Morning meditation: benefits, how to do it and more about morning meditation!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know how to do morning meditation?

Many people have heard about the health benefits of morning meditation, but don't practice the activity because they think the process is too complex or requires a commitment of hours on end. It is also common to hear reports of people who have been frustrated by not being able to "clear" the mind.

However, be aware that it is normal for some intrusive thoughts to arise, especially at the beginning of meditation. This is all part of the learning process, as your brain is still used to working at a frenetic pace, without stopping for a second to relax.

Moreover, a few minutes are needed to meditate and you can increase this time gradually, according to your own will. Continue reading the article and find out everything about this ancient practice that will make a difference in your life.

Understanding about meditation

Meditation is an ancient technique that helps its practitioners to develop several fundamental skills, such as concentration and focus on the present. In addition, it leaves your mind more peaceful and relaxed. Check it out.

Origin and history of meditation

The earliest accounts of a meditation activity done on a voluntary basis take us to India, between 1,500 and 1,000 BCE, according to the Rigue Veda (also known as the Book of Hymns, an ancient Indian collection of hymns in Vedic Sanskrit).

However, the description of the systematic use of meditative disciplines only came in 300 B.C., in China, according to the writings of Masters Lao and Chuang. It can be said that meditation has oriental origins, but soon expanded and conquered the West, being common also in Kabbalah.

The scientific field began to study the technique in the 1950s, in a very discreet way. However, around 1968, meditation became a trend, thanks to the Counterculture movement and artists such as the Beatles.

What is morning meditation for?

Meditation is a great tool for maintaining a healthy balance between mind and body. It is very simple to practice and can be done anytime or anywhere to relieve stress.

It is a reminder that it is essential to take care of the psychological: a balanced mind is the key word for your life to flow naturally. It is worth pointing out that the more you meditate, the more benefits you will notice and they will last longer.

Furthermore, there is no need to turn off your mind during meditation. Instead, this process helps us redefine the way we deal with our thoughts, whether they are good or bad. This technique teaches us to focus on the present, just letting ideas come and go freely, without judgment.

How does morning meditation work?

When the term morning meditation comes to mind, we immediately imagine the great Buddhist masters, creating a feeling that it is something done only for those who have enormous discipline. However, know that the technique is quite accessible and can be practiced by everyone.

When we meditate in the morning, we get ready for another day, calming the mind and preparing it for possible stressful situations and negative influences that we are subject to every day.

In fact, morning meditation brings a sense of immediate relief from harmful emotions and is capable of transforming the way we connect with the world, bringing out our best version.

Mental benefits of morning meditation

Harvard studies have revealed that morning meditation decreases levels of stress and anxiety. With this, it brings numerous benefits, such as reduced blood pressure, as well as improved focus and productivity. Discover everything that regular practice can do.

Stress reduction

One of the greatest benefits of meditation is stress reduction, as it helps you find inner peace. This is because the practice teaches us the way to reach stillness, a space between every thought, a kind of entrance to the infinite mind and a sense of divine connection.

Research shows that individuals who meditate daily for at least ten years have a decrease in the production of adrenaline and cortisol, hormones often linked to disorders such as anxiety, hyperactivity and stress crises.

In addition, the technique stimulates the production of endorphins, substances associated with the feeling of happiness. A positive highlight is that this effect does not remain only during meditation.

Increase in self-knowledge and self-esteem

One of the greatest goals of morning meditation is self-knowledge and increased self-esteem, since it is able to transport us within ourselves, providing a connection with our essence, our unique and special energy.

In this way, we have more clarity of our own feelings and emotions, and we create a stronger bond with our intuition. This helps us a lot to make decisions that will really favor our journey, reinforcing our identity.

Once we discover a healthier way of dealing with feelings, it seems that a world of possibilities opens up as we gain an expanded view of the present and stop turning over the past. This mindset frees us from outdated beliefs.

Increased focus

With a few minutes of meditation practice during any period of the day, it is possible to notice significant transformations in brain functioning. Meditation helps to have more focus, because it acts as a mental exercise that optimizes cognitive functions.

Thus, it can be said that one of the main benefits of the technique is the increase of selective focus, which makes the individual concentrate all energies on solving one problem at a time. This skill is especially advantageous in the labor market, since it improves productivity.

Sense of calm and lightness

Morning meditation brings a strong sense of calm, lightness and freedom as it frees us from mental ties, such as negative feelings that hinder our spiritual growth.

This practice provides that wonderful feeling that everything is under control from the psychological point of view. In this way, we avoid the self-destructive and meaningless monologues that hang around in our minds, significantly increasing well-being.

Reassessment of priorities

With the help of meditation, it is possible to concentrate and focus on the present. Thus, you can also reflect and reassess what your real priorities are. Many times, we end up programming ourselves to deal with the urgencies of everyday life and leave aside what really matters.

The practice helps us to have more clarity, identifying the areas of life that are getting too much attention and highlighting those that are neglected, even if unintentionally.

With the help of meditation, it is worth stopping for a while to see everything that happens around us, readjusting our routine.

Physical benefits of morning meditation

Studies show that meditation helps lower blood pressure and provides a more peaceful night's sleep. All this because the technique significantly reduces stress levels and trains the mind to deal with various situations. Check out all the benefits below.

Improved quality of sleep

Meditation is a great ally to improve the quality of sleep and, consequently, to fight insomnia. With the proper relaxation of body and mind, it is much easier to have a great night's sleep.

A style of meditation that has mindfulness as its pillar is usually the ideal option to practice before bed. Mindfulness aids in the concentration process to forward and prepare the brain for a peaceful and stress-free night.

One highlight is that practicing this technique helps you reach NREM sleep (the state where you reach deep sleep) more easily.

Benefits for breathing

Breathing is an action that we do unconsciously and involuntarily, however, when we breathe in a more conscious way, it is possible to obtain incredible benefits. Through meditation, we can increase and stimulate the airways, bringing more air into the lung.

This slower, deeper, more rhythmic process relaxes the body immediately and also helps prevent you from running out of breath.

Increased production of hormones

Research in the United States has proven that meditation is capable of stimulating the production of hormones such as endorphin, dopamine and serotonin, the famous happiness hormones. They are known as such because they help combat depression, anxiety and stress.

Dopamine controls the brain's reward and pleasure centers, preparing it to work at full throttle. In this way, it improves memory, focus, and problem-solving skills.

Decrease in depressive symptoms

The regular practice of meditation reduces hormones linked to stress, in addition to increasing those associated with happiness. Thus, this technique brings a wonderful feeling of inner peace, making this set of benefits combat depression.

With the release of serotonin in the body, there is the perfect balance of mood. Many antidepressants have this hormone in their formulation, but our body is able to produce it naturally through meditation.

Oxytocin, also called the love hormone, stimulates empathy and interaction with the world, including in a romantic way. Therefore, meditation also promotes a great improvement in relationships with people around you, since you feel full of love.

Reduction of blood pressure

Morning meditation has proven beneficial in combating high blood pressure. A study found that regular practice of this technique is able to relax the nerve signals that coordinate the functioning of the heart, helping it to pump blood more fluidly.

As stress is a risk factor for heart diseases, meditation is also recommended in these cases, as it can lower stress levels and consequently the pressure by up to 5mmHg.

The tip is to meditate for 15 minutes daily to get all the benefits and protect your heart.

Which type of meditation to choose

There are several types of meditation and each one applies very different techniques. It is worth pointing out that a good practice should start by defining which style works best for you. Check it out:

Breath Meditation

Breath meditation is a technique that aims to calm the mind and reduce distractions. It is one of the simplest, as you should just focus on the body's natural breathing, paying attention to each inhale and exhale.

One of its best known subtypes is the Sudarshan Kriya meditation, which takes into account the natural breathing rhythm, harmonizing body, mind and emotions. It aims at reducing stress, fatigue, frustration and negative feelings.

That's because when we're experiencing something harmful, our breathing immediately speeds up. If we're angry, it becomes quick and short, whereas when we're sad, it becomes a long, deep process.

In this way, this meditation makes the body return to its original rhythm, providing a sense of balance, harmony and well-being.

Candle Meditation

Candle meditation, called Trataka, is perfect if you have trouble concentrating. Simply light a candle, place it on a table about 50 centimeters from where you will be sitting, and stare at it.

In this way, your attention will stay fully there. However, if thoughts arise, just thank them and look at the flame again. The goal is to stare without blinking, until you start to tear up.

This technique promotes a cleansing of the eyes, since tears are the tool that eliminates toxins from the body. Therefore, unlike traditional versions, this meditation requires the eyes to be open. Thus, it purifies vision, toning the eye muscles.

Mantra meditation

Mantra meditation is one of the most practiced, as the repetition of words helps the individual find focus and relaxation. One of the best known is Ho'ponopono, a Hawaiian technique that many believe has healing power.

The name of this variation means "to put in order or cleanse that which does not serve". Thus, this meditation aims at gratitude and joy obtained through responsibility and forgiveness. Among its mantras, the phrases: I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, and I am grateful stand out.

The order in which the mantras are said leads to a journey of self-knowledge for the participant to understand what bothers him/her ("I am sorry"), show the will for purification ("Forgive me"), identify the light that exists in oneself and in the other ("I love you") and, finally, purify oneself ("I am grateful").

The healing process happens through clearing bad memories and limiting beliefs, causing the practitioner to reflect and forgive themselves.

Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is an excellent option for those who want to start their journey in this practice. This is because this version offers valuable guidance from a specialized teacher. In addition, it can be conducted in person or through apps.

Individuals who live in a rush can benefit greatly from app-guided meditation, as the platforms are usually very intuitive, practical and didactic, without losing the quality and relaxation benefits.

In addition, there are numerous online resources for meditation, including songs for this purpose. This can greatly favor the regularity of meditation, since some people prefer to be alone during this process of self-knowledge. Another advantage is that the option is affordable, since most of the apps are free.

Walking Meditation

Walking meditation is the ideal variation for those who don't like or simply can't stay still in one position during the practice. In this version, you need to have your mind totally absorbed in what's going on.

This technique consists of a walk of about 10 minutes, with 1 minute to pay attention to the sensations of your body while you are walking, the rhythm of your breathing, the freshness of the air passing through your skin, the sounds and images of nature around you.

You can also walk around the room, keeping your focus on the position of your feet. And when you get to the other side of the room, you should stay still for a while and take a deep breath before turning around. It's worth noting that your gaze should not stay fixed or wander around the room, as this can distract you.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation helps us to recognize what is happening in the present, including what is arising or passing away. In doing so, it takes into account thoughts, sounds, feelings and emotions.

The idea is just to observe, keeping an open and alert mind, without any kind of judgment. For this practice, just set aside a few minutes of your day and you will discover self-management, that is, you will be fully aware of your emotions and learn to avoid impulsive reactions.

This variation of meditation is not just a technique, but an attitude or lifestyle, in which all energies are focused on the present and on describing facts, without judgments or labels.

How to do the morning meditation

If you have never done a morning meditation, short sessions of 5 to 10 minutes are recommended. This way, you will be able to explore this world full of possibilities at your own pace.

Remember to keep an open mind and check out some tips to receive all the benefits this technique provides.

Set a good schedule

The first step to good meditation is to set a schedule, as we often make an excuse. Make morning meditation a priority, schedule that commitment with yourself every day.

Start slowly with 5 minutes, then you can increase the practice time as you make the rules. You just need to commit to yourself to start the meditation.

One of the best times for morning meditation is before breakfast, so you get ready for another day full of peace and harmony.

Choose a quiet place

Find a quiet place to meditate. Try to choose a cozy space that is free from noise and distractions. If you wish, you can put on some relaxing music in the background, light a candle or incense, or use essential oils.

It is worth noting that there is no ideal setting to do meditation, the perfect place is where you feel good and comfortable. Aim to gradually understand how your mind and body work best and adapt the room according to your preferences.

Find a comfortable position

Finding a comfortable position for meditation is fundamental. You can sit on the floor, on the sofa or on a chair. An important point is to have a back rest, this helps you to keep your spine straight more easily.

One recommendation is not to meditate lying down, because it is very likely that you will fall asleep, so relaxed. Just sit and stay still, with your back straight. However, it is worth noting that meditation only works when you are feeling well. So, if you do not like to stay still, invest in walking meditation.

Wear light clothing

Wear light, comfortable clothing, like pajamas. It's crucial to make sure nothing is bothering you while you're meditating, so cut off any labels that are hurting or stinging, for example.

If you enjoy a themed meditation, it is worth investing in a distinctive outfit. However, do not wear anything too hot, as there is a tendency to feel hot during the sessions.

Concentrate on your breathing

Breathing is a highlight of meditation, always start the practice by taking 5 to 7 deep breaths. This way you can release all the tension. During the whole time used in meditation, the practitioner's only task is to focus on the process of inhaling and exhaling, nothing else. Focus on your natural rhythm.

However, if you get lost and immerse yourself in thoughts, just notice the distraction and gently bring your attention back to your breathing. Repeat this step as many times as necessary.

Over time, you will find that it becomes much easier to focus on the breath without getting distracted. It is worth noting that much of the benefit of the practice comes through the breath. It will be prominent in all types of meditation.

Make meditation a habit

Even if you feel like you weren't very happy with your practice on a specific day, be consistent. Make meditation a habit, honor and recognize yourself for taking the time. Even if the effects aren't obvious, be grateful for your practice and before long you'll be glad you started.

The recommendation is to meditate at the same time every day so that it becomes a habit and is incorporated into your routine. Remember that you will still have thoughts, you may feel sensations in your body and you may hear sounds in your environment. It is all normal.

The guidance is to just return to the object you were focusing on, or to your breath again. Or repeat your mantra, but do it mentally without moving your lips and tongue.

Enjoy the benefits of morning meditation!

Morning meditation, in its various forms, brings many advantages and benefits for your health, so it is worth looking for the style that best suits your moment of life and needs.

The tip is to try all the techniques and stick to the one that works best for you. This way, you will feel that you are feeding and nourishing your soul with peace and harmony. In addition, you will benefit from stress reduction, increased focus and better understanding of yourself.

Another option to make the experience even better is to put on some relaxing music just before starting the practice. In addition, futon cushions help make meditation much more comfortable.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.