How to conquer a Leo girl? In love, in bed, hurt and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

How to win over a Leo girl?

Women of the Leo sign have a queenly bearing, which makes many people attracted to them. As this is a sign that naturally likes to attract attention, it's not uncommon for their natives to be contested. So, winning over a Leo girl means facing competition.

In addition, Leo women like people who take care of their appearance and also value partners who compliment them constantly. However, they need to feel that the compliments are sincere or they won't interest you. It is also worth mentioning that Leo women don't like needy and clingy partners.

Throughout the article more details will be explored on how to win over a Leo native. To know more about this, keep reading.

Leonine features

Leo is a sign which belongs to the fire element and therefore, its natives are determined people with changeable temperaments. Naturally lively, they have a lot of joy in life and energy and are always willing to live new experiences and face challenges.

They can become very temperamental, especially when they don't get the attention they want. Due to the Sun's rulership, Leonines believe they are the center of the universe and this makes them vain and showy, since they need to draw attention in all the spaces they occupy.

The following will explore the main characteristics of the Leo sign. To know more about it, keep reading.


In general, Leo natives are born between the 23rd of July and the 22nd of August; however, some variations may occur which delay or anticipate the Sun's entry into this sign, which is their domicile. The passage of the star-Leo through Leo accentuates the natives' characteristics, making their exuberance and need to attract attention high.

This period makes Leonines even more magnetic and self-confident, so their strength and conviction in defending their ideas shine through even more.

Ruling planet

The sign of Leo is ruled by the Sun, which justifies their self-confidence and self-centeredness. As the Sun is the most important star in any astrological chart, Leonines take this characteristic for themselves and believe they are the most special people in the world. In addition, they inherit determination and energy from their ruler.

Moreover, the Sun is responsible for giving Leo natives their warm personality and making them magnetic, which ensures that they catch the attention of others wherever they go.


The stone of leonines is citrine, which helps to sustain their strength and offers protection. It can be said that citrine is the stone of light and happiness, being unable to absorb any kind of negative energy. Therefore, it never needs to go through a cleansing process.

The use of this stone benefits Leo natives by making them more objective and imaginative people. Therefore, their natural creativity is enhanced, as well as their positivity. When citrine is energized by the Sun, it is able to energize and strengthen the solar plexus.


Leonines are enlightened people due to their regency. Thus, their colours are warm tones like gold, yellow and orange. They are colours with a symbolism of joy and freedom, free from any insecurity. Moreover, they are also incompatible with negative emotions.

In the case of gold, the main color of the sign, it reflects the power characteristic of the sign's personality, as well as its greedy and self-centered side. Yellow goes in a similar direction due to its association with wealth.


The vitality and energy of the sign of Leo is reflected in its animal, which is the very symbol of the sign. The lion is the king of the jungle and the representative of leadership and strength. In addition, it is an animal in which vanity is very present, something which is compatible with the personality of Leo.

Therefore, the animal of the sign reflects your personality which is focused on power and enthusiasm, as well as highlighting your nobility, royal bearing and characteristics focused on practical action.


Leo natives are ambitious people who like to be noticed. They move well in any social space because they find in these situations the means to attract attention. Thus, they always have many friends and are surrounded by people all the time.

Their natural magnetism makes it impossible to remain immune to their presence. It is also worth mentioning that the Leo are loyal people who value this characteristic in those who are by their side. They have a strong sense of independence and like to live new experiences.


Among the main qualities of Leo it is possible to highlight their loyalty. Natives of this sign do everything for the people they love, but expect the same treatment in return. Their generosity reveals good-hearted people who do not think twice before offering help to those in need.

In addition, Leo natives are intelligent and smart people who can read others with ease, so lying to them is quite tricky because they eventually realize it.


The ambition of Leo can be seen as a positive point, but it is also capable of making the natives of this sign greedy people. Due to their egocentric side, the Leo can end up passing over others to get where he wants, if he believes he deserves more than others to win something. And this is not difficult to happen because, in general, Leos are egocentric.

In love relationships they can easily become jealous people. However they will find it difficult to admit what they are feeling due to their pride. But they may resort to means of control to make their will count.

How to get a Leo girl

Beauty is a fundamental characteristic to win over a Leo girl. The Leo native cares about her appearance and does everything to attract attention, so she tends to be attracted to people who value this equally and who can stand out for their looks and elegance.

Therefore, well-dressed people who are always in line are very attractive to Leo women. If they are not charmed by someone's appearance, they are unlikely to give that person a chance. Besides, they like to be treated like the queens they believe they are and need constant attention.

Below, the ways to win over a Leo girl will be explored in more detail, so if you want to know more about it, keep reading the article.

The kiss of the leonine

Leo women like kisses which reflect their intensity, so they are intense and almost cinematographic. Natives of this sign put a lot of effort into kissing someone because they like to mark people's lives. So it's a kiss marked by passion, and they expect to be reciprocated with the same intensity.

It is worth pointing out that Leo also knows how to be restrained when it is necessary, so sometimes romanticism takes the foreground of their kisses and they are more serene.

Sex with the leonine

Leo natives are daring women. This happens because of their security which makes them not ashamed to express their preferences. Besides, they are exhibitionists and like to have their performance evaluated - as long as positively. Their self-confidence makes them not feel ashamed of anything during sex.

When they feel their needs have not been met, they will be very clear about it, without fear of hurting their partner's feelings.

What to do to win over a Leo girl

Leo women like to be treated like royalty, so always try to comply with her wishes, even when they sound like orders. Also, never forget to compliment her on her appearance because she needs to have these things reinforced constantly. Also, always try to make it clear that she is the most important person in your life.

Another important point is that Leo people like to receive gifts, so pampering can be a way to the heart of the Leo girl. Invest heavily in this, but don't forget that gifts need to come accompanied by demonstrations of affection.

How to win back a Leo girl

If you have lost the love of a Leo and want to win her back, the process will be stressful because natives of this sign are not very prone to second chances. But compliments can be a way to the native's heart.

In addition to them, the displays of affection will make her look at you in a different way and believe that something has changed. Also try to invest in showing different things and providing incredible experiences for the Leo girl. She likes adventures and to have all the best that life can offer.

What not to do to win over a Leo girl

Whoever is trying to win over a Leo native cannot show jealousy, especially if it involves criticizing the way she is perceived by others. Natives of this sign shine and like to shine, so they will always attract attention and don't want it to stop because they feel the need for admiration.

You have to understand that the only thing that makes a Leo stay with someone is her will, so if you want to win her over, don't show insecurity about others, because this will have the opposite effect.

How to know if the leonine is in love?

If a Leo woman is in love with you, you will know it. Women of this sign are not afraid to take the initiative and like to make the first move in their relationships because of their leadership attitude. So, if she wants to be with you, she will make the first move for sure.

During that first contact, the Leo girl will make her interests clear in a direct way, so she'll probably ask you out and find a way to make the date awesome for both parties.

Gift for the Leo girl

Leo natives love to receive gifts, but they like to see that there is affection and a more careful thought behind what they receive. So, try to choose something that she has already shown interest in, which will show that you are paying attention to the things that are important to the Leo woman.

In addition, another point that stands out is that these natives like to feel like royalty, so they have a predilection for luxury things. So, expensive brand gifts tend to make them think that they are important to people.

Best love combinations with leonine

There are some signs that tend to get along better with Leo women in the love field. In general, these are the ones who can understand the need for attention and new experiences of the native of this sign because they share their personality traits.

In this sense, Leo is a sign that combines very well with others of the same element, such as Aries, with whom it shares determination. However, Leo women have a lot to learn from air natives and may end up being attracted to some of them, especially Aquarius.

Below are the main combinations for the sign of Leo. To find out more about them, keep reading this article.

Elements that go with fire

The fire element is geared towards action and this reflects directly on the signs ruled by it, Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. All are signs that like movement and are always willing to live new experiences. Thus, they combine well with each other and form couples in which people understand each other's needs.

On the other hand, fire also goes well with the air element, which has the characteristic of sociability and communication. Thus, natives of Libra, Aquarius and Gemini are also great pairs for people ruled by this element.

Lion with Lion

The combination of Leo and Leo is positive from several perspectives. The couple will be two cheerful people who feel a natural enthusiasm for life. So fun and creativity will always be present in the relationship. But everything can get complicated because they will be two strong personalities.

So the main challenge for the couple will be not to get into competition, especially for the attention of others. As they both like to attract attention and shine, this can lead to problems. They will also need to be careful not to become overbearing towards each other.

Leo with Aries

The combination of Leo and Aries guarantees warmth. Both are energetic signs that like to enjoy life. They see the world and relationships in a similar way, which can make them hit it off right away. Besides, chemistry will be present in the relationship, ensuring a very intense dynamic.

Both Leo and Aries hate sameness, so they'll do their best to make sure their relationship doesn't fall into a rut. Leo tends to be charmed by Aries' dashing ways, which match perfectly with their more romantic side.

Leo with Sagittarius

Together, Leo and Sagittarius have everything to become the soul of any party. Both are outgoing, love to enjoy life and are always thinking of creative programs to do together, which avoids monotony in the relationship, something that neither sign likes.

When they set out to live something, Leo and Sagittarius throw themselves into it completely. But since Sagittarians like freedom above all else, the relationship could run into trouble when the controlling side of the Leo starts to show itself more clearly.

Leo with Aquarius

The signs of Leo and Aquarius are complementary opposites and that is exactly why they form such an interesting pair. They have some fundamental differences, like the fact that Leo's only care about themselves and Aquarians are always thinking about the collective.

The attraction between Leo and Aquarius will be instantaneous, but the coldness of the Aquarian could end up affecting the relationship because the Leo needs constant warmth and praise.

How to know if the leonine is interested?

When a Leo native is interested in someone, she has no problem admitting it, so you'll know about it simply because she'll tell you. Once a person catches her eye, she'll approach you and start talking.

The Leo woman is honest from the first contact, she says exactly what she wants from you. Because of this characteristic, she expects the same sincerity in return. So it is important that you are also able to be clear about what you want to experience with her.

When she gets involved with someone, the Leo is an intense and passionate person, capable of anything to see her partner happy. But she also tends to be very demanding because she believes that if she offers a lot, she should receive a lot in return.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.