Numerology of the house: see the relationship with Feng Shui and how to calculate yours!

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Jennifer Sherman

Know the numerology of your house!

The numerology is an ancient art based on the belief that the numbers have a mystical energy that influences all the movements present in the universe. In the numerology of the houses, the numbers have a great importance for emitting vibrations that govern the energy of the home and the people who occupy it.

Thus, it is important that you know the numerology of your house to know the vibrations present in it and use Feng Shui to harmonize it or even modify it, if you want to attract different energies.

Feng Shui brings with it tips on how to use the decoration of the house to improve the flow of energy present in it and harmonize the environment, providing its residents with more material and spiritual balance.

What is house numerology?

House numerology is a belief that the number at the entrance of the residence exerts direct influence on the people who occupy it through the vibrations and energies that these numbers attract. See below the basics of numerology, its influence and how to calculate your house number.


Numerology is an ancient practice in which the philosopher Pythagoras designated the numbers 1 to 9 as the main mystical influencers of the universe. These numbers are used to determine the energies present in people, places and homes.

The relationship of numerology of houses with Feng Shui comes from the concept that each number attracts a vibration, influencing the energies that run through the residence and the personality of its residents. However, the vibration that governs the house is not always the one that the resident wants to attract.

Thus, Feng Shui serves both to alter these energies and to harmonize them, providing balance to the home and its residents.

Influences of numbers

The numbers have great influence on the laws that govern the universe and the character of people related to them. With the houses, this is no different. The numbers that are at the entrance of the residences directly influence the energies that occupy the home, giving it a personality of its own.

Thus, the personality of the home directly influences its residents, inclining them towards certain attitudes, desires and goals. It also influences the atmosphere of the home and the relationship between the people who occupy it.

Influence of letters

According to numerology, each letter of the alphabet has a numerical correspondence that can be found in the Pythagorean table. In this way, the influence of the letters next to the house numbers is similar.

If you are interested in changing the number of your residence to change the energies governing it, you may encounter some difficulty, depending on the rules of the neighborhood or the age of the house. However, you can also make this change by adding some letter which, by adding its corresponding number to the original number, results in the desired number.

How to calculate the numerology of your residence?

To calculate the energy of your residence you must add up the numbers of your house or apartment until they are reduced to a single digit. For example, if your house has the number 254, you add 2+5+4= 11; 1+1=2. There, the number that governs your house is 2.

If you live in a condominium, remember that what will govern your house is only the number closest to you, so just add up the numbers of your apartment.

Now, if in your house number has any letter along with the number, you should add it too, replacing the letter by its corresponding number according to the Pythagorean table below:



















House number 1

The number 1 house is for leaders. The houses that have the vibration of number 1 are perfect for innovative, independent, creative and self-confident personalities, who like jobs in which they can maintain their personal freedom and who usually take the lead in any group work. Check more!


One of the advantages present in houses with the vibration of the number 1 is that its energy provides the desire for independence along with the boldness, courage and firmness needed to achieve it. Single people, entrepreneurs and who like to make their own routine do very well in number 1 houses.

The number 1 house is excellent for those who are starting new businesses and need the right encouragement to make them prosper. It is also ideal for people who have difficulty developing their creativity and originality, as the house has the right energy for this development.


One of the disadvantages that can be pointed out in houses of vibration 1 is individualism. The number 1 houses do not have an energy that favors companionship and sharing. If the people residing in this house are already prone to selfishness and loneliness, these traits will be reinforced.

Therefore, the number 1 house is not the most suitable for those who desire a united and serene family environment as fights caused by arrogance can happen frequently. It is also not the most suitable house for those who are looking for a relationship.

Tips for harmony

The vibration of the number 1 is Yang. Thus, a good tip for harmony is to use the Ying force, using objects in pairs for decoration, for example, two pots of the same plant and pictures that complement each other. Sculptures of animals and people also bring the Ying force.

Also, to add more Ying energy, keep the house always organized and free of clutter. Opt for comfortable, low-backed chairs and armchairs. You can also add water fountains in some places. For the walls choose softer and darker colors.

House number 2

The number 2 is the number of the union and, therefore, the house number 2 is perfect for quiet and simple people. Ideal for families that like to live in harmony with each other and with the people around them. See below!


The number 2 house brings as advantages peaceful coexistence, selflessness and appreciation for peace. People who reside in them are inclined to cooperation, tolerance and affection. The number 2 house is suitable for those who want a united, loving and loyal family, who want to get along with neighbors and the community in general.

Therefore, those who are inclined to selfishness and individuality do not adapt well in houses with vibration number 2. In this type of home, peace is imperative and sharing is essential. The energies that flow in houses with vibration 2 bring serenity and love for others, leaving no room for conflict.


The vibration present in the number 2 house brings as disadvantages the lack of attitude, excessive passivity and little privacy.

People living in this household need to exercise more independence and assertiveness, strive to be more active in everyday situations and not wait for each other to do something.

In addition, they need to set boundaries for neighbors and be careful that visitors and people close to them do not take advantage of their willingness to help. Those who live alone may find it difficult to live in number 2 houses.

Tips for harmony

The house number 2 has the vibration of Ying. To provide harmony, use the Yang force, decorating the walls with pictures of smiling people and triangular objects. Use light and warm colors and vibrant lights. Opt for fabrics with vertical lines and always leave the windows open.

Another way to bring balance to the home with Yang energy is by placing clocks on the walls and tables to increase movement. You can also add tall furniture, benches made of wood, bookcases, and other types of art.

House number 3

House number 3 is the home of fun, creativity and socializing. Optimism and happiness dominate the place and provide its residents the energy to always see the bright side of life and take it with intensity, as you will be next.Check it out!


Innovation, optimism and energy are only three of the advantages present in number 3 houses. It is the right choice for artists of all kinds and extroverted people who always like to be close to their friends, throwing parties and promoting lively gatherings.

So it is a house which is always full of people, colourful and full of joy. Great for starting a family with children and pets. Those who live in this house cope very well with challenges at work and in studies and consequently prosper in everything they do.


Distraction, lack of organization and waste are disadvantages that may be present in number 3 homes. Its residents may struggle to keep it organized and quiet when needed.

Being a house that attracts a lot of people, the personal space of its residents can get hampered. Those who live in a number 3 house need to be careful not to be too distracted by entertainment and forget their commitments and responsibilities.

Also, house number 3 is not recommended for introverted people who see home as a place of seclusion and tranquility.

Tips for harmony

The lively and creative vibrations of number 3 can be balanced with the vibrations of number 4. So, add plants in your rooms to bring more stability and firmness.

Also, use square and rectangular objects whenever possible, such as vases, benches and furniture for good energy flow.

Complement the decor by using shades of green and yellow. You can also aromatize the home with citrus sprays. Keep quiet music in the room for moments of rest.

House number 4

The house number 4 is a place for seriousness. It is a great place for focused and serious people who want to expand a business and have more control of their money. However, it can be a place that focuses a lot on work and little on leisure. Check it out in the following text!


For people who value focus, discipline and responsibility, the number 4 house is full of advantages. It is a serious, stable and practical home. Its residents are firm in their commitments, do not leave activities half done and try to give their best in everything they do.

Therefore, the number 4 house is a great place to keep a structured and stable family. Suitable for people who appreciate rules, respect and hard work. Great to maintain routines and lead a quiet life, without too many ups and downs.


The vibrations of the number 4 house can be a disadvantage for people who like freedom and hate routines. Number 4 residents can create a certain aversion to change and have trouble tolerating mistakes. The focus on work can leave little room for leisure and fun.

Also, residents of house number 4 can become too "earthy", giving excessive importance to material possessions. They can become perfectionists, attached to every little detail and be considered tedious by others.

Tips for harmony

If not harmonized, the home of number 4 can become unwelcoming and uncomfortable. A good harmony tip is to make it more cheerful with the vibration of number 5. Include in the decoration fun and funny objects, pictures of smiling people and pictures of trips and adventures.

You can also add music in the home with cheerful ambient sounds and musical instruments. If possible, have a space for a garden with brightly colored flowers and place plants indoors, keeping them healthy.

House number 5

House number 5 is a home for versatility, freedom and fun. Ideal for easy-going people, it's a place with the right energy for those who like parties and novelty. However, its lively atmosphere is not ideal for those who like routine. See below!


One of the advantages present in number 5 homes is liveliness. It is an ideal home for people who like to live in constant motion and don't like to lead a quiet life. Always community friendly, number 5 home residents don't sit still and get involved in all kinds of activities in their neighborhood.

House number 5 is perfect for people who work in tourism, travel and sales. It is the ideal place for those who love to expand their horizons, discover new things and live life to the fullest.


One of the disadvantages present in the vibration of the 5th house is carelessness. Its residents may present some difficulty in dealing with the more serious matters of life. They can easily tend to irresponsible attitudes and leave the consequences in the background.

Also, because they are very agitated, residents of house number 5 can feel empty and not very cozy at home. They may find it difficult to cultivate deep feelings and moments of introspection. If they are not careful, they can live with a constant emptiness in their chest.

Tips for harmony

The instability of number 5 can be balanced by using the vibrations of number 4. Use more serious color tones like lilac and green. Place more plants indoors. Give preference to objects made of wood and in square or rectangular format.

You can also include pictures of your family and friends together in the decor. Put on some quiet music and invest more time in family dinners and pleasant conversations.

House number 6

The house number 6 is ideal for the family. Quiet, cozy and comfortable is a home where both its residents and visitors feel at home. Check out the main advantages and disadvantages of the house number 6!


The vibrations of the houses ruled by number 6 bring harmony and tranquility as advantages. Its residents are impelled to keep it always clean, tidy and pleasant.

It is a great place to receive visitors and the people who enter them feel so welcome that they always want to come back, and they can always come back, because the welcome present in this home transforms it into a place where there is always room for one more.

Therefore, the house number 6 is ideal for people who desire a harmonious family life ruled by unity and peace. People who reside in it will see things prosper through responsibility and serenity.


Being ruled by responsibility, the house number 6 can present perfectionism as a disadvantage. If they are not careful, the people who live there can be controlling with each other, demanding a lot of seriousness and hard work from each other.

Furthermore, residents of houses number 6 may feel overwhelmed by household responsibilities and family commitments. There may be little respect for others' personal space and freedom.

Those who live in a number 6 house can also become very accommodating, living in the comforts of home all the time and refusing to get out more to see the world.

Tips for harmony

To harmonize the house of number 6 you can choose to include plants in your decoration and choose very comfortable furniture. Also use as a balancing element round and spherical objects and metal decorations.

In addition, include water fountains in the rooms and, for painting, opt for colors of darker tones and calm, such as blue.

Make the living rooms cozy places for family gatherings, but also keep private places designated for reading and hobby practices, so that everyone can have their personal space respected.

House number 7

House number 7 has vibrations that lead to reflection, spirituality and introspection. Recommended for introverted and discreet people who want to have a quiet place to get to know themselves better. See below its main advantages and disadvantages!


The house number 7 has quietness as one of its main advantages. It is an ideal place for people who want a corner to reflect on the world, life and themselves. People residing in the house number 7 are quiet, introverted and discreet.

Thus, the houses ruled by the vibration of the number 7 are perfect for scientists, writers, teachers or other professionals who need tranquility and silence to work and reflect. People who reside in it will always find a place to come back and rest after a tiring day.


The vibrations of house number 7 can lead its residents to be very withdrawn, introspective and quiet. In this way, they may end up keeping a distance from their community and their relationship with their neighbors may be non-existent.

Also, if they are not careful, residents of the house ruled by the number 7 can have problems socializing and getting to know the world, and can miss great opportunities to meet new people, places and jobs.

House number 7 is also not a place made for parties or social gatherings. Extroverted and agitated people do not do well in it.

Tips for harmony

The first step to maintaining the harmony of a number 7 home is to keep it organized and clean. Avoid clutter and mess.

So that the residents of this residence do not become too lonely and withdrawn, it is important that the house is harmonized with warm colors like red, orange or yellow. You can also decorate it with brightly colored flowers.

Objects in pairs and octagonally shaped items are also great for balancing number 7 houses. Keep windows open during the day so the home is always bright and cool.

House number 8

The number 8 house is a place that attracts prosperity. Its residents are ambitious, focused and disciplined. However, if not harmonized, all this ambition can lead to forgetting the spiritual evolution and to excessive materialism, as you will see below. Check it out!


The vibrations of a house ruled by the number 8 incline its residents towards abundance, riches and good money management. It is a place for hard-working people who dedicate everything they have to achieve the much-dreamed-of financial success.

As such, the number 8 house is an excellent place for those who wish to run a home based business. Often number 8 houses become retail outlets, boutiques, offices or any other profit driven business.

The people residing in this household are practical, full of dreams, ambitions and willingness to work hard and achieve respect and recognition.


If they are not careful, people living in houses of number 8 may become extremely materialistic, controlling and authoritarian. There may be frequent conflicts between residents because of power disputes.

Furthermore, so much materialism and self-confidence can make them forget the spiritual side. Residents of houses number 8 can become arrogant, individualistic and addicted to work. They can end up giving little attention to family and friends, also harming their social life.

Those who live in a house whose numbering is reduced to 8 need to be very careful with their emotional side also, so that the greed for material goods does not end up leading to impulsive attitudes that will make you lose everything you have already achieved.

Tips for harmony

A good tip for the harmony of the number 8 houses are clay or ceramic vases. They balance the vibrations and help the circulation of energy within the home.

The yellow color can also be present in the details, to vibrate with the energies that attract prosperity and wealth, brightening the environment and balancing the material and spiritual spheres. The pink color in the decor will help bring more harmony

Also, promote family meetings whenever possible and set aside more time for moments of introspection and self-knowledge.

House number 9

The house number 9 is a place of welcome, selflessness and love for others. A house reserved for those who love the community and want to help it prosper. See in the following text its main advantages and disadvantages!


Houses with number 9 have spirituality, love for others and creativity as their main advantages. Its vibrations incline its residents to humanitarian and loving acts. People who enter it feel so welcomed that they do not want to leave.

In residence number 9, sharing, hospitality and kindness are essential. Other people visit its residents frequently, because when they arrive they are welcomed with joy and open arms. It is that place where others find peace, advice and good conversation.


One of the disadvantages of living in a number 9 house is excessive selflessness. By caring too much for others around them, its residents can end up forgetting to take care of themselves.

Another important point is the absence of limits. Those living in house number 9 need to be careful not to let the people hosted "run the house". They need to be firm and clear about what they can and cannot do.

Lack of privacy can also be a disadvantage in houses ruled by the number 9. Because they are always crowded at different times and days of the week, its residents may find it difficult to find a moment to themselves.

Tips for harmony

So that the residents of houses number 9 do not become too self-sacrificing and forget about themselves, one way to maintain harmony is to bring into the decoration arts, paintings and crafts made by the residents themselves. This will increase the level of individuality and balance.

In addition, you can add individual photos and pictures of family, travel and good memories in frames on the walls and on top of furniture to help with the circulation of energy in the room.

Feng Shui helps to harmonize the home according to the symbolism of the numbers!

The numerology of the houses influences the energy of the home and the personality of its residents. The numbers of the houses bring with them vibrations that can influence positively or negatively the life of its residents. Thus, the Feng Shui helps to harmonize the home according to the symbolism of the numbers.

Feng Shui presents us with excellent ways to balance the energies of the environments according to the numbers so that the excess of vibrations do not end up bringing problems of adaptation and identity. Balance is essential for things to go well around us. Therefore, using the principles of Feng Shui at home is an excellent way to bring harmony and prosperity intohome.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.