Fennel tea: What is it for, benefits, contraindications and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about fennel tea

In general, fennel tea has very beneficial properties for health, acting mainly as an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, vermifuge and muscle relaxant. Therefore, the leaves and seeds can be used to help fight infections, constipation, menstrual colic and digestive problems.

There are also other ways to use fennel, through tincture and capsules. However, it is necessary to be careful and consume the tea with awareness to not bring harm to health. In addition, this plant is contraindicated in some circumstances. Therefore, the ideal is to consume it under medical supervision or by a phytotherapist.

In this article, learn all about fennel, an aromatic herb also used worldwide by cuisine to compose sweet and savory dishes. To learn more, find out below.

Fennel, properties and parts used of the plant

Fennel is a medicinal plant widely used in Mediterranean cuisine and is often confused with fennel because its seeds and aromas are similar. However there are differences that are easy to identify.

In this topic, it will be covered more comprehensively about fennel, its properties, which parts of the plant are usually used and how to prepare the tea, to extract all the benefits that this herb has. See below.


With origin in Europe and North Africa, fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a medicinal plant widespread throughout the world, but its use is very common in the Mediterranean. The seeds have an aroma that, many people, confuse them with fennel, but they have important differences, mainly in its composition.

Fennel, due to its numerous health benefits, has come to be widely studied by the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. With the extraction of the essential oil, today it is possible to use it to improve the appearance of the skin and to combat intestinal diseases, fluid retention and infections, for example.

Properties of fennel

The properties present in fennel, both in its leaves and seeds have anti-inflammatory, stimulant, antispasmodic, carminative, vermifuge, digestive, diuretic and expectorant action. This is thanks to vitamins A, C and B complex, besides being rich in minerals such as calcium, zinc, iron, potassium and phosphorus.

Other components such as anethole, flavonoids, rosmarinic acid, saponins, coumarins and tannins, are ideal substances to ease digestive problems, insomnia, muscle spasms and many other benefits.

The used parts of the plant

The parts of fennel most commonly used to make tea are: the seeds and the leaves, which can be dried or fresh. Regardless of what will be used for infusion, all compounds will be extracted, but it is in the seeds that there is a higher concentration of nutrients and especially the aroma.

All parts of the fennel plant are usually used, but due to the distinctive aroma of the seeds, they are generally used for the preparation of sweet dishes such as biscuits and cakes. The plants and stems are ideal for the preparation of meat and fish, in other savory dishes such as sauces, the seeds can also be added.

Differences between fennel and fennel

It is very common to confuse fennel with fennel, as they are very aromatic herbs that can be used in the preparation of sweet and savory dishes. In addition, both are usually used from the stems to the leaves.

However, they have details that differentiate them, for their colors, fruits and thickness of their leaves. The flowers of fennel are yellow, the leaves are thin and the seeds are large and long, while those of fennel are white, the fruits small and rounded and the foliage is wide and thick.

Ingredients and preparation of fennel tea

To make the tea you will need the following ingredients:

- 200 ml of water;

- 1 teaspoon or 5g to 7g of the green leaves or seeds of fennel.


Bring the water to a boil in a pan, turn off the heat and add the fennel. Cover the container and let it infuse for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Wait for it to reach a temperature suitable for consumption and you can drink the tea 1 to 3 times a day.

Benefits and what fennel tea is used for

The presence of vitamins, minerals, oxidants and other substances, make fennel tea extremely beneficial for health and serves to fight infections, especially in the stomach and intestines.

In addition, it provides relief from abdominal pain and menstrual cramps and many other benefits. To better understand, how fennel tea acts in the body, check out below.

Improves digestion and reduces abdominal pain

The properties found in fennel tea have many health benefits, mainly by improving digestion and reducing abdominal pain. The plant acts in the body by eliminating gas, excess fluid, and helps in the absorption of nutrients from heavier foods that cause discomfort.

According to some studies, fennel tea can also help in cases of diarrhea or constipation, nausea, liver detoxification, and in the elimination of intestinal worms. However, if you are taking any medications for gastrointestinal diseases, the doctor should be consulted. In addition, the treatment should not be replaced by fennel.

Fights infections

Fennel tea has assets capable of fighting infections caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi. That's because in its composition are present antibacterial, fungicidal and anti-inflammatory substances that keep the immune system protected against colds and worms and other types of pathogens that can attack the body.

It is beneficial in the treatment of insomnia

The anxiety, stress and worries of everyday life tend to bring difficulties to have a good night's sleep. Therefore, taking fennel tea can be beneficial in the treatment of insomnia, because in the plant and seeds there are compounds that act in the body as a muscle relaxant.

Therefore, by drinking the tea, preferably 1 hour to 40 minutes before going to bed, the muscles, especially in the abdomen, tend to relax, causing drowsiness.

It is beneficial in treating menstrual pain

For containing antispasmodic and relaxing properties, fennel tea is beneficial in the treatment of menstrual pain, because it relaxes the abdominal muscles and the contraction of the uterus, caused by the release of prostaglandin. Thus, in addition to relieving pain, it eliminates fluid retention and gases that also cause much discomfort during this period.

Massaging the abdominal and pelvic area with fennel essential oil is also a very efficient way to reduce colic. When you put the oil in your hands, rub it well until it is slightly warm, because the heat increases blood circulation, relieving pain in the area.


For those who have difficulty drinking the ideal amount of water, it is usually around 2 liters per day. Fennel tea is a great option, because it hydrates, besides having a very pleasant taste. In addition, the tea is a source of vitamins and nutrients that help the body to always stay healthy and free of infections and bacteria.

But, remember: water is an indispensable liquid for your health. Always have a small bottle nearby or throughout the day, set your alarm clock to remind you to take small sips, even if you don't feel thirsty. Then, together with other drinks, you will also avoid urinary system problems.

It has antioxidants

Very beneficial for health, fennel tea has antioxidants, such as flavonoids and alkaloids, which fight free radicals present in the body. Thus, the antioxidants present in fennel act to renew cells, preventing premature aging and the onset of serious diseases such as cancer.

Relieves bad breath

Besides being very tasty, fennel tea has antimicrobial properties that relieve bad breath, eliminating bacteria from the mouth and treating stomach diseases, which often cause halitosis. For this purpose the tea can be consumed upon waking up or whenever you feel the need.

Chewing fennel seeds can also be an alternative to combat this evil that generates much discomfort in the day to day, because besides bringing a refreshing breath, it helps to leave the mouth protected against the microorganisms that generate the disease.

However, it is very important to keep your oral hygiene up to date and if the problem persists seek a dentist to assess whether there is another problem.

Other ways to consume or use fennel

Because of the many benefits found in fennel, this plant has been widely studied by the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

Therefore, today there are already other ways to consume and use this herb, either through fennel tincture, capsules with extracts of the plant or essential oil extracted from its seeds. Check below, the purpose and how to use fennel in different ways. Continue reading.

Fennel essential oil

The essential oil of fennel is an alternative for those who want to use it on the skin to prevent dryness, besides helping in lymphatic drainage, wounds and improve the appearance of scars. In aromatherapy, it is used to calm and balance the emotions.

For health, fennel essential oil serves to prevent heart disease, gastrointestinal, menstrual cramps and diarrhea. Consumption depends on the purpose, however in general, the indicated is to take 2 to 5 drops mixed with coconut oil or olive oil, up to 3 times a day.

Tincture of fennel

Fennel tincture is a way to consume the herb and is indicated to increase appetite, as well as treat excess gas, intestinal derangement and poor digestion. You can take it from 1 to 3 ml, one to three times a day, diluted in 50 ml of water.

However, because it contains alcohol in its composition, fennel tincture should not be taken by women who do not intend to have children, as it may lose the effect of contraception. In addition, alcoholics, diabetics and people who have reflux should not make its use.


Finally, another way to use fennel is through capsules. They are easily found in pharmacies or natural products stores. Generally the dosage is 500mg and the recommended intake is 1 capsule 3 times a day, after the main meals. Avoid chewing or opening, because the taste tends to be unpleasant, always drink with some liquid.

Cautions and contraindications of fennel tea consumption

Like other medicinal plants, the consumption of fennel tea has contraindications and some precautions that need to be taken before ingesting it. Just as this herb brings numerous benefits, it can also worsen an existing condition if ingested in large quantities.

In addition, for those who have predisposition to develop allergies, especially from carrots, fennel may not be a good option. Therefore, see below in which case the tea of this plant is not recommended. Check below.

Children and babies

Fennel tea is usually administered in children and babies to ease colic and eliminate intestinal worms. However, the intake of fennel should be with caution, because in its composition is present spoilage, a substance that consumed in excess can increase muscle contractions, besides bringing other ills to health.

Allergic to carrots

Fennel belongs to the Apiaceae family, as well as carrots, celery, mugwort and other vegetables. Thus, if you are allergic to carrots, especially, it is not indicated to consume the tea from this plant. Therefore, before ingesting any medicinal plant, seek medical advice and do tests to make sure you do not have any food allergies.

Those with ulcers or gastritis

Consumption of fennel tea is contraindicated for those who have ulcers or gastritis. In addition, people suffering from liver disease, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, Crohn's disease, should not make use of it.

Fennel is also not indicated in cases of neurological diseases such as Parkinson's and epilepsy. This is because, the tea of this herb can intensify these comorbidities, besides not being recommended to interact with other medications, not to decrease its effectiveness.

Pregnant women

Fennel tea should not be consumed by pregnant women, because it tends to stimulate the increase of estrogen, besides causing strong uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage. It is worth mentioning that the tincture of fennel is also not indicated, since in its formula contains alcohol, making it harmful to the baby's health.

Does fennel tea make you fat or slim?

The phytotherapeutic use of fennel tea has as one of its benefits to stimulate the appetite, making the person who does not feel hungry or your weight is much lower than ideal, feel like eating. However, some assets present in the seeds help to eliminate fluid retention, constipation and the accumulation of gas.

Thus, fennel also has the function of losing weight, since the abdominal swelling decreases and the intestinal transit is regulated. However, there are no studies that prove its effectiveness in weight loss. In addition, for real results, it is necessary to combine a healthy diet with physical exercise.

Finally, fennel tea should not be consumed without medical advice, especially if you are taking medication, whether for this purpose or not. Moreover, its consumption in large quantities to act as a diuretic and laxative, is not recommended, as there may be the loss in excess of important nutrients and minerals.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.