North and South Moon Nodes: signs in Cancer, Libra, Leo and more signs!

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Jennifer Sherman

Lunar nodes: who we are and where we are going

We all have two lunar nodes in our Birth Chart: the north lunar node, also known as the Head of the Dragon, and south lunar node, or Tail of the Dragon. The lunar nodes are opposing points in our Birth Chart that are directly linked to our karma.

In short, these are experiences that we carry from previous lives, whether positive or negative, but which bring important learnings to our current reality.

The south node represents where we come from, that is, our past. Thanks to it, it is possible to talk about our previous knowledge after reincarnation.

On the other hand, the North Node tells us where we need to go in order to advance and progress. It represents what we need to practice and evolve throughout our lives. Follow this article to find out what it means to have each sign in the lunar node.

What are the lunar nodes and how to discover yours

Lunar nodes are two points found in our birth chart. The south node presents your most prominent traits that are most evident in you. These traits are based on your past personal experiences and memories. In other words, the south node is related to "cause".

The North Node represents your life mission, the path you must take. It symbolizes the qualities you must develop to build your path in this life. The North Node is therefore the "effect".

You can find out your Moon's Node by your date of birth. Each Karmic period lasts 18 months, so to find your Node, your day of birth needs to be in one of the set time intervals.

A person who was born on 12/01/1990 is located in the interval: 05/29/1989 to 12/15/1990. Therefore, his chart should have the path from Aquarius (North Node) to Leo (South Node), being the carrier of the Equality karma.

North lunar node: head of the dragon

The North Node is associated with future results, showing the direction we should follow that should be explored and cared for. In addition, it exposes the ancient practices that we should bring into our current journey.

The signs and houses in which the North Node is found represent the mission and destiny of our new life, indicating which qualities we have to work on.

Remember that along our path we must constantly improve ourselves to promote personal progress, and the north node is part of the meaning we must give to our existence.

South Lunar Node: Tail of the dragon

The south node represents what we have received from our past. It is integrated into our personality through memories and teaches us about the traits associated with the "cause". The south node will speak about aspects that are repeated or very evident and need to be balanced.

However, this "comfort" ends up becoming a false feeling; sending us into a monotonous environment without any stimulus. If we do not have balance in the nodal axis, it is not possible to go in search of our paths and goals. The correct thing is to use these natural qualities as help, not as support.

If the influences of the south node are not worked on, we will always live comfortable, making the same mistakes that hinder our growth.

The importance of knowing your lunar nodes

It is important to know the location of the north and south nodes in your birth chart, because through them you can better understand which of your qualities need to be revealed, which ones you should include and what should change.

Remember that when the north node is found, the south node will be found automatically, since they are positioned in opposite directions.

By knowing where your lunar nodes are, you can learn great life lessons that will make all the difference along your path. If you can work them out wisely and consciously, you will have more happiness and satisfaction in your life.

How to find out my lunar nodes?

The lunar nodes are calculated according to the motion of the Moon around the Earth and are based on its position relative to the Sun.

Lunar Nodes are directed to an entire generation and from your date of birth you can find out yours. Karmic periods have a duration of 18 months, so to find your node, your date of birth must be in the specified period.

Therefore, we can say that when you find your lunar node, you will have to find a middle ground for the characteristics related to the signs found in it in order to have a more sensible and peaceful life.

Lunar Nodes and Karmic Astrology

One of the main points analyzed by karmic astrology is the lunar node. The karmic astrology of the lunar nodes shows that while some aspects of our personality are very well developed, others may not be so perfected.

The south lunar node, for example, shows our "origin"; that is, what we have accomplished and brought from other lives. Our qualities already advanced and the mistakes made. However, it is important to point out that if we become too attached to them, we will harm our present lives.

On the other hand, the North lunar node brings the qualities to be developed and our missions on Earth.

A lot of information obtained through the lunar nodes make us think more deeply about our personality, as well as allowing us to mature as a human being.

Lunar Nodes in Aries and Libra

The north lunar node in Aries and south in Libra indicates that you are here to cultivate your courage and boldness, standing up for yourself with a bold, distinguished spirit; intent on working towards your goals. The time has come to stand up for yourself and show your personality. You should guard against the strong interference of your ego in daily events.

The South Node in Aries and North Node in Libra shows that you are an impatient and outspoken person; quite authoritarian and sometimes selfish. Take advantage of your North Node in Libra and improve this temperament.

The lesson that the Dragon's Head in Libra brings is that you need to learn that your self-centeredness doesn't make you stronger, on the contrary, it makes people drift apart and strengthen the bonds between them. In addition, we advise you to be more flexible and learn to listen to what others have to say.

North lunar node in Aries and south in Libra

People who have this position in the Star Chart did not have a well-established personality in previous incarnations, so now they are "paying off debts" because of their indecisions.

They are people who are always in doubt about events and are unable to take sides on anything. Because of this, they have a great chance of facing depression. The recommendation is to maintain positivism.

People with the north lunar node in Aries and south in Libra are always looking for someone to recognize themselves with, which ends up hindering their personal growth.

If you are part of this lunar node, know that you may have made many sacrifices for others in your previous life. Despite this, you were not recognized and you carry a certain amount of sorrow in your present life.

North lunar node in Libra and south in Aries

If you're a North Lunar Node person in Libra and South in Aries, know that you'll need to strive to be more courteous, kind, and compassionate with your companions, especially when you feel upset or frustrated about not achieving your desires.

This is because when you feel unhappy with a situation, you tend to be controlling. As a consequence, you become selfish and self-centered, boycotting your relationships. Learn to live with other people, otherwise you may end up alone.

If necessary, dedicate yourself to activities that bring peace to your soul: meditation and therapy are excellent tools to work through these conflicts of coexistence.

Moon Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio

Those who have the North Node in Taurus, or South Node in Scorpio, have the tendency to forget that there are other people around and end up dedicating themselves only to themselves. They are very judicious when choosing with whom they will live with, but when they identify with the other, this behavior changes.

It is possible that you have faced many difficulties and sufferings in previous lives. This is why you are suspicious and find it difficult to relate to other people.

The South Node in Scorpio shows that you have been very forceful and attached to your own emotions, so take advantage of this life to let go of that emotional side and try to be more sensible.

If you are part of the South Node in Taurus, or North in Scorpio, you have also been so attached to material things that you have ignored your spiritual side and forgot to transform yourself, becoming stagnant. It is time to transform yourself and reach your spiritual goals.

North Lunar Node in Taurus and South in Scorpio

A person who has this position in the birth chart faces one of the most complicated karmic lessons: needing to get back on their feet from failures and breakups suffered in a past life.

Most people who are part of the south node in the sign of Scorpio have been involved in some sorcery ceremony in the past and now need to get out of this darkness.

It is also likely that you were a high libido person in the past, and because of this you suffered from a lack of spiritual balance. The result of this in this life is involvement in toxic relationships.

Also, you should figure out how to use your energy intelligently by ignoring irrelevant situations. Learn to separate your desires from your obligations, after all, we can't have everything we want.

North Lunar Node in Scorpio and South in Taurus

The person who is part of this node is beginning to accept his own changes and life circumstances. Although he wants to rest, his spiritual journey is not yet over.

Surely you are so fed up with remembering the problems of the past life, that you feel anxious to free yourself from them. However, this attitude can make you feel weak to be able to adapt to changes. Free yourself from this armor that you have built for yourself, you need to transform yourself.

Another important warning is not to waste your physical energy, as this will undermine your spirituality. Also, try to learn from other people instead of wanting to do everything yourself. This will only cause you to spend more energy and time than necessary.

Lunar Nodes in Gemini and Sagittarius

People born in this lunar node have abused their communication skills in previous lives, but not in a positive way.

You have overreacted at various points in your life and hurt many people who believed in you. As a punishment you have lost your right to freedom, and you need to get in harmony with the rest of the world by talking to it and being less selfish.

Your mission in this life is to learn to find the answers to your questions within yourself, rather than looking elsewhere. Try to pay more attention to what your soul wants to tell you and perhaps you will reach the explanations you need.

However, know that to do so, you will have to learn to live in society and understand other people; respecting their opinions even when they differ from yours.

These attitudes will make you evolve. The Universe is sending you important warnings, know how to listen to them and be happy.

North lunar node in Gemini and south in Sagittarius

People in this group have impulsive tendencies which they have inherited from their past lives, so you need to learn how to get along with other individuals and how to behave socially.

Maybe you are a person who prefers not to listen to what others have to say. Especially if they disagree with your opinion.

You are also a person who tends to exaggerate at many points in your life. In addition, it is very difficult to make you follow rules. Your mind and spirit are free, so try to experience freedom without fear of risk.

Because of this behaviour you are likely to have some difficulty in maintaining a stable relationship such as a marriage. Your obsession with freedom may prevent you from doing this. This life is an opportunity for you to learn to communicate and interact with others, don't waste it.

North lunar node in Sagittarius and south in Gemini

People with the North Moon Node in Sagittarius and South Moon Node in Gemini are extremely rational, which is why they are so out of place with matters involving emotions. When they experience a problem, they try to solve it in a responsible and logical way, rejecting feelings.

Opt for lessons that can feed your spiritual side, learn to use your intellect to manifest your essence and look for elements that give you calm and balance. Talk less and listen more, pay more attention to your surroundings and obey your mind.

You are a wise person, so value this and try to see things from a higher point of view.

Moon Nodes in Cancer and Capricorn

This lunar node draws attention because of its mixed feelings. A fixation on past emotions, combined with a childishness to face the challenges of the present; makes you afraid to face the obligations that the future holds.

People of this node are cowards and depend on others to accomplish any task, no matter how simple it may be. Remember that immaturity is dispensable and that we will not always have someone to count on.

If you have the North Node in Capricorn, try to let go of the past and focus on the present. Memories are important, but they are of no use to guide our lives.

The Moon Node in Cancer makes you want to control everything around you. You feel responsible for this, you want things to go according to plan and you want people to be okay. Be careful that this attitude doesn't cause any misunderstandings.

North Moon Node in Cancer and South Moon Node in Capricorn

People of this node are great victims of their pride. Your soul has become accustomed to the great reputation you had in your past lives, so you do not understand why people do not respect you the way you believe you deserve.

As a result, their attitudes are attracted only by the pursuit of good reputation, so it is not surprising that people with this lunar node marry only to achieve the desired position.

Since you worked so hard to get everything you had in the past life; you have a habit of recalling the inconveniences you experienced, which makes "today" even more difficult.

The advice is to learn to deal with defeats, as they are part of life; be more flexible, don't fret or punish yourself.

North lunar node in Capricorn and south in Cancer

The greatest difficulty for people of the north lunar node in Capricorn and south in Cancer is to face the facts as they really are, that is, without sparing themselves.

The South Node in Cancer makes you prone to develop some childish characteristics like naivety, obedience to others, and immature practices that make it impossible for you to grow.

The advice is: stop depending on your parents to solve your problems. Be self-sufficient. Another important warning is to stop looking for a parental figure in friends, co-workers or partners.

Take your responsibilities, you will certainly become a more confident person and able to solve your own problems.

Moon Nodes in Leo and Aquarius

When the South Node appears in Leo, it means that your inner self has understood how to have sympathy for things and the importance of believing in your personal power, that is to say, the value of the strength that exists within you to achieve your goals. Now it is up to you to move away from your pride.

This node symbolizes progress. Your spirit needs to learn to be part of the community and take an important role in humanitarian social activities, which do not aim at any profit.

On top of everything else, your soul feels that the time has come to give freedom to creativity and imagination, but don't forget to remain obedient.

Your potential, to be best utilized, needs a very well-ordered place, so try to get involved with organized and independent people who don't need the consent of others to make things happen.

North lunar node in Leo and south in Aquarius

You are very dependent on other people and allow them to interfere in your life; you find it very difficult to be alone or to believe in your potential, you lack a little self-respect

People with North Lunar Node in Leo and South in Aquarius are very comfortable and confident when they are accompanied, but alone they become confused, dependent and needy

Because they are extremely dreamy, they can get stuck on ideas and concepts that don't exist or are out of reach, including in love affairs.

Those who have this node must learn to prioritize their interests and feelings, instead of giving more importance to the point of view of others. The advice is: be self-sufficient.

North lunar node in Aquarius and south in Leo

This north lunar node in Aquarius and south in Leo suggests that in your past life you were very individualistic and that you thought only of your own benefit; disregarding other people's feelings or needs.

In order to rid yourself of this guilt, you have the task of dedicating yourself to helping others. We can say that, in a way, you will be like a tool for the transformation of humanity.

On the other hand, to get rid of this karma, you must refrain from your predisposition to diminish others. In different lives, you were in the habit of being surrounded by important individuals, so you made a point of separating the elite from the rest.

Unfortunately, you carry this sense of vanity to this day, so you will have to learn to be someone more modest and humble.

Moon Nodes in Virgo and Pisces

Moon Node in Virgo and in Pisces shows that you possess such great spiritual ability, that you have eventually lost yourself within it.

Being very quiet, you can become a bit of a procrastinator, i.e. you put off problems but don't solve them. Thanks to this behavior, you don't know how to organize your own life and you are aimless. So learn to plan, take care of your health, personal and professional life.

People of this node have the habit of being skeptical and distrustful. They analyze situations from all angles. They completely ignore any question connected with mysticism or feelings, so they were very attached to material goods.

Take advantage of this life to work on your spirituality, prioritize your faith and give less space to rationality.

North Moon Node in Virgo and South Moon Node in Pisces

If you belong to the group of people with the North Moon in Virgo and South Moon in Pisces, you are likely to have a certain predisposition to victimise yourself and torture yourself when faced with problems. You also have a habit of wanting to get through situations without drawing too much attention to yourself.

He has no boundaries and is very sensitive; he is very devoted to other people, becoming very influential and not very self-confident.

It is very likely that you are a disorganized and inefficient person who lives in a reality so particular that it borders on fantasy. Because of this you have become frustrated and carry many fears and afflictions from previous lives.

This life is an opportunity for you to rebuild your confidence, independence and optimism, so choose carefully whom you help and avoid loneliness, and learn to stand up for yourself and accept people as they are, and avoid getting upset by their actions.

North lunar node in Pisces and south in Virgo

This lunar node is one of the most complicated to work with in the field of consciousness. It is very likely that you are someone who is harsh and uncompromising, so you end up offending others.

Even knowing this, you can't stop thinking about the idea of efficiency and mastery to solve problems. In order to redeem yourself from this karma, life will put you in a situation where you will have to give up organization and material possessions.

The recommendation is to stop wanting to dominate everything around you, even if you feel that this is part of your nature.

Do my lunar nodes influence my past, present and future?

As we have seen, the lunar nodes can greatly influence our lives. Thanks to it, you can know which points you have to work on to find your inner balance.

The north lunar node has a very evident positivity. It shows our goals and the path we must follow to reach them. Thanks to it, we can also perceive which aspects need to be developed to build a pleasant life. Therefore, we can say that the north lunar node, or dragon's head, is associated with results.

The south lunar node, also known as the dragon's tail, is characterized by all the negativity acquired throughout our existence; from our karmas to our hang-ups. Unlike the north lunar node, it is connected to the cause, to the reason why things are the way they are.

Anyway, it is possible to realize that the lunar nodes can certainly influence our past, present and future. You just need to know how to use them.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.