What is the Solar Plexus Chakra? Learn all about the third chakra!

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Jennifer Sherman

Learn all about the Solar Plexus Chakra, the third chakra!

The Solar Plexus Chakra, third Chakra or Manipura is the center of strength and vitality of every being. It is able to drive creative ideas, motivation and discipline. This occurs when one is aligned with their truth and soul purpose.

Thus, the journey of life and self-knowledge becomes lighter, not because the problems will end, but because there is more consciousness to deal with difficulties. This occurs because the third chakra is linked to primitive instincts.

Moreover, in balance, the energies of loneliness and insecurity are transmuted, boosting personal power and self-realization. Want to know more? Find out all about the Solar Plexus Chakra!

Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura

The Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra is one of the energy centers present in the body that are important to maintain balance and well-being. This chakra must be functioning properly to assist in self-esteem and daily motivation. Thus, the individual is able to materialize true impulses and desires. Understand it better below.

Mantra and color

The color yellow is associated with the Solar Plexus chakra, responsible for emanating energies of vitality and strength. In unbalance, it generates fears, insecurities, lack of creativity and focus. On the other hand, identifying that it is out of balance can harmonize all these aspects.

It also helps in relationships, increasing self-esteem and attunement with others. In this sense, the person becomes increasingly satisfied with himself, reducing feelings of neediness and dependence. The mantra used for the Solar Plexus Chakra is RAM, understand better throughout this article.

Location and function

The Manipura chakra is also known as the solar plexus chakra, and is located in the abdominal cavity, above the navel. Its function is to provide vital energy to the other chakras.

In balance, it allows self-confidence and a lighter journey of self-knowledge, being an individual able to set limits in their relationships, establishing healthy bonds. On the other hand, imbalance leads to low self-esteem, physical and emotional problems.

Regulated bodies

The solar plexus chakra is related to the organs of the digestive system, as well as having to do with appetite and how one digests food, and even emotional issues.

The solar plexus is responsible for material aspects, that is, desires, affections, intrigues, among other feelings. This chakra is an energy center related to the entire body, so it directly impacts your well-being.

In this logic, conflicting situations can unbalance the chakra providing lack of motivation to make important decisions, move forward and trust oneself. Moreover, in unbalance, it drives disturbances and illnesses.

Glands and senses

In oriental medicine, the chakras are known as energy centers. This is because they are connected to the functioning of the body as a whole, as well as being directly related to the process of individual and, consequently, collective evolution.

In this logic, these points are connected to the glands that produce hormones providing emotional and bodily balance. The chakras of the first stage of development are the root, umbilical and solar plexus.

They are related to the control of primitive impulses such as anger, fear, power, among other senses. It is worth noting that the glands associated with the Solar Plexus are the pancreas and the adrenals, as well as maintaining the stable functioning of the liver, stomach and spleen.

Areas of life in which it operates

The Solar Plexus, in a general way, acts in all areas, since it provides self-esteem and willpower. Thus, in unbalance, the individual can be without energy, have depressive periods, indecision, among other problems.

Through the balance of Manipura, it is possible to achieve willpower and determination to follow in the direction of true goals. Remembering that the being is on a learning path, therefore, in balance, it will be increasingly selective about which paths to follow.

Moreover, doubts become more and more distant, because one can develop the ability to trust oneself and one's intuition. Therefore, the steps become clearer and clearer.

Stones and crystals

For the solar plexus chakra is indicated to use yellow stones and crystals, because this color helps balance the spleen, liver, pancreas and stomach. Thus, good options are the Yellow Topaz, Yellow Citrine, Sulfur Crystal and Yellow Calcite.

Yellow Topaz activates stagnated energies and transmutes feelings of helplessness and loneliness. In this logic, changes occur gradually unblocking this energy center, since many wounds responsible for these feelings are old and caused in childhood.

The Solar Plexus Chakra and Traditional Chinese Medicine

The solar plexus chakra corresponds to the pancreas, liver, stomach, kidneys and intestines. According to traditional Chinese medicine, each of these organs is associated with an emotion.

Traditional Chinese medicine holds that everything is interconnected, so it is essential to seek balance by balancing the chakras and assuming healthier and more sincere postures.

In this sense, the liver represents anger, the kidney, fear and insecurity, and the spleen, guilt and worries. Thus, fear and worries, for example, allow the situation to get out of control and happen, precisely, what you did not want.

Effects of balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra

In balance, the Solar Plexus Chakra provides healing energy for the digestive system to function properly, as well as promotes strength, motivation and self-confidence to act in the direction of individual and collective growth. Below understand better the positive effects of balancing the Solar Plexus.

Positive effects of balanced Solar Plexus Chakra

When the solar plexus chakra is balanced, decisions are made with determination and confidence, this enhances emotional control and personal power. In this way, opportunities are seen clearly.

Self-love is also elevated, providing respect and understanding about one's own limits and potential. It also favors good relationships, since the individual tends to better control his impulses and develop empathy.

In balance, it decreases the condition of making judgments about oneself or others. This is because the person tends to gain understanding about his carnal processes, understanding that each step is important for his journey. Besides all this, it also improves the functioning of the digestive system.

Positive effects of imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra

If it is unbalanced, the Solar Plexus Chakra can bring disastrous consequences, such as discouragement, lack of love for life, insecurity, nervousness and anguish, being related to depression or depressive periods.

In addition, the person may go through many financial problems, as well as have bouts of anger and feelings of arrogance, as well as liver and digestive system problems, leading to cases of gastritis and ulcers.

Tips on how to balance the Solar Plexus Chakra

There are several ways to balance the Solar Plexus Chakra, i.e. through crystals, alternative therapies such as Reiki, in contact with solar energy, observing fire, among other possibilities. Discover below which is the best option to balance the chakras.

Feel the energy of sunlight

The solar plexus chakra is related to the sun's energy, so sunbathing also helps maintain balance. Remember that it is advised to sunbathe in the morning to avoid skin problems. In addition, combining this practice with meditation can be a great way to intensify the process.

Another characteristic of the Solar Plexus is to maintain closeness and relationship with the world. Therefore, the energy of sunlight also favors the creation of solid and sincere bonds.

A simple walk is already enough to restore vitamin D and balance the Solar Plexus chakra, so start using your time wisely. Thus, you will be able to establish priorities and live in a full and healthy way.

Watch the fire

The element corresponding to the Solar Plexus Chakra is fire, thus its function is to ignite the inner power and strengthen the digestive system. Therefore, in balance, it is common for the intake of food to become healthier.

Another point is in relation to the capacity of action and movement, because the Solar Plexus Chakra drives the materialization of ideas. Therefore, the person becomes self-confident, light and disciplined. To balance the Solar Plexus a good exercise is to observe fire, being advised to opt for yellow candles.

Practice yoga or pilates

It is important to note that yoga is a path to evolution and awakening of consciousness, so it goes far beyond performing postures and physical exercises. Pilates, like yoga, promotes the proper functioning of the body and mind, and both practices are able to balance the chakras.

In yoga, each position is important for a particular region of the body, and is also relevant to psychic and spiritual processes, since the postures are loaded with symbols and teachings. Therefore, by choosing to put these exercises into the routine, transformations tend to occur in both material and spiritual life.

Martial arts is also a good option!

Martial arts are a great option to balance the Solar Plexus and the other chakras. This is because this practice works the energy center present in each one, potentiating the inner strength and discipline.

Therefore, by performing martial arts regularly, it is common for the person to feel determined and excited to accomplish what they want. In this way, the process of self-knowledge is dependent on all the actions performed in everyday life. Therefore, it is essential to choose consciously which activities you want to keep in your routine.

The solar plexus chakra in balance increases focus, wisdom for decision making, among other abilities extremely important for personal development. The way you see yourself also becomes healthier and more harmonious, increasing self-esteem and self-confidence.

Take drama classes

Theatre classes can be therapeutic in nature, helping to deal with intimate and intense processes. For this reason, some schools offer courses focused on the student's self-knowledge and resourcefulness.

The theater works on some fears such as rejection, excessive concern with the opinion of others, fear of not being good enough. In this way, the person can better express themselves and overcome shyness.

Moreover, embodying the characters requires knowledge of one's own potencies and vulnerabilities. In this logic, by practicing theatre the individual has the opportunity to witness and boost their personal power.

Visual arts can also help

The visual arts can also help through the expression of what is inside. By putting this energy out, it is possible to feel lightness and, consequently, balance. In this process, it is essential not to be judgmental. In other words, you need to trust yourself and let your creativity flow.

From this, it is possible to unravel deep and often confusing processes. However, materializing them is also important to find healing. Thus, opting for paintings, drawings and photographs can lead to the development of the self and integration with one's own strengths.

Get a little out of the routine

Getting out of the routine is a great option to balance emotions and act in a conscious way. This is because it is possible to adapt to deal with setbacks. Therefore, it is ideal to give up the false notion of control.

In this logic, it is necessary to face everything that happens as cycles, important stages for the development journey. The exercise of getting out of the routine makes the person develop maturity and be more receptive to difficulties.

Accept your choices

Accepting choices is essential to maintaining harmony and peace of mind, so make peace with bad decisions from the past. Remember that you have grown a lot from your mistakes, and there is no longer any room for holding grudges.

Turn the page and reflect on what you want from now on. Every action generates a reaction, so you need to choose consciously, but also not take everything too seriously. Start developing self-confidence and intuition connection, so it will be easier to deal with routine decisions.

Practice meditation

Meditations are important for maintaining attention and presence in the here and now. This happens because they balance the chakras, attracting positive energies and transmuting what no longer fits.

In addition, they are essential to observe one's own thoughts and immerse oneself in the process of self-knowledge. One must stop judging oneself, understanding that one is constantly moving in the direction of personal growth and development.

There are specific meditations for the Solar Plexus chakra, which maintains connection with the Prana energy, the one that sustains life. As well, there are those destined to balance all the chakras.

Don't ignore your intuition

Intuition is directly linked to the solar chakra, because this chakra is responsible for the perception of everything around, that is, to what is external. The balance of this chakra works on feeling, many times, something that is not perceptible to the eyes, being only the intuition that can give the answers.

The rational mind can hinder intuitive confidence, so it is necessary to work on this characteristic through the solar chakra. Some people are more sensitive than others, and when they arrive at a certain place they feel the energies present intensely.

Get out of the victim position

The process of self-knowledge requires an individual to assume his mistakes until then, leaving the position of victim. For this, it is necessary to keep a critical eye on one's own speech, understanding which behaviors and thoughts should be set aside.

In this logic, seeking external help through therapies can accelerate understanding and personal development. We must always remember that change is in each person, so personal transformations resonate in others. Therefore, seek self-realization and awareness of your own actions.

Know how to be happy alone

Being happy alone is a task that all individuals should face, but many avoid being in contact with themselves. Thus, they run away to avoid dealing with intimate issues. However, there must be balance and maintain contact with other people, after all, the human being is sociable.

Doing activities alone, such as going to the movies, to the park, or perhaps traveling alone, provides clarity of thoughts and feelings. Thus, in harmony with your own company, it is possible to maintain lighter and healthier contacts.

Practice leadership

Practicing leadership helps in the expression and balance of the solar chakra. The ability to lead is part of the personality of all beings, but often it has not yet been developed.

It is true that some people seem like born leaders and are even very self-confident. But these individuals have also been insecure at some point, and have had to build up their courage and steadfastness little by little.

Therefore, it is essential to take initiative, because the movement leads to motivation and continuity of what needs to be done. Start training with small events, such as creating a study group to spread a knowledge that you master.

Use the color yellow

Yellow is the color of the Solar Plexus chakra, which provides energies that increase self-esteem, as well as aid in memory and concentration. Therefore, it is recommended to wear yellow in the period of change, such as in the beginning of projects.

This is because it attracts optimism, courage, and abundance. However, in excess it hinders focus, and the person becomes stubborn and extremely critical, both of themselves and others. It can also cause addiction at work.

Chant the RAM mantra

Mantras should be repeated several times to achieve moments of peace. The energy of the sound promotes healing powers, with each individual having a unique experience with the mantra.

The RAM mantra awakens and activates the Solar Plexus chakra, thus, preparing the entrance of the kundalini energy (dormant energy that is concentrated at the base of the spine).

Check out the RAM mantra below:

"Om Ram Ramaya Namaha

Om Shri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare"

The practice can be done sitting or lying down, choose the form that is most comfortable. Then join the thumb with the index finger and repeat the mantra. In the morning the palms should be facing upwards, in the evening downwards.


Mudras receive the energy of the whole body, so they are often used in yoga and meditation practices. In this way, some mudras are responsible for activating specific chakras. In the case of the Solar Plexus Chakra, the indicated mudras are the Matangi Mudra and Rudra Mudra, the first is important to establish internal harmony, while the second reduces fatigue.

Use affirming phrases

Using affirming phrases can attract positive energy and raise your personal vibration. Yes, the simple act of speaking a few words can generate major transformations, but for this you need to be willing to get out of the comfort zone and make practical changes.

In movement and believing in yourself, transformations begin to happen. You need to recognize your soul purpose and be aligned with that goal. Thus, your greatest capabilities begin to manifest for the sake of your personal and spiritual development. Repeat the following phrases to align the Solar Plexus Chakra:

"I am confident;

I can conquer anything;

I have a purpose;

I can do it;

I'll do it."

Take care of your diet too

The Solar Plexus Chakra is directly associated with the digestive system, so maintaining a balanced diet is essential to balance it. In this logic, it is indicated to eat grains and cereals, such as sunflower seeds, lentils, oats, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and brown rice.

Moreover, in periods of insatiable hunger it is very likely that the Solar Plexus chakra is in disarray. It is fundamental to question whether hunger is a bodily need or a way to fill an emotional void. Understanding internal issues brings clarity to make major changes, so it is possible to live in balance.

Be in a good mood

Trying to keep a good mood can be a challenge, it is not always easy to deal with the difficulties of everyday life. But it is a fact that balancing this aspect can provide well-being.

You don't have to force yourself to feel good, on the contrary, you have to acknowledge everything you're feeling. I understand that difficulties should be faced head on. But also, choose how you will see your problems, that is, don't take everything so seriously.

Building your self-confidence is key to maintaining a good mood, as is activating the Solar Plexus Chakra, responsible for self-control, motivation, willpower and personal power.

Stones and crystals can also help

Crystals and stones have the ability to transmute energy fields and align the chakras. The Solar Plexus is balanced when in contact with natural citrine, yellow topaz, yellow tourmaline, rutilated quartz, among others.

Thus, the harmony of the subtle body occurs, increasing the power of achievement and personal confidence. As well, it is directly linked to instincts and the ability to deal with limiting beliefs. Therefore, the energetic balance is fundamental to trace a lighter journey.

Aromatherapy and essential oils

Essential oils and aromatherapy are able to assist in therapeutic processes and awaken the subtle bodies of each being. In this sense, both in direct contact with the skin, as by the aroma is possible to feel the action of these treatments.

Thus, there are those oils that are more indicated for the Solar Plexus Chakra, being them mint, lavender, orange, bergamot, cedarwood, basil, rose and chamomile. In this way, it is possible to balance feelings and perceptions.

To balance the third chakra it is advisable to do a massage above the navel, where the Solar Plexus is located. Use 10 ml of the essential oil of your choice and 2 drops of a specific oil to align this chakra.


To balance the Third Chakra, as well as the other Chakras, there is Reiki, a technique of alternative medicine that aims to transfer the universal life energy to someone. Thus, offering a powerful energy cleansing. For the procedure of Reiki is necessary to find a good professional, and the number of sessions required depends on each case.

Through the third chakra we relate to the world!

The third chakra is closely related to the way each being relates to the world. This chakra is linked to the most primitive instincts, so in unbalance, it can cause disastrous consequences, such as wrong choices, discouragement and low self-esteem.

On the other hand, by seeking self-knowledge and understanding one's own vulnerabilities, it is possible to become aware of what changes need to be made in order to live more harmoniously. Thus, aligning the third chakra or other energy points, is part of a set of practices in favor of one's own development.

Now that you know the importance of balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra and the other Chakras, use the information in this article to make practical changes in your life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.