Physical activity: what it is, benefits, how to start and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is physical activity?

Physical activity is, according to specialized bibliography, any movement made by the body that expends energy. Thus, physical activity ranges from a walk with the pet. to dancing alone in the middle of the room.

Physical activity has no rules or contraindications. If accompanied by a healthy diet its effects are amazing! Anyway are beneficial movements to physical, mental and spiritual health, because moving the body can, among other things, reduce anxiety and improve self-esteem. Check out, below, the full article we prepared on this subject.

Benefits of physical activity

Everyone knows that physical activity is good for the health of the body and mind. But what few people know is that physical activity can be anything that avoids sedentariness and moves the metabolism to "burn" energy. Check now each of the benefits of physical activity.

It's good for mental health

There are several explanations as to why physical activity is good for mental health. However, experts in the field agree that, more than just getting a muscular body, both physical activity and planned exercises are responsible for stimulating the brain to produce serotonin, dopamine and endorphin.

These hormones, when in unbalance, can cause behavioral disorders or mood disorders such as depression. Recent studies from Harvard University, USA, have proven that just 15 minutes of daily physical activity can reduce the risk of developing the disease by 26%.

Helps to lose weight

Studies by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics indicate that more than 60% of the Brazilian population over 18 years old is overweight. In 2020, this rate rose to about 62%, which represents almost 100 million Brazilians. And this is a fact that has been occurring worldwide, especially among children.

Therefore, the World Health Organization recommends at least 15 minutes of physical activity daily to control metabolism, burn retained energy, eliminate fats and lose weight. The math is simple, because thanks to the Universe, our body is perfect. Just have a little commitment with yourself and include that little walk to the market in your daily routine. Aerobic activitiesare the most suitable for weight loss.

Strengthens muscles

As you already know, there are various physical exercises that serve to strengthen muscles, such as weight training, Pilates, functional training, etc. Physical activities such as walking are also indicated for this purpose. In other words, doing physical activity stimulates muscle endurance and increases muscle function.

These benefits of physical activity to strengthen muscles are especially important. Mainly because increasing muscle strength and endurance decreases the loss consequent to age. In addition, physical activity also minimizes the risk of falls in the elderly since by exercising the muscles, grandmas and grandpas have an incredible improvement in muscle endurance.

Increases energy

Physical activity, done systematically, increases blood circulation and heart rate, and hyperventilates the lungs, which speeds up the metabolism. Therefore, even if you are tired, doing a physical activity can "rest" your body and mind.

Mainly because the body's tendency, when in motion, is to produce enzymes that make us feel energized, reducing the feeling of tiredness. Besides that, physical activity increases the supply of nutrients to the skin and tissues, due to the acceleration of oxygenation.

Reduces the risk of chronic diseases

Daily physical activity can generally prevent cardiovascular disease, respiratory system infections and stroke. Physical activity also controls blood pressure and blood sugar.

Another advantage of practicing physical activity is the prevention against depression and anxiety. If practiced regularly, physical activities provide an increase in quality of life, mainly by preventing joint pain and allow the regeneration and strengthening of muscles.

Improves skin health

If you think the Hollywood stars' advice about sleeping beauty sleep was right, you're sorely mistaken! In fact, it's been proven that what really boosts tissue is physical activity.

To have an idea, physical activities, whatever they are, increase blood circulation and oxygenation of the body, making the skin smoother and silkier and acquires a natural look, eliminating the marks of fatigue. Physical activity also allows the production of antioxidants and collagen, essential substances to have a beautiful and healthy skin.

Helps you sleep better

Did you know that endorphin, produced by the human body, is the best medicine for sleep that exists on this planet? That's right. Besides everything, endorphin and its consumption are free and without contraindications.

So it's time to leave sedentariness aside and start doing physical activities. Do you know why? Because it's physical activities that force the body to produce endorphin, making you feel a sense of well-being and relaxation. So if your problem is insomnia, maybe you can slow it down with a run in the early evening. How about it?

Reduces and relieves chronic pain

Recently published research shows that physical activity is an essential part of chronic pain treatment. Another research published in the journal Pain reports that frequent physical activity increases the production of endogenous opioids, a substance produced by the human body similar to morphine.

Thus, physical activities are, therefore, important allies in the reduction and relief of chronic pain. Physical activities also help in losing weight and this contributes to prevent pain in the joints. Some physical activities can be very specific as is the case of those applied to combat low back pain, increasing even the balance and comfort for those who haveback problems.

Helps control blood glucose

According to the WHO - World Health Organization, 16 million Brazilians are diabetics. And physical activity can be a viable and economical way to control glycemia. In other words, the more physical activity you do, the more you burn fat.

According to experts, by decreasing the fat in the body, there is also an automatic increase in insulin sensitivity, thus controlling blood glucose. Both exercise and physical activity activate GLUT4 - the main glucose uptake/transporter in the muscle, essential to control the blood sugar rate.

Reduces blood pressure

If you suffer from hypertension and need an extra incentive to fight the disease, you know that practicing physical activities is a great alternative. According to specialists, physical activities stimulate the body and improve blood circulation, besides providing the release of liquids through the pores.

But don't overdo it. It is recommended to do moderate intensity physical activities, like riding a bicycle or practicing ballroom dancing. Remember to avoid hot sun and stuffy places. These activities can be done three to six times a week. Recent researches prove that hypertensive people can reduce or even eliminate high blood pressure medication by practicingBut remember: always with medical supervision.

Strengthens bones and joints

The wear and tear of our bone mass occurs naturally as we get older. This is one of the reasons why it is important to do physical activities frequently. By strengthening your muscles from a daily workout, consequently, you will also strengthen your bones.

Besides providing weight loss, which helps a lot in preventing joint pain, physical activities are also responsible for their lubrication, reducing friction and preventing pain.

Generates a sense of well-being

The feeling of well-being that always appears during and after physical activity is caused by endorphin, a natural hormone produced by our body. What happens is that with the acceleration of the body, due to physical activity, the hypothesis begins to work faster.

To clarify, hypothesis is a gland present in our brain that inhibits stress and irritation, bringing satisfaction and happiness. Besides its analgesic effect, endorphin also contributes to prevent emotional issues such as mood disorder, anxiety and depression.

Decreases stress

The practice of physical activities as a daily habit has been considered the best weapon to fight stress, which is already configured today as the disease of the century. This is because, as we said before, physical activities help in the production of neurotransmitters such as endorphin, which provide the feeling of relaxation and well-being.

Through physical activities, stress symptoms such as insomnia, irritation and lack of concentration are greatly minimized and even disappear completely after a certain continuous period in the practice of these activities.

How to start practicing physical activity

It is true that doing regular physical activity is good for the body, the mind and the spirit. But if you are not used to exercise you need to take it easy. Below we have prepared for you some important tips on the first steps to leave sedentary lifestyles. You will also learn what healthy eating is, its benefits and how to use a balanced diet to"calibrate" the metabolism, check it out!

Try to practice first thing in the morning

For those who want to start exercising it is good to choose the morning. According to experts, the important thing is to create a routine with concrete goals for performing the activities. Remember: do not disrespect the limit of your body.

That's because training in the morning stimulates the body's metabolism more than in the afternoon or evening. It's because in the morning the capacity to use body fat as fuel and energy increases. Studies also point out that practicing sports between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. helps to improve focus and concentration throughout the day.

Start slow

If you have a sedentary life and are not used to physical activities, the ideal is to start with the basics, such as a short bike ride. The goal here is to create resistance and improve the performance of muscles and metabolism. Therefore, do not overload your body. According to the specialists in the area, the right thing to do is to make a plan to know which activities you wantpractice and when to intensify the routine more.

To help you get used to physical activities it is also interesting to gradually increase the load, intensity and frequency. For example, start with ballroom dance classes of 45 minutes twice a week. When you feel ready, increase the number of classes per week or increase the class time from 45 minutes to 1h30. You should do this whenever your body gives yousigns that you are "getting used" to the routine. After all, the goal here is to move!

Make close to home

To create the habit of doing daily physical activities you can start with simple things close to your home. In fact, it would be nice to invite a neighbor or friend to start this journey with you. That way one encourages the other.

Things like sweeping the house to the sound of a cool song and letting your body move is a great start. If you like to walk, leave the car at home and walk. Cycling is also a good idea and the sport can be practiced near where you live.

Setting Goals

With the rush of everyday life it is not easy to introduce one more thing among our daily activities. But, as we already know, physical activities are essential for overall health. Therefore, an important tip: set goals.

Start with simple goals, such as walking around the block in an estimated time of 40 minutes. As your body gets used to the physical activities chosen, you can increase the distance or decrease the time and even introduce other activities that you enjoy practicing. Setting goals is having a clear objective and this can motivate you to perceive yourself differently,because with each positive result, your confidence also increases, which improves self-esteem.

Healthy eating

Healthy eating is essential for changing habits and for those who really want to take physical activities seriously. This is because a balanced diet, with vitamins, nutrients and minerals in the right proportion, can help the metabolism respond faster.

More than this, healthy eating requires the correct choice of food, always giving preference to whole and organic ingredients. Do not forget to drink at least two liters of water a day. It is also important to eat fruit daily and reduce the level of sugar. And remember: always eat slowly!

Foods rich in energy for physical activity

If used regularly and in the right way, foods in general are good for your health. However, some foods stand out as being rich in energy, which contributes a lot when it's time to do your physical activity. Among them is, for example, chocolate. Check out the following list of the most recommended foods to ensure strength and vitality when working out. More than this. Thesefoods and drinks can maintain the feeling of well-being throughout the day. Check it out!


Acai is a high-energy fruit rich in carbohydrates that has become the darling among workout fans. Acai can be consumed before or after physical activity, if it lasts more than 1h30.

That's because this fruit, from the Amazon region, became famous for its properties that fight free radicals caused by physical activity and maintains the body's conditioning. Acai can also be consumed after training for those who need to replenish glucose quickly. But it is always important the advice of a nutritionist. Acai is also consumed by athletes for being a great sourceof antioxidants and help muscle regeneration.


Rich in albumin, one of the main ingredients used in food supplements, the egg is one of the greatest sources of natural protein. The egg is rich in fatty acids such as Omega 3, a type of good fat that has anti-inflammatory powers.

Eggs also help improve the body's functioning, since they contain Omega 6, which helps muscle growth. This "good fat" also strengthens muscles and skin.


The banana is a fruit that contains important nutrients for the proper functioning of the body. Among them are fiber, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, as well as antioxidants, tryptophan and carbohydrates.

That's why the banana is important in the diet of those who want to put the body in motion. Besides preventing cramps and bringing a lot of energy, the banana prevents cardiovascular diseases and helps in brain functions, improving sleep and good mood.


Walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts and peanuts are among the main dry seeds with high nutritional content. Oilseeds, as they are called, carry in their composition, nutrients such as antioxidants, fiber, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins.

These seeds, if introduced regularly in the daily diet, are able to prevent diseases such as cancer, besides acting in cholesterol control and avoiding premature aging, also preventing cardiovascular diseases. Oilseeds are anti-inflammatory and help brain function and weight loss.

Sweet potato

Recommended mainly for those who want to increase muscle mass, sweet potato, rich in carbohydrates, is widely used to prevent catabolism (process of degradation of nutritional macromolecules) and maintain muscle tone.

Sweet potatoes are also an excellent breakfast food, as they are rich in fiber and low glycemic index carbohydrates, which causes the food to be digested by the body slowly, generating energy gradually. Sweet potatoes control stress, improve metabolism and act as an antioxidant.

Coconut water

Coconut water is an excellent natural moisturizer, as it replenishes the minerals lost through sweat during physical activity. Coconut water contains potassium and calcium, essential substances for the treatment and prevention of intestinal infections and high blood pressure.

There are no contraindications for coconut water, so it can be ingested at any age. But it is worth remembering that the ideal is to drink coconut water only three times a day. For diabetics, the indication is only once a day.


Sweet or salty, avocados are a natural superfood capable, among other things, of contributing to beautiful and hydrated skin. From a nutritional point of view, avocados are rich in vitamins C, E K, as well as minerals like potassium and magnesium.

So, for those who want to start your physical activity routine or for those who already practice exercises, avocado is the indicated food, mainly because the fruit favors the gain of muscle mass, reduces cholesterol and provides folic acid, preventing anemia. In addition, the avocado is simply delicious!

Dark chocolate

Did you know that the higher the concentration of cocoa in the composition of chocolate, the greater are its health benefits? That's because dark chocolate with high cocoa concentration has little sugar and greater energy power. Dark chocolate contains magnesium, copper, iron and manganese, potassium, zinc and selenium.

Dark chocolate is mainly recommended for those who need to balance the metabolism, control high blood pressure and maintain cholesterol and glucose at normal levels. For those who practice physical activities, dark chocolate acts mainly as a detox and provides the necessary energy to face the workout.


Consumed as fruit, juice, powder or capsules, guarana has always been the favorite for those who need to increase body energy and have greater concentration. This is because a bean of the guarana seed has three times more caffeine than a bean of coffee.

Guarana helps you lose weight and decreases mental and physical fatigue. The fruit is also rich in ingredients that combat free radicals released by physical activity and helps prevent diseases. The use of guarana also has positive effects on the cardiovascular system and skin elasticity.


For those who want to have quick results in physical activity, the advice is to immediately introduce yogurt in the daily diet. Yogurt is a probiotic that has live bacteria that help the digestive system. It also has as a compound, calcium, which prevents osteoporosis.

In fact, yogurt is a powerful ally when it comes to increasing muscle mass and its regeneration. Among the properties of yogurt, one of the most important is the protection of the intestinal flora, fighting gases and diseases affecting the intestine.

Is physical activity the same thing as exercise?

Throughout this article, we have seen that physical activity is any body movement that expends energy. Physical exercise, in turn, is that done by repeating movements to meet a systematic routine and improve a certain part of the body. Although they have different concepts, physical activity and exercise are important and complementary for the well-being and quality oflife.

Physical activity is important to burn calories, increase the physical and mental state, help conditioning the body and prevent cardiovascular diseases and strokes. Physical exercise, for being an activity planned to achieve a certain goal, should be accompanied by a professional and demands a strict routine to be followed. Anyway, what matters is to keep the bodyin motion, generating, more and more the feeling of well-being and tranquility.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.