What are feelings and emotions? Differences, primary emotions and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about feelings and emotions

People usually confuse feelings and emotions as if they were the same thing. Although they have a meaning very close to each other, in reality in our organism they occur in different places of the brain and at different times.

And emotion comes first, when compared to feelings. All this is explained because of our evolution as a species, while emotions are produced in order to stimulate behaviors in us.

Knowing this difference will allow you to more correctly classify the emotions and feelings you feel, as well as broaden your understanding of yourself. Read on to learn more!

Feelings, emotions and their differences

Feelings and emotions are aroused in us without the need to understand their nature. They exist for a reason and are capable of mobilizing behavior and thoughts that if they were understood by us could help us to have a fuller and more balanced life.

Discover what they are and understand their differences so you can have a better understanding of yourself.

What are feelings

Our experiences awaken our senses and mobilize our emotions in a way that drives our behavior, acting through a series of reactions caused by these external stimuli. These reactions that move us would be acting in us unconsciously.

However, there are moments when we become aware of our emotional state. It is at this instant that we begin to understand the stimuli and the reasons that led our body to act in this way. So, it can be said that feeling is a state of active and partial perception of our emotions.

Therefore, the experience and the conscious state of your emotions are capable of awakening the feelings we are so familiar with of anger, fear, joy, affection, surprise, among others. The feeling creates a conscious image of your emotional state, which makes you capable of reflecting on the emotions you are experiencing at a certain moment of your life.

These mental images can be stimulated through self-awareness as you experience and reflect on what you are feeling.

What are emotions

Emotions are part of a different neurological process than feelings, as they act at the level of unconsciousness and arise from the stimuli of our senses. This often makes them imperceptible to us, as our emotions are always being moved by external stimuli.

Therefore, emotion is considered to have arisen before feelings, because it originates from a series of events that stimulate our emotions triggering in us a type of behavior in response to these stimuli.

Becoming a basic function of survival, because from these reactions we become able to behave in a way to ensure our safety, as well as the action to do whatever it takes to preserve our existence.

The difference between feelings and emotions

The first and clearest difference between feelings and emotions lies in the fact that they are processed at different levels of consciousness. While emotions are processes that operate in the unconscious, feelings are at a more conscious level of perception of thoughts.

This explains the fact that feelings are defined as a state of consciousness of emotions, while emotions operate from the stimuli of our senses in our unconscious. All this segmentation is explained through the evolution of the species itself and the formation of thoughts.

Basic emotions and emotional states

Sensory stimuli mobilize our emotions in a way that influences our behavior and our thoughts. Being aware of the basic emotions that govern our being and the emotional states will allow you to act on your feelings in a way that does not allow you to be controlled by these impulses.

Follow the reading to become aware of the basic emotions and emotional states that you and every human being possess.

How basic emotions are generated

Every living being has a programming of behaviors that are stimulated from the perception of the senses. Thus your body becomes capable of responding to situations of danger awakening reactions so that you react to a dangerous situation in order to guarantee your survival, for example.

The basic emotions are born from this neurological process, acting in our unconscious in such a way as to awaken these reactions in our body, mobilizing behavior in response to these stimuli.

However, these reactions can be reprogrammed depending on your development and the interactions you have with your emotions during your life, especially during childhood.

The positive emotional state

The positive emotional state is generally related to stimuli that awaken reactions of joy, compassion, love and gratitude in the individual, thus boosting positive emotions and that are able to release hormones such as dopamine, endorphin and serotonin.

The negative emotional state

Negative emotional states arouse in us emotions and feelings such as anger, fear, guilt and sadness, bringing responses that usually instigate paralysis, escape or attack. They are related to the production of substances in our body such as cortisol and adrenaline.

Primary emotions, secondary emotions and background emotions

It is common for us to feel emotions and not seek to understand what stimulated us to have them. Understanding the source of our emotions and feelings allows us to have a greater understanding of our behaviors and who we are.

But, for that you need to understand the emotions and their classifications. Keep reading and find out in the sequence below!

What are and what are the primary emotions

Primary emotions are those that are not learned by us, that is, they are innate to the human being and common to all humans regardless of cultural or social factors. Thus there are six emotions that are considered universal which are: joy, fear, sadness, disgust, anger and surprise.

What are and what are the secondary emotions

In relation to primary emotions, secondary emotions are more complex and are directly related to socio-cultural factors of the individual. That is, they vary depending on the culture and society in which the individual is inserted.

Some examples of these emotions are: astonishment, indignation, contempt, gratitude, sympathy, shame, envy, embarrassment, admiration, guilt, compassion, and pride.

What are and what are the background emotions

The background emotions are related to the emotional states of the individual, it occurs through continuous mental and physical processes that arouse a long-term sensation in the individual. It is usually associated with the sensations of well-being, unease, calm or tension.

Moreover, this type of emotion directly influences the behavioral and physical aspects of the individual, such as the way of communicating and body posture. It thus assumes an important role in the organism because it represents physical, emotional and mental states and are associated to the states of tension, fatigue, anxiety, relaxation.

The main human emotions and what defines them

Our reactions are a reflection of our emotions and how we deal with certain situations. The way we feel them and reflect on them can be understood and modified depending on our state of consciousness.

However, you need to be aware of the main human emotions and how they occur in our body so that you can have the least control over your feelings. Read on and understand more about them!

The definition of joy

This is a universal emotion fitting into the primary level of emotions, it arises from positive stimuli. Joy is also considered an emotion capable of infecting other people and expanding the ego, and can be experienced not only alone, but also by the collective.

Feeling it reflects in your body behaviors that raise your energy and motivate your life, and can cause a need for touch, hugs, smiles, thus generating a physical closeness between people.

The definition of sadness

Sadness also fits in the group of primary emotions, the sensations capable of awakening it are opposite to those of joy, once it is associated to loneliness, depression and low self-esteem. Generally, it is stimulated through the frustration of expectations, being expressed through gestures such as crying or social isolation.

However, this emotion can also be caused by some psychological disorder such as anxiety or depression. When the origin of your problem is indicated, it can influence your emotional state regardless of external stimuli that are occurring, because they are influenced directly by your psychological.

The definition of anger

As for anger it is stimulated at times when the human being feels threatened or needs energy to overcome obstacles. Like the emotions above, it is in the primary group assuming an instinctive position, especially in relation to danger, arousing aggressive reactions.

The definition of fear

Fear is also instinctive, just like anger, it serves as a protective mechanism of human beings. Fear is an involuntary reaction and through it we are able to avoid danger and reduce possible risks to our lives. Being able to awaken reactions of escape, or alert.

In addition, people may develop the excessive fear that is known as phobia, which becomes a distortion of their reaction system caused by a psychological disorder.

The definition of surprise

Surprise is considered a reactive emotion, usually related to some unexpected situation, be it positive or negative. It is associated with a discharge of adrenaline in the body that is capable of causing heart arrhythmia, sweating and awakening other emotions in response to the situation.

In this case, it can be positively associated with the emotions of joy, affection and confidence when you are surprised by someone special coming into your life, or by some positive event like a surprise birthday party.

In relation to negative emotions, surprise can be associated with sadness, fear or disgust. These emotions can arise in association with unexpected events such as the death of someone close to you, or when you are surprised by a robbery attempt, for example.

The definition of affection

In relation to affection it is characterized as a positive emotion and is often associated with other emotions such as affection and love. It is also present in human relationships such as loving, maternal, filial and fraternal.

Thus, related to other positive emotions, always inducing a physical closeness and transmitting a feeling of belonging. This occurs because the sensations of touch are the best ways to demonstrate affection and love towards other people, unlike words.

The definition of aversion

The fact that aversion is generated by several perceptions or emotions makes it a secondary emotion, which characterizes it as an emotion that generates repugnance and repulsion, thus pushing away something or someone that arouses these feelings. This emotion is always associated with negative feelings such as disgust, for example.

The definition of trust

Confidence can show several levels of intensity depending on the individual and other emotions involved. It is associated with the positive aspect, being able to awaken the feeling of security and determination, however, it can also be related to presumption.

This emotion is critical for you to be able to face your obstacles without fear, recognizing your capabilities and maintaining a positive emotional state to overcome your challenges.

Emotional intelligence, its importance and how to develop it

Emotional intelligence is a human being's ability to identify and react to the feelings and emotions he is feeling. It becomes a fundamental ability in all aspects of his life, as it develops his thought processes and communication.

Due to its importance, it is essential that you have this knowledge. Follow the reading and learn more about emotional intelligence and how to develop it!

What is emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is what makes the individual able to recognize their emotions and feelings so that you understand your own behavior and can facilitate their thought processes. Not allowing a direct interference of their emotions in their decision-making.

What is the importance of emotional intelligence

This is a skill that should be improved, because it will improve your communication, your relationships, besides allowing a better perception of your emotional triggers. This will allow you to have more control over your thoughts, wills, desires and mainly over your choices.

How to develop emotional intelligence

The fact that emotions are the fruit of our perceptions and determine in many aspects our behavior. They make emotions a constant in our daily lives, influencing all aspects of our lives.

In this case, developing emotional intelligence will enable you to have greater control over these sensations, thus allowing you to keep your thoughts and planning in order.

If you wish to develop it just follow the following recommendations:

- Practice self-awareness;

- Practice self-criticism;

- Understand your emotional triggers;

- Learn to deal with your negative emotions;

- Preserve your self-confidence;

- Know how to handle pressure;

- Avoid fear of expressing yourself;

- Work on your empathy;

- Be resilient;

- Think before you act;

- Know your own limits.

Although they deal with different things, what is there in common between feelings and emotions?

Emotions were fundamental for our survival as a species, while we lived exposed to constant danger in nature, or when we needed to understand the relationships between species. Today we are not in the same condition and these changes in daily life have also transformed our programming of emotions.

Feelings then arise from our perception of emotions, since we have to deal with different contexts of experience than our prehistoric ancestors. Despite this, it is related to the state of partial awareness of emotions both are dealing with the same sensory processes of our body.

Our emotions begin in the stimuli of our senses, and our feelings begin in the perception of these reactions. Therefore, what they have in common is the trigger that stimulates our emotions and induces our behavior.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.