Benefits of Peruvian Maca: recipes, properties and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is Maca Peruana used for?

The plant Lepidium meyenii, better known as Peruvian maca, is native to Peru, being cultivated at more than 4 thousand meters high in the Andes. Its effects are recognized by the Incas, standing out for its medicinal use and for promoting a succession of benefits for our health.

Because of its composition enriched with a high concentration of substances such as fibers, amino acids, carbohydrates, essential minerals and vitamins, it provides effects that will improve the vitality and fertility of those who use it.

Therefore, Peruvian maca is becoming popular as a nutritional supplement, giving indispensable benefits to the metabolism of our body. Follow the reading to learn more about this plant, its properties and how to use it.

More about Maca Peruana

This is a plant known by ancient peoples of Latin America and that has had its recognition also in modern society. Its powerful properties and effects can and should be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of their age. Discover its full potential and the history of Peruvian maca in the following!

Properties of Peruvian Maca

This is a plant that belongs to the same family as watercress, cabbage and turnip. The properties of Peruvian maca confer a powerful antioxidant and nutritional action for the body. Thanks to its richness of nutrients it is considered one of the strongest roots considered as food for the human being.

In its composition are present an absurd amount of macronutrients and micronutrients. Only in it are present more than 30 essential minerals and trace elements such as calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus and zinc. Besides there are alkaloids, glycosides and flavonoids that will improve your vitality and libido.

The most common properties already evidenced by science that Peruvian maca is able to provide to the organism are:

- Diabetes management;

- Helps with weight loss;

- Improved fertility and male libido;

- Relieves the symptoms of menopause;

- Prevents cancer and chronic diseases;

- Improves metabolic activity;

- Provides more energy;

- Protects the heart.

Origin of Maca Peruana

As previously stated, its scientific name is Lepidium meyenii, but it can also be known as viagra-of-the-incan or ginseng-of-the-anes. This plant is classified as a superfood because it offers a complete nutrient composition for the body and contributes to increasing energy and improving immunity.

This tuber originates from the Andes region, having a wide use by the Inca people. Today it is recognized for its aphrodisiac potential, becoming popular around the world for being able to improve libido and fertility. That is why it is called viagra-of-the-Inca.

It is believed that it has been cultivated for over 2 thousand years by these people, becoming a primary source of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and proteins. Science has done several researches and it has been proven that this food can provide complete nutrition and offer many benefits to humans.

Side effects

Even with all the scientific studies about Peruvian Maca, there is no concrete evidence that its consumption causes negative side effects to the body. But, these tests considered the use of recommended portions, so it is important to consider consulting with a nutritionist to evaluate the ideal portion for you.

Every substance consumed in excess can bring some kind of damage to the body. It is also recommended that women in periods of pregnancy and lactation avoid its consumption, because there is no data regarding the effects of Peruvian maca in this phase.


It is not possible to say clearly what would be the most appropriate contraindications for the consumption of this plant. However, it is important to align any use of herbal medicines with your doctor, so that your need and possible consequences that the use of Peruvian maca can cause in your body are evaluated.

The health professional will be the only one capable to evaluate the patient's characteristics and indicate the use, or not, of Peruvian maca. Therefore, avoid using it by yourself so that it does not negatively affect your organism.

Types of Maca Peruana

There have been classified 13 types of Peruvian maca and most of them exist in the mountainous region of the Andes. Its main variations are the colors that can range from white to red, everything depends on the soil to which it is grown. The most common types marketed are:

Maca Peruana Black

This type of Peruvian Maca is especially indicated for those who seek to improve muscle endurance, helping to gain muscle mass and defining muscles. Besides helping to control glucose levels and considerably improving the libido of those who use them.

Red Peruvian Maca

Red Peruvian maca is a plant that has properties that help maintain bone health, regulating bone density and preventing various diseases such as osteoporosis, for example. It is also recognized for improving memory, female fertility and relieving symptoms of premenstrual tension.

Yellow Maca Peruana

The yellow type of Peruvian maca has as its most outstanding characteristic the fight against stress and fatigue, stimulating the metabolism and giving more energy to those who consume it. Moreover, it is recognized for increasing the libido of both sexes, improving the production of spermatozoa and preventing prostate cancer.

Benefits of Peruvian Maca

Despite the different types of Peruvian maca, there are benefits in common among them. Due to its high concentration of nutrients, its consumption can promote various aspects of physical and mental health, becoming a powerful food to be consumed on a daily basis. Learn what these benefits are below!


A university in Peru, the Cayetano Heredia, conducted studies with men aged between 24 and 44 years. In this research they consumed Peruvian maca for 4 months and physiological changes were found that directly influenced male fertility. Associated with its energetic potential, it becomes a great aphrodisiac.

The research concluded that there was an increase in semen and sperm motility, indicating a gradual improvement in fertility. In addition, another university in the Czech Republic also conducted similar tests on men, reaffirming the same benefit regarding the aphrodisiac properties.

Controls diabetes

Another property is the regulation of glucose absorption in the body. Thanks to its high concentration of fiber and other nutrients, it inhibits the action of enzymes in the digestive process, reducing inflammation common to diseases such as type 2 diabetes. In addition to preventing the irregular release of insulin in the body, acting in diabetes control.

Fights fatigue

The tuber also gives more energy to the body, being a great alternative for athletes and people who practice physical activities. It has practical effects both pre-workout and post-workout, reducing muscle fatigue and regulating the release of lactic acid in the muscles.

A research conducted on cyclists who consumed Peruvian maca by the School of Psychological and Sports Science showed that after consuming this plant for 14 consecutive days, they were able to break records in race time. There is then a verified improvement in mood and performance, fighting fatigue.

Helps in weight loss

It is also recognized for its antioxidant effects that combat cell damage and protect body cells. This behavior in the body, in addition to improving physical endurance, makes it an effective product in weight loss, and its consumption is even indicated in diets.

Besides that, because it is a source of fiber, it is capable of prolonging the feeling of satiety, helping in intestinal control and avoiding bloating. It also favors the control of fat absorption, inhibiting the absorption of bad fats for the body such as LDL and its accumulation.

By promoting other physiological aspects that help in the disposition and regulate the absorption of nutrients, Peruvian maca when combined with a healthy diet and regular physical activity favors weight loss. Therefore, you will be able to burn unwanted fat and get the result you want faster.

Assists in quick thinking and concentration

It is found that this plant is offered in the diet of children and adolescents native to Peru, as it improves their school performance. Its property activates their brain capacity, assisting in quick thinking and concentration, and promotes memory.

Based on some researches, it is noticed an improvement in the cognitive functions of those who consume Peruvian Maca, especially in relation to memory, reasoning and concentration, contributing to an improvement in the learning process.

This happens thanks to the presence of B-complex vitamins that are recognized for regulating mental health and keeping the nervous system functioning in good condition.

Helps in menopause

For women who have entered the menopausal period, Peruvian maca will help your body to control hormonal changes in order to alleviate the symptoms of this period. The decline of estrogen in the body will soon not be felt abruptly by you.

This way, you will be reducing the common effects of this phase such as hot flashes, mood swings, vaginal dryness, irritability and sleep problems. For, it will be balancing the hormone levels in the blood and improving your metabolism, to leave you more willing and prepared.

Helps with anxiety

There are plant compounds known as flavonoids that are present in Peruvian maca and help to improve mood and disposition. Therefore, the consumption of this food is recommended for those who suffer from anxiety or symptoms of depression, because it will inhibit the negative effects on the body caused by these disorders.

There is a study conducted by the Center for Chronic Disease Prevention in Australia that evaluated 29 women. In this study they had to consume a portion of Peruvian maca daily, it was proven a hormonal improvement and an increase in mood in these people, helping in the treatment of anxiety.

Helps prevent cancer

Peruvian maca helps fight free radicals, preventing the body's cells from damage and preventing cancer. Because of the antioxidants present in your body, such as anthocyanins, you will be inhibiting cellular inflammation and protecting your body against problems such as cancer, or other chronic diseases.

Mainly in relation to prostate cancer, common in men aged 40 years or more. This occurs because of the presence of glucosinolates, which with its anticancer action prevents benign hyperplasia, preventing the prostate to increase in size and cause the narrowing of the urethra.

Thanks to the high amounts of bioactive compounds with antioxidant properties, Peruvian maca also contributes to the prevention of other chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and Alzheimer's.

Good for the heart

The consumption of this phytotherapeutic plant is also good for the heart, because it is able to control LDL (bad cholesterol) and improve the levels of HDL (good cholesterol). This way, you will be reducing hypertension and the chances of obstruction of the blood vessels.

In addition, this plant has omega 3 and potassium that act as a vasodilator, which reduces blood pressure, has an anti-inflammatory action and is considered a good fat for the heart and mind.

Good for those who exercise

One of the biggest advantages of consuming Peruvian Maca, and what makes it so popular, is the fact that it stimulates the metabolic activity of the body, giving more energy and encouragement. Thus, it will be able to boost your results in training, increasing your physical endurance and delaying muscle fatigue.

In addition, there is a high concentration of fiber in its composition that collaborates to increase satiety, acting indirectly in weight control. Peruvian Maca is also rich in sterols, being a perfect alternative to anabolic steroids.

Strengthens immunity

Another amazing property of Peruvian maca is in its composition rich in B vitamins and vitamin C. These nutrients are able to strengthen immunity, strengthening the body and leaving cells more resistant.

This occurs, due to the increased production of antioxidants such as glutathione and superoxide dismutase, which provide an immune balance for the body and prevent it from getting its immune barrier weakened.

Ways of consuming Peruvian Maca

There are several ways to consume Peruvian maca, from the natural consumption of the plant itself to the use of supplements in capsules or powder form. There is not a more appropriate form, any of them will serve its purpose and provide all the benefits offered to the body.

Understand the forms of consumption of Peruvian maca below and identify which one is best for you!


You can consume Peruvian maca in capsules by ingesting water or other liquids. This version has the advantage of providing greater convenience in consumption and because it is easy to carry, you can take a capsule with you wherever you go.

In this case, the ideal consumption of Peruvian maca in capsule form is in the morning, before or after training.

In powder form in recipes

The consumption of Peruvian maca powder is different, because maca flour allows you to use it in various foods and beverages, being more common to be mixed in water, fruit juices and shakes. You can also incorporate it in the production of breads, cakes and pancakes.

Peruvian maca vitamin with mango

The most common use of Peruvian maca flour, apart from the capsule, is in shakes. This way, it is possible to incorporate it into fruit vitamins without affecting the taste and make its consumption more pleasant and easy to absorb. Follow the recipe for Peruvian maca vitamin with mango below and enjoy!


The Peruvian maca vitamin with mango can be made with milk, but for those people who avoid consuming lactose you can choose to use almond milk, rice milk, macadamia milk, among other vegetable milks. This alternative will also work and make your vitamin lighter.

In addition, they get lower cholesterol, and it gets tasty and extremely refreshing, perfect to give more cheer and movement to your day to day.


The ingredients are very affordable, as they are available in many health food stores and even in markets. Separate the following ingredients to make your vitamin with Peruvian maca:

- 3 sleeves;

- 50g dehydrated mango;

- 3 cups almond milk;

- 1 tablespoon almond butter;

- 7 tablespoons of lemon juice;

- 1 teaspoon Peruvian maca powder;

- 1 tablespoon flaxseed;

- 1 teaspoon vanilla essence (optional);

- Half a cup of ice;

- 1 pinch Himalayan salt.

How to do

To make your vitamin, first you will have to peel the mango. Then just mix all the ingredients in a blender and beat until it is homogeneous and with a consistency similar to a shake. Now that it is ready just put in the cup and serve!

Peruvian maca vitamin with whey protein and banana

The advantage of using Peruvian maca flour allows you to incorporate other natural elements to its consumption. That way, you'll be taking advantage not only of its benefits, but also of all the other ingredients. Check out the Peruvian Maca Vitamin with Whey Protein and Banana and enjoy!


After workouts there is an incredible opportunity to improve your muscle mass gain. By consuming the right foods for this, you can take advantage of this window and nothing better than consuming the Peruvian maca vitamin with whey protein and banana to have a more efficient nutrient replacement for your muscle.


To make this vitamin you will also have no difficulties, because its ingredients are affordable and easy to find. You can get them in natural products stores, or in markets. For your vitamin is delicious, you just need to separate the ingredients below:

- 2 bananas;

- 200 ml water;

- 100 ml milk (or natural yoghurt);

- If you don't want to use milk, you can alternate it with vegetable milks;

- 1 tablespoon honey;

- 1 tablespoon Peruvian maca;

You can also add other flours as in the recipe for Peruvian maca vitamin with mango, such as chia or flaxseed. They will make your vitamin more complete, besides providing more benefits for your body!

How to do

The instructions for preparing your vitamin are quite simple, you first have to add the liquids in the blender, peel the bananas and put it in pieces. Then just put the flours and beat everything for up to 1 minute until it is homogeneous and with the appearance of shake. Now that it is ready just serve!

Do I need medical advice to use Maca Peruana?

Peruvian maca is a phytotherapeutic plant with an incredible medicinal potential, being used by the Inca peoples 2000 years ago. Its health benefits are proven by science, offering an improvement of the body and mental functions. Regardless of age, everyone can consume it.

However, because of its medicinal potential, it is recommended that you consume it accompanied by a nutritionist or a doctor. This way, you will be guided in relation to the ideal daily consumption of this substance, preventing undesirable side effects.

Medical advice for using Peruvian maca is essential so that you can enjoy all the benefits of this tuber without exceeding its consumption limits!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.