Sene tea: What it is for, how to prepare, benefits and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about sene tea

Sene tea, in general, contributes to help those who suffer from constipation or other intestinal problems. This is due to the presence of laxative, depurative and vermifuge properties, which stimulate the intestine to eliminate the accumulation of fecal cake.

In addition, this plant has in its composition other substances that keep the body free of parasites, inflammation and abdominal swelling. However, the consumption of this tea should be indicated by a health professional, since it may have adverse reactions and is not recommended for all people.

Therefore, learn all about this plant that has become popular, mainly, to aid weight loss. But can sene tea really help you lose weight? To find out the answer to these and other questions continue reading.

What is sene tea for, how to prepare and side effects

Sene tea is a popular medicinal plant for its laxative, depurative and vermifuge action, helping in constipation and other intestinal problems. However, the consumption of this drink there are contraindications and its incorrect use can bring serious side effects and even aggravate existing diseases.

In this topic better understand what it is for, what are the ingredients and how to prepare sene tea, and know the possible reactions caused by its ingestion. Learn more below!

Sene, the medicinal plant

The sene (Senna alexandrina) is a plant that grows in semi-arid regions and its first seedlings appeared in Asia, North Africa and the Middle East. Used since ancient times by the Egyptians, Greeks, Arabs and Romans, its use was spread all over the world as a medicinal herb, especially for its purgative action.

In this way, sene, also known as Cassia, dishwasher and Sena has become very popular for having properties that improve intestinal transit. And today, sene tea is recommended to help people who suffer from constipation or who feel pain when evacuating. In addition, it serves for other ailments that affect the intestinal system.

What is sene tea used for

Sene tea contains components that help in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, especially in cases of constipation. Due to laxative, vermifuge and anti-inflammatory properties, this plant helps fight inflammation in the body, in addition to eliminating parasites present in the intestine.

However, in cases of chronic constipation, i.e. people who evacuate less than 3 times a week, drinking the tea may not have the desired effect. Therefore, it is very important to seek medical help, in addition to eating well and doing physical activities.

How to prepare sene tea

To prepare sene tea, the fresh, green leaves are the most suitable, as their effect tends to be stronger. However, if you can't find them, buy dehydrated sene at health food stores, which will be just as beneficial.

You will need 1 to 2 grams of sene (equivalent to 1 level tablespoon) and 250 ml of water. Boil the water, then turn off the heat and add the sene. Cover the container and let it infuse for 5 to 10 minutes. The tea is ready for consumption and can be ingested 2 to 3 times a day, but avoid in large quantities.

What is the best time to take sene tea

The reaction of sene tea can be immediate or take a longer time to take effect. Therefore, the best time to drink the tea should be according to the availability of each person. So, avoid drinking the tea before leaving home or while performing some important task.

Possible side effects of sene tea

The main function of sene tea is to act as a natural laxative, stimulating the intestine and thus eliminating accumulated feces. However, its overuse can cause side effects, such as cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal bloating and, in women, increased menstrual flow.

In addition, it can generate severe cases of dehydration, because there tends to be a loss of mineral salts and other important nutrients for the functioning of the body. Therefore, do not consume sene tea for prolonged periods. The indicated consumption for a maximum of 10 consecutive days and, if you feel any reaction mentioned, stop drinking immediately.

Who should not use sene tea

Even with beneficial properties, especially for its laxative effect, sene tea is contraindicated for:

- Pregnant or breastfeeding women;

- Children under 12 years of age;

- Women in the menstrual period;

- People who suffer from diseases, for example kidney, Crohn's, irritable bowel syndrome, cystitis, acute appendicitis, hemorrhoid or feel pain in the stomach without apparent cause;

- Those who take continuous medication for heart disease, chronic diseases or use synthetic medicine with laxative and diuretic action.

Properties and benefits of sene tea

Despite being very well known and indicated to regulate intestinal transit, the sene tea is rich in assets that bring several health benefits. So, consuming this tea tends to be a great option to cure an inflammatory process or eliminate fluid retention, for example.

Next, find out what are the properties of sene tea and how they can improve the entire functioning of the body. Check it out below.

Anti-inflammatory properties

The anti-inflammatory properties present in sene tea are able to assist in the treatment of inflammation that cause pain in the joints and head. Thus, the drink is an excellent option to eliminate inflammation in the body, often caused by stress and poor diet.

Antioxidant properties

Consuming foods and beverages with antioxidant properties are essential to ensure that the body's cells stay healthy and protected against free radicals. If not combated, they can trigger chronic diseases in the body, such as hypertension, diabetes and even degenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Sene tea is an interesting option because it is rich in flavonoids, senosides and glycosides, important antioxidant properties that protect health. Therefore, it is worth consulting with a doctor to receive the correct guidance on the use of this plant.

Detox function

Due to the rush of everyday life, it is often not possible to eat healthy and in accordance with the nutritional needs. Soon, the body tends to be overloaded with harmful substances, causing malabsorption of food, causing gastric discomfort or even evolving into more serious diseases.

Therefore, it is necessary to make use of healthy products that have detox function in the body. Because it is considered a natural cleanser, sene tea eliminates all toxins and impurities in the body. And thus, keeps the body free of infections and diseases.

Acts as a vermifuge

Intestinal worms are usually transmitted through contaminated water and food, or by contact with the eggs of these parasites in the soil, for example. In addition to lodging in the intestinal walls, worms can also penetrate other organs. Therefore, the symptoms are abdominal pain, gas, diarrhea and vomiting.

Sene tea has active antiparasitic agents and has proven to be very effective as a vermifuge. Therefore, using this plant can be a natural alternative to eliminate parasites in the intestines. However, first consult your doctor to make sure there are no contraindications.

Laxative properties and combats constipation

The most common use of sene tea is due to its laxative properties that combat constipation. This plant acts on the muscles of the colon region, in the intestine, stimulating evacuation. In addition, other components such as senoside A and B increase intestinal activities, regulating the entire functioning of the body.

However, large and prolonged ingestion of sene tea is not recommended, because the tendency is that the body gets used to it, causing the opposite effect. That is, consuming this herb for long periods makes the intestine sluggish, worsening constipation. Therefore, only make use of this plant if really necessary.

Prevents fluid retention

Sene tea also prevents fluid retention, because it acts as a diuretic, stimulating the production of urine and thus expelling from the body excess water, sodium and other substances that make the body swollen. However, it is worth noting that the use of this plant should not be done in an exaggerated manner, so as not to occur dehydration.

Common questions about sene tea

There is a lot of information about sene tea, which can confuse and bring many questions about how this plant acts in the body. It is believed that its consumption can cause harm to health or help in the weight loss process. Therefore, below are the most common questions about sene tea.

Does sene tea cause cancer?

So far, it has not been possible to scientifically prove whether sene tea causes cancer. However, ingesting the drink in large quantities tends to irritate the intestine, causing inflammation, hypersensitivity or intensifying diseases, for example, hemorrhoids and anal fissure. Therefore, do not use the plant for more than two weeks in a row and without medical advice.

Who has high blood pressure can take sene tea?

The intake of sene tea is not recommended for people who have high blood pressure, since to control hypertension it is necessary to take continuous medication. Thus, there is a risk of drug interaction due to the presence of similar substances in the plant and the drug.

Does sene tea help you lose weight?

Due to its laxative power, sene tea has become known, not only for regulating the bowel, but also for being associated with weight loss. However, this plant does not contain actives that stimulate fat burning, which, in fact, causes body change.

What brings the feeling of weight loss with the ingestion of sene tea is due to the elimination of accumulated feces in the intestine, causing momentary weight loss. Therefore, it is not correct to say that consuming this plant can help you lose weight. It is necessary to combine a healthy lifestyle and the practice of good habits to achieve this goal.

Is it safe to use sene tea in the weight loss process?

Although the sene tea is used in the process of weight loss, this plant is not safe for weight loss. Besides not having components that stimulate fat loss, this tea, if consumed in excess, can cause harm to health and make the body dependent or cause a reverse effect.

Therefore, the best thing to do is to follow a balanced diet, preferably under the guidance of a nutritionist. Physical exercises are also essential to promote calorie loss. Furthermore, it is necessary to lead a good lifestyle, i.e., without addictions, sleep at least 8 hours a day and take care of your emotional health.

Is the viral sene tea recipe safe?

To understand which viral recipe we are talking about, in 2019 a video was posted on Youtube about a recipe for sene tea to lose weight. However, in addition to the plant, the use of other laxative ingredients such as black plum and raisins was guided.

Therefore, this tea is not considered safe for health, because the recommended amount tends to cause severe abdominal pain, excessive loss of feces and water, causing a serious case of dehydration.

Why is the viral recipe for sene tea considered risky?

Sene tea is indicated for people who have constipation and feel discomfort when evacuating. In this context, the viral recipe is risky because it has no scientific basis that it can lead to weight loss. In addition, you should not associate any other ingredient with sene.

Should I consult a doctor before consuming sene tea?

The ideal is that the doctor is consulted before consuming any medicinal plant. When it comes to sene tea, because it is a plant indicated to improve constipation, its use should be done with caution. This is because the tea of this plant is not indicated for all people and can cause unpleasant side effects.

In addition, sene tea is often recommended to assist in weight loss, since the loss of stool tends to reduce bloating and a slight weight loss. There are some benefits of this tea, however, the purpose of this drink is only to regulate the intestines, eliminate parasites and fight inflammation.

Therefore, although there are several miracle recipes involving sene tea promising fast weight loss, always seek the advice of a health care specialist. It is also important to remember that taking the tea in an exaggerated form and for a long time can cause ulcers and constipation.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.