Flower horoscopes: know the flower of each sign of the zodiac!

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Jennifer Sherman

Learn which flowers influence each sign

The meaning of flowers goes far beyond their colors and fragrances. Besides being associated with different aspects of human nature, as is the case of the Language of Flowers, they are also associated with the signs.

Consequently, each sign has a set of specific flowers that influence their personal characteristics as symbols of their characters. If you know Astrology, you are probably able to associate the signs with someone's personality traits.

Therefore, by knowing the flowers which govern each sign, you will easily be able to notice the similarities between them and each astrological personality. This article deals precisely with the relationship between signs and the vegetable kingdom, in what we call the Horoscope of Flowers.

We initially present the origin of this relationship, besides presenting its benefits, the flowers of each sign and, not less important, their meanings. This is the moment to take a step further in your astrological knowledge. Ready to take a walk in this zodiacal garden? Let's start then.

Understanding the relationship between flowers and signs

In this initial section we present how the relationship between flowers and the signs was attributed. Starting from the origin of the flower horoscope, we also present how they can influence each sign, as a kind of prelude to their symbolism presented in the following section. Check it out.

Origin of the flower horoscope

The flower horoscope came about through a process of observation. When the study of the traits of the signs was well structured through their treatises and observation, it was realized that many flowers have energies or myths similar to the characteristics of the signs.

In addition, many flowers bloom precisely in the period of the dates of each sign, lavender, for example, often associated with the sign of Gemini, usually blooms in late autumn, near the beginning of winter.

Moreover, flowers also have popular uses similar to the needs of each sign. This relationship is given through a law of correspondence, which we present below.

Law of correspondence in astrology

The Law of Correspondence in Astrology is used to determine the relationship between the signs and their influence on people's lives. Through it, it is possible to associate personality traits, potentialities and areas in which each sign needs to work to improve its destiny and, consequently, quality of life with the signs.

The practice of associating flowers through the law of correspondence is very old, as the act of connecting the human soul to the plant kingdom was already common in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Botanical Astrology is the area of astrology that uses plants and flowers for medicinal purposes based on the positions of the planets and other celestial bodies. Understand the benefits of flowers below.

Benefits of Flowers

Flowers have many benefits that extend from physical healing to changing the energy level of people. Because they emit aromatic particles through their petals or leaves, they can be used for therapeutic purposes in aromatherapy practices, for example, treating the psyche and emotions.

In addition, knowing the flower that rules your sign is an opportunity for you to cultivate a garden that can reflect your personality. Another benefit of knowing them and associating them to the signs is the fact that they are a great gift option for someone you love.

How can flowers influence the person of each sign?

The influence of flowers on the person of each sign happens due to their planetary and elemental rulers. These rulers strengthen or weaken typical characteristics of the sign, alerting its aura with its subtle energy.

This occurs because in the sacred essence of each flower there are aromatic properties that help to balance the energies of the sign, as well as to heal them. In addition, it is very common that people feel more attracted to certain flowers than others, since the astrological influence determines their personal preferences.

Flowers of each sign

Below, you will find which flowers are associated with each sign. We describe their influences, as well as how they relate to each house of the zodiac. Thus, you can use them to improve your mood, decorate your home and other countless possibilities. Check it out.

Flower for the sign of Aries

The flower of the sign of Aries is the Honeysuckle. Just like this first sign of the zodiac, the Honeysuckle brings a fresh breeze which balances the energies and impulsive nature of this sign. It symbolizes new beginnings and is associated with protection, love and psychic powers.

In addition, honeysuckles reinforce the optimistic and courageous independent nature of Aryans, allowing them to be honest, direct and ambitious in a balanced way.

Honeysuckles also represent the gentle and charming tendency of Aryans, bringing to them the tenderness of the earth element. Other flower options for Aryans are: thistle, gazania, geranium, gerbera, daffodil, tagetes and all flowers ruled by Mars and the Fire Element.

Taurus flower

The flower of the sign of Taurus is the Poppy. Symbol of immortality, the poppy embodies Taurus' characteristics such as passion, strength and willingness to fight for their goals. The poppy also allows Taureans to keep their feet on the ground, defend their territory and, above all, to be heard, also bringing a little of the emotions and empathy of the Water element.

Being a flower that blooms in April and May and being linked to the myths of the seasons, the poppy aligns Taurus to the cycles of nature. Other flower options for the sign of Taurus are: foxgloves, lilies, daisies, primroses, roses, violets and all the flowers ruled by Venus and the Earth Element.

Gemini flower

The Flower of the sign of Gemini is Lavender. Ruled by Mercury and the Air element, exactly the same rulers of Gemini, lavender suits the social, adaptable and airy nature of Gemini.

Besides, it brings an inner peace energy that is essential to balance the energy of this sign. Other flower options for the sign of Gemini are: azalea, lily of the valley, mandrake, verbena and all the flowers ruled by Mercury and the Air Element.

Cancer Flower

The flower of the sign of Cancer is Jasmine. Being the most caring sign of the zodiac, Jasmine will bring inner peace, healing energies and love for Cancerians to perform their abilities. The white rose also balances the nostalgic nature of this sign, combating bad feelings such as hurt and even feelings of possession or abandonment, to which natives of this sign are susceptible.

Other flower options for the sign of Cancer are: angelica, lady of the night, gardenia, hydrangea, lily, lotus, water lily, poppy, white rose, blue violet and all flowers ruled by the Moon and the Water Element.

Leo flower

Ruled by the Sun, the flower of the sign of Leo could not be less exuberant than the biggest star in our system. Therefore, the Sunflower is the most suitable flower for this sign. The vibrant energy of this flower brings to the leonines the energy that makes them awaken or enhance their personal brilliance causing more dazzle and admiration wherever they go.

In addition, the sunflower brings with it the energy of romance and is therefore essential to balance the energies of Leo. Other flower options for the sign of Leo are: acacia, marigold, yellow carnation, dahlia, ranunculus, and all flowers ruled by the Sun and the Fire Element.

Flower of the Virgo sign

The flower of the sign of Virgo is the Violet. The violet is aligned with the intellectual and detail-oriented characteristics of Virgoans. When in contact with natives of this sign, the violet aligns with their classic nature and activates their abilities, bringing them to the surface.

It also brings a little more romance and empathy to your life, which is often considered cold. Other flower options for Virgo are: aster, azalea, chrysanthemum, cherry blossoms, lilac, narcissus, white rose and all the flowers ruled by Mercury and the Earth Element.

Libra flower

The flower of the sign of Libra is the Hyacinth. This flower reinforces the empathy and diplomacy typical of Librians, facilitating their search for balance and as a mediator in resolving conflicts. In addition, because they are ruled by Venus, the planet that rules beauty, the Hyacinth also helps Libra natives to deal with their appreciation for aesthetics and the arts.

The hyacinth also helps to balance a very common characteristic of this sign: indecision. Other flower options for the sign of Libra are: aster, glass of milk, freesia, tulip and all the flowers ruled by Venus and the Air Element.

Scorpio flower

The ideal flower for Scorpio natives is Geranium. This powerful flower with its rose-like scent balances the latent intensity of Scorpios, bringing them more in touch with their intimate nature. In addition, Geranium aligns Scorpio natives with their intuition, allowing them to read people better.

If you are a Scorpio who needs more intensity in your life, replace the geranium with the red rose. Other flower options for the sign of Scorpio are: anemone, gardenia, flowers in shades of bright red to scarlet and all flowers ruled by Pluto and the Water Element.

Flower for the sign of Sagittarius

The flower of Sagittarius is the carnation. The vibrant colors arranged in layers make the carnation the ideal flower for the optimistic, positive and fun way Sagittarians approach life. Being very interested in the unknown, Sagittarians find the necessary protection against dangers using the carnation.

In addition, carnations facilitate communication and lapidate the spontaneous and extroverted nature of this sign. Other flower options for the sign of Sagittarius are: dandelion, peonies, pink flowers and all flowers ruled by Jupiter and the Fire Element.

Capricorn flower

The flower of the sign of Capricorn is Perfect Love. This powerful flower aligns with Capricornian traits like persistence and commitment, balancing them out and bringing more quality of life to them.

If you have many tasks and need to reduce your pace and intensity of work, exchange the pansy for lilac, a flower that brings calm and happiness. Other flower options for the sign of Capricorn are: camellia, white gnat, trillium and all flowers ruled by Saturn and the Earth Element.

Aquarius flower

The flower of the sign of Aquarius is the Iris. Symbol of hope and ambition, the iris awakens the eclectic and visionary nature of Aquarians. It also awakens their philanthropic nature, helping their rational and problem-solving driven nature.

Iris is also a flower that helps Aquarians integrate into the collective. Since they tend to be a bit unusual and even eccentric, this powerful flower will help keep their interpersonal relationships up to date.

Other flower options for the sign of Aquarius are: orchid, bird of paradise, gladiolus and all flowers ruled by Uranus and the Air Element.

Pisces flower

The Pisces flower is the Water Lily, also known as the Water Lily. This powerful aquatic flower balances the fanciful nature of Pisces as well as their need to seek affection and affection. It also allows Pisceans to develop their intuition and exercise their imagination in a healthy way.

In addition, the water lily brings emotional support to the sensitivity of Pisces and awakens its sensuality. Other flower options for the sign of Pisces are: hydrangea, lilac, lotus, poppy, all flowers that are born near waterways or governed by Neptune and the Water Element.

The flowers of each sign bring positive energies!

Besides being beautiful and possessing remarkable aromas, the flowers of each sign bring positive energies. These energies are manifested in the aura of its users, who, from the contact with the energy of flowers, starts to vibrate in a clearer way.

Through the simple act of beautifying your home with these flowers according to the sign, you will open the channel for the Universe to send the best vibrations to you. Remember that you can also gift them to someone according to your sign.

In this way, you will not only be contributing to the energetic improvement of the person who received the flowers, but also to your own life improvement, after all, everything that is sent to the Universe comes back to you. Therefore, allow the positive energies to bloom in your life adorning it with more colors, beauty and aromas of the vegetable kingdom.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.