What is emotional block: what it is, symptoms, how to deal and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is emotional block?

Acting as a defense of the human unconscious, emotional blocking works to avoid frustration or suffering. As much as some people go through this process, they try to ignore it and go on with their ways. By not avoiding the discomfort, they don't directly take a stance to try to cope.

Understanding the difficulties in facing situations like these, they cannot hold on to the solid emotional process. By creating a comfortable illusion, they also give the idea that they know how to lead. By running away they try to ease, but end up prolonging the discomfort. Read the article to understand the consequences of emotional blockage!

Causes and aggravating factors of emotional blockage

There are some causes and aggravating factors that develop emotional blockage, besides contributing negatively to the growth. With low self-esteem, it also indicates traumas, environments, relationships and rejections. Thus, all these feelings grow constantly, causing discomfort and even with the attempts to ignore them.

More than that, both processes talk about a balance that is difficult to find, especially with things that happened in the past, like experiences, moments and even situations that made a person nurture this internal discomfort. Keep reading the article to understand the issues that can develop emotional block!

Low self-esteem

Constituted by the lack of security, low self-esteem is linked to emotional blockage and causes a person to create internal barriers. Starting with distrust, which can cause judgments, he becomes afraid to present himself and fighting some of his abilities.

Not believing in one's own potential causes negative feelings such as these to be nurtured, as well as making the situation worse and worse, without knowing how to deal with it. As difficult as it may be, it is necessary to put oneself in a position with the purpose of priority, beyond full achievement and full of self-esteem.


Traumas act on the development of a person, in addition to the emotional block caused by uncomfortable experiences. There is the possibility of not knowing how to deal with them, stimulates fear and suffering. More than that, it can create a specific barrier and to protect yourself from other feelings.

With pessimism also evidenced, some other situations may be encountered along the way and making her more and more cowardly with the experiences. Soon, the fear of feeling that pain again makes her defensive, besides the discomfort she may have.


The person who has been through some traumatic situation feels afraid and is afraid to try again because of a possible rejection. With the fear of judgment, he/she deprives him/herself of some things, causing him/her to create a specific barrier so as not to feel the pain again.

In this way, it can become a constant concern, since it does not feel comfortable in certain places, avoiding even leaving home. By not overcoming a situation, it projects a reality where it can be seen as a joke and a reason for others' debauchery.


Regardless of the relationship and whether it is a love relationship or a family relationship, an individual may have experienced something complicated, stimulating the emotional blockage. The mind may be affected, influenced, causing it to start behaving in a somewhat unusual way.

Always with distrust emphasized, he can't feel safe and no longer trusts as before. Even though he still has a certain feeling for someone, he feels barred in this sense and can no longer believe. Also with the fear of getting hurt again, he avoids and can't develop something healthy.


The places a person has been, or even the one he or she lives in, can have a negative influence, in addition to the way he or she sees the world. Thus, the emotional block may have been created and developed at work, at home, or in another environment. If an employee feels pressured, this can cause him or her to stimulate discomfort and anxiety, for example.

Charging outside of that can also be included with someone constantly evaluating attitudes. This can cause that uncomfortable process to be created, in addition to the insecurity that can be built up unnecessarily and for one purpose only.

Symptoms of emotional blockage

It is possible to identify some symptoms that cause emotional blockage, in addition to what they can constitute internally in a person. By creating a certain blockage, he sees himself in situations that can leverage in a negative way, with some specifications in this field.

Avoiding social interaction, develops anxiety, becomes disinterested in things, lives only with negative feelings and actions, counts on the difficulties to make some decisions, when he starts to feel all this as a physical symptom. More than that, only the barrier that is created to avoid some feelings. Read the following topics to learn more about the symptoms of emotional block!

Avoid social experiences

The lack of social interaction can result in traumatic experiences that have been built up, stimulating emotional blockage. Thus, a person can create worrying effects without the help of someone else, and may develop unproductive feelings.

In addition, there is an attempt to fit into a system that avoids certain situations, because life does not develop in the necessary aspects. In this way, you live keeping yourself in a personal bubble. So, as much as you may be afraid to show yourself to the world, it is important to make an effort to try to lead a healthy and comfortable life.

Anxiety in the face of situations

Uncomfortable situations can generate anxiety, in addition to the emotional block constituted before an unfavorable experience. Nurturing more and more this discomfort, those who have this block do not have the security they need to build a healthy path and, many times, do not seek the support they need.

Going beyond this specific issue, an individual avoids developing anxiety by not being able to escape it, suffering in advance. Situations that have put you under the wall can also develop a bubble of protection and fueling this negative process.

Total disinterest

The disinterest can be fed before the emotional block, because beyond this sense built and developed, the individual does it just to do. Thus, to fulfill only their obligations, it remains in that by necessity, without stimulation. More than that, he can not get rid of these feelings.

Moreover, being able to suffocate, he tries to establish himself and without much success. Uninterested in other matters, he needs something to lift him up and take him out of suffering. Therefore it becomes complicated to get his attention and develop that process which creates the ambition for growth.

Constant negative emotions

Negative emotions can become constant in a person's life, as well as being stimulated by emotional blockage. Some experience, situation or embarrassment may have caused them to have an unusual outlook on life, as well as building up thoughts that are not prosperous.

If you stay in a crescendo of emotions in this sense, you don't see a light at the end of the tunnel and you only see everything from a negative range of things. However complicated a situation may be, you need to slowly create within yourself a posture that will reflect outwardly and take you out of this unfavorable situation.

Difficulty with decisions

Having difficulty making any decision can cause a feeling of helplessness. Besides being created by emotional blockage, these feelings cause discomfort, because the person can't move to change a situation, for example. By staying stagnant, they also try to ignore the situation, causing them not to get out of this process.

Therefore, an initiative must be taken, bearing in mind that you will not know what will happen next and holding yourself within this suffocating perspective. At some point or another you will need to move, not being able to avoid frustration. So, the first step is to get out of the comfort zone and take a risk.

Physical symptoms

Before all the other processes that cause emotional blockage, the physical can also suffer some changes. What comes from the inside reflects on the outside, and can cause serious symptoms, creating an important need to have the help of a professional. As much as these feelings are complicated to control, without balance things can get worse.

Migraines and stresses intensify, turning into something that sooner or later would turn into something else. Therefore, a qualified professional may have a notion of what she is facing, indicating healthy processes for a conduct that will help her to have a prosperous life.

How to deal with emotional blockage

To be able to deal with the emotional blockage, it is necessary to assume that it is present in life, as well as understand the effects that it causes in this journey. From these principles, it is possible to move on, overcoming some of the scars that it left behind.

Working on this feeling is important for the resolution, managing to put on track the processes that caused it and leaving everything in the past. However there is a certain difficulty, it is important to contact a professional and to have the necessary help.

Continue reading the article to understand the things that need to be done to resolve this impasse!

Admit you have a problem

Since it is common for a person to place a problem on another person in order to escape from it, the emotional block needs to be understood and accepted, and put in a situation for resolution. Therefore, not avoiding this attitude, will make you realize what hits, and you can take action and get rid of it.

Therefore, becoming aware of this discomfort is a way to be able to eliminate it, as well as to get untied from the emotional complications that it has caused. Thus, it is necessary to use individualism and ownership, because only one person can conduct this situation, because without holding on to others, you will be able to escape from this problem.

Take responsibility

Taking responsibility is a way to get rid of the emotional blockage, considering that only the person will be able to get out of this situation. Being able to have the help and assistance of other people, one needs to act with one's own maturity and face whatever one has to face.

More than that, the solution and comfort will only come with the activated responsibility. Therefore, taking sides of what afflicts is the most effective and certain way, besides being able to lead. Having calm and preparing yourself, the problem will be solved and will bring the peace that so longed for.

Accept the emotions

When a person recognizes what they feel and go through, the process of getting rid of the emotional blockage happens. Therefore, understanding everything that comes from within is also a way of being able to lead, as well as having more clarity about the things that are available to live.

In this way, taking this step is essential in addition to understanding the functionality. Some people get used within a requirement to hide what they feel, but that is not the right way to handle it all, because at the risk of paying too much, you will feel the effects up front.

Understand the origin

To understand the functioning is necessary, but it is also necessary to know where the emotional blockage is being formed, considering that self-knowledge is something that everyone should acquire, besides understanding how the stories were being developed and identified.

The traumas they carry are the things that have been formulated into wounds, besides being in the unconscious. Therefore, there are ways to find the purpose, being able to repaginate them and allow giving another meaning to the path of life. The destructive attitudes are out there, but who decides to root them are the individuals themselves.

Developing emotional intelligence

Demythologizing an emotional block can be a somewhat complicated task, but this action is necessary to be able to create this barrier. Soon, in trying to solve the impasses, you will have a new experience and be able to drive these needs. Finding a new meaning will make the pain ease.

Thus, consciousness will only come with developed emotional intelligence, giving that depth and knowledge about what comes from within. The story of a life will be able to count with the emotions involved, besides an extremely healthy path. Traumas will also be able to be dissolved and eliminating what does not serve.

Positivity can help

It's understandable that some people can't drive the emotional block. No matter how much there is that will to follow, something pulls them back. Having a stalemate for a progressive movement, positivity can be a way for her to get free.

Therefore, with emotions and actions being locked in, this help of what is positive can make you feel comfortable. In order to push forward, you need to use these possibilities, as well as adjusting to behaviours which enable the process in search of a stability. Therefore, you need this necessary aspect to be able to untie yourself.

Seek therapy

In order to stabilize and even get rid of the emotional blockage, therapy is a way to treat what bothers you. Thus, a highly qualified professional can collaborate to the development of this aspect, besides indicating formulas capable of eliminating this discomfort.

In order to keep away from that which afflicts, the individual will have more freedom. So, nothing excludes the need to seek therapy, being that it is also indicated for other processes that leave people stagnant and without action.

How to identify emotional blockage?

In the face of insecurity, low self-esteem and distrust, the emotional block is transformed. Limiting the people who go through this uncomfortable process, some customs and elements become difficult, causing them to compromise in the face of this discomfort. Therefore, it is possible to visualize it before the symptoms of fear.

By invalidating a person's actions as well, he or she is unable to recover and easily surrenders to this blockage. Therefore, when he or she can understand the root of this impasse, the person can begin to develop courage and drive. Being complicated, many become hostages to negativity and internal destruction. Being visionary makes one have a new perception of life, as well asunderstand it in its entirety.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.