What is self-hypnosis: benefits, purpose, relaxation, and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is self-hypnosis?

Generally speaking, self-hypnosis is a relaxation technique for the mind, in which the deepest layer of the subconscious is accessed. As the name suggests, the technique is performed by the individual himself, but there is a professional who performs the method on other people, the so-called hypnotist or hypnotherapist.

Through suggestive phrases, the subconscious reduces its resistance to receive commands from the individual himself. Because of this, anyone becomes capable of controlling his own mind, balancing his thoughts and even his behavior.

Self-hypnosis provides several benefits for the human being, ranging from mind relaxation to help in the treatment of diseases, addictions, anxiety control, and improved concentration. In this text, you will learn more about these benefits, as well as the main stages and techniques of hypnosis.

Benefits of self-hypnosis

The benefits of self-hypnosis are many. For this reason, we list below the main ones, among them, the treatment of diseases and addictions, resting the mind, concentration and anxiety control. Check them out!

Treating diseases and addictions

Some types of addictions are considered diseases. Alcohol addiction, for example, is considered a disease by the World Health Organization. Those who are in the process of freeing themselves from any addiction know how difficult it is, but self-hypnosis is a great ally to unravel and fight the cause of diseases and addictions.

This happens because in the hypnotic state, where the mind is concentrated and relaxed, the unconscious mind releases the reasons that led the individual to trigger episodes of addiction and the reason for the existence of diseases. With the answers in hand, the person can treat the problem at the root.

Rest of Mind

Self-hypnosis brings a person's mind into a deep relaxation, where all accelerated thinking is eliminated. Those who go through this process experience a great rest in the mind, finding themselves free of worries and stress. Therefore, hypnotic sessions are great for those more stressful days.

With a good night's sleep or vacation, the body can rest. But sometimes, mental fatigue is so great that thoughts cannot slow down. In such cases, a self-hypnosis session in a quiet environment is indispensable to rest completely. So, set aside some time in your routine and perform the process.


With the help of self-hypnosis, this problem can be minimized and concentration is soon improved.

With the techniques of self-hypnosis, such as relaxation, for example, the mind enters a state of deep rest in which all mental fatigue is eliminated. Because of this, the individual can pay attention to what is around him/her. For this reason, to concentrate better, it is ideal to do the hypnotic session before doing any activity.

Against anxiety

Anxiety is an inherent feeling in human beings, but depending on the case, this feeling can worsen and give rise to many disorders, especially in societies facing serious social, cultural, political, environmental, and other problems. To combat high levels of anxiety, self-hypnosis is a great indication.

When hypnosis is performed by the person him/herself, the mind enters a state of deep relaxation, eliminating many limiting beliefs. In this sense, if you feel paralyzed in some activity because of anxiety, the hypnosis sessions eliminate this negative feeling, leaving you calmer and more relaxed.

Simple Steps for Self-Hypnosis

A successful self-hypnosis needs to be carried out in certain steps. It is like certain steps you need to follow. The steps consist of goal, environment, comfort, relaxation, suggestion, and awakening. See below how each one of them works.


To achieve anything in life it is necessary to have a goal. With self-hypnosis it works the same way, that is, you need to focus on what you want. It is necessary to be very clear about what you want and where you want to go.

For example, if you don't want to accumulate more worries in your thoughts about simple everyday situations, instead of saying "I won't worry about it anymore", just say "I'll worry less about it".

This action is important, because the unconscious mind acts in the opposite way; that is, when the word "No" is said, the unconscious mind understands it as an order to do exactly what one is trying to avoid. Therefore, it is fundamental to be very specific in one's goals.


For a successful self-hypnosis it is necessary that it be performed in a place without any distractions. Understand that it is a process in which you will connect with yourself, with your thoughts and emotions. Therefore, the environment needs to be quiet, without sounds or any other type of element that can take your focus away.

If you do self-hypnosis at home, choose a time when you can be alone and disconnect all the devices that can take your attention away, such as the radio, TV, cell phones, etc. The important thing is to have total concentration.


It may seem like just a detail, but being comfortable for the self-hypnosis session is just as important as the other steps. You should choose clothes that you feel good in and that don't need to be fixed all the time. Also take care of the shoes you wear, because they should bring lightness to your body.

If it is too cold, take something with you to warm yourself up. If it is too hot, try putting on light clothes. Also, see if you are a person who gets along with silence. Some people get irritated with too much quietness, so in these cases it is recommended to put on a musical background that brings a sense of comfort.


Relaxation is a step that requires two actions, breathing and physical relaxation. Both actions are essential for self-hypnosis to occur efficiently. In the breathing process you will use a specific technique that consists of the following steps:

1. inhale the air slowly counting to 3;

Hold your breath for 3 seconds;

Then let the air out of your lungs very slowly, counting from 1 to 3;

4. take 3 seconds without breathing and repeat the whole process for at least 5 times.

To perform physical relaxation, you will need to tense your body for 10 seconds and then relax it for at least 20 seconds. You will find that this whole process will facilitate your connection with yourself.


For self-hypnosis to work properly, you need to state your goals to yourself, very clear and positive. For example, let's say you want to lose weight, instead of saying "I want to lose weight", say "I will gain a lean and healthy body". The word "lose" is seen as literal in the unconscious and brings negative consequences.

Also, in each sentence use a justification that is acceptable and achievable. Example: "I will gain a lean and healthy body, because I want to eat better". When the "because" is used, the unconscious eliminates resistance and the goals become easier to achieve.


A self-hypnosis session cannot be ended abruptly, but rather in a light and gentle manner. To do this, you can count from 1 to 3 so that all the energy is distributed throughout your body and you gradually become conscious in a state of alertness and vigilance.

In addition, it is very important that you carry out your activities normally after the self-hypnosis session. If your sessions are being held before going to sleep, it is essential to wake up from the trance so that the process is not linked to sleep. Dreams can influence the suggestions of hypnosis.

Self-hypnosis technique for everyday life

When self-hypnosis is included throughout your day, you experience success in all activities. Below are some techniques that you can use in your daily life, from waking up to going to bed. Take a look!

To get up

Words have power, and starting the day by saying positive sentences to yourself has the ability to transform your routine. So when you wake up, before you even get up, you should put positivity in front of you. That is, say affirmative sentences, such as "today I will have a wonderful day", "everything will work out for me", "I will be very productive".

This self-hypnosis technique for getting up is key to having a successful day, especially if it is a day of making important decisions. When you wake up thinking that everything will be monotonous and repetitive, and even saying "Gee, it's going to start all over again," your mind will pick up the message of tiredness and discouragement.

To feed yourself

For those who wish to lose weight, the self-hypnosis technique for eating is great. With it, you will give some commands to your mind, such as: "with this food I am satisfied", "by eating less, I can eat better", "I can eat in a healthy and balanced way", among other phrases of the kind.

Note, however, that these suggestions are not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for people who want to eat better. With these phrases, you can enter a process of dietary re-education and include in your meals healthy foods that bring benefits to your health.

To end the day

In times of high expectations for a job well done, the end of the workday can bring feelings of frustration and disappointment. After all, with so many tasks to take care of, it is not always possible to accomplish everything with quality and perfection. One way to calm the mind and reduce anxiety levels for the next day is to go through the technique of realization in a self-hypnosis.

That is, when you finish your work activities, say to yourself: "I did the best I could today", "everything I did was with excellence and dedication", "each time I am developing my work better". With these phrases, your subconscious will understand that you make an effort in each activity you perform.

To end the day

Gratitude is a feeling that has become a life ideology. The more grateful you are, the more positivity you attract. However, despite knowing about the importance of gratitude, it is a feeling that needs to be developed daily, and nothing better than a good self-hypnosis technique to help this process.

At the end of the day, how many things can you be thankful for? Think about the fact that you are alive, even more so in a pandemic context, be thankful for the opportunities you have received, be thankful for your work, for your life, for your achievements. In short, be thankful for everything you have and will achieve.

To lie down

When you go to bed it is important that your mind is relaxed in order to enter the sleep period. To make this possible, you can use some technological devices. On the Internet you can find, for example, audio self-hypnosis applications, where they provide suggestions for your mind to relax. Movies and books can also be used to relax.

However, be very careful when using these gadgets, because if used in excess, all of them can disturb your sleep and bring more tiredness than rest. Therefore, the secret in this process is balance and moderation. Remember that you need rest, not the other way around.

Who can do self-hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a technique performed by a specific professional and applied to the general public, including children, whereas self-hypnosis can be performed by anyone, as long as they are aware of their own actions. Thus, children who do not yet have the cognitive capacity to understand certain processes cannot do it.

For the rest, people of all ages can enjoy the benefits of this relaxation technique to experience a healthier life. So, use the information you have discovered today and set aside time in your routine to conduct sessions of self-hypnosis. Soon you will notice how your days will become happier and more peaceful.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.