUS. There are 19 vaccines and they contribute to prevent more than 20 diseases.


Establishing a life purpose is essential, considering that it contributes to longevity. Being a reason why an individual gets out of bed daily, it serves to live longer. According to a study conducted by experts from the University College of London, Princeton and Stony Brook (USA), they included 9,050 people.

With an average age set at 65, and the research was done over eight and a half years, they found that all those who did something decisive in their goals were 30% less likely to die. The average was two years more than the others.


Healthy muscles are important in the process of longevity, besides they contribute to a more active life. People lose this mass which is called sarcopenia, because this action is part of a natural characteristic when people become adults.

The University of São Paulo did a research that indicated the drop in body mass, besides it is linked with longevity. To maintain movement and balance, practicing muscle building makes you regulate blood glucose and body temperament that results in hormones.


Being something that can hardly be extinguished, stress hinders people's longevity. More than that, the turbulent routine, full of responsibilities and commitments makes a person wear himself out until he reaches his maximum stress level.

The tension also enters this issue, making it necessary to assign habits to try to soften it. Causing inflammation in the body, it gives some reactions in the body and messes with the emotional issue. Psychiatric diseases are stimulated, besides altering the memory. Therefore, sleep is also impaired.


Causing malnutrition, an inadequate diet can contribute to the longevity of people. Ingesting a high number of calories also harms, considering that a healthy quality of life needs to be established. Balance needs to be maintained, besides the body getting used to new habits.

Harvard University did a study focused on diet and its changes, and included 74,000 people over a period of 12 years. The conclusion was established according to identified changes that are necessary to be satisfied within a longer life expectancy.

Foods that help longevity

There is nothing mysterious to have a healthy life and within the actions of longevity. Feeding with specific products and within a regulated diet, can make a total difference. It is possible to find foods that assume these roles and with people living longer.

Keeping a balance within this process helps to regulate many things, especially avoiding stress Genetics also comes into question, being that it is responsible for 25% of longevity. The rest only comes into this question by healthy routine, being 75%. Read the following topics to learn more about the foods needed for longevity!


Almonds are responsible for lowering cholesterol and giving a lot of energy. Longevity is also established by making room for plant steroids, helping people who are diabetic and lowering blood sugar. Being able to increase testosterone, strengthens muscles.

With vitamin E in it, it powers the defenders that protect from the sun's rays. Being an antioxidant, this vitamin leaves arteries free and untroubled that cannot develop. Consuming a level below what is considered acceptable can cause you to not have as good of a memory, affecting cognition.


Full of fiber and protein, flaxseeds aid in the longevity process. Also giving a high load of omega-3, it repairs some skin blemishes. Had a study that had some people ingest half a spoonful of this vitamin for six weeks, having a breakthrough in controlling irritation and redness.

Hydrating, another evaluation was done in people with cholesterol above 240 mg, comparing with a routine of 20 grams of flaxseed. After 60 days eating with this product, all of them had good results, unlike those who ingested statins.


Tomatoes rely on the antioxidant lycopene, with red tomatoes being the best, healthiest and aiding in longevity. Those that are processed will also do and achieve the same activation as fresh ones. The body quickly accepts and absorbs lycopene and can be attributed to diet.

Avoiding the risk of developing bladder cancer, the prostate, skin, lungs and stomach become healthy. It can even prevent arterial disease, takes away free radicals from the skin and fights aging caused by the sun. When cooked it becomes potent, besides giving good results.

Sweet potato

Considered one of the healthiest on the planet earth, the sweet potato helps eliminate the damage that was caused by smoking, preventing diabetes and giving the longevity that many seek. With the glutathione present, it is antioxidant and raises the level of nutrients in the metabolism.

More than that, it helps strengthen the immune system and protects people who consume it from Alzheimer's. Liver disease also does not evolve, making no room for Parkinson's. HIV, cancer, heart attack and cystic fibrosis do not develop.


Spinach is green and made up of leaves, giving power to muscles and being a food that man consumes constantly. There are minerals present in it, besides potassium and magnesium. Longevity is attributed, being that it can be full of sources of lutein.

Serving as an antioxidant that fights artery clogging, its vitamins are potent and nutrients help balance bone mineral. Some cells that reach the prostate cannot develop, preventing even skin tumors. Colon cancer also does not evolve, increasing blood flow.


There is an acid called carnosic that can be found to decrease the chances of a cerebral vascular collapse by 40%, plus rosemary helps with these issues. Longevity is established by also making room for cells that help fight free radicals in the brain.

Stroke does not constitute and this food protects people from degenerative diseases. Alzheimer's also fails to develop, in addition to the positive effects that this plant can cause and preventing premature aging. There are no mysterious maneuvers to have a healthy life, and this food can be consumed.

Red Wine

Carried within a composition that raises HDL, red wine also has resveratrol and lowers LDL. Here longevity draws attention, besides this drink serves as a lifesaver. Chronic diseases do not spread, preventing and with a person can reach 85 years old.

It is recommended to consume only two doses per day, which can increase by 97% the chances of a person reaching an advanced age. Since it is recommended to ingest only one alcoholic beverage per day, the antioxidants are present and help the blood vessels. The heart is also protected and without the chance of dying from a cardiovascular disease.


The fats present in avocados are full of monounsaturated fats, plus they fight high cholesterol in a person. Longevity is to be celebrated, considering that this product is rich in folic acid and with the B vitamin that fights homocysteine.

Can help not to bar the blood flow, avocado fills this process with the vessels. The indicated is that a person consumes this food twice a week and with ¼ of it to stimulate the processes of the human body. There is not necessarily a deadlock, just recommendations that should be followed.

Green tea

This drink contains catechin, which serves as an antioxidant and fights anti-inflammatory actions. Preventing skin cancer, longevity is constituted by the consumption of green tea, it can also eliminate some effects that the sun has caused. Balancing and neutralizing these marks offers health.

With another antioxidant present, epigallocatechin gallate strengthens the cardiovascular system and reduces the various processes of cancer. With it being able to develop anywhere in the body, green tea consumed on a regular basis gives no room for the disease and protects from all the damage it can cause.

Whole grain cereals

In this longevity system Whole Grains count on oats, barley, fiber, wheat and brown rice. Being able to relieve inflamed tissues, leaves the heart strengthened, the brain watered and the colon at its maximum health level. Carbohydrates are also found and with sugars slowed down by fiber.

The proteins constituted in this food serve as a source of energy and giving the necessary power to the muscles. It is necessary to be attentive in the products called integral, because not all of them are true. Reading the label carefully can make you prevent.


Saffron is yellow for the polyphenol present, and the properties are anticancer and rely on anti-inflammatory power. Fighting the accumulation of amyloid plaques, longevity is established in the face of what can cause Alzheimer's disease.

The plant grown in India may prove why the elderly in the country do not indulge in Alzheimer's. In the United States there is a percentage of 13% constituted, with people not consuming there and according to a study by the Alzheimer's Association.

Physical exercises and the benefits in longevity

Many people can achieve a high level in their ages, with many using medicine and functional exercises. Longevity can be built through a healthy routine full of activities, giving more and more of an active life to them.

The mistake of some is to only take care of in an advanced age, being that the indicated is to take care of it since early. Not to adapt to the sedentary life is important, because the well-being should provide that joy of living and being able to give the pleasure.

Continue reading the article to understand the benefits of exercise for longevity!

Improves mental health

When people are practicing physical exercises they develop endorphins that are released by the body. Longevity is determined from this, because this substance causes happiness and well-being. More than that, it elevates the mood and collaborates with the emotional.

Mental health is enriched, preventing a person from getting carried away by the stress of everyday life. Depression and anxiety can also be avoided with this practice, besides maintaining the high level of internal and external health. Whatever it is, exercise only provides good stimuli.

Body weight control

Excess body weight can harm a person, considering that each person needs a certain weight for their size. Longevity is attributed to physical exercises, being possible to eliminate what can harm health.

Increasing the muscle mass as per the body development is necessary, besides preventing the development of many diseases. The metabolism is also accelerated, and it is easier to achieve the ideal weight. A person with the high age can constitute through this and keeping his life active.

Cardiovascular system

On the basis of physical exercises it is possible to keep the heart light and healthy. More than that, longevity is worked actively, besides having a constant life in this sense of strengthening activities. Efficiency is built up, leaving the blood vessels and arteries flexible.

With the possibility of the blood flowing normally, the body tissues are strengthened preventing wear and tear. Reducing the chances of developing cardiovascular diseases, it builds and radically improves the health of those who exercise with these activities.

Strengthens memory

Practicing activities regularly makes the cognitive system to be stimulated, creating cells for people to keep in the cardiovascular system strengthening and enriching longevity. It also helps in the processes of the brain, maintains all the abilities of thoughts and efficiently preserves the memory.

The hormone that is released during the practice of exercises improves this mental issue, and may even reduce the damage caused by old age. Also losing the memory, an elderly person can reach a high level of dementia. There is a specific part of the brain that stores some memories formulated through practicing activities, and may improve them.

Chronic diseases

People who move regularly show themselves to be active and with improvements in their cholesterol levels. Here longevity is being established with sugar control, avoiding high blood pressure and blood levels. Being able to intensify chronic diseases with age, those who have reached a certain advancement need to ease such symptoms.

The development of these complications leverage serious issues, being necessary to practice physical activities with a certain established routine. Health care should start early, not leaving only to worry at age 60, for example.

What is the secret of longevity?

There is not necessarily a secret to longevity. It can be stimulated in the face of restrictions, with care in food and physical exercises. The proteins present in some foods can intensify this issue, besides them having specific vitamins and antioxidants. The difference will be noticed, besides presenting an active life, will be constituted by strengthening processes.

Physical activities are also required, because at a certain age people start losing the collagen present in the skin and with weakened muscles. Body weight should be emphasized, considering that each person needs to reach or maintain specific numbers. Therefore, eating healthily contributes to longevity, in addition to dressing comfortably to practice afavorite physical activity.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.