5 of Wands in Tarot: meaning of the card, in love, work and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the card 5 of Wands mean in Tarot?

When the 5 of Wands appears in a Tarot reading, it should be seen as a warning. It tries to open the eyes of the consulent for the efforts he has employed in a certain area of his life, highlighting that this will not have the expected effect.

Therefore, the card can be interpreted as a warning that appears in a troubled period, but that aims to change the paths of those who find it, making them more positive. By warning that your goals are not going to materialize, the 5 of Wands opens the possibility of thinking of new paths. Read on to learn more about this Arcane!

Fundamentals of the card 5 of Wands

Knowing the fundamentals of a chart is important for a more accurate interpretation. Its history and iconography have much to reveal about the symbolism contained in the image and the messages hidden in these details.

In addition, other details such as the suit and the element to which it is linked can also contribute a lot to the Tarot reading. This happens since each element is associated with an area of life, such as feelings and practical action.

Below, these aspects will be explained in more detail about the card 5 of Wands. Read on to learn more!


The Arcane 5 of Wands is also known as Lord of Struggle, which is corroborated by the image on the card. It is possible to see two people fighting and using sticks as weapons. However, what draws more attention is that they don't look like adults.

Moreover, the conflict shown in the image does not seem real, but rather a game in which all young people wish to come out winners. Therefore, the story shows us that the letter talks about vanity, superficiality and selfishness.


Due to the conflict illustrated by the 5 of Wands, its iconography speaks about the need to fight to get what you want. But the images present in the card make sure to point out that it will not be possible to do this without going through fights, especially against other people.

Therefore, the iconography of this Arcane suggests that misunderstandings and fights will be frequent in the life of the consulent. Several people will place themselves as real obstacles in a path that should be linear.

The suit of Clubs

In Tarot, the suit of Wands is the representation of the spiritual plane and personal motivations. Thus, it symbolizes both attitudes and ideals of a certain person. Therefore, it warns about excessive focus of energy on a single issue, something that can trigger obsessive attitudes.

Moreover, the suit of Wands also speaks about the need to know how to balance daily attitudes, so that it is possible to see things objectively and take more serene attitudes in life, in general.

Fire element

In the Tarot and the card 5 of Wands, fire is understood as a transforming element. It can change everything around it, but without changing itself. In this way, it is responsible for showing the creative abilities of a certain person, as well as their passions.

Thus, it is possible to state that the element is responsible for the energy, drive, enthusiasm and inspiration one has throughout life. People ruled by it have a tendency for leadership.

Meaning of the card 5 of Wands

The 5 of Wands is the harbinger of periods of difficulty, but aimed at the idea of resumption and recovery. In this way, the consulent's energies will be restored, so that he can move forward, but the problems need to be properly finalized.

Therefore, the consulent who finds this arcane in this reading should be prepared for many obstacles in his path. This ending will be marked by discussions with people close to him. Nevertheless, the tendency is that they are constructive.

Due to the points highlighted, the 5 of Wands has a number of ambiguities. Read on to learn more about it!

Struggles and trials

Since its history and iconography, the 5 of Wands is an Arcane which suggests struggles and trials along the way. It appears as a harbinger of storm right in the direction of the consulent's goals. Therefore, he will feel out of place and the opinions of others will be a real source of irritation.

But it is important to point out that the struggles will not only be internal. The moment will be of generalized doubt, so it is common that those who find this Arcane question their capacities and the intentions of those around them.


Most of the obstacles in the path of those who find the 5 of Wands in a reading are related to other people. They will put themselves between the consulter and his desire, making everything more difficult in this phase of life and generating unnecessary conflicts.

All of this will accentuate a competitive energy, which is also present in the iconography of the chart. However, more than competing, it is important to take the time to understand these conflicting relationships and how they affect you.

Conflict of interest

The presence of the 5 of Wands indicates conflicts of interest, so the consulent may be trying to follow his life in a wrong direction, therefore, besides fighting with external problems, he needs to fight with his inner self, to convince himself that what he is doing is wrong.

Therefore, the chart indicates the need to find another path to follow and to know how to wait for the right moment to take action. It is important to stop for a while to gain more clarity.

Rethinking strategies and directions

People who encounter the 5 of Wands in their Tarot readings receive a message about the importance of rethinking their strategies and the paths they are following. They are not working, but by resistance to accept this, the consulter continues to persist in the error.

Therefore, the chart is indicative that self-knowledge will be the best tool to get through this phase. Thus, the consulter must determine what makes him/her stick to his/her plans in this way.


The conflicts with third parties are already present in the symbolism of the 5 of Wands. Therefore, after finding this Minor Arcane, the consulent will go through several discussions. Some of them will be with people who are very important in his life.

The tendency is that the period will be troubled and that these conflicts will not be resolved quickly. It is important to remember that the chart brings predictions about people who place themselves as obstacles, so it is important to determine if this is the case and only then take a course of action.

5 of Wands in love

The 5 of Wands can be found in readings related to love, so when this happens, the card acts as an omen that the time is not favorable for romance. This applies to people who are in a relationship as well as singles.

Because the energy of this Arcane is oriented towards discussion, the phase will be one of many fights. Therefore, those who are involved with someone will experience disagreements and those who are in search of love will need to understand what, in fact, they are looking for in their partners. To learn more about this, continue reading the article!

For committed people

Committed people do not receive positive messages from the card 5 of Wands. The energy of discussion of the card remains in the love field and it is possible that the relationship goes through a troubled time, marked by fights.

So it is important to try ways of communicating which don't end in friction. The consulent is going through a time when he feels highly irritable and can get angry at any unfavorable comment about his attitudes. The way to solve the impasse is to adopt an analytical attitude.

For singles

Those who are single are not favored by the presence of the 5 of Wands in a Tarot reading. This happens since the consulent feels difficulty to realize that the problems are in his posture. So, he is trying to find someone, but can't really see people for what they are.

Due to this difficulty, idealizations begin to take shape and then the breaches of expectations are frustrating. It is necessary to modify this attitude, to be able to perceive that what you desire is close.

5 of Wands at work

In career, the presence of the 5 of Wands indicates a troubled moment, so there is the possibility that a series of conflicts with authority figures will arise at this time, requiring self-control and calm from the consulent.

All this is associated with the alert tone present in the card. It tries to warn about problems, to highlight the need for change and to know how to stand up, even in the face of criticism. More details about this Arcane in career will be discussed in the next section of the article. Read on and check it out!

For employees

The 5 of Wands is a card that demands attention to the work environment. This happens because of the irritability predicted by the Arcane, which can end up generating a series of arguments with people who are in positions of power. When this happens, the consulter should adopt a less combative posture and avoid retorting.

But this will not be an easy task, since he will feel truly nervous about the situation. Therefore, those who encounter this Arcane in their reading should start exercising patience in advance.

For unemployed persons

For people who are looking for a new job, the 5 of Wands is a card that points to the need for reflection. This should not only be done on the way the consulter has been positioning himself in his job interviews, but also on what he wants for his future life.

Thus, there is the suggestion that he may not be looking for a job in an area in which he wants to work. Thus, the letter's warning is to think about this.

Combinations with the card 5 of Wands

In a Tarot reading, the cards combine to broaden their meanings. Thus, although they continue to have their independent meanings, they can be influenced by what is around them and have their messages modified.

This happens with the 5 of Wands, so when the Arcane appears next to cards like Death, its meaning becomes milder and it speaks about the impetus to change. On the other hand, if the 5 of Wands combines with The Devil, it speaks about materialism and pride. Read on to learn more!

Positive combinations

Positive combinations for the 5 of Wands are not numerous and almost always suggest some previous conflict. This pattern is repeated with The Sun, The Hermit, and Death, which, respectively, speak about mourning, gradual realization, and using creativity as a way out of problems.

In all cases, it will be necessary to go through some ordeal before getting what you want. So, the positive combinations soften the negativity of the 5 of Wands, but cannot eliminate it completely.

Negative combinations

Among the negative combinations for the 5 of Wands, it is possible to highlight the card The Hanged Man which talks about competitiveness and indicates that this can end up demanding some sacrifices from the consulent. Thus, some situations tend to be put on hold due to conflicts.

The Devil is also a negative combination for this Arcane. It suggests materialism and pride, both associated with a dispute. It can also reveal that the consulent is being the target of envy from others, something that demands attention.

A little more about the card 5 of Wands

There are other factors that impact on the Tarot reading, such as the positioning of the card. Among the most common, you can mention the inverted position, which is feared by many people. In the case of the 5 of Wands, the meanings are not positive.

In addition, there are some challenges and tips that can be given to people who encounter the 5 of Wands in their readings. They will be explored in the next section of the article, as well as some possibilities of interpretation for the Minor Arcane when associated with health. To learn more about the aspects mentioned, keep reading!

In health

The 5 of Wands in health readings, in general, is associated with the idea of mental weariness. The consulter will need to face many issues to overcome the difficulties in his path, as well as to make life changes. All this will make him feel overwhelmed.

Thus, your mental health may end up suffering greatly from this and there is the possibility that the symptoms may eventually become physical. Therefore, health deserves all the attention of those who find this Arcane in reading.

Inverted card

When found in the inverted position, the 5 of Wands warns of future difficulties. There is some issue or someone in the consulent's path that is hindering his arrival to success. Therefore, he needs to be vigilant, to ensure that no one will be able to interrupt his victory.

Also, the card in question may indicate that you are experiencing a problem that has no apparent resolution. The solution to it, due to the suit of the card, may lie in faith, something you may not have considered yet.


The main challenges faced by people who find the 5 of Wands in their Tarot readings are linked to learning to contain the urge to fight. The irritability of the period will make the consulent feel prone to argue over any detail that goes against his expectations. In addition, he will not care who is on the other side of the argument.

Knowing how to curb this impulse will be helpful, especially in the work environment. But this attitude can also be very helpful in relationships.


An important tip for the consulent who has found the card 5 of Wands is to look for ways to keep calm. Because of the connection of the suit of Wands with spirituality, one way to do this is to reconnect with your faith and remember that it can help you get through turbulence without being so desperate.

So, try to focus on growth in this area of life, until everything calms down and your focus can fall on the other areas, which will be suffering from the influence of the 5 of Wands.

Can the card 5 of Wands signal that it is a good time for reflection and internalization?

Although the 5 of Wands is a card that speaks about conflicts in diverse spheres of life, it also suggests a positive time to reflect and to turn inward. This happens because the consulent will feel the urge to fight with everyone around him, but he must ask himself why he wants to do this.

So, after finding this Arcane in the Tarot reading, the ideal is to turn your attention to self-knowledge. This will be an interesting way to understand your motivations and the impetus of conflicts that are part of your current life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.