House 12 in the birth chart: check the planets and signs in this house!

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Jennifer Sherman

General Meaning of the 12th House in the Birth Chart

The 12th house speaks to us of how we modify others as much as we are modified by them. It is our perception that we are not completely separate from the collective and that when we serve others we also serve ourselves.

This feeling of making sense to others is often connected with the search for completeness that existed before the material world, when we were part of the energy of the universe. Thus, the 12th house wants the destructuring of individual identity and a discovery that we are part of something that is beyond ourselves.

This House also brings a notion that redemption comes through the sacrifice of the "I", this may not be completely true. Many times the need is in the sacrifice of our relationship with things. When we condition ourselves to ideologies, beliefs, relationships or possessions, we end up losing the ability to be unlimited. Follow the article to learn more about the 12th House!

12th house and its influences

The 12th house connects with the notion that we are part of something that is beyond ourselves. It represents many dilemmas surrounding the sacrifice of some aspects of personal identity for the sake of things that make sense to the collective.

It doesn't necessarily ask us to let go of who we are, but rather how we relate to the beliefs that keep us from being complete. Read on to find out in what other ways the 12th house can influence our lives.

What are the Astrological Houses

The astrological reading is based on three pillars: the signs, the planets and the astrological houses. The signs can be interpreted as ways of facing things, the planets are temperaments, or intensities that we give to our feelings or desires. That type of reaction that we have in an involuntary way.

The Astrological Houses, in turn, indicate the sectors of our life. The planets indicate which situations we can expect, the signs tell us through which filter we see these situations and the houses show where the situations will happen.

The House 12

The 12th house represents what was before our material world and what will come after. It is a house full of dilemmas, at the same time our ego wants to keep itself present because it could finally appear, but we also want to transcend our sense of being isolated, to go back to our totality.

Many planets in this house, can leave the native with a certain difficulty in forming their own identity. They can be influenced by anything or they can completely distort who they are. This can cause a lack of direction in life or a feeling that everything is the same. These are people who when they think they have found a way, something unexpected happens and everything goes back to thezero.

It can cause some confusion as to where we end ourselves and others begin, which can allow greater compassion for others, so the native may seek to perform selfless actions, artistic inspirations, approaching the ability to live in a greater whole.

In many ways the 12th house describes the helper, the liberator, the savior. It is in this house that we perceive our relationship with the whole universe, the existence of everything is seen as a part of us. We understand that what is good for us, is good for everything else.

The effects of Neptune and Pisces

The 12th house is related to the element of Water, the sign of Pisces and the planet Neptune. This link brings a pressure of rupture with life, a need to go back to before material life, to the mother's womb, where we felt we belonged and were part of what was around us.

Many psychologists believe that it is at this moment that the first notion of consciousness of the human being happens, a place without limit, without notion of space and timeless. These beliefs are part of our intuition, at a very deep level we believe that we are unlimited, infinite and eternal. This completeness becomes our greatest desire, the aspiration to connect with what was before.

The elements of the Houses

The Astrological Houses are related to the elements fire, earth, air and water. The characteristics of these elements end up being associated with the houses and also influence the areas of our life.

Fire brings an aspect of combustion, a creative energy. Houses 1, 5 and 9 are of Fire. The Earth element, on the other hand, connects with material things, with security. It is our subjective represented by material objects. Earth Houses are 2, 6 and 10.

The Air element connects with mental capacity, where we see objectively, in Houses 3, 7 and 11. Finally, the Water houses bring the ability to see what is in the depths, in Houses 4, 8 and 12.

The zodiac signs in the 12th house

The 12th house is the house of the unconscious, it means the abdication of the "I" for the collective. The signs in this house will explain how we react to this challenge, in which way we face this situation.

The signs work as a filter, which will color in different ways the way of looking at the issues of the 12th house. Check below for more details!

Aries in 12th House

Generally, those who have Aries in the 12th house hold anger inside themselves. Planets positioned in the 12th house usually serve as a way for these energies to dissipate. If there is no planet, it is necessary to find a way to put these energies out, otherwise, the person can get sick.

In this sense therapy is strongly recommended for people with this aspect, as it is a way of talking about emotions that they will not want to get out easily. It is possible that people with this aspect will want to know beliefs that are foreign to other people.

Taurus in the 12th House

Taurus in the 12th house are people who may not want to share their dreams and fantasies with others, often they may withdraw to do things they like. They are usually people who want to be rich, so they can afford to buy whatever they want and have a wealthy status.

These pleasures can further expand to food, drink and sex. Happiness and pleasure are their highest goal, they believe that this happiness is the truest form of expressing spirituality. They believe that no one was born to suffer.

Gemini in 12th house

People born with Gemini in the 12th house try to rationalize matters of the unconscious. They try to understand objectively their mental health, the impediments of the psyche, the limitations that they do not even know what they are.

They are very imaginative people and have great intuition. If they manage to use these characteristics for the positive side and stop seeking reason for the occult and for spiritual things, they tend to reap great fruits.

Cancer in 12th House

Those who have Cancer in the 12th house feel comfortable at home, their home is their refuge. They are usually very sensitive people. Many times this quality is not easily perceived because they tend to be unstable, with very abrupt mood swings.

Emotional instability is so great that it is common for them not to know why they were angry, which ends up generating a certain difficulty in trying to be honest about what hurt them. Often they keep their feelings, which turn into rancor.

Leo in 12th House

Leo in the 12th house, we can expect someone who has a very important job done out of the scene. You are happy to assist other people's successes, being very independent to achieve your own contentment.

Natives are usually very tolerant and like to help others. They are people who can be very shy in their relationships, often hiding and choosing to pass by without drawing attention. They are people who seek a lot of attention from their partner, even being somewhat controlling.

Virgo in 12th House

People with Virgo in the 12th house tend to have a more objective mentality, trying to analyze the more objective side of things in everyday life. They are people very connected to the environment, often getting involved with causes in this sphere.

They are people who can have a concern beyond what is necessary, leaning towards a somewhat compulsive side. Likewise, they have a certain fixation for details, always seeking perfection.

Libra in 12th House

Those born with Libra in the 12th house tend to have a much more hardened attitude from within. They are people who possess a certain refinement, as well as an education, that is rarely shown.

They usually have a notion of right and wrong within themselves, they see the world as a Whole and if they can't find some kind of balance in this Whole they may believe that God does not exist. This lack of clarity about what they see and what they believe can generate many spiritual conflicts.

Scorpio in 12th House

Natives in this aspect are often predisposed to self-sabotaging attitudes, and may take revenge on someone by hitting themselves. They are very sensitive to their weaknesses, and may become very angry when delicate things come up, or someone touches their weaknesses.

They believe that the power which consumes them comes from another source, which is beyond their control. It is possible that people with this position use some kind of illness to try to control another person. They need to delve into their unconscious and resolve their issues so that they can transcend.

Sagittarius in 12th House

Sagittarius in the 12th house brings an interest in spiritual matters. These are people who need a little seclusion, time to meditate and philosophize about life. They seek, through these practices, to find the truth. However, they do not always get clarity about these issues and this search remains immersed in their unconscious.

They like the idea of being references in the humanistic area, being recognized for their visions and wisdom. They seek rules and build their reality around conditioning, living within the laws of what is acceptable, of what is expected.

Capricorn in 12th House

Capricorn represents the maximum of the materialization of reality, in the 12th house, we have an aspect somewhat paradoxical. These are people who desire, often without knowing it, some kind of recognition, authority and riches. They aim to achieve these goals individually and through their work.

While seeking a collective, non-exclusive equality, they also believe that the hardest and most industrious deserve some kind of privilege. Spirituality can get mixed up with ideological beliefs.

Aquarius in 12th House

Those born with Aquarius in the 12th house usually feel a lot of stress without being able to know why. Usually this feeling of anxiety precedes birth, for this reason they are complex traits to be traced and treated.

These are people who may feel a certain difficulty in feeling free to disobey and be original. They feel that they need to fit into society, that if they break the rules of society something very bad will happen.

Pisces in 12th House

Those who are born with Pisces in the 12th house usually need time for themselves, to meditate. Their inner life is rich and has much diversity, which inhabits their dreams and makes their imagination valuable.

They also possess an ability to materialize the things that come into their imaginary world. This aspect can also create chaos at an inner level, generating confusion and fears involving water, fish, a fear of getting lost in the water and not finding themselves, not knowing what is real and what is imagination.

The Planets in the 12th House

The 12th house is the house of what is below the level of understanding, it means to look at our role in function of something greater than ourselves. The planets that inhabit these houses can amplify or reduce some characteristics of this house.

They also add their own energies to the way we will handle some situations that manifest. Read on to learn a little more about these effects.

Moon in 12th House

The Moon in the 12th house brings an aspect of psychological vulnerability to those who have this position. They are people who can get confused, not knowing if what they are feeling are their own feelings or the feelings of other people around them.

Many people with this position in the sky will feel the need to isolate themselves from time to time to recover their own energy. It may represent some difficulty in dealing with women or a very strong relationship with their mother, which may last even after her departure from this plane (through dreams or visions).

Mercury in 12th House

Mercury in the 12th house tries to make a connection between the unconscious and the conscious, it strives to bring to the knowledge of the subject what is in his or her depths. Thus, the native needs to search for what is in the occult.

However, they need to curate what they find and select what makes sense or not to bring into the real world, otherwise they are likely to get lost in a ball of memories. Many may be afraid of getting lost in this unconscious universe and become very rational, believing only what can be proven.

Venus in 12th house

Venus in the 12th house brings the need to learn through pain, a broken heart, abandonment. These are people who need an eternal love, need to deeply love someone, to adore that person. They love to make sacrifices for love.

They understand that everything deserves to be loved and will often seek to relate in some way with entities of people in vulnerable situations. Often they will discover talent for some artistic activity.

Sun in 12th House

If we understand the Sun as a star that leads us in search of our individual identity and the 12th house as the house of the collective that leads us to look at our role in function of a whole, we can understand this as a positioning in which the individual identity finds and incorporates something universal.

Those who have Sun in this position need to learn to deal with the tenuity between the conscious and the unconscious. Their "I" needs to be able to allow the elements of the collective to enter, but not be dominated by them.

They are people who can have a moment of enlightenment right after some crisis or confinement. They are people who can help other people through their understanding of what is in the unconscious.

Mars in 12th house

Mars in the 12th House has its aggressiveness disguised, appearing only a dissatisfaction in relation to life. These are people who can complain about everything all the time and not do anything to change that situation. They are people with predisposition to have ungoverned behaviors, that explode from one hour to another.

Mars is a planet that brings an energy of getting what you want, in the 12th house it can turn into strategies that lead to escapism or other destructive attitudes. People with this positioning tend to benefit a lot in elucidating their dreams.

Jupiter in 12th house

Natives with Jupiter in the 12th house may be able to count some mysterious solutions that

When they found themselves in a very difficult situation without solution, some way to solve it presented itself. This is Jupiter in the 12th house.

Those who have this aspect have an unshakeable faith in life, they are willing to accept anything that comes their way. This trait forms an ability to turn obstacles into blessings. Jupiter here will need to find the truth within each one, they are people who tend to benefit greatly in the interpretation of their dreams and their psyche.

Saturn in 12th house

People with Saturn in the 12th are afraid of what is below the level of consciousness. They believe that if they relax controls over themselves they will be invaded by overpowering emotions. They often crush their unconscious desires and lose the will to integrate themselves into life.

They believe they are not all they can be, or that something will destroy them at any moment. Many astrologers interpret Saturn in the 12th house as "undoing secret enemies", many times this enemy is the person's own unconscious, resentful of having been put aside. Usually a troubled pregnancy, for some reason, may have created a deep fear, where the native puts himselfconstantly in doubt.

Thus, they are children who feel guilty for being alive and this becomes a feeling of being in debt with society. They feel they need to solve everything on their own, but it is precisely needing and accepting the help of another that will elevate them. The immersion into their unconscious, which they fear so much, will be the healing of their wounds.

Uranus in 12th House

Uranus in the 12th house forms a very favorable unconscious exploration aspect, through this connection the native may be able to find new meaning for the way they see life.

The planet in this position favors the meeting of ancestral memories, things that happened in other generations. These are people who have a well-developed intuition, with strong notions of what is going to happen they don't know very well where the knowledge comes from.

They may have their personal freedom repressed in some way, often being the repressing agent themselves. A period of seclusion can be very favourable for natives, ideas may arise which could be of great help to other people.

Neptune in 12th House

Neptune in the 12th house is at home, this means that all the qualities of the planet can be magnified, both good and bad. Natives are often very sensitive to hidden forces or other manifestations that are active. They can be invaded by emotions that others could more easily control.

The well aspected planet can serve as a guide and as inspiration. Many can reach primitive reserves of information, as if they have experienced situations which were never part of their reality. More disharmonious these characteristics are used to escape from actual life, fantasise and give up their own life to live from dreams.

People with this aspect may experience times of seclusion to cleanse the energy absorbed from contact with others. Often they may feel that they have no control over their lives, for they are at the mercy of a divine authority.

They suffer because they see that the world is not as beautiful as it could be and they often believe that the cure is in beauty. The beauty of a sunset, of a mist in a dark sky, has a regenerating effect on their mind. They need to accept the beautiful and the ugly, to understand that there is perfection in the imperfect.

Pluto in 12th house

People with Pluto in 12th are so afraid of being controlled by their deepest desires that they end up being controlled by this fear. Hence the importance that they seek to know their weak or unrevealed sides. Often these deep desires are not only bad, so they end up being crushed also healthy desires.

These fears are born when you have a notion of what you can achieve, which gives you an anxiety because becoming something else means not being what you already know you are. These changes mean, on some level, a way of dying. While you desperately want to evolve, you protect yourself all the time from these changes because you believe they will kill you.

North Node in the 12th House

Those who have the North Node in the 12th house need to increase their involvement in activities carried out in a team. They are people who benefit from research into general knowledge or who meet social demands rather than just their own interests.

South Node in 12th House

The South Node in the 12th house communicates a deep need to communicate who you are in a more natural way. These are people who need to find what makes them feel more original to their own identity. They need to break free of society's goals and find their own.

Why is the 12th house so feared?

The rupture of the ego identity generates a fear that leads people to seek some kind of substitute gratification. They usually try to minimize this anxiety with the search for love and sex, they feel that if they are part of something they will be loved and will be able to go beyond their own isolation.

Sacrificing individual identity for the sake of the collective may seem very scary, many understand that they will have to give up who they are and everything they have achieved so far. They get stuck to standards or goals that are not always really their own but are projections of other people.

It is worth remembering that making sense to us is also making sense to others, the world needs what only we can give, which is ourselves.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.