Cancer with Cancer: whether they combine in sex or love, in friendship and others!

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Jennifer Sherman

Cancer with Cancer: know everything!

The relationship between two Cancer zodiac signs can sometimes seem like a real melancholy teenage drama. There are tears, anguish and emotions mixed with tenderness, affection and declarations of love. After all, Cancerians are highly sensitive water signs.

So a Cancer to Cancer relationship is moody, emotional, stimulating and comfortable. Cancer is a highly intuitive, sensitive and emotional sign that takes time to open up and trust. So when two Cancerians come together in a long-term relationship, some things go incredibly well together as they connect intellectually and emotionally.

So, despite all the drama surrounding the relationship, no one understands the depth of a Cancerian's emotions more than another. Read on and find out everything you need to know about this pair!

Cancer with Cancer in several areas

A union between two Cancer signs creates a pair who are deeply devoted, romantic and endlessly loyal to each other. Both will learn their partner's tastes, the best ways to warm up or, if necessary, cool each other down.

Both will also find great comfort and satisfaction in their commitment to each other. This couple are faithful and caring, helpful and understanding of individual needs, and very oriented towards building a home and creating a sense of family - especially when they can overcome their manipulative and self-pitying habits.

See how they handle their fluid and temperamental emotions in their different types of relationships!

Cancer with Cancer in love

In general, in love, Cancerians prefer to have an emotional connection with their partner, before making physical contact. That way, the only person who can fully sympathize and understand a Cancerian is another of the same sign. This is why a Cancer to Cancer love union can be very compatible and smooth.

A Cancerian's needs are quite simple: they want to nurture and be nurtured. They want to make sure that their friends and family are always well taken care of. In addition, they also want to live in a home that feels safe and cozy.

Therefore, a Cancer to Cancer relationship works well because they share the same values in life and desire the same things.

The Cancer relationship with Cancer

Instinct and emotion drive the Cancer and Cancer relationship. With these deep and intense intuitive powers comes a fragility as the Cancerian's feelings are fragile and can be easily hurt.

Both being ruled by the Moon, they form this relationship with emotional ups and downs and often, in moments of insecurity, may want to escape from reality. Consequently, that hard crab shell in which they hide, when frightened or oppressed, can damage any relationship with a Cancer native.

But two Cancerians together will probably realize each other's needs for space and time, so the key to that good relationship is to realize that you shouldn't despise a Cancerian when he backs out and wants some time alone.

The Cancer couple with Cancer

One of the best aspects of the Cancer to Cancer combination is how in sync they can be. There is almost a deep telepathic ability between the two of them. They are the kind of couple that can sit in silence and feel totally comfortable and relaxed.

Cancerians take love seriously and usually date with the intention of finding their soul mate. So when these two meet, they won't be separated.

So they will share the same values and get along perfectly as a couple. Their similarity is where they are free to value the emotional clarity, peace and calm family life that one is capable of creating.

Cancer sex with Cancer

When it comes to intimacy, Cancer is a master at achieving it with the right person. If two Cancerians really get together, they will achieve the deepest physical and emotional pleasure in their sex life. However, Cancer is a sign ruled by the Moon and it is not easy to make these natives take the initiative.

For a healthy sex life, both of them need to understand that it is not about a lot of experience or technical knowledge and this can give them a chance to base their sex life solely on the emotions they feel for each other.

Finally, to make the relationship work in bed, it would be a good idea to experiment a little and show initiative anytime they feel more confident.

Cancer kiss with Cancer

Cancerians are emotional and sentimental people by nature, and their kissing reflects that too. They kiss in a way that will tell you a lot about what's really going on in their hearts.

However, the plus point of the Cancer-Cancer relationship is that Cancerians seem emotional only with people they are really close to. Otherwise, they are the toughest outwardly.

Therefore, the partner of the same sign will understand this and will be sure that his kisses are the best. So, he will be completely satisfied with the way the other Cancerian kisses him, regardless of the status of their relationship.

Cancer to Cancer communication

The Cancer native is a big fan of non-verbal communication, so when there are two of them, especially if they are in an intimate relationship, they can be quiet for days as long as their inner feeling is good.

While they enjoy the routine of sharing some details of life with their partner, their favorite time of day will probably be that cup of coffee in the morning when they no longer need to talk.

Thus some of the more rational signs may have a negative opinion of the intellectual strength of these partners and may seem to have nothing to say. But anyone who is a little more sensitive will feel that they look at each other with complete attention and that they follow each other's movements and smiles.

Cancer with Cancer at work

When two Cancerians meet at work, they recognize each other as soul mates, so one won't have to worry about appearing overly sensitive to their colleague. Likewise, the other won't have to worry about receiving criticism. Both aim to meet the goals of the company and their tasks, and know how to assert themselves when it's appropriate.

As partners, the two of them could be great entrepreneurs or managers, so they would do very well running a restaurant, a school or a care centre for the elderly. But although one has another Cancerian who understands him or her, care must be taken to look after each other's fragile ego, avoiding exaggerated praise and encouragement.

Cancer with Cancer in cohabitation

Cancer is sometimes voted the most unstable sign of the zodiac, for its unpredictable mood swings. With two Cancerians living together, you have two people responsible for getting lost in their atmospheres, with their extreme ups and downs.

Also, being of the element of water, the Cancerian is prone to loneliness, and is sensitive and full of tides. A wounded Cancerian will attack and may reject first, if there are hints of it in the other. Thus, two Cancerians instinctively sense what's behind all the conflict. There's a good chance they can talk frankly about it, even if each is avoiding the subject.

Cancer with Cancer in the conquest

Cancer natives don't make the first move when they are interested, so one of these two must be brave enough to approach their date.

The perfect first date for Cancer zodiac signs is an intimate dinner in a cozy restaurant, followed by a romantic comedy movie. Cancerians generally enjoy quiet dinners, intimate picnics, museums and antique shops.

Ruled by the Moon, their first conversations will be very enlightening. They are ambitious cardinal signs and this is also channelled into keeping their traditions. Thus, two Cancerians show from the moment of conquest that they want to create a family and live in a safe place, with affection and stability.

Cancer with Cancer in friendship

As friends, both Cancerians like to do programs away from the crowds, meaning they prefer to have fun at home. In addition, they are great at giving advice. Cancer is a domestic native and focuses on one person, one place or one thing at a time. This zodiac duo shares the common ground of imagination and curiosity.

So to maintain a lasting friendship or strong relationship, they must cultivate their fun and friendly side, share creativity and understand what they see in each other. Together, they can share the best moments of laughter and learning, which they will carry for a lifetime.

Characteristics of the Cancer couple with Cancer

The Cancer to Cancer combination may be perfect, but that doesn't mean there won't be problems. So unless their emotional tsunamis destroy what they've created, it's certain that on the plus side there will be a slow build to emotional trust, as they both share a need to step back; they are family oriented and able to build support networks.

However, in the face of this connection and attunement, there can also be two people drowning, clinging to each other, being moody, sensitive, and having trouble seeing relationship problems objectively. Learn more about these characteristics below!


Cancer is considered the most emotional sign of the zodiac, although the main roles are divided by all those of water. Cancer is the sign of love and family closeness, not so much of sensual and sexual love. Thus, when two Cancerians start a relationship, they will understand each other's emotional states perfectly.

As they are both ruled by the Moon, their mood swings will coincide. They carry the emotional state of their ancestors and it is not enough to just label them as intense. Ultimately, all their emotions are best shared, understood and dealt with, when they share a home and a life together.


Cancer is a well-rounded sign. Your native wants emotional stability which can be felt in the material world, and understands that there is no such thing as perfection. When you find a person with whom you can see yourself in the years to come, you will accept your faults and make the necessary compromises to build a loving family and home for yourself.

If two Cancerians see each other in this way, they have no reason not to trust each other completely. However, if this does not occur, jealousy may be a problem they will have to face. Thus, the Cancerian's deep emotions, as well as his volatility, can lead him to a ground of imagination of things that do not exist in reality, which can ruin any relationship.


Cancerians are sensitive and sentimental souls, who long for comfort and tranquility within the family. They look for someone to whom they can fully entrust their tender and vulnerable heart. Thus, this sign needs a caring and reliable partner, with whom they can build a cozy nest.

Moreover, natives of this sign can take offense at anything. A word out of context and an ambiguous situation gives rise to an emotional storm in them.

Cancer's vulnerable nature creates an anxious atmosphere in the relationship, causing the partner to be careful in dealing with it. Only another Cancerian can understand this and avoid criticism, even constructive criticism, as he or she knows it will be perceived inappropriately.


Having become attached to his partner, Cancer will keep him in his clutches until the end. For him, leaving a loved one means saying goodbye to a reliable support, an established life and many familiar things. Contrary to the arguments of reason, Cancer will cling to his partner, not rushing to transfer him to the category of "ex".

Cancerians are also adept at emotional blackmail. They try to get what they want by evoking pity and compassion in their partner. If this behaviour becomes a constant tactic, it could well be called foul play.


Cancer is one of the most intense zodiac signs, especially in love. These natives try to maintain tenderness and passion in a relationship all the time. Cancerians themselves need romance and therefore willingly create it in a relationship with a loved one.

Although this characteristic is positive on the one hand, on the other hand it makes this native pessimistic and with rather unpredictable mood swings. Bad temper, nervousness and negative attitudes, with their dose of intensity, are not conducive to a serene relationship.

Cancerians are capable of suppressing their partner, especially if he does not have a confident and cheerful character.

Does Cancer with Cancer really go together?

Both Cancer natives share the same ruler - the Moon. So, the love relationship between two Cancerian people will be characterized by the strong emotion of the two lovers involved. The bond is certainly marked by the loyalty and devotion that each one shows for the other and is oriented towards the formation of a solid and harmonious family unit, given the importance that the concept of home hasfor this pair.

But, if both intend to achieve these results, they must learn to keep their emotions under control. See below, the positives and negatives of this combination!

Disadvantages of the pair Cancer with Cancer

A relationship between Cancer and Cancer is dominated by instinct and emotion. Consequently, if there is no communication between the two partners, conflicts and misunderstandings may arise. Moreover, their fluctuating moods may clash with everything they have built up. Another disadvantage is that they may create co-dependent bonds, show fits of anger and cause dramatic and unnecessary fights,to get each other's attention.

They can even build a cozy cocoon, but they need to make sure that they don't get stuck in that bubble. Finally, since they both have the same needs, there will always be a lot of understanding between them and therefore it will be easier to overcome difficulties.

Advantages of the duo Cancer with Cancer

The strength of the Cancer to Cancer relationship is the authenticity and solidity of the bond between the two. Devoted to the cause of love and family, both will be able to provide a valid foothold for their partner, creating a bond based essentially on the principles of respect and understanding.

Moreover, the action of the Moon inspires Cancer with that feeling of protection and motherhood typical of this sign. In fact, the energy generated by the meeting of two people born under the sign of Cancer is particularly suitable for the development of a stable and lasting love relationship.

Other signs that go with Cancer

Overall, Cancer and Cancer together are a soulmate relationship. They are comfortable with each other, understand each other, and seek the same things in life. However, there are other compatible signs that the Cancerian should consider.

Generally, the most compatible signs for Cancer friendships and romantic relationships are other water signs, such as Pisces and Scorpio, as they will simply get along when it comes to the emotional language Cancer speaks with.

On the other hand, the Earth signs (Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn) have a similar energy and can learn to become more attentive and protective. The incompatible signs are the Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) and the Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius), as they tend to have more difficulty in dealing with Cancer's sensitivity and intensity.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.