What is pitanga tea good for? Benefits, leaves, the fruit and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why drink pitanga tea?

When we talk about fruit, we usually think that the best and only way to consume it in liquid form is through juices. There is a huge variety, made with more than one fruit, water or milk, for example.

However, little by little, people are starting to talk about tea made from the leaves of some of these fruit trees and how they have great power in our lives. Pitanga tea has numerous properties, vitamins and anti-inflammatory substances, making it a kind of natural control for some diseases.

Of course, it's no substitute for a drug certified by regulatory agencies, but it is a viable and affordable option for maintaining good health. To find out more about its nutritional profile, benefits and how to consume it, read on!

The nutritional profile of pitanga

When we talk about nutritional profile, we are talking about how that food adds to the diet of the people who consume it, mainly through its vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Pitanga itself has a number of compounds that help the body function better, and it's important to know each one of them so as not to over-consume any type of nutrient. Check out the main components of pitanga and how they help maintain our health!


Pitanga is rich mainly in vitamins A, B and C. Vitamin A's main function is to fight free radicals, which cause both mild and advanced cell deterioration. Vitamin A thus fights ageing and maintains healthy cells.

Vitamin B helps in the production of red blood cells, enriching the immune system exponentially and helping to fight diseases. And finally, vitamin C works directly with the production of tissue and their strengthening, being important for the skin, muscles and even bones.


Although it contains several substances in smaller quantities, pitanga is rich in iron, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, making it versatile in strengthening the body in general. Calcium, aided by vitamins, makes the bones much more resistant, as well as the teeth, which are also strengthened by the component.

A body rich in iron is a body that can recover more quickly from any injury, including those that lose a lot of blood. Iron speeds up regeneration, making the body much stronger. Magnesium and phosphorus maintain the body's muscles, strengthening and nourishing them.

Phenolic compounds

Phenolic compounds are agents that have a metabolic function, as well as a number of other functions, including anti-inflammatory ones. They are usually found in the colors of these foods, so we know from the food's pigment what its properties are. You've probably heard someone say "you need to eat more orange vegetables", right?

Pitanga comes in two colors, red and purple. Both colors have basically the same composition, making them rich in carotenoids, which help in the absorption of vitamin A and also have an antioxidant action throughout the body.

Pitanga tea and other ways to consume the fruit

Because it is a fruit with many health benefits, pitanga is mostly known for its juice, but it can also be used to make teas, as its leaves have their own properties.

This variety of consumption makes pitanga a great ally in the fight against diseases. Check out the main ways to consume pitanga and what its properties are!

Pitanga tea

Pitanga tea contains most of the fruit's properties and is preferred in many situations, especially at night, when people prefer hot drinks to go to sleep.

However, one peculiarity of pitanga tea, which only it has, is that it helps to treat non-infectious diarrhea. A number of studies have been carried out on this effect of the plant in tea form, and it really is very effective in this type of diarrhea. But its use is, of course, for non-infectious diarrhea, since diarrhea triggered by a disease receives a different type of treatment.

Pitanga juice

Pitanga juice has practically all the benefits of pitanga, plus water, which is the natural base for juices. It is rich in vitamins A, B and C, just like the fruit itself.

A recent study has also shown that pitanga juice has significant results in anti-inflammatory treatments for the gums and the entire oral mucosa, controlling wounds, bleeding and even making the teeth firmer. This is due to the composition of the vitamins, especially vitamin C, which works practically for this.

Pitanga in natura

In its natural form, pitanga is rich in a number of nutrients and vitamins, such as vitamin A, B and C, which have a number of priorities for maintaining the body. It also has a large reserve of phosphorus, calcium and iron.

A great thing about pitanga is that it has phenolic compounds, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and even control blood pressure, since they have anti-hypertensive properties. In this way, it has a great contribution to heart health, as well as its vitamins that take care of the blood.

Pitanga leaf essential oil

When we talk about essential oils, we need to understand that we are talking about something with much more refined properties, since it is extracted incisively from the leaf, making a greater concentration of properties and vitamins.

Pitanga essential oil, which is extracted from the leaf of the fruit, is rich in antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, just like the fruit and the tea, and is also bactericidal, making it suitable for use in some external treatments, especially on the skin. Minor inflammations can be treated with it, but it is advisable to consult your doctor for advice.

The health benefits of pitanga and pitanga tea

The benefits of regular consumption of pitanga are incredible and the curious thing is that each form of consumption has new characteristics and benefits. This is because there are a number of nutritional components present in the pitanga leaves used in the tea in question.

The point is that pitanga has many benefits, as well as being delicious. Check out the main benefits of tea and fresh fruit!

Prevents cardiovascular diseases

Pitanga, in general, has a component called polyphenols, which, together with vitamin C, which has great power to regenerate cells and tissues, acts effectively to combat the obstruction of blood vessels and their entire lining. It is as if it were a kind of maintenance of the body, causing the vessels to be restored.

Thus, by maintaining all this blood flow, pitanga plays a very important role in the fight against cardiovascular diseases, mainly because this benefit is also carried out on the heart.

Effective in treating arthritis

Also using the power of vitamin C, pitanga, both fresh and as a tea, is a great ally in the treatment of arthritis, since its anti-inflammatory and repairing action means that the joints, which are the main damage suffered by a person with arthritis, are restored and receive a boost in protection for the body.

Of course, pitanga alone doesn't have the means to cure arthritis completely, but when combined with a series of medicines, it can bring significant results in a short time, especially when the fruit and tea are used together.

Beneficial for eye health

Pitanga is rich in vitamin A and, among its many functions, vitamin A is a great ally for eye health, as it works effectively to maintain the eyes and even improve vision. Our eyes are constantly deteriorating, which is why we see less over time.

However, with the effects of vitamin A, the eyes are better lubricated, preventing occasional problems such as night blindness or irritation from exposure, which, although simple, can be very damaging if faced frequently.

Promotes skin improvements

As it has a great antioxidant action, mainly due to the presence of vitamin A and C, pitanga brings visible benefits to the skin in a short period of time, since, due to the concentration of these vitamins, it slows down ageing and increases the production of collagen, which gives the appearance of healthy and lively skin, as we know it.

In addition, the presence of vitamin A makes the skin more resistant to the sun damage it faces on a daily basis. It's worth saying that, in any case, the use of sunscreen is mandatory to control the rays on the skin.

Effective in treating respiratory problems

It's almost part of Brazilians' collective imagination that vitamin C is a great ally when it comes to fighting the flu, but vitamin C is undoubtedly a great ally for respiratory health in general, as it maintains the entire respiratory system.

A very unusual use of pitanga for the health of the nose and throat is to steam pitanga leaves. Make it as if it were a tea and then inhale the steam. Preferably cover your head with a cloth and in a few minutes you will feel a great improvement, especially if you have a blocked nose.

Pitanga is a natural bactericide

The essential oil of pitanga has been subjected to a number of studies and they have proven that it has a very strong antifungal and bactericidal action. Its use, within this study, has been classified in two ways: internal and external.

When used externally, the oil has been shown to be effective in fighting bacteria on the skin, small and medium-sized inflammations, especially Candida, which causes candidiasis. However, when used internally, orally, it has been shown to be effective in fighting bacteria that cause urinary tract infections, lung infections, intestinal infections, bone infections and even the bacteria that cause meningitis.

Helps with weight loss

Pitanga is a great ally in weight loss for two reasons: the first is that it is a fruit with very few calories, which can be very important for a balanced diet, without having to give up some meals. A medium pitanga has 2 calories. Of course, at least a dozen are needed for satiety.

Another great thing about pitangas is that they have a diuretic function, causing the body to eliminate excess fluids from the body, so that effective weight loss, caused by diets and exercise, is seen by the naked eye in much less time.

Helps fight diarrhea

Being a great ally in the control of diarrhea, pitanga has polyphenols, which help control intestinal flora. In other words, the fruit not only stops diarrhea, but also helps those who are constipated or have routine intestinal problems. Its function extends throughout the digestive tract.

It also has an astringent function, which helps to eliminate the impurities that cause diarrhea. In a case of food poisoning, for example, it helps to eliminate the intoxication, soothes nausea and contributes to the reorganization of the intestines and stomach, which are very shaken by this type of illness.

It is effective in treating some types of cancer

Although laboratory studies are still being carried out, what is known so far is that pitanga has interesting potential in the fight against cancer. In this study, breast tumor cells were collected and, using pitanga extract, there was a slight reduction in harmful cells.

And although this effect on other types of cancer has yet to be proven, this is a very important green light for the advancement of research in the cancer sector, which has a fundamental impact on people's lives in general.

Improves sleep quality

Pitanga tea contains an active ingredient called melatonin, which helps control sleep. It not only improves the quality of your night's sleep, but also adjusts the feeling of tiredness during the day, making you feel sleepy when stimulated, i.e. when you lie down to sleep.

In this way, the improvement in the quality of sleep is just a side effect, since all the sleep you feel is directed towards the right time to sleep, making your days more intense and full of life and your night sleep deeper and more invigorating.

Gives the body more energy

Pitanga is rich in vitamin B, which is responsible for the acceleration and production of energy. And unlike some medicines, pitanga's energy doesn't come in peaks, but in a constant form that usually lasts all day.

A pitanga juice at the start of the day can be very important to make your day more productive and energetic. It regulates the central nervous system, the brain and the spine, so that this continuous production of energy is not exhausting and harmful in any way to the rest of the body, and does not overload any organ.

Frequently asked questions about pitanga tea

When we talk about a new alternative health treatment, it's normal for us to have some doubts about the best ways to use it and how it can affect our lives, since from an early age we've been aware that things in excess always do some harm.

Check out the main doubts about pitanga tea and how it can fit into your health and routine!

How often should tea be consumed?

Before talking about the ideal frequency for consuming pitanga tea, it is important that your doctor is aware of the inclusion of this type of tea in your diet, as it is not recommended for people with kidney problems or pregnant women. This is because the tea does not respond so well to some medications, which can be very bad for your health.

As for its consumption, the ideal is that the tea is always consumed on the same day that it is made and that the amount consumed does not exceed 3 cups a day. Ideally, the tea should be consumed together with the fruit or its juice.

Does pitanga tea really lose weight?

Yes, pitanga tea really does help you lose weight, for a number of reasons, but mainly because it plays a significant role in psychological conditions, as it reduces anxiety and, as we know, many binge eating problems are caused by anxiety.

Its diuretic effect is also used to combat the bloating that some people develop when they drastically change their diet, and can be used to see results sooner.

How to choose leaves for tea or spices

There are several brands on the market today that work with pitanga leaves, which can be a very interesting alternative for consuming teas, both for drinking and for nasal vaporization. You can find them in natural and herbal stores.

However, if you have a pitanga tree and want to pick the leaves yourself, always choose the larger, darker ones, as they are more mature and contain more chlorophyll, making their concentration of properties much higher than the smaller, yellowish ones. Never choose those with bug bites or reddish leaves.

Add pitanga tea to your routine and enjoy its benefits!

Pitanga tea is certainly a great option for controlling a number of diseases in the body. Affordable, refreshing and easy to find, it helps produce vitamins A, B and C, as well as calcium and magnesium, and is beneficial for practically every part of the body.

As this is a natural remedy, it is important to tell your doctor about its use because it also contains some medicines in its formula, which can sometimes cause an overdose in the body.

But apart from that, pitanga tea can, and should, be one of the options for controlling diseases in a totally healthy way and free of artificial substances. It could be a great option for you!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.