Orange essential oil: how to use, benefits, on the skin and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is orange essential oil used for?

Orange essential oil is used to improve the general condition of health. Among its main therapeutic functions are to improve the immune system, fight bacteria and fungi, and serve as a stimulant and aid weight loss.

By having a high concentration of antioxidants, orange essential oil is also excellent for improving the appearance of the skin and it also reduces the occurrence of muscle inflammation and detoxifies the body.

Orange essential oil is found in basically two versions: sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) and bitter orange (Citrus aurantium), both extracted by pressing the peel of orange tree fruits. And the best part: they are extremely affordable essential oils, being one of the cheapest on the market.

In this article, we present the main properties of orange essential oil. We also describe its chemical composition, history and important tips on how to choose a quality essential oil, in this true aromatic tour. Check it out.

Curiosities about aromatherapy

In this initial section we describe some curiosities about Aromatherapy. We begin with a brief introduction to its history, its relationship with essential oils and the basic concepts about the functioning, benefits and contraindications of essential oils.

Aromatherapy in history

Since the dawn of humanity, plants, herbs and flowers have been used for their aromatic properties. However, the history of aromatherapy as we know it today was only initiated in 1830, in the city of Grasse, France, when the study of essential oils began.

The term Aromatherapy appeared a few years later, in 1935, through the French chemist and perfumer René-Maurice Gattefosse who affirmed having treated a burn resulting from an accident in his distillery with lavender essential oil.

Aromatherapy is practiced today around the world in two major schools: the French and English, which have quite different characteristics. However, both start from a common assumption: the recognition of the therapeutic effects of essential oils.

How aromatherapy works

Aromatherapy works in two main ways: inhalation and absorption. When you inhale essential oils, numerous molecules that are dispersed in the air come into contact with nerve cells responsible for olfactory perception.

After this contact, neural impulses are sent that travel through the limbic system, the part of the brain that is related to instincts and emotions. The passage of these nerve signals has an effect on mood, because they alter the chemistry of the brain and therefore Aromatherapy can act on the emotions.

When used topically, essential oils are absorbed by the epidermis, the most superficial layer of the skin, and reach the dermis, when they are finally transmitted through the bloodstream to travel throughout the body.

What is essential oil?

An essential oil is an aromatic concentrate extracted from plants and is therefore 100% natural. They are produced through processes such as distillation and pressing of plant parts like leaves, wood, flowers, bark or even their resins.

From this process, it is possible to capture the chemical compounds responsible for the characteristic aroma of the plant from which the oil was extracted. Generally, many kilos of the aromatic plant are used to extract its essential oils, which is why they are usually very expensive.

Each essential oil is composed of chemical molecules that are highly volatile and spread through the air easily. These molecules vary according to the plant and therefore each essential oil has a different therapeutic assignment, which is employed in Aromatherapy.

Benefits of aromatherapy

The main benefits of Aromatherapy are:

- Increased relaxation;

- Improved mental, physical and emotional health;

- Relief from symptoms caused by stress, anxiety and depression;

- Improved sleep quality;

- Reduction of pain, especially caused by psychosomatic issues;

- Improved quality of life and mood;

- Holistic complement to traditional allopathic treatments;

- Fights small agents of infection such as bacteria, fungi and viruses;

- Help with the side effects of cancer treatments;

- Offering natural and alternative treatment for problems that are not easily treated with other more traditional forms of treatment.

Despite these numerous benefits, it is important to remember that Aromatherapy should be followed with the help of a qualified professional.

Knowing more about orange essential oil

It is very important that you get to know orange essential oil before you start using it, as this will make it easier to administer and use. Information such as the chemical composition and its therapeutic applications are given below so that you can start using this wonderful essential oil.

Composition of the essential oil of orange

The main chemical components of orange essential oil are alcohols, aldehydes and monoterpenes. Their characteristics are given below:

- Limonene: has antioxidant, stimulant, digestive, detoxifying and appetite suppressant activity;

- β-Myrcene: monoterpene associated with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibiotic and sedative functions;

- α-Pinene): monoterpene with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, expectorant and bronchodilator activity;

- Citronellol: alcohol with antifungal, sedative, antiviral, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticonvulsant functions;

- Linalool: alcohol with sedative, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, antiepileptic and analgesic functions

- Geraniol: alcohol with antioxidant, antibacterial, antiseptic and analgesic functions;

- Netal: aldehyde with apoptotic, antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory functions.

History of orange essential oil

The therapeutic properties of the orange were first recognized in ancient China, when its dried peels were used to treat coughs, colds and anorexia. The essential oil began to be extracted more recently, with the development of aromatherapy.

At present there are two main types of orange essential oils: sweet orange (Citrus sinensis or Citrus sinensis var. dulcis) and bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) which have relatively similar therapeutic uses, but with specificities for each of these variations.

Benefits of orange essential oil

The benefits of orange essential oil include improving physical, emotional, and mental health conditions, helping to improve sleep quality, reduce the occurrence of muscle spasms, increase sexual desire, and protect the immune system.

Orange oil also detoxifies the body and has antioxidant function, preventing cognitive disorders and improving skin health. Much of these benefits are attributed to the chemical composition of this essential oil, which includes anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiseptic, diuretic and sedative compounds.

Orange essential oil on the skin

Orange essential oil is a natural astringent. It acts by deeply cleansing the skin, purifying and detoxifying it. Therefore, it is indicated for skins that have a tendency to develop acne.

It is rich in vitamin C, which also helps to increase collagen production in the skin, leaving it looking younger, radiant and fresh. It can also be used to fight inflammation such as dermatitis.

Warning: orange essential oil, like other cold-pressed citrus oils, is phototoxic, meaning it can cause burns and skin blemishes. Therefore, when using it, do not expose yourself to the sun for at least 14 hours after use. You can purchase its furanocoumarin-free (LFC) version if you need to expose yourself to the sun.

Orange essential oil as a stimulant

Orange essential oil is considered a natural stimulant. This is due to one of its chemical components, limonene, a monoterpene known for its stimulant properties that directly affect mood when inhaled or used topically.

Due to its stimulating property, orange essential oil is used to ward off discouragement and bring motivation.

Orange essential oil on the immune system

The stimulating effect of orange essential oil also directly influences the immune system. When used, this citrus oil increases the body's defences by enhancing the immune system, consequently reducing a large number of diseases caused mainly by emotional problems or shaken mental health.

In addition, by having an antiviral and antibacterial function, orange oil eliminates disease-causing agents that are suspended in the air when diffused in the environment.

Orange essential oil in massage therapy

Orange essential oil is also used in massage therapy, diluted in a carrier oil such as almond, coconut or jojoba oil. During the aromatic massage, the chemical compounds present in this essential oil come into contact with the superficial layer of the skin and are absorbed to its deepest layer, to then be distributed throughout the body through the blood vessels.

Massage with orange essential oil has a calming effect and relieves muscle pain and inflammation. In addition, massage as this oil is aphrodisiac.

Orange essential oil as insecticide

Orange essential oil is used as a natural insecticide and repellent. Its aroma is effective against houseflies, and can even stop their proliferation by having a proven effect against their larvae. In addition, it ensures protection against crickets, spiders and ants.

Antioxidant orange essential oil

Orange oil has a high antioxidant function. Studies indicate that its chemical components inhibit the growth of cancer cells. The essential oil of bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) has a high concentration of limonene, which, according to a study published in 2017 by the University of Split, Croatia, is one of its powerful antioxidant components.

Essential oil of orange antimicrobial and fungicidal

Orange essential oil also has known antimicrobial and fungicidal functions. This essential oil can inhibit the proliferation of bacteria, including some that are resistant to conventional antibiotics.

In addition, orange essential oil is also effective in preventing the growth of fungi responsible for spoiling food.

Orange essential oil in weight loss

Orange essential oil is also effective in weight loss. A study conducted in 2019 noted that obese mice that were fed capsules containing orange essential oil demonstrated significant weight reduction, and also had reduced cholesterol rates.

However, more studies are needed to check if this same effect can be observed in humans.

Orange essential oil in the exercises

Orange essential oil is a natural stimulant, so it only takes a few drops to promote a refreshing and motivating feeling from its illuminating and inspiring aroma.

So, using it will give you the motivation you need during your workouts like running, outdoor exercises or a yoga session. Just remember that you should not apply it on your skin if you expose yourself to the sun while exercising: you can drip a drop on your personal diffuser.

Contraindications and adverse effects to essential oils

Essential oils are 100% natural substances and their proper use is often considered safe. However, they can trigger side effects and have contraindications.

These effects usually stem from its mismanagement or stem from pre-existing conditions such as allergies. Read on to find out why.

Side effects

The main side effects generated by poor administration of essential oils in Aromatherapy sessions are:

- Irritation, itching and redness in the area where the essential oil has been applied;

- Headaches;

- Allergic reactions such as anaphylactic shock;

- Nausea and vomiting.

In addition to these side effects, since essential oils release volatile organic compounds into the air, they can worsen asthma symptoms or even trigger an asthma attack. Always consult a doctor to find out if you can make use of essential oils as a complementary treatment to conventional medical treatment.


Most essential oils are safe to use, however, it is important to be careful when using them, especially if you are taking any medication or have any comorbidity. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, women who have recently given birth and small children should not use essential oils unless accompanied by an appropriate professional.

If you have an allergy to any component present in the essential oil or even the plant itself from which the essential oil is extracted, do not use it. Also, be extra careful when using essential oils if you suffer from:

- Asthma;

- Eczema

- Epilepsy;

- Hypertension;

- Psoriasis;

- Allergic rhinitis.

Never use essential oils internally or apply them directly to the skin: always use a carrier oil when applying them to the skin.

Allergy test

Even though aromatherapy is considered safe, essential oils can cause allergic reactions when you inhale them or use them on your skin. If you are sensitive to strong smells, it is important to consult a doctor before using aromatherapy.

To check if you are allergic, you should resort to contact sensitivity tests, applying a few drops of the essential oil to be used diluted in carrier oil on the anterior part of your forearm. Cover it with a bandage for 48h and then check if there is any kind of irritation.

If you feel itching or burning in the area, discontinue use and wash with mild soap under running water. Always consult an allergist for more information.

Choosing orange essential oil

Now that you are interested in the therapeutic properties of orange essential oil, it is important to know how to choose yours, as its quality has a direct influence on its therapeutic application. Unfortunately, many essential oils can be easily adulterated. Read on to learn how to choose quality essential oils.

How to choose quality orange essential oil

In order to choose your quality quality orange essential oil, it is important that you develop your sense of smell. One option is to attend an introductory essential oils course or simply start exploring natural products stores that sell essential oils. Orange essential oil has refreshing and welcoming citrus notes that are slightly sweet.

Find out about the origin of the essential oil, because its geotype, the place where the essential oil is from also determines the chemical components present in it. Sweet orange essential oil, for example, is commonly extracted from Brazil.


When buying your orange essential oil, it is important to read the information on the label. In it, you should find the following basic information: popular name (sweet orange essential oil), the scientific name in parentheses (Citrus sinensis or Citrus sincencis var. dulcis for sweet orange or Citrus aurantium for bitter orange) and its expiration date.

The label may also contain information such as the type of pressing. In the case of orange essential oil, it is extracted by cold-pressing the peels of its fruit.

Companies also usually present additional and important information such as their certifications, the type of agriculture (if organic, wild or with agrochemicals), as well as their geotype, the place from where it was extracted. Whenever possible, give preference to organic essential oils.


When buying your essential oils, it is important to pay attention to the brand of the company that commercializes them. Look for reputable and consolidated companies in the market and, even though the low price may seem like a good option, be suspicious if some very expensive essential oils such as rose or jasmine absolute are being sold at a bargain price.

Serious essential oil companies follow the information above and make available the chromatography of their essential oils, a kind of package insert containing the concentrations of the aromatic components present in that oil. Many times essential oils are diluted or adulterated, so be aware of any deception.

Avoid fragrance oils

Fragrance oils, also popularly called "essences", should be avoided. It is very common for people just starting out in aromatherapy to confuse essential oils with fragrance oils.

The essences, unlike essential oils, are produced synthetically in laboratories and have no therapeutic functions. On the contrary: their use can cause hormonal disorders and many other problems such as allergies. Therefore, do not buy them.

Give preference to dark glass jars

Essential oil molecules are photosensitive, meaning that they lose their properties when exposed to light. Therefore, never buy essential oils in bright videos as their therapeutic functions are lost.

Always prefer dark glass bottles, preferably amber, blue or green but never white. Likewise, never buy essential oils in plastic containers.

What to do in case of allergy to orange essential oil ?

If you experience allergic reactions to orange essential oil such as redness, itching or even burns, discontinue use immediately and avoid exposing yourself to the sun as it can aggravate the situation.

Remember that because it is an essential oil extracted by the cold-pressing method from the peels of citrus fritters, exposing yourself to the sun after using it topically can create burns and skin blemishes. Fortunately, most allergic reactions triggered through the use of this essential oil can be treated at home.

If you have allergies after contact of essential oil with your skin, wash it with cold water and mild soap and apply a cold compress to relieve the burning sensation. If you accidentally put essential oil in your eyes, wash them with water and seek medical assistance.

If the allergy was caused by the area diffusion of the essential oil, turn off your diffuser and open all airways in your environment. If symptoms persist or if you have difficulty breathing or swallowing, seek medical attention in a hospital emergency room.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.