Systemic therapy: what is it, benefits, techniques, approaches and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Learn all about systemic therapy!

It is known that people, no matter how lonely they consider themselves to be, are influenced by relationships. Living with other people, whether in the family environment, at school, in professional life or with friends influences our being, so it is necessary to consider how these relationships go through who you are.

The individual will always build and maintain some form of relationship, because we can not survive isolated from the world. Systemic therapy focuses on acting on the connection between individuals and their relationships, the psychologist responsible will do an analysis to work on their difficulties and possible disorders that may involve these relationships.

Read on to learn all about systemic therapy and how it can help you relate better to yourself and others.

Understanding more about systemic therapy

This type of therapy has an integrative approach evaluating from the biological and psychological fields of the individual, to their family, professional and personal relationships. However, it can be worked individually, collectively or even as a couple. Understand more about systemic therapy in the sequence!

What is systemic therapy?

Through theoretical, technical and clinical teachings, systemic relational therapy will see the individual from a system of relationships. In this way, it is possible to have a holistic perception of the individual, which allows us to understand his influences and how they interfere in his psychological and social health.

Therefore, it is able to promote a greater awareness in relation to your difficulties and problems faced not only in relationships, but also about yourself, which guarantees a learning of new behaviors, feelings and attitudes that can lead you to change and improvement of your life.

What is systemic psychology for?

Systemic psychology is a form of psychotherapeutic orientation that serves as a way of understanding the individual's behavior based on their relationships. In other words, it serves as a study of the individual's behavior in order to understand our behaviors and help us find an emotional and psychological balance.

General principles of systemic therapy

As the name implies, systemic therapy points to systems of relationships that guide the lives of all individuals, thus creating sets. Thus, it is understood that this therapy treats our connections individually, but also at the same time understands that these connections interfere with each other, which makes the analysis of the whole indispensable.

From a social perspective, one can consider that the individuals themselves should be analyzed based on this concept. For, they are composed of various constitutive elements, attributing an internal and external identity. For example, their history, their personal culture, their family nucleus, their external relationships, among others.

It is through this systemic approach that this type of therapy addresses, analyzing their interpersonal relationships. In theory, the proposal is to analyze the personal reality of the individual in order to create links with their social context to understand what forces interfere with their health.

Techniques of systemic psychotherapy

With that in mind, systemic psychotherapy techniques were created with an exclusive approach to this method. Since there is a need for a broader and more focused assessment of multiple social, emotional and cultural factors. Learn what are the most common techniques of this therapy below:

Circular questioning

When there are internal conflicts in a group, it is normal for each of the individuals that make up that group to focus on their own feelings, leading them to feel negative emotions that end up isolating them. For this reason, circular questioning has become one of the most effective techniques for treating groups.

Using circular questions, each of the participants should reflect on the feelings of the other members and their motives. This will encourage empathy among the participants and reduce conflict.


The conceptualization technique, on the other hand, is used by the therapist in order to place the individual in a context in a certain time and space, and can also be applied to other members of a family. Thus, the therapist will analyze the individual experience as part of a wider experience, observing the cultural and social patterns in his family ties.


In relation to the reframing tactic, it involves the perception of the individual and offers an alternative perspective to help you gain a greater understanding of yourself. By deepening this perception and working on other alternatives, you will be able to identify your own patterns of behaviour when placed in different social contexts.

Systemic therapy approaches

The systemic approaches are varied, everything will depend on the individuals involved and the context to be worked. Therefore, the approaches can vary from an individual systemic therapy, couple therapy and even in groups. Learn more about the approaches of systemic therapy to identify which one fits best in your case.

Individual systemic therapy

This type of individual systemic therapy focuses on the individual with the aim of developing self-sufficiency. Thus, the patient is stimulated to analyze the situations that displease him so that he can identify his contribution and be able to deal with it more directly.

In this practice self-responsibility is exercised at all times, so he will be able to stop the perpetuation of negative behaviors. For, naturally, new strategies will be developed to deal with the triggers, negative feelings and thoughts.

It is important to remember that each individual has his own level of consciousness that determines his behavior and the resistance to change it. Therefore, the professional should analyze through trial and error which method will work best with the patient. Individual systemic therapy does not follow a pattern, it is versatile and adapted according to the patient.

For example, in eventual childhood or adolescence traumas, the patient will be induced to understand these negative traumas for him so as not to internalize this negative experience in his life. He has the option to live beyond them, in this way he will be able to find a new and welcoming path for himself.

Another point of this therapy is in the investigation of relational alibis, which serve as excuses to prevent one from changing. Such as feelings of loneliness, mourning, rejection and the absence of belonging that end up generating compulsions, the problem is that the person unconsciously clings to this.

Therefore, it is worth the process of self-knowledge so that she becomes aware of her problems and finds her own answers.

Family Systemic Therapy

The family in systemic therapy is seen as a system, therefore the family approach deals with each member as responsible for influencing their emotions and behaviors towards the patient. This therapy will offer an opportunity for your family to reorganize as a whole to prevent further conflicts.

Within this larger system, there are also subsystems that are formed by minority relationships that may be composed of relationships between couples, between parents and children, between siblings and between other relatives who live in close contact with each other. Thus, each entity will be analyzed separately.

In the family structure it is also formed by basic functions, because each member has a specific task before its members. As an example: the father has the paternal function, the mother has the maternal function, while the children have the learning function. Being aware of the functions of each one will make the family system more in tune.

Depending on the treatment, opportunities for learning and change will be identified. It will be up to family members to collaborate to change what is affecting them.

Systemic couple therapy

It is common for there to be phases between couples where the quality of their relationship is troubled. At this point, many couples turn to systemic therapy to deal with their problems.

The process is similar to family therapy, with the couple also considered a system. At this point, both parties have their pattern of behavior, but as a couple they are encouraged to make changes so that they can establish a healthier rhythm to life, mainly in function of the other.

In this way, the couple will be able to use the relationship as a stimulant for personal and emotional growth, instead of only suffering and frustration. Therapy will allow couples to develop not only a look at themselves, but also empathy for their partner so that they can deal with the problem together.

Systemic group therapy

Professionals should resort to a systemic group therapy, or group therapy, in order to contribute to the treatment of each individual belonging to the group. One of the reasons for it to be done this way is in favor of socialization, building a space that is safe for their patients to be able to expose their feelings in front of other people.

Benefits of systemic therapy

Just like other types of therapies, there are some benefits that you can enjoy. If you have opted for systemic therapy you will experience a change regarding your behavior, even lead you to self-reliance in your relationships and with yourself. Find out now what are the benefits of systemic therapy!

Causes a change in relationship patterns

Patients are encouraged to communicate with other people, which can help you communicate more effectively. You will feel better prepared to deal with interpersonal conflicts and will be able to solve your problems without letting them affect your emotions or self-esteem.

In addition, systemic therapy can also help you to empathize more with others, fostering more loving, healthy and fulfilling relationships.

Promotes self-knowledge and self-understanding

Self-knowledge is the key for those who seek to understand their emotions, their traumas and blockages. Through this therapy you will be encouraged to seek your qualities and defects, improving your relationship with yourself and, consequently, creating a self-understanding, which may lead you to have better self-esteem and self-confidence.

Encourages personal empowerment

Another benefit that systemic therapy offers is in favoring personal empowerment, that is, you will become more empowered and responsible with your own life. At this point, it is not about giving up on other people, but about being aware of who you are. In this way, you will experience a process of self-acceptance capable of helping you take control of your life.

Promotes autonomy of will and choice

In systemic therapy there are tools that will help the patient to understand better about himself. Through self-knowledge and personal empowerment you will feel self-sufficient, impacting directly on your actions and relationships.

The individual becomes active and aware of their wills and choices, without letting their path be hindered by the negative thoughts or emotions they are experiencing.

Acts in the combat of mood disorders

The most recurrent mood disorders are depression and bipolar disorder. In this case, therapy will help you address your symptoms to the point of leading you to have a greater understanding about your triggers. In this way, you will be more prepared for eventual crises, being aware of how to deal with them and improving your mental health.

Combats stress and anxiety

From the moment you expand your self-knowledge and improve your perception of yourself, you automatically become aware of your emotions and how they affect your behavior. In this sense, systemic therapy will also help in combating stress and anxiety, since you will be prepared to deal with these emotional states.

Improves the quality of life of the patient

Consequently, based on all the previous benefits that systemic therapy can offer, you will feel an improvement in your quality of life. For, you will be prepared to deal with any conflicts and negative emotions that arise in your daily life, always paying attention to yourself and understanding your behavior patterns.

In this way, you are unaffected by intrusive emotions, thoughts and relationships, and can deal with them in the best way possible.

Further information on systemic therapy

There is also other information about systemic therapy that you need to be aware of before you start a session. It will help you understand whether or not this type of therapy is worth it for you. Read on to find out more!

For whom is systemic psychotherapy indicated?

Systemic psychotherapy can be recommended for all age groups, as its focus is on welcoming the patient and dealing with their emotional difficulties, mainly related to other people and their context.

In this way, the service can be performed individually, with couples or family members, the professional will be responsible for deciding depending on the case.

How does a systemic therapy session work?

In a systemic therapy session the patient can be an individual, or a group such as a family, a couple or a group of people. The first session will serve for the professional to make the diagnosis of the case and thus define the objectives of the treatment, creating an awareness of how to deal with the case presented.

However, no session is the same as another, for since systemic therapy involves relationship systems differentiated from the patient's context, the therapist will have to develop strategies to help the patient and identify his/her behavior pattern. In this process, the patient and the therapist will seek together the solution to the problem.

Understanding what needs to be done, the patient is stimulated in his search for self-knowledge in order to guide him in his path towards self-sufficiency as an individual. In this process of redefining behaviors, you will assume your negative emotions and behaviors looking for ways to improve them.

It is natural that there is resistance and even relapses in this process, but as therapy evolves you will feel these blocks being broken down, which will lead you to a comfort zone with yourself, so the sessions will become less painful and you will feel the desire to change.

Price and where to do a systemic therapy session

Because there are several types of systemic therapy that involve from an individual session to in groups, in addition, depending on the professional and his experience the values may change. Therefore, to know the price for sure it is recommended that you go to a clinic that performs this type of session and make the diagnosis with a professional.

Enjoy all the benefits of systemic therapy!

Systemic therapy will broaden your perception in relation to your emotional and psychological problems, since it will work with social, behavioral and cultural systems that cross the being in a holistic way. In this way, you will understand what your influences are and how they interfere in your thoughts, emotions and behavior.

With this in mind, therapy will help you to understand yourself within a context and the cultural and social values established by it. Thus you will not feel that it is an internal problem, but also that it is something much bigger than you had thought. From then on you will start your process of self-knowledge that will help you to understand yourself within the world.

Make an appointment with a professional and try systemic therapy, if it is useful for you, you will soon be enjoying all the benefits it can offer you!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.