To dream that you are levitating: alone, with another person, objects and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

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Meaning of dreaming you are levitating for spiritualism

For the spiritist doctrine, the act of dreaming is related to the life of the soul, that is, we live the material and physical life while we are awake, and when we are sleeping, our body rests and our soul continues awake to have experiences in the "world of souls", also called extraphysical plane or astral plane.

Therefore, dreams are a representation of what is experienced on this other side of life. To dream that you are levitating for spiritualism indicates that the person is having impulses in their journey of spiritual ascension, it is an indication to maintain perseverance on the path. Whatever you are doing that brings you closer to spirituality, keep doing it.

To dream that you are levitating in different ways

Levitation is a phenomenon that goes against the law of gravity, so, is something that we do not usually see in reality, only in movies, but, is common to happen in the dream world. See below what each form of levitation in the dream has to tell you.

To dream that you are slowly levitating

To dream that you are slowly levitating symbolizes your path to gaining your freedom and independence, especially in the spheres that govern your personal and financial life. However, the slowness of the act of levitating in this dream shows that this will be a long and protracted process, so have persistence.

You long to change your life, grow as a human being, be free and prosper, however, this dream indicates only your will that exists in the realm of ideas, you have not done anything to get out of where you are. Put your plans into practice as soon as possible, do not give up and you will get where you want and win your freedom.

To dream that you are levitating rapidly

To dream that you are levitating rapidly indicates a certain urgency and haste in your life at present. If you are facing problems, it may be that you are anxious to get everything resolved as soon as possible, if this is the case, the advice in this dream is to keep calm.

You may end up "putting the cart before the horse" in some situations in your life, acting impulsively and recklessly, so do some self-observation, be aware of what happens inside when something does not go as expected.

To dream that you are levitating at night

If your dream took place during the night and you were levitating, be aware from now on, the night darkness indicates that you are migrating into a dark phase of your life and may indicate a very big problem approaching.

Levitation in this scenario is tied to the strength you will need to have to deal with adversity, which is represented by the night. Keep in mind that you cannot control or avoid the problem, but you can change the way you deal with it. As Psalm 30, verse 5 says "weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." Remember that.

To dream that you are levitating alone

To dream that you are levitating alone represents your solitude on the path of seeking inner peace. It may be that you are approaching matters connected with the spiritual world, or that this is a sign for you to begin to do some practice in this sense, whether it be meditation, prayer, readings or charitable deeds.

This will make you change certain behaviors and distance yourself from relationships that do not do you good. It is not a path that will take other people with you, it is a trail that must be traveled only by you. Let your inner self guide you.

To dream that you are levitating with another person

If there was a person levitating with you in your dream is a great sign, you have a good company by your side and you can count on it. This is an indication for you to start something together, because, you will achieve success and growth.

However, to dream that you are levitating with another person, this being someone you do not like or trust, this indicates that you should pay attention to this relationship and heal any hurt or sorrow that may exist between you.

We are all brothers and we are on this planet to achieve evolution, the defect that you see in the other is actually in yourself. Work on your internal issues and resolve the external misunderstandings.

To dream that you are levitating another person

To dream that you are levitating another person is an omen about the success of someone close and you will be part of this achievement or celebration. If a friend or relative has started a new project or business, offer to help spread the word, show interest, be around and you will be rewarded.

After all, one hand washes the other, right? This dream highlights the mutual help between the parties involved. It may be that your work together with your team will be praised and recognized very soon. Do your best, transform something simple into something special and see the magic happen.

To dream that you are levitating objects

If you dreamed that you are levitating objects, this demonstrates your dissatisfaction with the current moment in your life, it may be in your love life, in your work or even in your habits. There is something inside you that yearns for taking an initiative to change and you are fully aware of it.

However, if you are satisfied with the way you lead your life, this dream may be a warning for you to beware of manipulation around you, other people may be taking advantage of your goodwill and leaving you overwhelmed. If this is the case, put a stop to it and practice self-care.

To dream that you are levitating in different places

The location of the dream with levitation should be taken into account for a deeper and more detailed analysis about the message that the dream wants to send you. Check out now in this topic the meaning of dreaming you are levitating in different locations.

To dream that you are levitating at a high altitude

To dream that you are levitating at a high altitude indicates that you have many ambitions and great goals to achieve, but you need to take it easy. It is a warning for you to pay attention to the paths you are walking, basically, this dream tells you to be careful where you step.

Given this context, the advice is to value those who really are by your side, regardless of the circumstances. Ask yourself some questions: do I value those who really deserve it? Who would be by my side when everything fell apart in my life?

Take one step at a time, do not try to do gigantic things that are not within your reach, otherwise you may harm yourself and others.

To dream that you are levitating at a low height

The meaning of dreaming that you are levitating at a low height is that you are confident and self-assured. It represents peace, serenity, lightness and above all, prudence. The latter is a virtue, so this type of dream is an excellent sign that you are working on being your best version.

You tend to share your wisdom with others, it is likely that someone will come to you for advice very soon, if this is the case, listen to this person carefully and help them with a direction.

To dream that you are levitating in bed

To dream that you are levitating in bed is a reflection of an astral projection, your soul is ready to experience this other plane. Try to deepen your knowledge in order to remember what was experienced on the other side, this will certainly help you in your life while you are awake.

You possibly have not yet had an actual experience with astral projection, or you have and don't remember it very well, this dream precedes what you will experience.

To dream that you are levitating in public

The message of dreaming that you are levitating in public shows your personal highlight. You will be recognized for what you are. Your qualities as a human being will be seen and admired by those around you.

For those who are looking for a love relationship, this is a sign that someone will notice you among the others. Try to walk well groomed, even if it is to go to the bakery, the right person may be on your way.

To dream that you are levitating above people

To dream that you are levitating over people is a warning to be careful with your ego, pay attention to how you put yourself in the world, in their actions. Review your concepts and forgive yourself for past attitudes. Seek to be different from now on.

Also, the advice is to accept help from others and put your pride aside. Don't try to face the battles by being a one-man army.

To dream that you are levitating over a city

To dream that you are levitating over a city announces good news. This dream represents freedom, demonstrates your desire to know a new place, you are open to new opportunities in your life.

Another interpretation is for you to look at your life from another perspective. Put yourself in a different position to understand what hinders you and prevents you from evolving.

If possible, take some time to do the following exercise: imagine that your life is a movie and you are the spectator, as the scenes unfold, observe what needs to be changed in this story. After doing this, be fully aware that you are the protagonist, you guide your steps.

To dream that you are levitating over an airport

To dream that you are levitating over an airport is a good sign. You are on the right path, you will achieve great goals and travel many interesting paths. The trend is that you will rise in your professional field and this will take you to new places. Be open to opportunities, even let yourself transform as a person and this will reflect in your work.

Another interpretation applied to dreams with airport is that a key person for your life will appear very soon. It could be a great friend, a contact for a new job or even the love of your life.

To dream that you are levitating over beautiful landscapes

The meaning of dreaming that you are levitating over beautiful landscapes is that many doors will open in your life. If in your dream there were landscapes with natural beauty, feel honored, because great things are to come.

You have the potential to start new businesses and achieve great success. The messengers of heaven reveal to you through the mountains, lakes, woods, and any other scenery of nature that the path to your achievements will be radiant.

To dream that you are levitating over unpleasant landscapes

If the landscapes present in the dream of levitation are ugly and uncomfortable, this is a representation of your subconscious. You see yourself immersed in your fears and your own paranoia. See reality as it is, take life more lightly and realize that fears and worries are useless. Things will happen the way they have to happen.

To dream that you are levitating over water

To dream that you are levitating over water is an enigmatic dream that may contain a very important meaning for your present moment, it evidences a coming together of your physical and spiritual life. Water represents our emotions, so in this dream, being above the waters and levitating over them indicates that you are having control of your emotional side.

Thus, you are not letting it interfere with your actions and decision-making. On the other hand, this dream can also herald the awakening of mediumistic gifts of the dreamer. If this is the case, the spirituality will direct you.

Pay attention to the next dreams that you have, try to have a notebook to record them, or write them down on your cell phone. After all, it is always good to read and remember the previous dreams, because they can be a complement for the next ones.

To dream that you are levitating in another galaxy

To dream that you are outside the orbit of the Earth, in space, or even on other planets and galaxies is a very different and curious dream that requires special attention. You are in a moment of expansion of consciousness.

To dream that you are levitating in another galaxy shows that you are ready to learn new things and awaken your potential. Unimaginable things will come to you, and you will no longer waste time on things that do you harm or that divert you from your true path.

Other meanings of dreaming that you are levitating

Check out this topic for other meanings of dreaming that you are levitating. Such types of dreams involving levitation may have an important message waiting for you.

To dream that you are levitating and falling

It is common to have the sensation of leaving the body, levitate and then feel that is falling, this tends to happen when we are about to fall asleep, and sometimes even wake up scared thinking it was a real fall. Well, this is a common phenomenon, but when it happens in a dream?

To dream that you are levitating and falling indicates your feeling of inferiority before other people or the challenges of life. If you are in this situation, this dream is a warning for you to take care of this issue, otherwise it could become a much bigger problem.

To dream that you are levitating and looking at the sun

To dream that you are levitating and looking at the sun is a dream that carries one major piece of advice: you need to find your inner light.

In this case, the Sun reveals to you your brightness that you are seeing on the outside, but in truth, this brightness is within yourself. Perhaps you are placing your expectations on external things, like relationships and material possessions, when in truth your most precious treasure is in your heart.

To dream that you are levitating while being pursued

To dream that you are levitating while being pursued shows your lack of peace, you always seem to be in a state of alertness and believe that you are surrounded by problems and enemies, when in fact your exterior is a reflection of your interior. All of this is within you.

With this in mind, try to ask yourself why you are acting this way and release the weight from your shoulders. Relax and let things happen naturally. Experience the power of letting go. Let go of frustrations, problems, bills to pay, conflicting relationships, in short, everything that is weighing you down, and watch things unfold and take their course.

To dream that you are levitating and are shot

To dream that you are levitating and get shot represents that you may be too distracted, with your head in the clouds while life is passing by and you are not taking advantage of opportunities.

Be aware, for this dream brings a shock of reality to you. Be in the world consciously of your actions and move forward. Do not procrastinate your duties, otherwise by the time you realize it will be too late and you will be frustrated.

To dream that you are levitating and cannot descend

To dream that you are levitating and cannot descend means that you are still stuck in your past and are afraid of the future, not letting yourself go down new paths and consequently becoming stagnant.

In the same context, it could also be the case that you are afraid of being trapped in a new relationship. The advice of this dream, therefore, is for you to release your emotions and be open to the new, after all, new stories can be written by you. Allow yourself and live happily.

To dream that you are levitating without control

The message of dreaming that you are levitating without control indicates, precisely, the lack of control in your life. Be careful with excesses, take the reins of your life. Do not let yourself be carried away by situations and influences just to fit into some social group.

Never try to be someone you are not. Be authentic and express your truth. Little by little, those similar to you will arrive in your life, faster than you expect.

To dream that you are levitating with the help of apparatuses

To dream that you are levitating with the help of braces is a dream that expresses your emotional dependence. You are putting the responsibility for your happiness on others and this is not good. Pay attention to your relationship and see what you can do to improve it.

To dream that you are trying to levitate, but can not

To dream that you are trying to levitate, but can not, brings to light the obstacles that you put for yourself, being immersed in a process of self-sabotage, believing that the problem is in others or in the circumstances that happen in your life.

Reflect on how you are dealing with the difficult situations of everyday life and notice, especially, your inner state when something does not go as expected. The advice is to regain control of your life and not fall into the traps that your own ego can set you. Do meditations daily to be able to know yourself.

Does dreaming that you are levitating have to do with persistence?

Levitation is something mysterious, an extraphysical ability that we usually see in movies or in illusionist performances. However, there are reports of saints who performed such feat, as is the case of St. Francis of Assisi, for example, who to achieve this state, persevered on the path of holiness.

So, to dream that you are levitating has a strong relationship with persistence. This type of dream reveals that you have an arduous journey to be traveled, but you will get where you want, only for this you need courage.

Have you ever dreamed that you were levitating? Well, now you know that this dream shows that the dreamer is entering a new path in his spiritual journey, so the message is: get ready for new experiences, both on the physical plane and on the astral plane. Persevere on the path!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.