The benefits of passion fruit: For anxiety, improved sleep and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about the benefits of passion fruit

Passion fruit is a fruit with a remarkable and unique flavor, widely used around the world for its calming power. It can be said to be perfect to help control stress and disorders such as anxiety and insomnia, besides being easily found all over Brazil.

The pulp is delicious, being a fundamental ingredient in sweet and savory dishes of the world cuisine. For those who do not know, the skin of the passion fruit has valuable properties to keep our body healthy.

In Brazil, we find more than 150 species of this fruit, but there are approximately 600 different species scattered throughout the tropical region of the American continent. Follow the reading and find out how the passion fruit can help you in the treatment of various problems, including cholesterol and diabetes!

The nutritional profile of passion fruit

The passion fruit is a very rich fruit in terms of nutrition, since it has large amounts of flavonoids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. A curiosity is that many of its benefits are concentrated in its peel. Check it out!

Source of vitamins A and C

Passion fruit is rich in vitamins, especially A and C. Being an important source of vitamin A, it contributes to eye health, protecting the cornea. In addition, it helps prevent problems such as night blindness, caused, among other factors, by deficiency of this type of vitamin.

On average, 100 g of pulp of this fruit contains 125 mcg of vitamin A and 23 mg of C. However, the presence and concentration may vary among its species. The yellow passion fruit, for instance, is very rich in vitamin A. The purple passion fruit, on the other hand, has a less acidic flavor and plenty of vitamin C.

Other types, such as the sweet passion fruit, passion fruit apple, passion fruit of the bush and passion fruit acu have great quantities of both vitamins, A and C.


Passion fruit has many benefits for our bones, since it is rich in minerals. It has calcium, iron, magnesium, copper and phosphorus, which play an important role in strengthening, protecting and increasing the density of the bone structure.

Besides, these minerals are capable of boosting the immunologic system, inhibiting diseases like anemia and keeping the cardiovascular system functioning well. A portion of 100 g of passion fruit provides, on average, 28 to 29 mg of magnesium, 51 to 64 mg of phosphorus and 200 to 338 mg of potassium.


Passion fruit is a fruit with large amounts of fiber. When consuming a 100 g serving, one can ingest, on average, from 1.1 to 3.3 g of fiber. This component helps the digestive process and control cholesterol levels.

The soluble fibers found in the fruit, such as pectin, mix easily with water and form a very viscous gel in the stomach. Thus, the feeling of satiety is prolonged, being a great food for those who are in the fight against the scale.

These fibers are found mainly in the passion fruit peel, which can be transformed into flour and used in many different culinary preparations.


Passion fruit pulp is delicious and refreshing, but that's not all. It is an excellent source of antioxidants, since it has a large amount of polyphenols and carotenoids.

This property is, in fact, one of its greatest benefits to health. This is because the antioxidant compounds inhibit the action of free radicals, fighting premature aging and the eventual appearance of tumor cells.

The substances present in passion fruit also help in the prevention of diseases such as cataract and atherosclerosis (formation of plaques on the wall of the arteries of the heart).


Flavonoid compounds are abundantly present in passion fruit and can offer several benefits, including a calming effect. Passiflorin is the main active ingredient of the yellow passion fruit, which has a potent relaxing action, ideal after an intense and stressful day.

This is because passiflorin inhibits the receptor of the neurotransmitter GABA, which helps to calm down instantly, reducing anxiety, without causing sleep. However, this substance is in smaller quantity in the pulp, being more concentrated in the leaves of the fruit.

Another flavonoid found in passion fruit is chrysin, which has strong antioxidant properties. In addition, this component inhibits the action of an enzyme, aromatase, stimulating the production of testosterone.

The main health benefits of passion fruit

The passion fruit is super-powerful when it comes to health benefits, since it helps control glucose levels and cholesterol, for example. Check out below how this fruit can leave body and mind healthier!

Helps combat stress and anxiety

The passion fruit is a great ally to combat stress and anxiety, things to which we are subjected in the rush of everyday life. One variety in particular, the passion fruit pearl (also known as passion fruit-of-sleep), presents a strong calming power in its pulp.

This happens because it has a high concentration of alkaloids, which act directly on the central nervous system, promoting an immediate analgesic and relaxing effect.

In addition, because it is rich in magnesium and flavonoids, such as kaempferol and quercetin, it has great anxiolytic action, being able to assist in the treatment of anxiety, panic and nervous tension disorders.

Acts in improving the quality of sleep

The passion fruit has therapeutic properties that come from the fruit as a whole, including its flowers and leaves. However, the most used part is the pulp, which has passiflorin, a natural active ingredient capable of calming without harming your health, since it is not addictive.

The sedative compounds of this fruit are mild and act directly on the central nervous system. In this way, they help to relax and calm, providing a peaceful and invigorating night's sleep, as it also fights insomnia.

It's no wonder that passion fruit is a fundamental ingredient in herbal medicines, which promote the improvement of sleep quality, bringing a sense of well-being.

It has diuretic action

A little known benefit of passion fruit is its action as a diuretic. It has large amounts of potassium, especially in its flowers, decreasing and maintaining optimal levels of blood pressure.

With diuretic effect, passion fruit also helps to deflate and detoxify the body. In addition, it is often used as an auxiliary treatment in cases of edema and diseases of the urinary, renal and hepatic tracts.

Acts in the control of blood glucose

The skin and the peel of passion fruit are rich in fiber, so the consumption of this fruit is extremely beneficial for people with diabetes, because the fibers make the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates slower, avoiding peaks and glycemic imbalances in the blood.

A study, by the way, revealed that patients with diabetes type 2 that consumed 30 g of flour of passion fruit for 60 days presented significant reduction in the fasting glycemia, also diminishing the values of the glycated hemoglobin (exam that measures the glycemic index in the organism).

All this happens due to the action of pectin, a type of soluble fiber found in large quantities in passion fruit. In addition, the pulp and leaves of the fruit have vitamin C, antioxidants, beta carotenes, flavonoids and anthocyanins, which protect the cells and the process of insulin production.

It is beneficial for intestinal function

The consumption of passion fruit benefits the functioning of the intestinal tract as a whole. This is because the peel of the fruit is rich in pectin, a soluble fiber capable of regulating and optimizing intestinal transit. It also works as a probiotic. Thus, it improves the performance of the digestive system and eliminates toxins and excess fat from the body, maintaining optimal performance throughout the body.

To get a good amount of fiber, the tip is to consume the passion fruit flour. This way, the intestinal functioning will be normalized in a soft and natural way. You can also ingest about a tablespoon of the food with a fruit, mixed with juice or any type of milk.

However, it is worth noting that the guidance of a nutritionist is very important to find out the ideal amount of fiber that your body needs daily.

Keeps cholesterol levels in balance

Passion fruit has proven to be very effective in maintaining and balancing blood cholesterol levels. Studies show that pectin, a type of soluble fiber present in the rind of the fruit, can significantly lower cholesterol levels naturally, without the help of drugs.

To get an idea, individuals who consumed passion fruit flour regularly showed a reduction of 18% in total cholesterol values, 19% in LDL (popularly known as bad cholesterol) and 15% in total triglycerides. In addition, the fruit is able to increase the levels of HDL (considered the good cholesterol).

Strengthens the immune system

As passion fruit is rich in vitamin C, it is super-powerful in strengthening the immune system. A 100 g serving of the fruit provides about 23 mg of this vitamin, while the recommended daily amount is 60 to 75 mg for an adult.

The antioxidant action of vitamin C contributes, yet, to slow down the natural process of cellular aging. Besides, it is capable of stimulating the defense cells of the organism, responsible for defending us from viruses and bacteria.

Promotes satiety for longer

The skin of passion fruit can be considered a superfood, since it contains a huge amount of soluble dietary fiber. This valuable substance makes the fruit keep the feeling of satiety for longer, helping in weight loss processes, for example.

Moreover, the flour produced with the peel and the shell of the fruit can delay and reduce the absorption of sugar and fat. This is because the fibers increase the volume of the bolus inside the stomach, producing a kind of gel, which contributes greatly to the effect of "full belly".

Pectin, in particular, is a fiber that slows down the speed of food digestion and, consequently, reduces hunger throughout the day.

Prevents cardiovascular diseases

Passion fruit has an anti-inflammatory action, acting in the maintenance of the performance of the nervous and circulatory systems. In addition, hesperidin (a flavonoid that normalizes and increases the resistance of blood vessels) acts in the prevention of heart diseases.

With the presence of large amounts of antioxidants, flavonoids and anthocyanins, the fruit also helps to improve the health of the arteries, preventing the formation of free radicals and preventing diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart attack and high blood pressure. In addition, as it is rich in potassium, it helps maintain a healthy rhythm of blood circulation.

Combats constipation

Thanks to its large amount of soluble fiber, passion fruit is a great ally in the fight against constipation. Thus, it contributes to facilitate and optimize the formation process of the fecal bolus, thus helping in the elimination of feces.

The pectin, a fiber present in the passion fruit peel, works as an excellent food for the good bacteria of our intestinal flora, maintaining the ideal functioning of the intestine. To have an idea of its importance for the intestinal tract, the passion fruit offers practically the entire amount of fiber we need to ingest during one day.

Prevents sagging and premature aging

The passion fruit is very rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and C and anthocyanins, which are able to protect the dermal cells against free radicals. Thus, it acts preventing sagging and delaying premature aging.

Furthermore, the pulp and the peel of the fruit contain substances that act by reducing inflammation in the body and optimizing the performance of the organs. Thus, the deterioration of the skin is inhibited and the cellular functioning of the body is normalized.

The different ways to consume passion fruit

The passion fruit is often consumed in the form of juices, but can also be ingested as tea, compotes and flour, besides being present in numerous sweet and savory recipes. Discover other ways to consume this delicious fruit below!

The peel of the passion fruit

The skin of passion fruit (the white part of the fruit) is a very important source of pectin, a kind of soluble fiber that has several benefits for our health. Among them, there is the reduction of cholesterol rates and the ideal balance of blood glucose levels.

However, it is very bitter, so the solution is to transform it into flour, which can be eaten at breakfast, added to juices and yogurts or sprinkled over other fruits, for example.

The preparation of this flour is very simple: just remove the white part of the skin of 4 passion fruits and put them to bake at medium temperature until they are dry and brittle. Then, beat in a blender until everything is crushed. To store it, just put it in a clean, dry and tightly closed container.

The flour of the passion fruit peel is also easily found in natural products stores, supermarkets and drugstores. The tip is to use a tablespoon in any recipe, since the heat does not cancel its beneficial properties.


The passion fruit pulp is the most used part in sweet and savory culinary preparations, since it has very few calories. It is very versatile and can be used in numerous recipes, and the most common include mousses, ice cream, syrups, cakes, pies, candies and jellies.

Nowadays, it is also easily found in savory dishes, such as sauces and other types of side dishes. It is delicious when contrasted with the outstanding flavor of meats, fish and salads in general.

Another wonderful and unusual combination is the juice with mango and mint, perfect for the hottest summer days. A tip to avoid waste is to freeze the pulp, since it does not lose any of its properties.

The seeds of the fruit

The seeds of the passion fruit are often transformed into oil, because they have emollient properties. This way, they are widely used in the cosmetic industry for the preparation of the most diverse beauty products.

In addition, contrary to what many people imagine, the consumption of passion fruit seeds is not bad for your health. In fact, they are beneficial because they contain large amounts of antioxidants, such as piceatannol, a compound that prevents cancer and some degenerative diseases.

Another highlight is that the seeds are sources of fiber, which help and optimize the digestion process as a whole. In addition, they work as a natural vermifuge.

Passion fruit leaf teas

Passionflower tea is an important ally in the treatment of anxiety, chronic stress, insomnia and hyperactivity. Its preparation can be made with dried or fresh leaves of the plant.

Like all infusions, the way of making it is very simple. Just put 1 teaspoon of dried and crushed passion fruit leaves or 2 teaspoons of fresh leaves in 150 ml of boiling water. Cover and let it stand for approximately 5 minutes. Then, just strain it.

However, it is worth noting that passion fruit leaves contain significant levels of cyanogenic compounds and alkaloids, which can cause intoxication. Therefore, it is necessary to seek the correct guidance before ingesting this drink. To avoid any accident, seek medical advice.

The residues from oil extraction

The passion fruit is a fruit that can be used in an integral way, because even the residues of its oil extraction can be reused. From these residues, the industry collects and uses the fibers in the preparation of exfoliating cosmetic products.

In addition, it is possible to extract phenolic compounds with anti-inflammatory actions, which can be used in the production of herbal medicines.

Raise the consumption of the fruit and enjoy the benefits of passion fruit in your health!

The passion fruit is one of the most versatile fruits that exist, since it is used in an integral way, from the pulp to the peel. In addition, it is very easy to find, it is usually at an affordable price and has numerous properties beneficial to health. There are plenty of reasons to raise the consumption of this wonderful fruit.

As there are many types in Brazil, it is possible to vary the species consumed, since each one presents a distinct characteristic, property, size and even flavor. The passion fruit is the most consumed, since it is easily transformed in juices and mousses, but it requires the addition of sugar. The sweet passion fruit is perfect for those who avoid the exaggerated consumption of sweets, because it presents a natural flavor.

Also, remember that the benefits of passion fruit are a natural alternative treatment and do not exclude a doctor's evaluation. If symptoms persist or are more severe, do not hesitate to seek help!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.