Benefits of lemon: properties, recipes for lemon tea or juice and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the benefits of lemon?

The citrus fruit is an excellent choice for juices, desserts and can also add a special touch to various savoury dishes. Although its name comes from Persian, the fruit probably originated in Asia and is now found in Brazilian markets and fairs.

The country is one of the world's leading producers of the Tahitian variety, and its benefits include boosting immunity and improving the skin, which becomes more beautiful and cellular ageing is minimized.

Lemon helps to lose weight and eliminate toxins from the body, making it a great ally for those looking for a healthier life without giving up the fruit's unique flavor. If you're passionate about lemon and want to know more about it, read on. Enjoy and check out some delicious tips for varying your consumption or adding it to your routine!

Understanding the lemon

Full of vitamin C, lemons are also rich in minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Although many people don't know it, its benefits are many and range from juice to peel, regardless of the type. What's more, the fruit can even be planted in backyards, making it easier to eat it fresh. Find out more about the characteristics and differentials of lemons, as well as their unique properties.

Origin and history of the lemon

Like other citrus fruits, the lemon has its origins in Asia, in regions located between India and the Himalayas. In Europe, the fruit gained ground from the 15th century onwards, probably brought by Muslim immigrants. On the American continent, the lemon arrived with the colonizing Europeans, and can easily adapt to the climate of Brazil, for example.

Even the Sicilian lemon, which many think originated in Italy, came from Asia. At other times in history, hybrid versions of the fruit appeared, such as the Clove lemon. Today, Brazil stands out for its production of lemons, especially the Tahiti. It is one of the most famous plants in the rutaceae family, and its scientific name is Citrus limon.

Characteristics of lemon

The lemon's main characteristics are its high citrus content, as well as its sour taste, which remains the same throughout the year. The thickness of its peel varies depending on the type of lemon, and the fruit is very aromatic. There are varieties with and without seeds, ideally added to dishes and drinks in different ways in order to highlight their flavor.

Properties of lemon

Lemon is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and an ally in maintaining immunity. The fruit contains fiber and is rich in vitamins, making it a powerful complement to balanced and healthy diets. The peels are discarded by many people, but they are very nutritious and help protect the body as a whole. Lemon is also a famous antiseptic.

Types of lemon

No, all lemons are not the same. There are different types on the market, which differ in acid content and juiciness. In practice, these differences help you choose the ideal lemon for your recipe, making the most of its flavour. An interesting detail is the benefits, which remain the same regardless of the variety of lemon used. These are:

Tahitian lemon

The Tahitian lime is undoubtedly one of Brazil's favourites. The fruit is widely grown in the country, and is the second largest producer in the world. Its flavour is sour and refreshing, and it is a variety with a large amount of juice. In reality, the Tahitian lime is an acid lime, i.e. a fruit close to the lemon. It is widely used in juices, caipirinhas and desserts, such as the famous Tahitian lemon tart.lemon.


Like the Tahitian, the Galego lime is an acidic lime. Its peel is light green and the fruit is rounded and small in diameter. Its aroma is fresh and mild, and the Galego is a lime that stands out for its juiciness. Because it has a lighter flavor, it is popularly used in mixtures to make different types of drinks, as it adds an extra touch to other ingredients.

Sicilian lemon

The elongated, yellow-skinned lemons of the Sicilian variety are the real thing and have a distinctive, more acidic and refreshing flavor. Compared to the Tahitian, the Sicilian lemon doesn't have as much juice, but it is widely used in sweet and savory recipes, as well as producing the essential oil used in therapeutic practices. The zest is often used in seasonings and sauces.

Clove or Caipira lemon

The result of genetic cross-breeding, the Cravo or Caipira lemon stands out for its orange color and ribs, as well as the seeds inherited from the tangerines. It is widely used as a seasoning, especially for salads and meats, which can be marinated. Its flavor is striking and the Cravo lemon is juicy, although it is less citrusy than the traditional Tahiti, for example.

What is the best way to consume lemon?

The best way to consume lemon is to make the most of each of its parts. Regardless of the preparation, the taste of lemon can create contrasting compositions or with accentuated acidity, with striking aromas. It is worth remembering that the ideal is not to sweeten the fruit, and also to use the peel to realize even more benefits. For specific purposes, consumption should follow medical advice.

What are the benefits of lemon?

There's no shortage of reasons to consume lemon right now. Its positive impact on health can be seen in the skin, immunity, gastrointestinal system and the well-being of the body as a whole. There are many ways to make your routine tastier and more nutritious. What are you waiting for to take advantage of the fruit's benefits by consuming it regularly and without excess?

Increases the absorption of iron

The vitamin C present in large quantities in lemon is a compound that boosts the body's absorption of iron, which is why combining the fruit with natural sources of iron is powerful for keeping the body healthy.

In addition to the body's own iron levels, combining lemon consumption with foods containing the nutrient improves blood oxygenation. It's worth remembering that regular lemon consumption is what brings the fruit's benefits to everyday life.

Promotes weight loss

The well-known lemon water in the morning can help you lose weight. Although there are still not enough studies to prove the fruit's effectiveness for weight loss, its composition benefits from flavonoids and polyphenols to make lemon an ally when it comes to eating less food throughout the day. As a diuretic, lemon helps eliminate accumulated fluids in the body.

Slows down the symptoms of respiratory diseases

Respiratory illnesses are the most common for people with low immunity. Colds and flu are one example, and the vitamin C present in the fruit helps to minimize the symptoms felt. Lemon is also a powerful antioxidant, as well as being anti-inflammatory.

The fruit can therefore be consumed by those suffering from respiratory diseases, in which case teas are a good option.

Increases immunity

Much has been said about the presence of vitamin C in lemon, a compound that acts directly to preserve immunity. What's more, the vitamin stimulates the production of white blood cells, which makes the body stronger against infectious agents. Its antioxidant action is essential for keeping the body's cells healthy and intact. As the human body doesn't store vitamin C, its consumption is essential.must be regular.

Prevents constipation

Constipation can be prevented by frequent consumption of lemon. This benefit is due to the presence of fiber in the fruit, which stimulates healthy intestinal work without discomfort. Drinking water with squeezed lemon is a natural way to reduce symptoms such as constipation or even the accumulation of gas in the abdominal region.

Helps protect the digestive system

If you follow the guidelines recommended by experts, consuming lemon daily helps prevent stomach and intestinal problems. Ulcers are one of the most common, as are infections caused by bacteria such as H. pylori, due to a compound called limonene. It acts to stimulate anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties in the gastrointestinal system, which becomes stronger and healthier.

Helps control blood pressure

Did you know that lemon helps fight hypertension? The composition of the fruit and its nutritional content work by relaxing the blood vessels, preventing the body from having to exert more effort than necessary to maintain blood flow. Vitamin C, according to studies, is a component that lowers blood pressure in people with or without the problem.

Has an antiseptic and antibiotic effect

Together with medicines prescribed by specialists, lemon helps to treat infections in the body, especially those caused in the mouth and throat. As an antiseptic and antibiotic, lemon also acts to prevent infections, especially due to the flavonoids present in the fruit.

These are plant compounds that improve health with their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Helps keep the kidneys healthy

The nutrients and components of lemon are functional in preventing the formation of kidney stones, especially potassium and citric acid. The fruit also has diuretic properties, which are enhanced in preparations with other diuretic ingredients.

This makes it easier for the body to eliminate infectious agents. In the case of the kidneys, the organs have their functioning stimulated.

Prevents anemia

Anemia, caused by iron deficiency in the body, is a very common disease in Brazil, with more than 2 million cases a year.

Adding lemon to your diet and consuming it regularly in drinks, recipes or as an addition to salads increases the body's absorption of the nutrient, which is essential for the production of red blood cells capable of carrying sufficient oxygen. This benefit impacts all organs and systems.

How to consume lemon

This is a question that can be answered in a number of ways. The secret is to use lemon in your daily life in the way that pleases your taste buds the most, in order to combine benefits and satisfaction. However, some recipes that are less well-known than the famous lemonade are delicious and make the most of the fruit's properties. Would you like to know different ways of using lemon? Check them out and be surprised by the taste:

Lemon and orange juice recipe

Combining two of Brazil's favorite citrus fruits may seem like an obvious idea, but it's possible to enhance the juice. The drink has everything to do with hot days, which doesn't prevent it from being consumed during cold periods of the year during meals, for example. The juice is a natural way of boosting immunity, an excellent health benefit. Take note of the ingredients and enjoy!


You only need a few ingredients to make orange lemon juice: 100 ml of water, two oranges and a lemon. If you like, add ice or even mint leaves once it's ready. One option to give the juice a new look is to use sparkling water.

How to do it

The first step is to prepare a juice with the oranges and lemon, which can be squeezed to mix the juice that comes out of the fruit. You can prepare it with a blender, but the lemon pulp must be carefully removed to avoid a bitter taste. Then strain and add the water and the drink is ready. If you want to sweeten it, prefer natural ingredients such as honey, for example.example.

Lemon peel tea recipe

Would you like to boost your immunity? Lemon peels are rich in nutrients and can be used to prepare a delicious and aromatic tea. For those who want to make their bodies healthier with the benefits of the fruit, the drink can be consumed at the end of the day and also helps to calm down. Perfect for busy day-to-day life, right? Check out how to prepare the tea:


To make the powerful lemon peel tea, you will need half a liter of water and two lemons, with the juice of the fruit already separated from the peels. Honey is a very popular addition to the drink, add it to taste.

How to do it

Although people often boil the ingredients together, some of the lemon's beneficial compounds are volatile, so avoid boiling the fruit itself to prepare the tea, boiling only the water at first. Wait for it to warm up and add the juice and peel of the lemons, adding honey if you prefer. Enjoy!

Lemonade recipe

Like lemon, strawberries are very good for your health. Rich in vitamin C, the fruit combines with lemon and helps make the drink even more functional. Depending on the flavor of the strawberry, the preparation may be a little sour, but it's a great way to consume natural components even in the midst of busy routines and little time available. Check out the recipe:


To make a delicious strawberry lemonade, you'll need just a few ingredients: half a glass of preferably cold water, 5 medium-sized strawberries without the leaves and juice prepared from two lemons of the variety you prefer.

How to do it

Cut the washed strawberries into thin slices to make it easier to prepare the juice. In a blender, blend all the ingredients together until smooth, adding ice if desired. A tip is to refrigerate the cut strawberries before making the drink, so that the fruit releases more juice. Consume unsweetened.

Other information about lemon

Who has ever heard that you shouldn't eat too many lemons, or that the fruit can be applied to the skin to lighten blemishes? Regardless of the variety of fruit, it's important to know about it before deciding how to consume it. This makes it easier to enjoy the many benefits that this typically tropical ingredient has to offer. Find out more below.

How often can lemon be consumed?

Lemon consumption should be based on the health condition of the individual. In general, the fruit can be included in the diet on a daily basis, as long as it is not used to excess. This is essential, for example, to avoid blood problems.

However, it is advisable to consult a doctor to assess the maximum amount indicated for each organism. A tip is to consume lemon during all seasons of the year. The fruit is often overlooked in the colder months, but the wide variety of recipes helps to include it in the diet without difficulty.

Contraindications and possible side effects of lemon

The main contraindication with lemon is for people who are sensitive to citric acid. Excessive consumption, particularly for those with stomach problems or who consume the fruit on an empty stomach, can cause irritation of the gastric mucous membranes, heartburn and headaches. For pregnant women, the daily dose of lemon should be recommended by a specialist.

Main myths about lemon

Homemade recipes involving lemon are well known among the population. Like other tricks using natural ingredients, they are simple tips that exploit the benefits of the fruit for greater well-being, quality of life and self-esteem. However, there is no shortage of misconceptions about the potential of lemon. Check out some of the well-known myths and use the fruit in the best possible way.

Does applying lemon to your armpits help with bad smells?

The acidic pH of lemon leads many people to use homemade preparations to solve underarm odours. However, the use of the fruit in this area of the body as a means of eliminating the problem is a myth. Not only is lemon not suitable for solving the problem of odour-causing bacteria, but it can also cause dark spots on the skin. In the event of discomfort, seeking medical advice is the best alternative.

Does lemon help reduce skin blemishes?

There is a lot of talk about the spots that lemon can cause on skin exposed to the sun, as well as possible burns, which is true. Although it is remembered as a fruit that fights dark spots on the skin, lemon should not be used for this purpose. The origin of the myth is due to the presence of vitamin C and the antioxidant action of lemon, but the treatment of spots is ideally recommended by specialists.

Is fasting lemon water good for weight loss?

This is a very common myth related to the consumption of lemon. Simple to prepare, water with the fruit aids digestion and helps eliminate toxins from the body, but it has no direct connection with weight loss. However, lemon is an ally for those looking to lose weight, as long as this step is complemented by a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

How to buy and store lemons?

When buying lemons, check the color and brightness of the peel, as well as the texture. If it's too firm, there probably isn't much juice: prefer lemons that are still soft to the touch. Ideally, lemons should be stored in the fridge, but stored properly.

Airtight bags, glass jars and cling film are good options for prolonging the fruit's shelf life. Storing cut lemons causes them to dry out and lose their properties.

Enjoy the many benefits of lemon!

Affordable, easy to find in the markets and with the same flavor at any time of year, lemon is an alternative for enhancing everyday preparations. Tasty and citrusy, it can be used in acidic, sweet or savory drinks and recipes, making it possible to enjoy its benefits in a variety of ways.

It's easy to include it in your diet, as it goes well in juices, desserts and as the finishing touch to a delicious meal. The juice and peel of the fruit are rich in nutrients, the benefits of which can be felt throughout the body, inside and out.

Regardless of the type you choose, lemon doesn't need to be sweetened to transform the taste of dishes, which intensifies its contribution to the body. Eat lemon to live better, have more immunity and prevent health problems!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.