Onion health benefits: cough relief, infections and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about the benefits of onions

Originating in Central Asia, onion (Allium Cepa) is a vegetable grown all over the world and has become an essential ingredient both for cooking and for popular medicine. For several centuries and after several scientific studies, the vegetable is recognized for its numerous health benefits due to its nutrient-rich composition.

There are many variations of the vegetable and it is possible to find it in various shapes and colors. However, white, yellow and purple onions are the most common. With anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, antifungal, bactericidal and antioxidant properties, the onion has proven effective in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Even if it always makes us cry, it is undeniable the qualities of this vegetable, either to give flavor to the food, as for the preparation of home remedies. Throughout this article, you will know the benefits, how to use it to take care of health and care before consuming the onion. Check it out!

The nutritional properties of onions and care when consuming

Rich in nutritional properties, the onion brings several health benefits. However, some people may suffer allergic reaction or be intolerant to food. For domestic animals, the vegetable also brings serious life risks.

Next, find out why this happens and also understand what causes irritation in the eyes and mouth. Also, check out some care to consume onions safely. Read below.

The nutritional properties of onions

Every 100 g of raw onion has about 39 kcal, 2 g of fiber, 1 g of protein and low levels of fat. In addition, the vegetable is composed of 89% water and has 4.2 g of sugar and 9.3 g of carbohydrates. Therefore, consuming onion regularly is extremely beneficial and does not favor the increase in body weight.

Watch out for onion allergy

Having an allergic reaction after direct contact or consumption of raw onions, although rare, can affect a small fraction of people. The symptoms are similar to any other food allergy, such as hives, itching, swelling, skin inflammation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal cramps.

However, it is very common for onion intolerance to occur. After its consumption being raw or cooked, people who have sensitivity or some gastric problem tend to feel heartburn, stomach discomfort and excess gas. This happens due to the presence of sulfur of other substances that are not well digested by the body.

Therefore, for those who have food intolerance, the intake of onion should be avoided, as well as other plants and vegetables such as garlic, chives and leeks, belonging to the same family.

Irritation in the eyes and mouth

When onions are cut, the enzymes alinases are released and together with other chemical compounds they produce pyruvic acid and syn-propanotial-S-oxide. Soon, these substances release a gas, as a defense mechanism and when they come into contact with the eyes it causes irritation and burning.

As a form of protection, the lacrimal glands are activated and produce tears to remove these components. When chewing raw onions, these gases are also released, causing a burning sensation in the mouth. To prevent this from happening, the vegetable must be cooked, but it loses a good part of its vitamins and nutrients.

The risks of onions for pets

Although beneficial to the health of humans, the onion is highly toxic to animals, especially dogs, cats, horses and monkeys. This is because the vegetable has substances called thiosulfate, sulfoxides and sulfides. In contact with the animal's body affects the immune system, destroying red blood cells.

Thus, it can lead the animal to trigger hemolytic anemia, affecting mainly the functioning of the liver. In addition, the intake of this food tends to cause gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, the onion should not be part of the diet of pets.

The benefits of onions

Besides giving a wonderful taste in food, onion is a beneficial vegetable to assist in the treatment of various diseases, such as relieving cough, gastric discomfort, regulate glucose and many other comorbidities.

As a source of fiber, vitamins and minerals, the vegetable is associated in reducing inflammation and even preventing cancer. In this topic, check out some benefits that the onion brings to health and if it is not yet part of your menu, start including in your diet. Follow.

Acts in relieving cough

Rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, the onion is an excellent ally to relieve coughs and other symptoms of flu and colds. This is because, the vegetable is composed of B vitamins, C complex, quercetin, anthocyanins, among others.

With regular consumption or in the preparation of homemade syrup, the onion has expectorant action, in addition to stimulating the immune system, increasing immunity and fighting infections caused by viruses and other harmful agents to health.

It is efficient in the treatment of stomach diseases

Onion has prebiotic substances that provide the increase of good bacteria in the body. Thus, it improves the intestinal flora, protects the immune system, preventing and treating diseases of the stomach and intestines. In addition, thanks to these components increases the absorption of food and decreases the risk of infections.

It is a source of fiber

Depending on the type, every 100 g onion can contain between 0.9 and 2.6 g of fiber. Therefore, it is an excellent source of soluble fiber or fructans, as it is also known, responsible for increasing the formation of good bacteria in the body.

It also stimulates the production of short-chain fatty acids, reducing inflammation in the intestinal tract and even preventing against colon cancer. However, fructans are classified as fodmaps, a set of fermentable foods. Thus, some people may have difficulty digesting the vegetable.

It is a source of vitamins and minerals

The onion is rich in vitamins and minerals, and the main ones are: vitamin C, with antioxidant properties acts on immunity, skin and hair; vitamin B6 promotes the increase in red blood cells; folate, water-soluble vitamin B complex is essential for the functioning of the body, producing proteins and red blood cells.

In addition, the vegetable contains potassium, iron, sodium, phosphorus and calcium, which are key minerals to reduce heart disease and control blood pressure. However, the onion must be eaten raw to obtain all these nutrients.

Has antimicrobial effects

According to studies, the onion has antimicrobial action. quercetin, antioxidant present in the vegetable, is able to combat bacteria such as H. pylori, causing some types of stomach cancer and Staphylococcus aureus, causes various infections.

Onion oil and extract have also shown to be efficient to inhibit the growth of the Vibrio cholerae bacteria, responsible for cholera. Therefore, the regular consumption of this vegetable ensures that the body is free of these harmful agents, however, it is very important to combine it with a healthy diet and regular checkups.

Assists in reducing blood sugar

Pre-diabetes and diabetes are diseases characterized by the overproduction of glucose in the pancreas, causing various dysfunctions in the body. With hypoglycemic components, such as quercetin and sulfur compounds, onions help keep blood sugar levels balanced.

However, for those who take oral medication or insulin, the treatment should not be replaced by the consumption only of this vegetable. In addition, to control blood glucose it is necessary to maintain a healthy diet, coupled with physical exercise.

It is beneficial for bone health

Consuming onions has also been shown to be beneficial for bone health, preventing bone loss that tends to result in the onset of osteoporosis. Women after the age of 50 or in menopause are more likely to be affected by bone disease. Studies have shown that eating the bulb every day increases bone density and decreases the risk of fractures.

Acts in the prevention of cancer

Cancer occurs due to a mutation of the DNA of cells, turning them into cancer cells, being one of the most deadly diseases in the world. And to inhibit the advance of this disease is important to have good habits, such as healthy eating, exercising the body and taking care of the mind.

The onion, according to researches, helps to prevent the disease because it is rich in antioxidants and sulfurs capable of fighting cancer cells. Therefore, its daily consumption has been associated with the reduction of some types of cancer, such as breast, stomach, ovarian, lung and prostate cancer.

It is rich in healthy compounds

Onions are rich in healthy substances, among them are: quercetin, anthocyanins, saponins, thiosulfinates and sulfurs such as sulfides and polysulfides. These and other compounds have antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and hypoglycemic properties.

Some onion species contain more or less of these active principles, such as yellow and red onions, which have a higher concentration of antioxidants compared to white onions. However, when cooked there may be a considerable loss of their nutrients.

Learn how to use onions to treat symptoms

Did you know that you can use onions to relieve various symptoms, such as cramps, chest congestion and earaches? Below, you will learn tips and recipes to help you treat these and other problems in a simple, fast and without spending much. To learn more, keep reading.

The use of onion for treating ear infections and pain

For those who suffer from constant ear infections and pain, the onion can help in the treatment. To use it is very simple, just cut an onion into cubes and put inside a thin sock. Then just tie it and put it over the ear until the pain passes.

Another alternative is to slightly warm the onion, then use a juicer to get the juice out. Using a cotton or gauze soaked with the juice of the onion and place inside the ear, preferably overnight. Remembering that the liquid should be from warm to cold, to avoid injury.

The use of onions for relief of colic

To relieve colic, especially intestinal, onion tea is an excellent option. Start by slicing the onion in a pot and then add a cup of water. Boil for 2 minutes and turn off the heat. Wait for the tea to cool down and if you prefer use honey to sweeten.

The recommended is to drink a tablespoon every hour until the pain passes. Babies over 1 year and children can take the tea, but the most suitable is to use only the onion peel.

The use of onions for cough reduction

The homemade syrup made with onion, is an excellent remedy to reduce cough. Preparation is easy, but you must follow a few steps to ensure the desired effect. To begin, reserve a glass jar with a lid, sugar and then cut an onion into slices.

Now, place the onion slices alternating with the sugar, assembling several layers. Cover the container and let it rest overnight. The next day, the ingredients should form a caramelized liquid. Take a tablespoon of syrup every 3 hours until the cough improves.

The use of onions to improve the appearance of cuts

Due to the antiseptic properties of the onion is possible to treat shallow wounds on the skin. This is because the vegetable is able to disinfect and accelerate healing of the wound. It is very simple: cut a very thin slice of onion and place on the site, thus, will leave the wound clean. Then, cover the skin with the peel and secure with a plaster bandage.

Repeat this process until the cut has healed completely, changing it regularly. However, if the wound is deep, just stop the bleeding and seek medical attention to suture the injury.

The onion to stop bleeding and prevent the appearance of boils

The onion also helps in containing the bleeding and prevents the boil to inflame. This is due to the compounds present in the vegetable that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action. So, just put a slice of onion on top of the affected site, cover with gauze and leave overnight.

Therefore, do this procedure at night, at bedtime, to preserve the dressing and act longer. And, of course, prevent the characteristic odor of the onion does not spread in the environment and impregnate the clothes.

Onions in oral health

Thanks to antiviral, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory substances, onion helps prevent diseases of the lips, tongue and throat. In addition, in its composition contains fluoride, very important active in preserving tooth enamel and fighting tooth decay.

Therefore, chewing the raw onion for about 2 minutes, is an excellent way to fight germs and bacteria in the mouth. However, opt for the purple onion, which is sweeter, making it easier to chew.

The use of onions for relief of chest congestion

With expectorant action, the onion is also indicated to relieve congestion in the chest. For this, you need to beat the onion with some coconut oil until it forms a paste. Then just pass on the chest and cover the site with a shirt or towel, and let act, at least, for 1 hour and remove the mixture.

Can the way of preparation interfere in the absorption of the benefits of onions?

As we have seen, the onion is a food rich in nutrients and vitamins of extreme importance to keep the body healthy and protected against harmful agents. However, to obtain all the benefits of this vegetable, consumption must be raw, that is, when cooking it there is a significant loss of its substances.

In addition, there are different types of onions and each has a higher or lower concentration of their compounds. Yellow and red onions, for example, may contain up to 11 times more quercetin, an antioxidant responsible for fighting free radicals and maintaining proper functioning of the body.

Therefore, the choice and preparation of the onion makes all the difference so that its properties are well absorbed in the body. However, if you consume the vegetable and have some discomfort, suspend its use immediately and replace it with other spices or vegetables for preparing salads and other dishes.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.