Sedentary life: symptoms, diseases, how to fight it, and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is a sedentary life?

Sedentary lifestyle is characterized by a condition in which the person does not practice any kind of physical activity on a regular basis, which ends up influencing the lack of willingness to practice certain activities in their daily lives.

This lack of movement leads to a series of diseases that are very harmful to the body and favors weight gain - because the consumption of food ends up increasing with the sedentary routine.

In this article, you will understand how a sedentary life impacts a person's life, the diseases that this lifestyle can develop over time, and some precious tips on how to get out of this vicious cycle and follow a healthier routine and habits. Enjoy your reading!

Physical Symptoms of a Sedentary Life

Sedentary lifestyle, that is, the lack of regular physical activity coupled with poor eating habits, begins to give some warning signs in the human body over time, which can be easily noticed. Check out what these physical symptoms are in the next topics.

Excessive fatigue

Excessive fatigue is caused by lack of physical activity. In general, the practice of movements and actions during daily life is responsible for increasing the metabolism.

When there is no such practice, the metabolism slows down and the person feels tired more often and more quickly when he/she decides to do some domestic activity, for example, or any other activity that is common for him/her.

In addition, an inadequate and unregulated diet can also be a major villain for excessive fatigue.

Lack of muscle strength

Moving the body is extremely important for human health.

With the person who does not practice any physical activity and is not used to moving, the muscles can also end up weakening and atrophying. It is also important to remember that it is not enough to move the body - but to move it in the right way. Otherwise you can have some injury or problem in the long run.

Joint pain

Weight is a factor that greatly influences the joint pains that people have. Weight gain and excessive weight can make the body unable to support some movements added to the weight it is carrying. In this case, the pain begins.

Another point that can also be taken into consideration is pain caused by lack of joint movement. Standing still for too long can also lead to joint pain.

Fat accumulation

This accumulation of fat happens in the abdomen and inside the arteries, because the energy that is supplied (according to the food you eat) is not spent, because the body is not doing any activity.

This causes this fat to be deposited as fat in the body - and this also implies increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.

Excessive weight gain

Excessive weight gain in people who are sedentary occurs, mainly, because there is no calorie expenditure. So this causes an increase in abdominal fat and also in fat inside the arteries, causing an increase in both cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Snoring during sleep and sleep apnea

Snoring and sleep apnea have become more and more frequent in some people. Many people don't know it, but obesity and a sedentary lifestyle can also be one of the factors that cause these physical symptoms.

This is because the air can start to pass through the airways with too much difficulty, causing disturbances during sleep.

Sedentarism, in the long run, can lead to some diseases, according to how often the person stops moving and keeps his or her eating habits very bad. Check, below, what these diseases are and their main characteristics.

Cardiovascular Diseases

There are a number of cardiovascular diseases, and they are characterized by problems that affect the heart and its blood vessels. They can appear after a certain age - and are usually related to unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as a high-fat diet and lack of physical activity, in the case of sedentarism.

As an example of cardiovascular diseases, we can mention hypertension, acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, congenital heart disease, endocarditis, cardiac arrhythmias, angina, myocarditis, and valvular heart disease.

It is essential that cardiovascular diseases are properly treated, because besides causing uncomfortable and very bad symptoms for the body, such as shortness of breath, chest pain, or swelling in the body, they are also the leading cause of death in the world.


Diabetes is a disease resulting from insufficient production or poor absorption of insulin by the body. Diabetes can cause blood glucose to rise, and high rates can lead to serious complications in the heart, arteries, eyes, kidneys, and nerves, and can even lead to death.

The cause of diabetes is still unknown, but the best way to prevent it is with healthy lifestyle practices, such as healthy eating and regular exercise. Sedentary lifestyle, in this case, is a determining factor in whether the condition is healthy or not.


Osteoporosis and a sedentary lifestyle are directly linked: people who are sedentary are more likely to have osteoporosis, because in inactivity, the muscles are not used much, and the traction on the bones is what determines and gives the balance between remodeling and resorption.

This is also the case for people who are bedridden for a long time due to illness. When the person starts to move again, the bones become weaker due to the lack of movement. In the case of the person who does any kind of physical activity, this no longer happens, because their muscles (which are embedded in the bones) cause a traction force that makes them more resistant.


Obesity is considered one of the evils of modern life, besides being seen as an epidemic worldwide. In Brazil, for example, the Ministry of Health found that one in five Brazilians is overweight. This number, unfortunately, is directly related to a sedentary lifestyle and the bad habits it brings with it.

Obesity can cause functional disability, reduced life expectancy, and even death. Among the most common abnormalities found in obese people are kidney disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and sleep apnea.

Consequences of sedentary lifestyles on mental health

Physical health is not the only one impacted by a sedentary lifestyle. Mental health can also be equally damaged by the effects of lack of movement, causing devastating reactions. Check out what these consequences are and their main characteristics.


There are researches that prove that sedentary people have a higher level of stress in relation to people who exercise. This is often due to a more rushed, hectic, accelerated, and turbulent life - because in a life where the person doesn't have time, food is a point that is usually left aside.

People who have busy routines, exchange healthy eating for snacks, fast foods, and fast food - and we know well that this kind of eating is not at all healthy for the human body.

In addition, the hustle and bustle of everyday life can be a reason for a person not to engage in physical activity, even though they know it can be very important for their health.


Depression is a disease that is increasingly present in society and can appear in people of all ages. Never has so much been said about depression as has been said now. In short, depression is the presence of sadness, pessimism, and low self-esteem.

Physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle, and depression are directly associated according to research. People who do not practice any physical activity are much more likely to develop the disease, because the lack of movement directly impacts the health, the quality of life, and the self-esteem of the human being.


It is already clear that a sedentary lifestyle affects mental health in many ways, and it has also been proven that a lack of movement can also cause anxiety.

Anxiety is a term used for various disorders that cause nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worry, and is an illness when it causes impairment in occupational functioning, whether at work, in daily activities, or in relationships.

Too many hours standing still can mainly cause sleep disturbances, lack of sociability, and various other negative health effects.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

This is a neurobiological disorder that is identified in childhood and accompanies the person for his entire life. It is characterized by symptoms of inattention, restlessness, and impulsiveness. It manifests itself even at school - through difficulties in relating to peers.

In adulthood, symptoms such as poor memory, inattention, and impulsiveness appear. Many people don't know, but the disorder is also related to a sedentary lifestyle, since children with ADHD are more likely to become obese and sedentary adolescents.

How to fight sedentarism

Sedentarism is not a disease, and there are some ways to get out of this set of harmful habits for your health in the medium and long term. Check in the next topics what they are.

Preferred physical activity

You may not like physical activities, but start with the one you enjoy the most - or the one you like the most. Take a dance class or look for water aerobics and swimming classes, go for a walk, and then gradually try a run, join a gym, or crossfit. Even doing light exercises like skipping rope at home is worthwhile.

Anyway, try to find some activity that you like to do. It can be a gym, as we know, not your thing. Get to know yourself to try and practice something.

Environment close to home or work

Many times, you may end up choosing to do some activity that is too far away from your home and this ends up being an excuse for you to not do it - either because it is too busy, or because you are going to be too late, or because you ran out of gas for your car, or because it is raining, and so on.

The excuses can be countless, so look for some activity that you can do close to your home (that is, if it is possible). This will prevent you from getting that discouraging feeling when you go to do your physical activity.

No hurry to reap results

One thing you have to keep in mind is that results are achieved daily, little by little, and not from one day to the next. Don't start something wanting immediate results, because it is a process. There is no result without daily achievement.

Another important point to note is that frustration leads to quitting. So, because you are not seeing quick results from what you are doing, you may feel that it is not doing any good. But, deep down, it is (a lot).

Everything in life are stages - and stages must be experienced in their entirety for the result to be fully satisfactory down the road. Another tip is: determine where you want to go. This will motivate you too much to stick to your goal. Don't give up.

Combine exercise with good nutrition

It is a fact that a healthy diet is a great ally for optimal results when it comes to the health of the body in all senses.

In addition, it is necessary for you to understand that unregulated and incomplete eating in terms of nutrients can greatly harm whatever activity you are doing.

It can hinder the results you are hoping for, and also cause discouragement, making you feel weaker and less willing to exercise. So keep an eye on your correct and complete diet for good results.

Free time to rest

Your workout won't be the same if you are tired and unmotivated, so whenever possible, rest as much as necessary so that you have plenty of energy for your activities, whatever they may be.

Not only will your training not be the same when you do it without energy, you won't be able to dedicate yourself enough, and therefore your results won't be the same. Pay attention to this, and also to the quality of your sleep. Get a good night's sleep - at least eight hours a day - don't sleep too late, and keep an established routine of bedtime and wake-up times. Routine is a great tool.

Activity Partner

Having a companion is a great thing in many things - and, in training, it's no different. When you perform exercises with another person together, one ends up giving motivation to the other, and that's very good. So, whenever possible, pair up in the sports you are going to perform, try to find activities that are in pairs, trios, or groups.

This can help you a lot to have even more motivation to do that activity you set out to do. Also, the person, or people, who will accompany you end up pulling you not to give up the activities - and the same you can do when they are unmotivated and unwilling to attend that activity. It can be an excellent form of motivation for you.

Best time for your body

You may not always be in the mood for physical activity in the morning, or often the afternoon is not a good option because you are more tired after a long day at work, so it is important that you watch yourself and choose times to train according to what works best for your body, your mind, and your routine.

It is essential that you experiment with the various possibilities so that you can fit into a routine that is best for you.

Medical follow-up

Every body is a body, and sometimes there are some limitations that can prevent a person from performing certain movements or a certain frequency of activities.

With the help of a specialist, you will also be better able to measure the results.

Having a follow-up of results is fundamental for the continuity of your activities and even your own motivation, so be sure to look for a specialist to accompany you on this journey.

Healthy habits

It is no use training and then continuing with your old bad habits that make you fall into temptation and the comfort of sedentariness again. Therefore, it is necessary that all your habits change along with this new phase of your life.

When choosing an outing, try to find one that is as healthy as possible, such as a hike or a walk. When going out to a bar, try to choose lighter options on the menu.

In your leisure time, look for activities that are group and fun, like a soccer game with friends, a trip to the park to ride a bike with your kids or friends, and so on. There are many healthy options for you to insert into your routine.

Share your evolution

It is a real joy when you start to see the first results of your change of habits, so a great way to motivate you and not make you give up is to share these results with your family, your friends, and the people you love most.

Social networks are a great option for this and for you to spread your routine and your new healthy habits. Besides motivating you to continue, you may end up influencing more people who are stuck in sedentary habits to change. You can even help them in this process and be a bridge for them to the new habits. Think about it and be a difference in other people's lives too.

Is it possible to abandon the sedentary life?

Eliminating the sedentary routine to become a healthier person is not an easy task. There will be moments when you will get discouraged and want to give up, you may feel frustrated because you are not not noticing immediate results, but, it is necessary to understand that everything in life is a process and made of steps. Each one of them is fundamental for the result you expect and desire.

In the end, being healthy will allow you to have more quality of life, be more active, and have more energy to do what you like and with the people you like. So, are you ready to start your new healthy routine?

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.