How to know your Chinese sign? Come and find out more about the horoscope!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are Chinese signs?

The Chinese signs are divided into 12 animals: rat, ox, tiger, hare, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. Each one of them is responsible for ruling a certain year, according to the Chinese calendar.

Thus, each sign is also responsible for influencing different issues, due to those brought by its specific elements, which also facilitate the understanding of influences and impacts.

Therefore, some methods are adopted by Chinese astrology to understand these issues, which are quite different from what is normally seen in Western astrology, which most people are more used to. See more about Chinese Horoscopes below!

Understanding more about Chinese Horoscopes

Chinese Horoscopes are based on the astrology of China which, unlike the astrology known to most people, is divided into specific signs. In this case, animals are used to symbolise these issues.

The difference between Chinese and Western Horoscopes is that the signs are not divided according to the months of the year, so each year is governed by a specific animal and everything that happens during that period is due to that influence.

This idea follows the Chinese calendar, which is also made in a very different way from the Western one. Are you curious? Read more details about the Chinese signs below!

Concept and rationale

The analyses made through Chinese astrology in relation to its aspects are based on both the movements made by the sun as well as the movement of the moon.

The techniques used by Chinese astrology also take into consideration the Chinese calendar, which is done in a different way, counting on twelve year cycles. Like the Western Horoscope, the Chinese Horoscope is also based on the movements of the stars, but it has some fundamentals related to religion.


The whole story of the Chinese Horoscope is traditionally told as a legend. According to this, Buddha held a party to celebrate the new year and invited all the animals of the forest.

However, only 12 appeared and as a reward Buddha gave the name of each animal present to a group of people in the horoscope and the order was according to the arrival of the animals at the event. And so the Chinese Horoscope was born, which takes into consideration each year an animal that represents the people born in that specific period.

Elements of Chinese Signs

Apart from the animals which represent the Chinese Horoscope, there are also some elements which can influence the signs and give more emphasis on characteristics and situations. There are five distinct elements which provide a universal balance.

All the elements mentioned are part of the Earth, and the Chinese astrology view of individuals has a deep connection with it. Thus, it is composed of these elements, which contribute to the connection.

The five elements are totally connected, so that one can be controlled by the actions of the other and also have the power to inhibit each other. In this way, they can display strengths and weaknesses according to their influences. Learn more about the elements which make up the Chinese Horoscope!

How to discover your element in Chinese signs?

To discover your element, you must first discover your sign in the Chinese Horoscope. As it is done in cycles, animals are not necessarily combined with an element.

Thus, a person born on September 12, 1991 will be in a cycle that began on February 12, 1991 and will end on February 3, 1992. That year was ruled by the Metal Goat. Therefore, you must first find the cycle of the day, month and year you were born to discover it.


People who are born under the strong influence of the metal element are seen as self-sufficient and very determined. They are also people who have a very clear vision of what they want and the ambition they carry with them makes them seek success.

Some tendencies that can be seen as negative are individualism and the irrational and inflexible way in which they end up acting.


People born with the influence of the water element are very communicative and have a very strong intuitive and sensitive side. Therefore, they are people who will easily feel the weight of things happening around them, which can affect them deeply.

These people have very flexible and adaptable thoughts, are nice and have the gift of persuasion, but on the negative side, they show tendencies to indifference, insecurity and are very fickle, which can get them into trouble.


Those born under the influence of the wood element show a very creative and innovative personality. This makes these people expansive and manage to show themselves to the world in exactly this way, displaying their qualities that they can conquer.

They are generous and idealistic thinkers, but they often need more support to follow through with their goals, as they are easily dissatisfied and have a strong tendency to dispersion and inconstancy.


The influence of the fire element in people is shown by passion. Therefore, the ruled are people who have very positive characteristics such as creativity. They show themselves as true leaders because they are extroverted people who like to take on central roles. This is also due to the fact that they are usually very confident.

Negative tendencies, however, cause these people to end up assuming aggressive, uncontrolled and impatient postures. They may act with a certain radicalism and impulsiveness.


People ruled by the Earth element are very balanced, a common characteristic of this element. They are people who seek stability because they are that way in their actions. They value organization, prudence and concrete goals.

However, they have some bad tendencies that can harm them throughout their life. Since they are overly cautious, they end up acting too slowly and like to cultivate a routine rather than acting on creativity and trying something new.

Chinese sign Rat

People ruled by the sign of the Rat in the Chinese Horoscope have many positive tendencies, as well as a personality which makes them skillful enough to face tortuous paths and come out of these situations stronger and more fulfilled.

This is a sign that speaks a lot about honesty and shows qualities directed towards this characteristic. People ruled by the sign of the Rat are trustworthy, although sometimes they do not trust themselves.

Something that can be noticed is the fact that they do not feel completely satisfied with themselves and can live a real dilemma throughout their lives in search of a greater balance. Want to know more details of the sign of Rat? See below!


The years that correspond to the sign of Rat in the Chinese Horoscope and its elements are:

05/02/1924 to 24/01/1925 - Wooden Mouse

24/01/1936 to 10/02/1937 - Fire Rat

10/02/1948 to 28/01/1949 - Earth Rat

01/28/1960 to 02/14/1961 - Metal Rat

15/02/1972 to 02/02/1973 - Water Rat

02/02/1984 to 19/02/1985 - Wooden Rat

19/02/1996 to 06/02/1997 - Fire Rat

07/02/2008 to 25/01/2009 - Earth Rat

25/01/2020 to 11/02/2021 - Metal Rat

Positive and negative aspects

People ruled by the sign of the Rat have a very dynamic and positive personality, which allows them to develop in a very good way because they set ambitious goals and desires to be realized.

However, they can exhibit some bad characteristics. They are opportunistic and greedy and have an insatiable thirst for wealth. They will do whatever it takes to get ahead in life without sparing any effort, even if it costs a lot.

Chinese Sign Ox

The sign of Ox in the Chinese Horoscope shows a very calm energy and the people ruled by it are very self-confident and have well-defined life goals.

They are also balanced and have a great desire to achieve their dreams. Even in times of difficulty, they find the necessary strength to overcome problems and move forward in whatever it is.

They are also strong, have a striking personality and show this through their attitudes, because they are able to get up after suffering a fall and move on with a greater strength. Learn more about the sign of Boi just below!


The years and elements corresponding to the sign of Ox are:

25/01/1925 to 12/02/1926 - Wooden Ox

11/02/1937 to 20/01/1938 - Fire Ox

29/01/1949 to 16/02/1950 - Boi de Terra

15/02/1961 to 04/02/1962 - Metal Ox

03/02/1973 to 22/01/1974 - Boi de Água

20/02/1985 to 08/02/1986 - Boi de Madeira

07/02/1997 to 27/01/1998 - Boi de Fogo

26/01/2009 to 13/02/2010 - Boi de Terra

12/02/2021 to 31/01/2022 - Metal Ox

Positive and negative aspects

People ruled by the sign of the ox have as positive tendencies organization and discipline. In addition, they seek to invest in their own business and do not like to explain themselves to bosses and people higher up in the hierarchy.

On the other hand, they can be seen in a negative way due to some characteristics that tend to generate discomfort. This is because people ruled by the sign of the Ox have a very inflated ego and believe they are always right in their views. They are hardly flexible due to these thoughts.

Chinese Zodiac sign Tiger

People ruled by the sign of Tiger in the Chinese Horoscope are extremely charismatic and can win the sympathy of everyone around them, both their friends and strangers, who come to admire the way they behave.

This is a sign that attracts people's attention because it has a natural magnetism, which is part of its positive personality. In general, they are people who live a life of exciting moments and are passionate about new experiences.

The sign of Tiger is intense, full of qualities and can be seen as the center of attention wherever it goes. Want to know more about the sign of Tiger? Read on for some details!


The years and elements of birth for the sign of Tiger according to the Chinese Horoscope are:

13/02/1926 to 01/02/1927 - Fire Tiger

21/01/1938 to 18/02/1939 - Earth Tiger

17/02/1950 to 05/02/1951 - Metal Tiger

05/02/1962 to 25/01/1963 - Water Tiger

23/01/1974 to 10/02/1975 - Wood Tiger

09/02/1986 to 28/01/1987 - Fire Tiger

28/01/1998 to 15/02/1999 - Tigre de Terra

14/02/2010 to 02/02/2011 - Metal Tiger

01/02/2022 to 21/01/2023 - Water Tiger

Positive and negative aspects

People of the sign of Tiger are characterised by courage and determination. They are also considered leaders because they take this stance in a very natural way.

When it feels dissatisfied with something, Tiger has a strong tendency to hide or pretend things didn't happen, leaving it to be solved at another time and adopting an almost alternative reality so that it can still venture into something that has several risks.

Chinese Zodiac Sign Rabbit

Those ruled by the sign of Rabbit in the Chinese Horoscope are people with a very realistic and cautious personality and show great intelligence. They are very firm on the ground and do not let themselves be carried away by anything.

The way of seeing the world of those ruled by this sign is very creative and they use this to bring more brightness to their lives, even if sometimes this makes them get a little out of their usual reality.

The sign of Rabbit favors those who fall under it when it comes to personal achievement. They are always looking to improve and do not hesitate to benefit from what brings them peace, leaving aside what torments them. Learn more details about the sign of Rabbit below!


The years and elements corresponding to the sign of Rabbit are:

02/02/1927 to 22/01/1928 - Fire Rabbit

19/02/1939 to 07/02/1940 - Coelho de Terra

06/02/1951 to 26/01/1952 - Metal Rabbit

25/01/1963 to 12/02/1964 - Water Rabbit

11/02/1975 to 30/01/1976 - Wooden Rabbit

29/01/1987 to 16/02/1988 - Fire Rabbit

16/02/1999 to 04/02/2000 - Coelho de Terra

03/02/2011 to 22/01/2012 - Metal Rabbit

22/01/2023 to 09/02/2024 - Water Rabbit

Positive and negative aspects

People ruled by the sign of Rabbit have a very ambitious personality, which makes them reach their most desired goals. They are extremely talented and have a great sensitivity to deal with various situations.

However, the constant stubbornness of those ruled by this sign is one of the negative points of their personality. However, when they believe in something, Rabbit hardly shows openness to give it up, which can end up causing a tense situation leading these people to an uncontrollable rage.

Chinese Sign Dragon

People who are governed by the sign of Dragon in the Chinese Horoscope are seen as extravagant by others. At the same time they impress by their qualities and ways of acting.

This sign is about good luck and fortune, so these people end up being very benefited by the influence. They are very cheerful and like to enjoy life with parties and fun, but they value a lot of comfort and seek a lifestyle in which this is guaranteed through fortunes and good financial developments.

The energy of people born in a Dragon year is very strong, which makes them objects of admiration for others. Want to know more about the sign of Dragon? Here are some details!


The years and elements corresponding to the birth of those ruled by the sign of Dragon are:

23/01/1928 to 09/02/1929 - Earth Dragon

08/02/1940 to 26/01/1941 - Metal Dragon

27/01/1952 to 13/02/1953 - Water Dragon

13/02/1964 to 01/02/1965 - Wooden Dragon

01/31/1976 to 02/17/1977 - Fire Dragon

17/02/1988 to 05/02/1989 - Earth Dragon

05/02/2000 to 23/01/2001 - Metal Dragon

23/01/2012 to 09/02/2013 - Water Dragon

10/02/2024 to 29/01/2025 - Wooden Dragon

Positive and negative aspects

People ruled by the sign of Dragon have a strong magnetism and are extremely charismatic. These people have a great power of seduction and usually prosper in everything they do. Usually they end up being admired for this.

The perseverance of these people, however, can quickly be converted into stubbornness, which shows a negative side. Another bad tendency is the ability to erase from your mind and pretend that something that didn't turn out the way you wanted it to simply didn't exist instead of dealing with the issue.

Chinese Sign Serpent

People of the sign of Serpent in the Chinese horoscope are known for the seductive energy they exude. They have great power to make people fall in love with their beauty, intelligence and enigmatic personality.

In general, these people possess a lot of sensuality and use this throughout their lives to their own advantage. They know very well how to do this.

However, this is not all that makes up the personality of people of the sign of Serpent. They are very smart, analytical and have a very deep mind. People of this sign rely heavily on their intuitions. See more about the sign of Serpent below!


The years corresponding to the sign of Serpent and the elements of these are:

10/02/1929 to 09/01/1930 - Cobra de Terra

27/01/1941 to 14/02/1942 - Metal Cobra

14/02/1953 to 02/02/1954 - Water Snake

02/02/1965 to 20/02/1966 - Wooden Snake

18/02/1977 to 06/02/1978 - Cobra de Fogo

06/02/1989 to 26/01/1990 - Cobra de Terra

25/01/2001 to 11/02/2002 - Metal Cobra

10/02/2013 to 30/01/2014 - Water Snake

29/01/2025 to 16/02/2026 - Wooden Snake

Positive and negative aspects

Natives of the Serpent sign have a very developed memory. They are lively and enigmatic people. They never forget something they have lived through in the past and they keep it for when it is necessary to use it in their favour.

However, some negative tendencies can be noticed in this sign. As they get older, it is common for these people to become more stingy and a more introverted personality can emerge, causing them to isolate themselves and dedicate themselves to unsociable activities.

Chinese sign Horse

Those of the sign of Horse have a different personality. Their sense of humour is based on a very peculiar premise, and they have a great talent for making fun of themselves. This, however, can be lost with time and age.

People of this sign find in self-mockery an opportunity to deal with the situations around them without major problems. This can be seen by some as something negative, but for these people it works in a beneficial way.

Others may see the natives of the sign of Horse as selfish people because of the way they decide to lead their lives. Want to know more about the sign of Horse? Read some more details below!


The years referring to the sign of Horse and its elements according to the Chinese Horoscope are:

10/01/1930 to 16/02/1931 - Metal Horse

15/02/1942 to 04/02/1943 - Water Horse

03/02/1954 to 23/01/1955 - Wooden Horse

21/01/1966 to 08/02/1967 - Horse of Fire

07/02/1978 to 27/01/1979 - Ground Horse

27/01/1990 to 14/02/1991 - Metal Horse

12/02/2002 to 31/01/2003 - Water Horse

31/01/2014 to 18/02/2015 - Wooden Horse

17/02/2026 to 05/02/2027 - Horse of Fire

Positive and negative aspects

Natives of the sign of Horse are people who have a lot of aptitude and resourcefulness in their work. However, at times they can face problems because they do not like to listen to the advice of others.

In spite of this, people of this sign are always applauded by those around them, who show admiration for them. The way of acting of the sign of the Horse can be seen as selfish and at times these people can act this way and end up exceeding themselves.

Chinese Zodiac Sign Goat

People of the Goat sign in the Chinese horoscope are very sweet and calm. Their intelligence is also something to be noted and makes them very predisposed to develop in the arts and music.

Another important point about the Goat sign is the fact that they are hardly seen as unfriendly. People around them can use them as good examples because they make a point of treating them very well.

In general, they are good humored and optimistic people who try to see situations from better perspectives. However, deep down they also deal with some bad issues because they feel insecure, anxious and constantly deal with hesitation to do something. Learn more about the Goat sign!


The years and elements pertaining to the Goat sign according to the Chinese Horoscope are:

17/02/1931 to 05/02/1932 - Metal Goat

05/02/1943 to 24/01/1944 - Cabra de Água

24/01/1955 to 11/02/1956 - Wooden Goat

09/02/1967 to 29/01/1968 - Cabra de Fogo

28/01/1979 to 15/02/1980 - Cabra de Terra

15/02/1991 to 03/02/1992 - Metal Goat

01/02/2003 to 21/01/2004 - Cabra de Água

19/02/2015 to 07/02/2016 - Wooden Goat

06/02/2027 to 25/02/2028 - Cabra de Fogo

Positive and negative aspects

People ruled by the sign of Goat, as much as they have a very good memory and remember everything, also have a great facility to forgive. Moreover, they have a very positive ability to become negotiators.

Something that can make the natives of this sign disturbed is idleness. This tends to cause imbalance in the mind of those ruled by Cabra and they start to question the meaning of life and enter into very deep ramblings.

Chinese Zodiac sign Monkey

People who are governed by the sign of Monkey in the Chinese Horoscope are known to be excellent orators. They have a natural talent for this. In addition, they are sharp-minded people who seek to question what happens around them.

People of the sign of Monkey also have a special talent because they are very intuitive and can tell something is about to happen before it even materializes.

They are very agitated people who have a different rhythm than others. This way of acting and seeing things makes those ruled by Monkey want to live life intensely and enjoy everything it has to offer. See more about the sign of Monkey below!


The years and elements corresponding to the sign of Monkey according to the Chinese Horoscope are:

20/02/1920 to 07/02/1921 - Metal Monkey

06/02/1932 to 25/01/1933 - Water Monkey

25/01/1944 to 12/02/1945 - Wood Monkey

12/02/1956 to 12/02/1945 - Fire Monkey

30/01/1968 to 16/02/1969 - Earth Monkey

16/02/1980 to 04/02/1981 - Metal Monkey

04/02/1992 to 22/01/1993 - Water Monkey

22/01/2004 to 08/02/2005 - Wood Monkey

08/02/2016 to 27/01/2017 - Fire Monkey

26/01/2028 to 12/02/2029 - Earth Monkey

Positive and negative aspects

Natives of the sign of Monkey like to feel free. They are always looking for new ideas and something that will make them stand out for their talents and skills. They always look for solutions that rely on creativity first.

People of the sign of Monkey, however, tend to act with a certain arrogance in certain situations. As they have a large ego, this can become quite common.

Chinese Sign Rooster

Natives of the Rooster sign in the Chinese Horoscope are elegant and very lively people. They have a tendency to act in a warm and very friendly way with whoever is around them.

These people can be seen as enlightened because wherever they go they leave that common glow of their personalities. They are extremely radiant and make a point of listening to everyone around them. They never leave anyone aside.

The skills of the Rooster sign are various, from management skills to being able to develop and succeed in their own business. Read more about the Rooster sign below!


The years referring to the sign of Rooster in the Chinese Horoscope and its elements are:

08/02/1921 to 27/01/1922 - Metal Rooster

26/01/1933 to 13/02/1934 - Cock of Water

13/02/1945 to 01/02/1946 - Wooden Rooster

31/01/1957 to 17/02/1958 - Rooster of Fire

17/02/1969 to 05/02/1970 - Galo de Terra

05/02/1981 to 24/01/1982 - Metal Rooster

23/01/1993 to 09/02/1994 - Galo de Água

09/02/2005 to 28/01/2006 - Wood Rooster

28/01/2017 to 15/02/2018 - Rooster of Fire

13/02/2029 to 02/02/2030 - Rooster of the Earth

Positive and negative aspects

Natives of the Rooster sign have a strong personality and are very empathetic and benevolent people. In their personal life, Rooster people have a strong aptitude to become exemplary parents or grandparents in the future.

Rooster's negative tendencies reveal people who, depending on the situation, don't mind sounding disrespectful. They may create a real facade so that those around them believe in their sense of fairness. However, what is inside their heart may be quite different from this.

Chinese Zodiac Sign Puppy

Natives of the Dog sign in the Chinese Horoscope show themselves as nice, friendly and very intelligent people. They cannot bear to experience injustice and are always looking to help people escape from such situations.

They possess a natural gift for dedicating themselves to humanitarian experiences, which aim to benefit other people just by the kindness of their heart, which is very large. One of the greatest qualities of Puppy is the depth to which they dedicate themselves to the people they love.

At some points the native can end up acting cynical and even cold, but this is applied only to people who he can not harbor good feelings. Are you curious? Learn more about the sign of Dog!


The years and elements that refer to the sign of Dog in the Chinese Horoscope are:

28/01/2022 to 15/02/1923 - Water Dog

14/02/1934 to 03/02/1935 - Wooden Dog

02/02/1946 to 21/01/1947 - Fire Dog

18/02/1958 to 07/02/1959 - Earth Dog

06/02/1970 to 28/01/1971 - Metal Dog

25/01/1982 to 12/02/1983 - Water Dog

10/02/2006 to 17/02/2007 - Wooden Dog

29/01/2006 to 04/02/2019 - Earth Dog

03/02/2030 to 22/01/2031 - Metal Dog

Positive and negative aspects

People of the sign of Dog have a very simplified view of their relationships: they are either friends or enemies. There is no middle ground. They have a great sense of observation and use it to protect the people around them. Besides, loyalty is something very present in this sign.

However, Dog people have a strong tendency to behave in a jealous and intransigent way. These are defects that constantly appear in their actions.

Chinese Zodiac Sign Pig

People of the sign of Pig in the Chinese Horoscope are always very perfectionist and like to work and develop in this sector. They try to act in a correct way and this implies that they are very tolerant with some behaviours and do not lose patience easily.

In general, people of this sign are highly praised by their friends and also by those who live with them. They are always very generous and kind to anyone. In addition, they have a high aptitude for fashion and like to be seen in a positive way.

Pig natives like to enjoy the pleasures that life has to offer and make the most of them. Want to know more? Read about the sign of Pig below.


The years and elements that refer to the sign of Pig in the Chinese Horoscope are:

16/02/1923 to 04/02/1924 - Water Pig

04/02/1935 to 23/01/1936 - Wooden Pig

22/01/1947 to 09/02/1948 - Fire Pig

08/02/1959 to 27/01/1960 - Ground Hog

27/01/1971 to 01/02/1972 - Metal Pig

13/02/1983 to 01/02/1984 - Water Pig

31/01/1995 to 18/02/1996 - Wooden Pig

18/02/2007 to 06/02/2008 - Fire Pig

05/02/2019 to 24/01/2020 - Ground Hog

23/01/2031 to 10/02/2032 - Metal Pig

Positive and negative aspects

The natives of the sign of Pig have a very great tranquility and always seek to achieve inner peace. They like the contact with nature and the quiet that this brings to their lives, providing personal balance. Pig people cannot say no and as a result they usually expect something in return.

When they don't get it, it is common for them to react negatively, especially in relation to love. Pig people can be a little slow, but for them it works because they like to organize themselves very well to achieve their goals.

Why is the Chinese sign Goat considered unlucky?

According to Chinese tradition, the Goat sign is considered the most unlucky of all the 12. This, however, is only seen in respect to aspects involving money.

Goat is a sign much more focused on issues involving art and dreams, so it is unlikely to have a strong connection with goods and money. Therefore, it ends up being seen as the unlucky one when observing only through the prism of what it earns.

Therefore, the sign of Goat is seen in this way because it does not have some characteristics common to the other 11 signs of the Chinese Horoscope that can develop better financially and achieve excellence in this sector.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.