Kabbalistic angels: what they are, classification, the 72 angels and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are the cabalistic angels

Angels are divine entities who exercise various functions in establishing universal order. They may be carriers of messages from God to particular persons, but they also act to accomplish His will on earth.

Many angels serve as intermediaries between people and the heavenly world, assuming the role of guardians or guardians of individuals, such as personal guardian angels, or of groups, such as angels associated with signs.

Kabbalah is an ancient Hebrew mystical tradition and its studies comprise 72 angels. Each of these 72 can be described as a channel for the emanation of a specific divine energy. Therefore, for Kabbalah, angels represent essential divine qualities and are vehicles for the manifestation of these powerful vibrations for people. In this article, you can learn a little more about each oneCheck them out!

The three cabalistic angels that guide us

We will see that each person has three guardian angels, that is, who guide them in their journeys, and that each one of them exerts influence on a certain sphere. They express ways of being in the emotional and mental sphere, but also help to overcome limitations on all levels. Check them out below!

The guardian angel

The guardian angel is the angel who protects us from daily tribulations. He guides us to the best paths and comes to our aid in times of hopelessness. This angel can be understood as one who reminds us of our true mission and therefore works to guide us in relation to various life situations.

The study of angels reminds us that we are part of the divine essence and, as such, we journey to assume our best version. Thus, this can be described as the mission of the guardian angel in relation to his protégés: to guide towards the light. According to the day of your birth, you can discover the name of your guardian angel.

The angel of the heart

In Kabbalah, the angel of the heart is the entity that presides over the field of emotions. He can be described as the expression of our feelings, that is, he is an emotional protector who works to cultivate emotional balance and self-knowledge within us.

Thus, the angel of the heart takes care not only of our deepest psychological aspects, but also of the way we express ourselves. That is, of issues related to our communication with others, paving the way for greater mutual understanding.

This angel, therefore, acts on affectivity and self-understanding. In this way, his protégés can find the necessary balance to carry out their missions in fullness.

The angel of the spirit

The angel of the spirit is an angel of consciousness, associated with our inner self, that is, all our deepest aspects and our true identity. It is an angel who cherishes the truth and works towards spiritual development.

Therefore, it is important to point out that our three angels operate jointly. The angel of the spirit only attains virtue through an emotional development that the angel of the heart inspires.

In turn, the guardian angel, by supporting and guiding his protected ones regarding the deviations from the path, helps in the improvement of the spirit. These are three spheres of divine energy that complement each other. Sound mind and soft heart: this equation that brings us spiritual protection.

The tree of life and its different components

Next, we will see what is the tree of life in the Kabbalah perspective and we will know the origin of the names of Kabbalah angels. We will also see what is the choir of angels and its classification. Follow along!

The Sephirotic Tree

The scriptures of various religions speak of a Tree of Life associated with immortality. Its symbolism extends back to time immemorial and versions of the history of this tree have existed in places such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, Japan and Israel.

This concept was known even among the original peoples of the Americas, such as the Mayas and Aztecs. In the tradition of Kabbalah, this tree is called the Sephiroth Tree. It is divided into ten parts, or sephiroth, which can be understood as fruits.

His system is initiated by a fruit called kether, which represents the divine spark, that is, the beginning and purpose of creation. Malkuth, the last fruit, represents matter and is the lowest stage of spiritual evolution. From the human point of view, we begin with malkuth and must ascend to kether.

History of the cabalistic angels

The origin of the Kabbalah angels is found in the Kabbalah, for which angels are the pure manifestations of divine qualities. This school of mystical thought began with the intention of studying and interpreting the texts of the Hebrew Torah, which is how the followers of the Jewish religion call the first five texts of the Old Testament.

Through intense research, the cabalists have unveiled the names of 72 angels hidden in the Book of Exodus, more specifically, in passage 14:19-21, in which Moses divides the waters of the sea. These names are understood as channels of communication with the divine and opening for the receipt of pure energies attributed to each of the angels.

Where does the name of the Kabbalistic angels come from

The notion of the names of Kabbalistic angels is known by the Hebrew term Shem HaMephorash, which means "explicit name" and refers to the name of God. According to Kabbalists, this name was found in chapter 14 of the Book of Exodus and is composed of 72 letters.

The number 72, not by chance, is recurrent in the sacred texts and this was the initial clue for the cabalists to analyze the mentioned chapter of Exodus, where this number occurs in the very composition of the verses. Combinations made by each one of the 72 letters of God's name, in turn, revealed the names of 72 angels, the Cabalistic angels that represent, each one, an aspect of the divine essence.

Thus, these angels are divided into hierarchical groups and are associated with spheres, or fruits, of the tree of life, the Sephirotic Tree.

The choir of angels and its classification

The angelic hierarchy has 9 categories, that is, 8 angels out of 72 are part of each of the 9 choirs, or groups.

This classification is an association that Cabala makes with the Sephiroth Tree, which has 10 parts called Sephiroth, 9 of which are the spheres or fruits that carry the divine attributes, or the maximum potential of each one of God's vibrations.

Thus, we have 8 Kabbalistic angels grouped in the same sphere and each one is responsible for an aspect of a higher quality. For example: the sphere of wisdom is an attribute of the Cherubim, and each cherub is responsible for inspiring a positive aspect related to wisdom, such as intelligence, taste for study, prudence, etc.


The Cherubim category of angels is the most referenced in the texts that make up the Old Testament. The Cherubim are in charge of transmitting the energies of wisdom. In this sense, they preside over inspirations related to intelligence, prudence, creativity and positive ideas.

They are also deeply linked to divine justice and therefore influence their protégés to be just and loyal. The 8 Cherubim are Haziel, Aladiah, Laoviah, Hahahiah, Yesalel, Mebahel, Hariel and Hekamiah. Their prince, or leader, is called Raziel, the guardian of deep knowledge and divine mysteries. Whoever is protected by a Cherub is prone to joy and serenity.


Seraphim is the category considered the highest in the angelic hierarchy. This means that seraphim are very close to God and are, therefore, beings who emanate the purest love and the most potent light.

They are concerned with generating and transmitting energies of purification, which lead protected ones to spiritual enlightenment-that is, to a deep desire to improve in themselves all aspects of morality and to do good to others.

The 8 seraphim are: Vehuiah, Jeliel, Sitael, Elemiah, Mahasiah, Lelahel, Achaiah and Cahethel, and their prince is Metatron, a seraphim considered the greatest representative of God. This category inspires in its protégés great spiritual clarity and offers courage to the execution of the most challenging purposes.


The choir of Thrones is responsible for transmitting the divine orders and vibrations to the lower angelic categories. In other words, the Thrones are direct messengers of divinity and their function is to distribute knowledge clearly and delegate missions.

They are action-oriented angels, meaning that they work to bring God's will to bear upon mankind. They also strongly influence people to walk the path of truth and inspire in their protégés a focus on facing and overcoming their problems.

His prince, Tzaphkiel, rules time and fate. The thrones are Lauviah, Caliel, Leuviah, Pahaliah, Nelchael, Ieiaiel, Melahel, and Haheuiah.


The group of angels known as Domains or Dominions are commissioned by the deity to perform missions of high importance. Their protégés are inspired to pursue faith and reflection and are naturally generous and unselfish, for the Dominions also act to kindle mercy in them.

They therefore preside over the sense of compassion and assist in overcoming discouragement and fear. Their prince is Archangel Tzadkiel and the angelic group consists of Nith-Haiah, Haaiah, Ierathel, Seheiah, Reyel, Omael, Lecabel and Vasahiah.

Moreover, St. Gregory wrote that these angels inspire obedience and are admired even by the other choirs for their high nobility.


Potencies, or Powers, is an angelic order that presides over universal organization, the removal of obstacles and harmony. In this sense, they are angels who assist in the spiritual development of their protégés in an intense manner, inspiring them to seek solutions to collective issues and to fight against the injustices of the world.

They also guard the animals and plants and observe fecundity, that is, the continuity of the cycle of life. Their prince is Camael, a combative archangel who influences stamina and determination. The 8 angels who are part of the choir of the Powers are: Iehuiah, Lehaiah, Chavakiah, Menadel, Aniel, Haamiah, Rehael and Ieiazel.


The choir of Virtues is composed of angels who protect physical health, but also emotional balance and confidence. Their protégés are people prone to organization, being meticulous in their projects.

Thus, the influences of the Virtues act strongly on moral improvements and inspire courage. They bring discernment and the ability to act calmly in the face of adversity. Therefore, those protected by the Virtues show themselves to be great observers and listeners.

Its prince is Raphael, an archangel of healing who is known for his closeness to God. The 8 Kabbalistic angels that make up the Virtues are Hahahel, Mikael, Veuliah, Yelaiah, Sealiah, Ariel, Asaliah and Mihael.

The choir of Principalities

The angelic class of Principalities exerts deep inspiration for love in their protégés. This choir of Kabbalistic angels work for joy, warmth, beauty and unity. They are influencers of artists and creative people and offer a keen sense of positivity.

In addition, the Principalities have as their mission to assist and guide leaders on Earth toward empathy and the common good. In this sense, they are protectors of countries and cities. This angelic choir is led by Haniel, an archangel whose name means "Grace of the Lord." His 8 angels are: Vehuel, Daniel, Hahasiah, Imamiah, Nanael, Nithael, Mebaiah and Poiel.

The choir of Archangels

The choir of Archangels is one of the most commented upon angelic categories. This is because, within this sphere, operate Kabbalistic angels known from the sacred texts, but also because of their functions as revelatory beings.

The revelations brought by the archangels are grandiose transformations that change the course of humanity, see the Annunciation brought by the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary. These angels preside over good intentions, enlighten hearts that are in doubt or despair, and open paths, even in the face of the greatest difficulties.

Its prince is Michael, the archangel who leads the armies of God. The 8 kabbalistic archangels are Nemamiah, Ieialel, Harahel, Mitzrael, Umabel, Yah-Hel, Anauel and Mehiel.

The choir of angels

The choir of Angels is the last of the nine angelic orders, that is, it is composed of the angels who are closest to the Earth, or who act on the planet most effectively and directly. This does not mean that they are less enlightened beings.

Thus, the Angels are commissioned to watch over mankind, they are deeply interested in the human cause, and their noble mission beholds us with protection, support and love.

The cabalistic choir of angels is formed by 8 angels and their names are: Damabiah, Manakel, Ayel, Habuhiah, Rochel, Yabamiah, Haiaiel and Mumiah. The prince of the Angels is the Archangel Gabriel, in charge of the divine messages.

The 72 cabalistic angels

Below, you will learn a little more about the 72 kabbalistic angels, including the main attribute or meaning of each one, as well as the element to which it is linked and other characteristics. Check it out!


Those born between March 21 and 25 count with the protection of the Seraphim Vehuiah. His name means "Exalting God" or "Exalted God" and he provides his protégés with energy to execute challenges, inspiring success for those who walk the good path. His element is fire.


The Seraphim Jeliel protects people born between March 26 and 30. He is associated with the element of fire and presides over intuition, harmony and positive thinking. He also influences inventiveness and inspires love for nature. His protégés tend to be very peaceful and empathic people.


Seraphim Sitael is a guardian of hope. Therefore, he inspires in his protégés great faith and trust in transformations for the good. He is associated to the fire element and is the Kabbalistic angel for those born between March 31st and April 4th. His energies generate willpower, patience and a sharp sense of strategy.


Elemiah is a seraphim who awakens courage in times of despair. He helps in deep crises and slows emotions. He inspires, therefore, clarity, calm and truth. He is also a protector of travelers and his protégés were born between the 5th and 9th of April. He is associated with the element of fire.


Mahasiah is a seraphim with extreme power over the re-establishment of order. Therefore, where chaos is instaured, this Kabbalistic angel acts in order to promote peace. He has a predilection for students and those who deepen in mysteries. His element is fire and he protects those born between April 10th and 14th.


The Seraphim Lelahel exerts enormous influence over the afflictions of the mind, that is, he rules the energies that positively affect the emotional field, being responsible for the healing of mental health. He is a Kabbalistic angel associated to artists and poets. His protégés were born between April 15 and 20. He is associated to fire.


Achaiah is a Seraph devoted to the cultivation of patience. He also acts upon communicative abilities, aiding in understanding between people. His protégés were born between April 21 and April 25.

This Kabbalistic angel is associated with the earth element and its qualities of focus, attitude and perseverance positively energize everyone under its protection.


The Seraphim Cahethel, associated to the earth element, is an angel who presides over the crops, blessing the vegetables and energizing the environment. He is also a spiritual harvest angel, since he influences his protégés in good purposes. Those who are born between April 26th and 30th are under the protection of this Cabalistic angel.


Haziel is a Cherub who is responsible for reconciliations and inspires innocence, sincerity and sense of justice. People protected by him have special inclination to forgiveness and relief of distress. This Kabbalistic angel protects those born between the 1st and the 5th of May. He is associated to the earth element.


Aladiah is a Cherub with great power of protection against evilness and negative thoughts. He is an angel that purifies and regenerates the vibratory frequencies of those who represent him. Those who are born between May 6th and 10th are under the protection of Aladiah. The element this angel is associated to is earth.


The Cherub Laoviah exerts influence over victory, but this inspiration is reserved for those who act with good intentions. He assists in great enterprises and opens the paths to financial success for those who are willing to do good. His protégés were born between May 11 and 15 and his element is earth.


Hahaiah is a great enemy of violence and destructive attitudes. This Cherub acts on self-love, meditation and the sense of preservation of good energies, and repels negative thoughts. He is a Kabbalistic angel fond of sharing the good. His protégés were born between May 16th and 20th and his element is earth.


Yesalel is a Cherub who helps in affective union, acting specially in the harmony of family relations and friendships. This Kabbalistic angel inspires his protégés to value friends and good-hearted people. He is the protector of people born between May 21st and 25th and is associated to the air element.


The Cherub Mebahel exerts a powerful positive influence on depressed people. He is able to restore spirits and revive willpower, being a valuable ally for people with a tendency to pessimism. His protégés were born between the 26th and 31st of May and he has a link with the element of air.


Cherub Hariel focuses on the healing of addictions and helps in the adoption of healthier habits, being also a Kabbalistic angel that instigates curiosity and willingness to learn in all spheres.

It also protects scientists and keeps them focused on the common good. Its protégés were born between the 1st and 5th of June and its elemental association is with air.


Hakamiah is a Cherub who presides over the sense of commitment and responsibility, and for this reason he is a special guide for the commanders and leaders of the Earth. In this sense, he inspires noble ideals and justice. His protégés were born between the 6th and 10th of June and he has a link with the element of air.


Lauviah is part of the choir of Thrones. He is a Kabbalistic angel of revelations and spiritual ascension. He also helps his protégés to study the mysteries and to rise in the practice of good. He is especially effective against prostration and sadness. He protects people born between June 11 and 15 and his element is air.


Caliel, a Cabalistic angel from the choir of Thrones, inspires the truth and clarifies the doubts. It is the angel who fights fiercely against falsehood, guiding his protégés against lies and deceit. It protects those born between June 16th and 21st and the element this angel is associated to is air.


The guardian Leuviah is a Throne who presides over matters of memory. His energies act upon learning, inspiring his protégés to learn from past experiences and to be patient and hopeful about the future. Those born between June 22 and 26 are under his tutelage and his element is water.


Among the Thrones, Pahaliah works with the illumination of vocations, that is, he is the Kabbalistic angel that helps choices and decisions. He inspires his protégés to pursue a future of endurance, providing the spiritual reward for their efforts. He protects those born between June 27 and July 1 and his element is water.


Nelchael is a throne that rules the sciences, with predilection for exact sciences. He inspires discoveries that generate concrete benefits for humanity. Thus, it is a Kabbalistic angel that provides thirst for knowledge and research rigor, and his protégés were born between 2nd and 6th of July. He is associated with water.


The Kabbalistic angel Ieiaiel is a guardian of the Thrones known for rewarding people who do good for humanity, bringing them fame and fortune. Thus, he inspires acts of wealth sharing, that is, he potentiates generosity in his protégés, those born between July 7th and 11th. His energy is connected to the element of water.


Melahel is a throne in charge of medicine and healthy habits. He guides his protégés to study in the health field, but also acts on emotional stability and assists with psychological treatments.

In addition, its energy generates a sense of preservation and well-being. Melahel protects those born between July 12 and 16 and its element is water.


Haheuiah is a powerful protector against dangers and oppressions. This Kabbalistic angel helps his protégés by enhancing their intuition, thus warning them against threats and conspiracies.

People who are under the tutelage of this angel were born between the 17th and 22nd of July. The element that Haheuiah is associated with is water.

Nith Haiah

Nith Haiah is part of the angelic group known as Dominations. He is a Kabbalistic angel that helps in the conquest of truth and his focus is to act in favor of those who have spiritual doubts. The people protected by him are those born between July 23 and 27 and this angel has a link with the fire element.


The angel Haaiah, from the choir of dominions, exerts power and influence over diplomacy. It is a Kabbalistic angel that inspires communication and justice, acting in the energetic cleansing of the political field. His protégés are those born between July 28th and August 1st. His essential element is fire.


The action of the angel Ierathel is focused on the energetic field of social relations, favoring understanding and harmony between people. Those born between 2nd and 6th of August can count on his special protection. Finally, the element that this angel is linked to is fire.


Seheiah is a Kabbalistic angel that presides over caution and prudence. He inspires responsibility and sense of strategy and his protégés have a sharp intuition. Those born between August 7th and 12th are under his protection and this angel is connected to the fire element.


The angel Reyel is one of the Cabalistic Dominations. He is a Kabbalistic angel that inspires meditation and favors, through deep reflection, the renewal of energies, restores confidence and repels falsehood. His protégés were born between August 13th and 17th and his element is fire.


Omael is a Kabbalistic angel of the Dominions. His function is to help those who live deep crises. He restores strength and self-confidence, generating powerful energies of inspiration for good. His protégés were born between August 18th and 22nd and his element is fire.


Lecabel is an angel of resolutions and planning. He exerts influence over those who need clarity and intelligence in solving difficult problems and acts against greed and selfishness. Those born between August 23 and 28 are under his tutelage and he is associated with the earth element.


Vasahiah is a Kabbalistic angel of the choir of Dominions. He presides over clemency and influences forgiveness, but makes sure that justice is done. He protects those under his tutelage, inspiring nobility in their actions. People born between August 29 and September 2 are his protégés and his element is earth.


Yehuiah belongs to the choir of Powers. He inspires kindness and love for children and is a cabalistic angel who guides his protégés in the path of dedication and care for others. People born between September 3 and 7 are his protégés and his element is earth.


The angel Lehahiah is a fierce combatant of authoritarianism and discord. His inspiration is the resolution of violent conflicts. The people who are under the protection of this cabalistic angel were born between September 8th and 12th and the element Lehahiah is associated to is earth.


Member of the Potencies, the cabalistic angel Chavakiah is a mediator for the pacification of crises. He works in order to influence reconciliations and forgiveness, acting especially in the family environment. His protégés are those born between September 13 and 17 and this angel is associated to the earth element.


The angel Menadel, who is part of the Powers, is a cabalistic angel of work. This protector extends his graces over those who are without perspectives but have willpower. He opens paths for the workers. His protégés were born between September 18th and 23rd and his element is earth.


The angel Aniel is part of the Powers and works towards broadening perspectives. This means that this kabbalistic angel helps those who are stagnant, inspiring good ideas and desire for spiritual knowledge. It protects people born between September 24th and 28th and its element is air.


Haamiah is a cabalistic angel who is the caretaker of good customs. He presides over spiritual rituals and promotes the energies and vibrations of light. His power is immense in repelling violence and discord and protects people born between September 29th and October 3rd. Finally, his element is air.


The Kabbalistic angel Rehael, of the Powers, works corrective influences, that is, inspires obedience, self-criticism and righteousness. He also offers relief from pain and physical cures. People born between October 4 and 8 are under the protection of this angel, and Rehael's elemental link is with air.


The angel Ieiazel integrates the choir of Powers and is a cabalistic angel with special inclination to creativity. He exerts power over imagination and inspires love for literature and word. People born between October 9 and 13 are under his care and his element is air.


Hahahel is an angel who integrates the choir of Virtues. The power of this cabalistic angel consists in inspiring his protégés to pursue a less materialistic life. Besides, he is an angel who influences the attachment to spiritual matters. Those born between October 14 and 18 are under his guardianship and his element is air.


Member of the angelic order of Virtues, Michael emanates energies of lucidity and exerts influence on planning and obtaining collective goods, being a patron of social organizations. Thus, he is a guarantor of the good future. His protégés were born between October 19 and 23 and his element is air.


The cabalistic angel Veuliah is part of the angelic order of Virtues. He presides over integrity and maintenance of moral values and is a protector of the oppressed who inspires respect for others and intelligence. His protégés were born between October 24th and 28th and his element is water.


An angel of the Virtues, Yelaiah is a dedicated protector who watches over security. He inspires encouragement and courage, helping his protégés to face difficulties. Those born between October 29 and November 2 are under the protection of this cabalistic angel. He is associated with the element of water.


Sehaliah, a powerful guardian of willpower, belongs to the choir of Virtues. This cabalistic angel brings motivation and appeasement of afflictions, helping his protégés to overcome their weaknesses. People born between November 3 and 7 are under his guardianship and he is associated to the element of water.


The Kabbalistic angel of the choir of virtues, Ariel, is a guardian who inspires the deepening of emotional issues. His protégés seek psychological balance and receive his graces in relation to spiritual enlightenment. Those born between November 8th and 12th are under his protection. He has elemental bond with water.


Asaliah influences perception, opening the energetic channels of people to the noblest ambitions, opposed to materialism. Thus, it is a cabalistic angel that inspires reflection and ideals, and its protégés are people born between November 13 and 17. Finally, this angel is linked to the water element.


A Kabbalistic angel of the Virtues, Mihael presides over the energies of fertility and abundance. His protégés have a great propensity for spiritual wealth and joy, infecting those around them. He is the guardian of those born between November 18 and 22 and his zodiacal element is water.


The first cabalistic angel of the Principals is Vehuel, who guides us away from bad influences, emanating energies of renewal and wisdom. His protégés learn to identify hypocrisy and falsehood, and those born between November 23 and 27 are under his protection. Besides, his zodiacal element is fire.


Daniel is an angel of the order of Principalities, responsible for promoting dialogue and inspiring eloquence. His attributes emanate energies of understanding and he also inspires artistic expression. Those born between 28 November and 2 December are under his tutelage and his element is fire.


The angel of the Principalities Hahasiah presides over medicine and nursing. His power manifests in healing and guiding advances in the field of Health. Those born between December 3 and 7 are under his tutelage and fire is his element.


Imamiah belongs to the choir of the Principalities. He is a cabalistic angel of rectification and self-knowledge, that is, he emanates energies of forgiveness to himself, but also inspires his protégés to recognize their own mistakes. The people under his tutelage were born between the 8th and 12th of December and his element is fire.


Nanael is a cabalistic angel of the Principates who inspires great faith and who is able to promote spiritual revolutions in the skeptics. He is an angel who removes fears and phobias and his protégés are those who were born between December 13 and 16. The zodiacal element of this angel is fire.


The angel of the Principalities, known as Nithael, is an inspirer of joviality. Guardian of youth and renewal, he acts on traumas and dispels old resentments. He also guides his protégés towards artistic and expressive achievements and protects those born between December 17 and 21. He is associated with the zodiacal element fire.


The Kabbalistic angel of the Principals' choir, Mebahiah, promotes love of neighbor and collective benefactions. This angel also acts on the balance of desire and material ambitions. He protects people born between December 22 and 26 and his zodiacal element is earth.


Poiel, the last angel in the choir of the Principalities, is a kabbalistic providing angel. He provides support and assists in establishing family harmony. His energies kindle hope and confidence in the future. People protected by Poiel were born between December 27 and 31 and the element of this angel is earth.


Nemamiah is one of the choir of Archangels. His energy extends into the field of understanding, that is, Nemamiah inspires understanding and works to resolve complicated issues. His protégés are those born between January 1 and January 5, and the zodiacal element to which this archangel belongs is earth.


The Archangel Yeialel inspires clarity of thought and organization in order to lead his protégés to integrity and efficiency in their areas of activity. Thus Yeialel influences diplomacy and cultural exchanges. Those born between January 6 and 10 are under his care and his element is water.


Harahel is a great helper in practical matters. This protective Archangel influences the sense of order and provides his protégés with dexterity and serenity for the resolution of daily problems. Those born between January 11 and 15 are under his care and his element is earth.


Mitsrael is a guardian who is part of the choir of Archangels. Its function is to repel emotional obstacles and to promote energetic cleansing. It acts, therefore, on psychological issues, bringing enlightenment and overcoming. Those born between the 16th and 20th of January are under its guardianship and its element is earth.


The Kabbalistic angel Umabel is a guardian of the Archangels. His power of influence especially reaches teachers and people charged with preserving culture and knowledge. People born between January 21 and 25 receive his protection and benefit from his encouraging energies. His element is air.


Wisdom and character correction are the favored aspects of the archangel Yah-Hel. This guardian influences his protégés to make idleness productive and to draw deep reflections from introspection. People born between January 26 and 30 are under his care and their element is air.


Anauel is a cabalistic Archangel who offers protection against accidents and disasters. His power acts to dissipate the energies surrounding dangerous situations and his mission is the promotion of spiritual well-being. People born between January 31 and February 4 are protected by him and his element is air.


Mehiel is an Archangel who operates changes in consciousness and stabilizes aggressive tempers. In this way, he is a pacifying guardian who inspires nobility of feelings and a taste for reading. People born between February 5 and 9 receive his protection and his zodiacal element is air.


Damabiah is a Kabbalistic protector who is part of the choir of Angels. This angel promotes altruism and opens the energetic channels for the reception and transmission of true love. People born between February 10 and 14 receive his protection and his zodiacal element is air.


Mamaquel is a cabalistic protector who is part of the choir of Angels. He generates healing vibrations for people suffering from psychic disorders and also offers inclination to poetry and music. Mamaquel protects people born between February 15 and 19 and his zodiacal element is air.


Yael is a cabalistic Angel. His mission is to enlighten those who achieve financial success through hard work. In other words, he provides a sense of generosity and influences charity and sharing. Yael protects people born between the 20th and 24th of February and is an Angel who associates with the element of water.


The angel Habuhiah exerts power and influence over the field of fruitfulness, understood as both agriculture and the fertility of positive thoughts.

Thus, it inspires healing ability and knowledge of alternative therapies. Habuhiah protects people born between the 25th and 29th of February and is an angel that is associated with the element of water.


Rochel is a cabalistic Angel who presides over merit, in this sense, it is in charge of putting into action the law of return. It is also useful for people to find objects that have been lost or stolen, therefore, it is an Angel of restitution. It protects those born between March 1st and 5th and its zodiacal element is water.


The cabalistic angel Yabamiah has as his mission the protection of nature. He exerts great power over the elements and inspires appreciation and respect for animals and the environment. His energies bring awareness, renewal of faith and changes of cycles. He protects those born between March 6 and 10 and his zodiacal element is water.


Haiaiel integrates the cabalistic Angels choir and strongly helps against oppression. This angel unties the knots of intrigue and falsehood, opening the inner vision of his protégés and contributing to the valorization of honesty. He protects those born between March 11 and 15 and his zodiacal element is water.


Mumiah is the last member of the order of Kabbalistic Angels. This protector acts on resilience, inspiring those under his care to complete projects, as well as to believe in their own dreams and potential. Those born between March 16 and 20 are under his protection, and his zodiacal element is water.

Does strengthening our connection with Kabbalistic angels bring us closer to God?

The cabalistic angels are celestial beings who emanate the purest and most intense vibrations. They are channels for the transmission of divine energies and their mission is to influence, guide and protect people in their particular journeys.

Thus, each angel emanates upon us inspirations to progress towards moral and spiritual development. Strengthening the connection with kabbalistic angels is, therefore, a way to approach divinity, that is, to connect to the energies of pure love, light and peace.

But for this connection to be effective, there is a unique influence of all the cabalistic angels on humanity. They long for the opening of our consciences to collective thinking, that is, the path to God is none other than that of empathy.

Therefore, to approach an angel, we must first reach out to our brothers and sisters and understand that we are one!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.