What is the meaning of the card King of Swords in Tarot? In love and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the card King of spades mean in Tarot?

It is possible to state that the King of Swords indicates authority. Therefore, it is a figure in a position of power or has a profession connected with the law. Moreover, this minor arcane can be described as one of the least dangerous cards of its suit which, in general, brings several warnings about harmful things.

Thus, this characteristic is not repeated with the King of Swords, who is present in Tarot games to warn us about people we can count on. Despite this reliable air, the King has a rigid aspect and is difficult to conquer. However, once you succeed, you can count on his protection for all your life.

Throughout the article we will discuss other meanings of this card, considering specific sectors of life such as love and work. Read on to find out everything about the King of Swords!

King of Swords in Tarot - Basics

The King of Swords is a minor arcane and the most rational among the kings of the Tarot. Thus, it is an intellectual and values knowledge too much, being a common figure in the games of people who always seek new projects.

It is worth noting that the King of Swords values pragmatism. In this way, he becomes disconnected from his emotions and, therefore, has no intimacy with them. Whenever he finds himself in a situation in which he needs to deal with these aspects, he feels great difficulties to move forward. Next, we will explore aspects related to the history and iconography of this card.


The King of Spades has its history linked to experience and intellectual power. In general, he appears dressed in armor in the cards, which represents the knowledge of a certain person and the way it is used to mediate his relations with the world.

Thus, through the intelligence of the King of Swords it is possible to deal with any problem that appears, as well as exert a positive influence on the people around, proposing various diverse ideas and also a broad understanding of reality.


The King of Spades appears seated atop a mountain and positioned in front of a line of trees. He has a wide view and a broader perspective of situations. This positioning still gives the King a detached, almost impersonal view of events.

Thus, this is a mature figure, capable of ruling driven by logic. Because of his maturity, he does not feel the need to appear superior. It is worth noting that the King of Spades is associated with clarity of reasoning and has logic as an attribute.

King of Swords in Tarot - Meaning

It is possible to state that the King of Swords has several different meanings in the Tarot. Thus, when thinking about different areas of life, its symbolism undergoes changes that need to be understood so that its interpretation within a game is more accurate.

In this way, the next section will be dedicated to approach the meanings of the King of Swords considering aspects such as individuality, intellectual abilities, rationality, sense of justice and the way people who find this card in their Tarot games deal with power.

The experience

In terms of experiences, it can be said that the King of Spades represents a person who is consumed by work and is used to handing out orders. Thus, the King tends to be a person who believes in his ability to command and that his orders are beneficial to all.

Because of these characteristics, they can be extremely difficult people to deal with and who do not accept being contradicted, making their experiences complex also for those with whom they have some degree of proximity or kinship.


Contrary to what many people may think, the King of Spades is not a card geared towards individualism. In fact, this figure can be a little difficult to win over, since he is not someone who is friendly and very much into relationships. However, once he is won over, he becomes a person who will always be by your side.

So, there is a side of the King of Spades that gives a lot, but due to his rationality this is never done in a sentimental way but in a practical way. If you need to solve a problem and you don't know how, this King of Spades will be the ideal person, but don't expect him to be fond of you.

The intellect

It is possible to state that the King of Spades values mental effort and has intelligence as one of his most outstanding characteristics. Moreover, he likes to get involved in activities that are more mentally oriented and that make him feel his brain working.

Because of these characteristics, the King of Spades has a strong energy of action when it comes to making use of logic and his skills to solve practical problems.


The King of Swords is a card deeply linked to intellectual and rational aspects. Very attached to practical aspects, it values knowledge and everything that is done objectively, passing through a reflection based on rationality and coherent arguments.

Besides that, due to its objectivity, this minor arcane is great in solving punctual conflicts, since it can see without much difficulty the available options to solve daily impasses. Therefore, despite its rigidity, it is an extremely positive card for mental aspects.


Due to his strict and orderly characteristics, the King of Spades has a very keen sense of justice which he does not like to see challenged. His clear thinking makes him able to see right and wrong in all situations easily, and therefore acting fairly is a must for him.

These traits can turn the King of Spades into someone who is controlling, emotionally detached, and cold. While all of this yields an excellent business partner, it takes this King away from someone who would be nice to have in your life.

The authority

This minor arcane is always linked to the idea of an authority figure, so it is not uncommon that they occupy positions that demand a leadership posture. Besides that, due to their intellectual characteristics, they tend to be involved in issues related to law, and they can even be judges.

However, the King of Spades can also be a successful entrepreneur and there are some people who use Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, as a way to explain what this card represents when talking about authority.

The power

Without a doubt, the King of Spades is a powerful figure, but he does not need to show this power in a clear way or even verbally. This characteristic is easily noticed due to his imposing posture, which always puts him in the position of a born leader.

But it is worth noting that the King of Spades likes to be respected, so although arrogance is not part of his personality, the reverent tone with which he is treated by others is something he enjoys.

King of Swords in Tarot - In love

In the area of love, the King of Swords represents rationality, so if this card has appeared in your game, it is quite possible that your positions in this area of your life are taken in a measured way, especially when it comes to challenges.

Although this is a positive trait, it can become a problem when this rationality is used to distance you from your emotions and feelings, creating a barrier that prevents you from dealing with them. Therefore, because of this tendency to distance yourself, you can end up becoming a cold person.

For committed people

Due to the characteristics of the King of Swords in love, if you are in a relationship, watch out for your rational and detached attitude, especially when it seems to be turning into individualism.

This could end up damaging your relationship and making your spouse feel like you don't care.Because your behavior could be mistaken for coldness, there is a chance that it could also be perceived as disinterest in your partner.Be careful.

For singles

For people who are single, the presence of the King of Swords in a Tarot game is not exactly positive either. The elements of coldness, detachment and disinterest present in this card make their journey to find new love even more difficult.

After all, showing yourself to someone who doesn't know you well yet will be a tricky task. So, it's worth noting that the Tarot game may be trying to warn you that this is not the ideal time to try and start something new.

King of Swords in Tarot - At Work

For the field of work, the King of Swords brings a lot of good news. This card is extremely beneficial and shows that you have the ideal personality to excel in this field. In addition, this is also a good card for the financial sector. This is due to the fact that the King of Swords is a strategist.

Your ability to rationalize and act objectively when facing adverse situations also turns a game with the presence of the King of Spades into a very positive one in the work sector. However, you must be careful not to act in an imposing way.

For employees

Your phase at work will be extremely positive, so your objective view of facts and your ability to make decisions based on concrete information will be highly valued. However, there is one point which deserves special attention for this chart.

It is worth noting that if the King of Spades appears in the game as a representation of your boss, this is an indication that you are having trouble respecting hierarchies and feeling uncomfortable when there is someone with more decision-making power than you.

For unemployed persons

In the case of people who are unemployed, the King of Swords is also a positive card. However, its message is a little different. Thus, those who are not working at the moment should find a way to focus on personal development and improving their skills.

All this will help a lot, especially during job interviews. After all, you will have more strengths to exploit on these occasions. Try to act wisely whenever you are in a context like this and the future will be promising.

A little more about the King of Swords card in Tarot

In a Tarot game, the cards can appear in their inverted position and with the King of spades this would be no different. This positioning, in turn, influences some issues in the reading of the game and even change the meaning of the card itself.

Moreover, it is also worth noting that the reversed King of spades brings advice and talks about different challenges. Therefore, these meanings will be explored in more detail in the next section of the article.

Inverted card

When the King of Swords appears inverted in a Tarot game, he is trying to issue a warning about the invasion of an unwanted person who has infiltrated your life. This person, in turn, will try to find ways to exploit you and will even take advantage of your demonstrations of goodwill.

Also, it's worth noting that when attempts to strike a blow fail, this figure will try to resort to force to get what they want. So in the event of a breakup, avoid considering the possibility of making peace. Walking away is a better route.


The main challenges for those who draw the King of Swords card in a Tarot game are linked to emotions. The practical sense can end up affecting the way they are addressed and therefore everything of sentimental order will end up taking second place, whether it be a love relationship or even family ties.

Therefore, the chart is trying to communicate the need for you to learn to give more of yourself to your relationships and to better expose your emotions, seeking to offer understanding and affection to the people who are part of your life.


The advice brought by the King of Swords is that the time has come to put your life in order, so you need to discard everything that does not serve your development as a person and put everything in its proper place. This is not the time to reflect and contemplate possibilities, but to act in a practical way.

However, this chart asks you to pay attention to the forms of control you have created for your life, as these may be taking away from your naturalness and ability to deal with everyday adversity.

Can the King of Swords card in the Tarot indicate individualism?

The King of Swords card in the Tarot does not necessarily indicate individualism. The card can be perceived in this way because it indicates a somewhat detached way of dealing with emotional conflicts. So it may seem that you do not care about these problems, but the truth is just your way of dealing with them is based on practicality and with a focus on conflict resolution.

Thus, many people perceive this attitude as individualism and this is something that should be looked at carefully, since it can be harmful to a series of bonds throughout your life. But, the presence of this card in a game does not indicate selfishness.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.