Does horsetail tea lose weight? Other benefits, how to make it, how to take it and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Does horsetail tea lose weight?

The horsetail herb, which gets its name from its shape, which resembles a horse's tail, is an herbal plant that has been used for thousands of years to treat the most diverse diseases and discomforts and is known in several countries, mainly in North Africa and Southern Europe.

Although it is used for a multitude of things, as it is a herb rich in various vitamins and proteins, its use has become very popular because of the slimming it offers, as it is a great ally in controlling body fluids. However, as it is a herbal plant, it helps to do this in a more natural and healthy way.

In this article, you'll find out all about horsetail and its tea, including its benefits, its recipe and some indications for its use. Check it out!

Understanding more about horsetail tea

Used for thousands of years in the most diverse applications, horsetail herb is a great ally when it comes to weight loss. But fortunately, that's not the only thing you need to know about it, as its diuretic potential has really beneficial functions for the body. Check out more about horsetail herb and how it can help in your day-to-day life below!

Origin and characteristics of the horsetail plant

The first records of the use of horsetail herb date back to ancient Greece and Rome, where it was used to strengthen bones, as the plant is rich in calcium. Its use also spread to southern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.

The plant was sometimes used to treat tuberculosis and by people with kidney problems. Although it is mostly known for being a diuretic, its calcium concentration is so high that it greatly reduces the damage caused by osteoporosis. It is therefore widely used for this type of treatment.

Properties of horsetail tea

Horsetail tea has diuretic properties which, in addition to naturally draining the body, eliminate toxins, making it very important in detox processes in general. It cleanses the body by means of this drainage and is one of the most potent of its kind.

In addition, horsetail herb contains a component called silicon, which helps to strengthen bones and muscles. This reinforcement also promotes the growth of nails and hair and improves the skin, making it brighter and more vivid. It therefore helps to slow down ageing, both externally and internally.

What is horsetail tea good for?

Horsetail tea is often used when a person realizes that they are overweight due to fluid retention. After a week of slacking off on the diet, the tea comes to the rescue and cleanses the body of all the harmful toxins, leaving the person deflated and with fewer impurities in the body.

In addition, it is also useful for some pains, especially in the joints and muscles, as its agents directly treat bone pain. It is important to take it with a medication, but the tea's action is significant in relieving this discomfort.

How many kilos does horsetail tea lose?

There is no exact weight that horsetail herb helps you lose, mainly because it is not a diet, but a herbal medicine that helps control fluids in the body. In other words, it does not have the power to lose weight on its own, but it does help in the weight loss process.

It's worth saying that any tea that makes you lose weight on its own must be supervised by a doctor, as diet is fundamental in all cases, without exception. The body can't stop eating completely and only ingest diuretic liquids.

Other benefits of horsetail tea

The list of benefits of horsetail tea is very long, because the plant acts on various parts of our body, making the results visible within a few weeks or, depending on the case, within hours. Although it is known for helping with weight loss, this is just one of the many functions the plant has for our body.

Check out the main benefits of horsetail tea and how they can be useful in your routine!

Combats fluid retention

Perhaps the main thing to talk about horsetail herb is its diuretic potential and, consequently, its ability to help you lose weight. The herb is a powerful agent in controlling swelling and fluid retention in general. It also helps the kidneys to function properly.

However, the plant's diuretic potential goes even further, as it not only eliminates fluids, but also a series of impurities that the body accumulates over time. It is therefore important to drink some tea from time to time, as it acts almost like a restorative cleanser.

Helps reduce cellulite

Horsetail herb has a number of components that act as an antioxidant throughout the body, both internally and externally. By stimulating this function in the skin, it is able to contain some of the damage caused by collagen growth or deficiency.

This is the case with cellulite, which the tea helps to contain because it works to repair the skin, making it lose some of its glutinous appearance and become more uniform. But it's worth saying that the tea helps to reduce cellulite, but it doesn't get rid of it completely. For that, you need a specific dermatological treatment.

Has an antioxidant function

With an antioxidant action as powerful as that of grape seed, horsetail herb is a great ally in the control of ageing and health in general, as it helps the body deal with free radicals, which can cause a series of diseases that, in the long term, are very difficult to live with and treat.

The effects are visible in a short time, and the most important thing is that the effects are not superficial, as the action of these antioxidants is from the inside out. But, of course, horsetail herb doesn't work any miracles, it just helps to detoxify the body.

Improves the health of skin, nails and hair

Horsetail herb is rich in a substance called cysteine, which is a very important amino acid for the skin, making it firmer, more elastic and livelier. It even helps with minor inflammatory processes such as pimples and inflamed blackheads.

For hair, horsetail herb is restorative because it contains selenium, which is a component that promotes intense nourishment of the hair, making a complete repair from the inside out. The hair is nourished with selenium and is therefore born stronger. This component is present in almost all types of shampoo.

Helps the skin heal

As it is rich in cysteine, horsetail herb has great healing potential, as it acts from the inside out, repairing damaged tissues and leaving them even and aligned. This type of substance is very useful, especially for superficial damage.

But it's important to say that horsetail herb isn't totally effective in very intense cases or in very deep scars, as in these cases it reaches all the layers of the dermis, causing it to affect other tissues. This makes it more difficult to repair the damage to the affected area.

Improves bone and teeth health

Horsetail herb is a great ally when it comes to bone health, as it contains not only calcium, which is essential for bone health, but also silicon. This provides a great boost for bones and teeth.

Silicon is one of the components of bones and any calcification that we have in our bodies, such as teeth. It thus acts to recompose the structure of bones, making them firmer and rejuvenated. Remedies for this purpose with horsetail herb in the formula are very common.

Protects kidney health

Because it is a very diuretic tea, horsetail tea has a very beneficial effect on the kidneys. It can significantly cleanse the organs, which always need to be maintained naturally by drinking plenty of water.

As it stimulates drainage in the body, all the concentrated water passes through the kidneys, making them receive plenty of water and, consequently, function properly. It is also beneficial for the bladder for the same reason, as it helps filter out impurities.

Combats urinary infections

Although it has a multitude of causes, a urinary infection is usually caused by an impure substance in the urinary tract, which can be lodged in the bladder, kidneys or urethra. This substance causes a small amount of inflammation and a great deal of discomfort, especially when urinating.

Horsetail herb, as it encourages the filtering of body fluids, ends up filtering out impurities and eliminating them in the urine, so that the body always works at an advantage against any possible infection that may develop. In addition, the overproduction of urine is important for the health of the entire urinary tract.

Helps reduce blood pressure

As horsetail tea has a strong antioxidant action, this powerful elixir even works to control blood pressure. Not only does it do this for high blood pressure, but it also regulates it in cases where intravenous pressure is too low.

This happens because the blood is stimulated to be filtered several times, leaving the dirt behind, which is eliminated through urine. The blood without these toxins begins to circulate and, in this way, the pressure, which is suppressed by the impurities, begins to regulate itself, since the blood is the right texture.

Prevents diabetes

A recent study has shown that horsetail herb has the power to lower blood sugar levels, which can be a great option for those with some types of diabetes. But medical supervision is essential in any case.

This is because the plant does not control blood sugar, but lowers it considerably. This effect is very beneficial in most cases, but depending on your sugar problem, it can be harmful and, unfortunately, even fatal. But in any case, the results of the research are encouraging.

Horsetail tea recipe

Horsetail tea is a great option when it comes to natural lymphatic drainage and bone care, even though it's mostly known for its slimming powers. It's an easy recipe to make and, if recommended by your doctor, it can keep you going for a long time. Check out more about this powerful tea and how to make it efficiently!


Below are the ingredients needed to make your horsetail tea:

- 1 liter of water;

- 50g horsetail herb;

- Sugar (optional).

How to make horsetail tea

To start, put the water on the heat and let it come to the boil. It's important to wait for the water to boil, as very cold water can make the tea weak. Once the water is at 100º C, turn off the heat and add the horsetail herb to the water.

If you prefer, you can leave the tea on the stove a little longer, along with the leaves, although the result won't change. With the leaves in the water, cover with a cloth and leave for about 10 minutes. Then strain and serve. It's important to drink the tea hot or warm.

Other information about horsetail tea

Before you start drinking horsetail herb tea, it's important to know whether you can consume this type of herbal plant. If you already use another tea, you should know the result of the components together.

Check out the main information on horsetail tea below and how to incorporate this powerful remedy into your life!

Herbs and plants that go well with horsetail tea

Horsetail tea can be combined with a number of herbs and fruits, considerably enriching its taste and nutritional value. Hibiscus, green tea, cinnamon, lemon, honey, ginger and turmeric can be very interesting in a diet that already includes horsetail tea.

It's worth saying that there doesn't necessarily have to be a mixture of herbs and ingredients in the same tea, especially as some flavors are very particular and may not appeal to all palates. If you prefer, insert different teas at different times of the day or week, which will be enough for this increment.

Other ways to use horsetail

The best use for horsetail herb is actually in tea, even if you drink it cold, as a kind of juice. This is because boiling the herb is the easiest way to extract all its properties and make your tea even more robust.

However, there are those who prefer to leave the herb resting in cold water for days, as a kind of preserve for the leaves, along with lemon. This can be an alternative, especially for those who don't like tea very much, but in any case, tea is the most common use for the herb.

Possible side effects of horsetail tea

As it is a herb that is still undergoing research into its real positive and negative effects, horsetail herb has what is known as an undefined potential for harm. In other words, all the damage it can cause may not yet have been catalogued, which is worrying.

The effects, as far as is known, are the breakdown of vitamin B1, which is an important compound for memory and maintaining the body's metabolism. Although it is not very aggressive with this type of vitamin, prolonged use of horsetail tea can cause the body to have a large deficit of the vitamin.

Contraindications to horsetail tea

With the exception of the standard indications for almost all diuretic teas, which cannot be taken by children or pregnant women, horsetail tea is contraindicated in the case of diabetes. Of course, there are doctors who can prescribe it as a herbal medicine, but only on prescription.

In addition, horsetail herb makes the body much more susceptible to the effects of alcohol, which makes the person much more sensitive to the substance. It is therefore not recommended to consume it together with alcohol or on days when you drink any alcoholic beverages.

Price and where to buy horsetail herb

Horsetail herb can easily be found at street markets or in health food stores. Its price varies greatly, but in this state it usually costs between 5 and 8 reais per 100 g, which is relatively cheap, especially considering the herb's effects.

However, you can still find it in manipulated tablets, which are a little more expensive as they contain a number of other vitamins to make the composition better. This type of product already costs in the range of 34 to 40 reais with 30 capsules. If you prefer, there is also the manipulated option, which has a fluctuating price from laboratory to laboratory.

Other powerful teas that help you lose weight

Although horsetail tea is a great ally in weight loss, there are a number of other teas that, when combined with horsetail tea, can enhance the effects in a shorter period of time. In addition to their slimming power, these teas also contain their own vitamins and properties, which help your health in general.

Check out the main slimming teas that can be used with horsetail herb and how to prepare them!

Green tea

Green tea can be found in supermarkets, in sachet form, or at health fairs and specialty stores. It is usually taken with lemon, and has a slimming power and a wonderful taste. If you can, always give preference to natural teas, as their properties are greater.

To make this famous tea, you need to use 4 tablespoons of the herb camellia sinensis, the basis of green tea, 500 ml of water and half a lemon. The amount of lemon and even its presence in the composition is up to you. So, add the herb to the water and wait for it to boil, then strain it and add the lemon to the cup while it's still hot.

Hibiscus tea with cinnamon

Made with cinnamon, hibiscus tea, like horsetail tea, has great diuretic power, making it much quicker and healthier to burn fat. It consists of 3 tablespoons of dried hibiscus flowers, which can easily be found at fairs and health food stores, 1 cinnamon stick and 500 ml of water.

Boil the water until it reaches boiling point, which is approximately 100ºC. Then add the hibiscus leaves and cinnamon to the water, stir so that the leaves are spread throughout the water and cover the pan. It is important to cover the pan so that all the heat is concentrated. After 10 minutes, strain the tea and preferably drink it hot.

Ginger tea

Ginger tea is one of the favorites among teas, not only for its slimming potential, but also because it has a number of health benefits, such as eliminating sore throats and respiratory problems in general, as well as being tasty and refreshing, making it very popular in Brazilian homes.

It can be taken with horsetail herb tea and to make it, you need to wash the peel well. To begin with, cut it into slices and put it in 500 ml of water. The amount of ginger can be 20 to 30 g, as it is a very strong plant. Bring the water to the boil, strain and serve. The tea should be drunk hot.

Turmeric tea with lemon

Turmeric tea is very powerful for weight loss, as it contains a compound called curcumin, which speeds up the metabolism and thus helps with weight loss. Together with lemon, it cleanses the taste buds, making you feel less like eating, especially sweets.

In a medium saucepan, pour 500 ml of water and bring to the boil. The time will vary greatly depending on your stove and the power of the fire. Once the water is boiling, add the turmeric powder to the water and leave to stand. If you feel the need, stir it a little so that it doesn't create bubbles. Leave to stand for 5 minutes and drink with lemon, which should be put straight into the glass.

Enjoy all the benefits of horsetail tea!

Horsetail tea is a great ally for healthy weight loss, as it acts powerfully on the body, cleansing and promoting complete and natural lymphatic drainage for your body, which accumulates impurities in the form of liquids.

In addition, it can be used as a natural bone strengthener, as its composition is based on silicon, which is also very important for the teeth. Horsetail tea is light and tasty, and if taken during the day, it can be a 'holy remedy'.

It certainly fits into your diet and will help you a lot, especially when combined with other equally powerful teas. Enjoy!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.