9 prayers of merit: quantum, love, Ho'oponopono and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why do merit prayer?

Contact with spirituality, in many cases, is a great help in making life lighter. Through prayers, such as prayers of merit, we establish faith in a specific desire and become confident.

So, it's time to learn about different types of merit prayers and understand how each one benefits your life. If you believe in God, saints or the Universe in general, follow the text below and choose the prayer that best connects to your life.

With the merit prayer, you will feel your wishes aligning and coming true. Enjoy the tips, find out the meanings and get more information about these prayers! Check them out!

Merit Prayer to the Universe

People are always looking for achievements throughout life, and according to the situation, it is possible that they are looking for compensation from the universe. If that is your case, learn the types of merit prayer to the universe quickly and practically.

A good way to do a merit prayer is with the mirror. By reciting positive and empowering sentences to yourself, you can transform reality and attract the good sentences into your daily life. The Universe listens to the one who calls on it.

Furthermore, it is important to focus on the universe as a temple of perseverance and will. It is not enough just to recite the necessary phrases, but to really believe. Read this article to enter the world of prayer


To begin your work with merit prayers for the universe, it is ideal to start with indications from holistic professionals, so that the best ways to recreate them emerge.

In this way, focus on a merit prayer to the universe to attract prosperity. Before you go to bed to sleep, close your eyes and repeat the words for spiritual strengthening.

Moreover, it is interesting to choose prayers that strengthen your self-esteem, since merit is the result of our own awareness of reality. We need to believe that we are worthy, so that prayer will surely flow in life.


Do you know the significance of merit prayers to the universe? They are amazing ways to fulfill wishes and intensify our relationship with spirituality.

To connect with the Universe, every form of prayer is a good choice. The words should be designed to lead to a positive vibration, and should have a personal context to be realized.

So, research about merit prayers for the universe and choose sacred poetry to create a primordial and prosperous astral connection. Below is an ideal example to start praying.


Mysterious and perfect Universe, that everything can see, by the blessing that I possess in my life, I attract the health of my body, the true love, the job of my dreams and everything that I long for. I am grateful for what I possess and what I will achieve, I believe, trust, deliver and accomplish.

By my day-to-day faith, I draw near to the light, the good and the love. My energy attracts the power of all things, for I can do all things in Him who strengthens me.

I give due respect to nature, with which I connect and through which I feel balanced. I can feel the life of all the things that vibrate in my heart and in my veins. I shout to the four corners that I am alive!

Merit Prayer for Love

Loving and being loved is one of the best feelings in the world. However, many people suffer in the search for true love. If that is your case, how about doing a merit prayer for love?

To complete the best prayer possible, mentalize beautiful reciprocal love in your direction. Recite the words of the prayer in a quiet place, especially before bed. At this time of night, we are calm and can absorb the best possible thoughts.

With the merit prayer for love, you can prepare yourself for positive changes in the area of relationships. A new person, dating request and even marriage may appear after a few months. Enjoy the prayer indication and read on!


To attract true love, you can use the prayer of St. Anthony, the special saint for matters related to marriage and relationships.

Known as the protector of lovers, St. Anthony is the ideal cry for singles looking to change the status of their relationship. If you are looking to get married, St. Anthony's prayer brings merit in the relationship and a new step begins to enter your life.

To start the prayer, find a quiet place without distractions. The best time for love-focused prayer is at night, especially before bedtime since the body is rested.


With the goal of improving love life, the St. Anthony prayer is essential to bring an assurance in relationships and bring an intense direction to your goal.

Whether you want to get married, date or just find a short relationship, it is with Saint Anthony that you will succeed. So, learn more about this well-known saint and insert him into your daily life with a prayer.


My great friend Saint Anthony, you who are the protector of lovers, look at me, at my life, at my desires. Defend me from dangers, keep me away from failures, from disillusions and disenchantments. Make me realistic, confident, dignified and joyful. May I find a boyfriend or girlfriend who pleases me, who is hardworking, virtuous and responsible.

May I know how to walk towards the future and towards life as a couple with the dispositions of one who has received from God a sacred vocation and a social duty. May my courtship be happy and my love without measure. May all lovers seek mutual understanding, communion of life and growth in faith. Amen.

Merit Prayer to God

Having a close connection to God is essential for those seeking a more balanced and healthy life. Spirituality, although not the priority of many, should be taken into consideration at the time of merit.

So if you are looking for a merit prayer to God, stop for a second and take in your surroundings. Calmness and tranquility must go together for the request to be spiritually fulfilled.

To connect with God, the Church is a sacred place and totally geared to this, but know that you do not need to attend masses and services to have a good exchange with the divine. Check out the text below to learn more!


When choosing the best merit prayer to God, it is important to remember that the connection is first and foremost personal. Praying an Our Father brings hope and makes life lighter and more serene, so start with 40 Our Father and establish a spiritual connection with Him.

To profess a prayer is to converse with God, and this attitude transmutes faith and provides self-knowledge for the person's life. With the Lord's Prayer, you will live in the present and no longer in the past.


In general, prayers are paramount to an intimate contact with God, the Universe or any deity of your choice. Made especially as a tool for blessings, the phrases should be recited with hope.

With the intention of appeasing conflicts, awakening self-knowledge and love, the prayer of merit to God is also a powerful way to spread balance and friendship, since praying for the other is a form of affection.

In this way, how about beginning with the Lord's Prayer for a direct and transforming contact with God? It is an ideal gateway for beginning a life with spirituality.


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Second prayer of merit to God

For an even closer contact with God, there are other prayers that should be mentioned. If your search is to fulfill desires and dreams, the prayer of merit is a great choice.

First of all, it is important to know that prayer is a conversation with God. Talk to God and open your heart, tell your longings and problems and tell your hopes. Prayer is done to ask for help, guidance, as it serves as a spiritual guide.

Psalm 121, for example, can be recited with clarity and love for the conquest of desires. It is short and possesses great spiritual power.


Psalm 121 is an ideal indication for those seeking a short, powerful and reassuring prayer of merit to God. With 8 verses, it is a beautiful and well-known psalm from the Bible, since it conveys certainty about protection and trust with the figure of God.

It helps you face problems with hope, agility, and candor. If you believe you are deserving of what you want, Psalm 121 will get the obstacles out of your way with your trust in God.


The meaning of Psalm 121, considered a great prayer of merit to God, is entirely reserved for trust and imparting hope.

In the verses, your faith will be renewed through this sacred song. With the sayings, it emphasizes the renewal of faith. In this way, if you feel distant from God, Psalm 121 will bring you back and fulfill your desire with lightness.

However, it is important to remember that for realizations to happen, you must practice good to reap good and forgive hurts. The psalms focus on peace, so follow it with tranquility.


I lift up mine eyes unto the hills: whence cometh my help?

My help comes from the Lord, who made the heavens and the earth.

He shall not let thy foot waver: he that keepeth thee shall not slumber.

Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

The LORD is he who keeps you; the LORD is your shade at your right hand.

By day the sun will not smite you, nor the moon by night.

The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will guard your life.

The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in, from this time and for ever

Merit Prayer for 21 days

One of the most powerful prayers of mercies is the 21-day prayer. Like a promise, keeping 21 days of a prayer is the perfect amount of time for it to be effectively fulfilled.

Over the course of 21 days, the person undergoes spiritual healing processes through the release of past traumas, contact with the inner child and connection with unconditional love of spirituality.

First of all, you need to believe that you deserve to achieve your dream in 21 days, an acceptable timeframe for life to gradually transform. If you are interested in learning more about this prayer and its benefit, keep reading the article!


Aimed at changing your life in a positive way, the 21-day merit prayer is strong, powerful and easy to do.

To change your reality, find a quiet place perfect for rest before bedtime or when you wake up. Snuggle in, whether lying down or sitting up, and prepare to receive the abundance of a sacred saying.

For 21 consecutive days, you must maintain faith and perseverance to experience real changes. It is ideal, above all, already mentalize that you have achieved what you want so much, but take advantage of the 21 days to draw a plan of transformative changes in your day to day.


For many spiritualists, saying a prayer for 21 consecutive days is ideal for a wish to be fulfilled, especially through a commitment.

Like the apostle Daniel's 21-day fast in the Bible, or like St. Michael the Archangel's powerful 21-day prayer, the 21-day merit prayer is a mission to be accomplished - and the devotee needs to step into that responsibility.

If you want to change your reality and believe in the power of thought, do the prayer for 21 days and enjoy the amazing results that will be waiting for you.


I, ______________________ deserve all the good things that the Universe is sending in my direction right now: Prosperity, Money, Health, Travel, Love, Inexhaustible Sources of Resources.

I trust the universe to receive all this abundance in my life.

I now receive all this abundance to which I am entitled.

I thank the universe with an open heart for all this abundance.

I beseech the universe to give to all sevenfold the same abundance bestowed upon me.

Ho'oponopono Merit Prayer

Are you familiar with the holistic technique of Ho'oponopono? This prayer with Hawaiian origin is one of the best known by spiritualists, since it brings a quick result and soothes the anxieties and problems of everyday life.

Made to alter the mood with lightness, the repetition of phrases like "I'm sorry," "Forgive me," "I love you," and "I am grateful," leads to gratitude and love.

Originating in Hawaii, the therapist and teacher Ihaleakala Hew Len created the method, and healed a pavilion of criminals with mental illness, without even interacting with them. Ho'oponopono is ideal for those who want to calm the mind, reduce worries and especially get rid of the past. Keep reading to learn more!


To get started in Ho'oponopono, you can use the meditation guide with the prayer being spoken via videos or audios. In this case, a mentor will recite the phrases and you can repeat them out loud in a quiet place without distractions from others.

However, there are recommended readings for those who prefer to recite the prayer alone. 'I am sorry', 'Forgive me', 'I love you' and 'I am grateful' can become daily phrases in your life, and you will feel the difference if you repeat them throughout the day.

Repeat the phrases and mentalize moments that need resolution. Although it is painful to think about the past, it is indicated for resolution to be made in the present through the merit prayer.


If you seek to understand Ho'oponopono, you need to know its meaning. The word ''Ho'o'' means cause in Hawaiian, while ''ponopono'' means perfection. In this case, it seeks to achieve perfection through correction of mistakes and release from the past.

The mantra came about through the work of Professor Ihaleakala Hew Len, who had a healing experience working with patients in a state psychiatric hospital in Hawaii. The people were a constant threat and in many cases were in straitjackets.

Through Ho'oponopono, which was used for 3 years in the ward, the patients were reintegrated into society with the healing power. They recited the sayings daily and released feelings of anger, anguish and guilt. This is how the technique spread and became increasingly recurrent.


Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Son - all in One.

If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended Your family, relatives and ancestors in thought, deed or action, from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask for Your forgiveness.

Let it cleanse, purify, release and cut all memories, blockages, negative energies and vibrations. Transmute these unwanted energies into pure LIGHT. And so it is.

To clear my subconscious of all the emotional charge stored in it, I say over and over again during my day the key words of Ho'oponopono.

I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful

I declare myself at peace with all the people on earth and with whom I have outstanding debts. For this instant and in its time, for all that I do not like in my present life

I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful

I release all those from whom I believe I am receiving harm and mistreatment, because they simply give me back what I did to them before, in some past life.

I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful

Even though it is difficult for me to forgive someone, it is I who ask forgiveness of that someone now, for this instant, in all of time, for all that I do not like in my present life.

I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful

For this sacred space that I inhabit day by day and with which I am not comfortable.

I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful.

For the difficult relationships of which I keep only bad memories.

I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful

For all that I do not like in my present life, my past life, my work and what is around me, Divinity, cleanse in me what is contributing to my shortage.

I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful.

If my physical body experiences anxiety, worry, guilt, fear, sadness, pain, I pronounce and think: My memories, I love you! I am grateful for the opportunity to release you and me.

I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful

At this moment I affirm that I love you. I think of my emotional health and that of all my loved ones... I love you

For my needs and to learn to wait without anxiety, without fear, I acknowledge my memories here in this moment.

I'm sorry. I love you.

My contribution to the healing of the Earth:

Beloved Mother Earth, who I am

If I, my family, my relatives and ancestors have mistreated You with thoughts, words, deeds and actions since the beginning of our creation until the present, I ask for Your forgiveness let this be cleansed and purified, release and cut all memories, blockages, negative energies and vibrations, transmute these unwanted energies into pure light and so it is.

In conclusion I say this prayer is my door, my contribution, to your emotional health, which is the same as mine, so be well. And as you heal I say to you....

I am sorry for the memories of pain I share with you.

I ask your forgiveness for joining my path to yours for healing.

I thank you for being here for me...

Merit Prayer to Saint Rita of Cassia

The story of St. Rita of Cascia is focused on lost causes, since throughout her life, the saint was dedicated to caring for people with contagious diseases - such as the plague - and was never infected.

On May 22nd, we celebrate the day of the Saint of the Impossible, who got her name because of her empathy with the sick, as well as widows, women and children. So, if you need a prayer for a difficult conquest, it is time to continue reading this article and call on Saint Rita of Cascia.


In every kind of merit prayer, there is the need for trust and hope above mistakes and pains. Therefore, in the case of the prayer of St. Rita of Cascia, base yourself on the life of the Saint for the prayer to take effect.

As a patron saint of lost causes, Rita of Cascia does not let devotees be overcome by failure. On the contrary, with her prayer, you will feel the protection and the feeling that everything is possible.

Recite the St. Rita of Cascia merit prayer daily as you are about to go to sleep. Focus on a specific goal and open your heart to the gift that will come your way.


The life of Saint Rita of Cascia justifies the nickname of Saint of the Impossible Causes, since miracles happened from the very beginning. As a widow and mother, she managed to enter the convent even without complying with the religious rules of the period.

Rita de Cassia became a Saint after entering the convent, which had its door locked, with the help of 3 saints who visited her one night. As proof of divine participation, she was accepted and performed other miracles over 40 years of religious life.

It is through the deeds of St. Rita of Cascia, glorious and powerful in the midst of lost causes, that the prayer was created and assists countless devotees daily.


O Mighty and Glorious Saint Rita of Cascia, behold, at your feet, a helpless soul who, needing help, turns to you with the sweet hope of being attended by you who have the title of Saint of the impossible and desperate cases.

O dear Saint, take an interest in my cause, intercede with God to grant me the grace, which I so much need, (make the request). Do not allow me to have to move away from your feet without being attended to.

If there is any obstacle within me that prevents me from obtaining the grace I implore, help me to remove it. Envelop my request in your precious merits and present it to your heavenly Spouse, Jesus, in union with your prayer.

O St. Rita, I place all my trust in you. Through you, I quietly await the grace I ask for. St. Rita, advocate of the impossible, pray for us.

Prosperity Deserving Prayer

To gain prosperity in everyday life, especially when it comes to opening paths to work or love life, it's time to focus on a merit prayer.

Prayers are sacred sayings, which create a great connection of the person with God, the universe or the deity of choice. When we recite phrases with power and intonation, we end up creating a reality for our life and that is why we should pay attention to what we say out loud.

Thus, to attract prosperity, blessings and success in different areas of life, continue reading this text and choose a prayer of merit that is powerful and accessible for your life.


There are different types of prosperity merit prayer, one of them is Ho'oponopono, known as prayer for gratitude and love. However, it is not the only one. A good prayer is one that transforms your reality and reassures you.

Reciting words of encouragement before bed, at the time of waking up and even in front of the mirror are great indications to make your life lighter. Thus, it is indicated that you choose a quiet place without distractions to recite the prosperity merit prayer, creating a specific focus on your desire.


When choosing a prosperity merit prayer, you need to pay attention to its meaning. If you are in search of abundance and lightness, it is ideal to let go of the past and let go of hurts that only hold you back.

An important step for any prayer is cleansing, since for the sacred sayings to change your life, you need to distance yourself from what is bad for you. So, the meaning of the prosperity merit prayer is clear: to transform your life in a positive way. But before the result, focus and preparation need to come first.


I'm deserving. I deserve everything that's good.

Not a part, not a little bit, but all the good stuff.

I now turn away from all negative, restrictive thoughts.

I release and let go of all my limitations.

In my mind, I am unattached.

Now I transport myself into a new space of consciousness,

where I'm willing to see myself differently.

I am determined to create new thoughts

about myself and my life.

My way of thinking becomes a new experience.

I now know and affirm that I am one with

the Prosperity Power of the Universe.

Thus, I thrive in countless ways.

The totality of possibilities is before me.

I deserve life, a good life.

I deserve love, an abundance of love.

I deserve good health.

I deserve to live in comfort and prosper.

I deserve joy and happiness.

I deserve the freedom to be all that I can be.

I deserve more than that. I deserve everything that's good.

The universe is more than willing

to manifest my new beliefs.

I accept that abundant life with joy,

pleasure and gratitude, for I am worthy.

I accept it; I know it to be true.

I am grateful to God for all the blessings I receive.

Financial Merit Prayer

To gain financial independence and good news in the professional field, it is time to look for a financial merit prayer that will bring great results. But do not despair, in this article you will find.

In every culture, there is a diverse prayer to gain money and prosperity. Whether connecting with God, the universe, or even the Hindu deity Ganesha, there is always an aid of power and hope for those seeking to overcome financial obstacles.

Seeing this, continue reading this article to know interesting pointers and the meaning of each financial merit prayer.


One of the most famous deities when it comes to riches is Ganesha, the elephant god of Hinduism is powerful and carries a mantra of prosperity widely recited by Indians.

Ideally made to overcome obstacles and attract wealth, Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha is a phrase that removes material and spiritual impasses in a light-hearted manner. In the case of the mantra, one needs to chant it as well as just recite it. Like a song, chanting is the best remedy for it to come into effect.

Besides the mantra, there is another prayer linked to Ganesha that is suitable for financial prosperity: the Om Shri Gam. Both are ideal for breaking down obstacles and leading to material achievements.


When it comes to Indian sacred intonations, Om means the whole, aka the Universe, while Gam means the removal of obstacles. In the mantra Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha, the Ganapataye (Gana+Pati) is one of the names of Ganesha, thus called the Lord of Troops.

The Namaha, on the other hand, is devotion to the Gods. In the continuity of the chant, Sharanam Ganesha follows, which means refuge in the God of Troops. Ganesha is, therefore, the guide for the attainment of prosperity.

Whereas in Om Shri Gam, Om means the Universe, Shri is the heart and balance while Gam is the material energy. Just like the former, it ends obstacles and leads to financial achievements.


I'm a magnet for money.

Everything I touch turns to gold.

I have more riches than King Solomon's mines.

Money falls like an avalanche on me.

There is a lot of money being manufactured for me right now.

I am receiving the money created by my thinking each day.

I get unexpected checks in the mail.

I receive A GREAT FORTUNE now in divine order.


How to say a merit prayer correctly?

Now that you have known different merit prayers for numerous areas like prosperity, love and financial life, you need to learn how to do them correctly so that you see results.

First step, after you have chosen the ideal prayer, find a quiet place and find a position that leaves your body relaxed. Whether lying down or sitting down, close your eyes and align yourself in a comfortable way.

Then recite or read the prayer of your choice with an open heart. If possible, do a meditation beforehand to quiet the mind. Many people choose bedtime to say more powerful prayers for the calmness of the place.

After reciting the prayers, thank God, the Universe or the participating deity and prepare yourself to receive blessings in the coming days.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.